THE BOOBSLUG by ManyEyedHydra

Feature Writer:

Feature Title: THE BOOBSLUG

Published: 06.02.2025

Story Codes: Erotic Fictio, Demonic

Synopsis: An exotic creature waits in a bath of milk in a special club

The Boobslug

Davey Dixon couldn’t decide if he was drunk, high, or just dreaming. The world around him had a dreamlike quality to it. There was a fuzz to the edges of his vision that covered everything in a soft, ethereal filter. That same fuzz extended inside his skull, making his thoughts feel like they’d been smothered in warm cotton wool.

He didn’t know where he was or how he’d got here. Here looked like an intimate downstairs bar. Very swanky. Upmarket. The seats were upholstered in glossy red leather. The walls were decorated with scandalous imagery of neon lips and naked women.

Maybe a bit too scandalous.

Wait a minute…

The bar was small–little more than a narrow counter. There was a small wooden stage in the corner with a stripper’s pole. Davey was the only patron.

The place looked fancy, but it also had an indelible grubbiness to it.

Had he wandered off the street into some upmarket knocking shop?

It had that look to it. A layer of swank and polish to disguise the seediness of its function.

Or Davey was in the middle of a weird dream.

It felt too real to be a dream. Smoky, but also solid. Vivid.

Maybe it was just his thoughts that were soft and fuzzy.

What did you get us to try this time, Bennie?

If it wasn’t a dream, then Davey was blasted. On about three different things at least. If it wasn’t a dream, he’d really mushed his brains this night.

If it was night. There were no windows to tell.

A statuesque hottie in high heels entered and walked over to him. She was dressed in a sexy fancy-dress devil costume that showed off plenty of flesh. It didn’t leave much to the imagination when it came to her lovely long legs and the deep chasm of her cleavage. Strangely, her outfit also seemed like some kind of uniform. Like a waitress or hostess costume, but far beyond what normie tastes would allow.

Davey found it hard to focus on her. He wondered again if he was dreaming. His vision swam in and out of focus. He had the impression he was looking at a gorgeous creature with a truly knockout figure, but it was an incomplete picture. When he tried to concentrate and look at her more closely, he couldn’t fill in all the details. As if she was nothing more than a dream that would melt away by morning.

“Mr Dixon, Sutruyasa is ready for you,” the girl in the devil costume said in elegant clipped tones.

Very plummy.

Plummy face as well. She was made-up like a whore–plump supple lips covered in vivid red lipstick, eyes accentuated with black kohl–but the plumminess was still there. Posh totty playing at being a slut.

Davey knew the type. Daddy issues. They thought they were just pretending to be a slut to be cool, but it was the real them. They were all sluts at heart.

“Follow me,” the girl in the devil costume said.

She turned to reveal an equally splendid ass, and bade Davey follow her through the padded door at the back of the reception area.

Who was Sutruyasa?

She was probably the tart he’d chosen while in his earlier alcoholic or drug-fuelled fugue state.

Fuck it. Davey hoped Past-off-his-face-Davey had chosen with good taste. He followed the devil girl hostess with the shapely ass through the door.

* * * *

The middle-aged man in a dapper waistcoat slipped into a less-than-salubrious side alley that looked at odds with his immaculate attire. He waited patiently there until a buzzer went off in his pocket. Then he walked down a short flight of steps and rapped his knuckles on a wooden door so inobtrusive it could easily have been mistaken as a continuation of the wall.

The door was opened and the man was admitted into an opulent reception area at odds with the grimy alley behind him. The room was decorated to the height of licentious glamour. Sinful paintings of flesh upon flesh adorned the walls. Comfortable, overstuffed sofas upholstered in rich red leather ran along the walls.

The middle-aged man was greeted by a tall, strikingly beautiful woman. Her generous curves were contained within a fancy-dress devil costume. Her outfit–or maybe uniform–revealed enough flesh to titillate without being tasteless. Her high cheekbones gave her elegant face a regal beauty out of keeping with both her costume and establishment. However, it was a vulpine beauty. A little too sharp. A little too predatory.

“Welcome to ValVi’s,” the woman said.

Her voice was rich and oozed sensuality.

“We are ready for you. Please, follow me.”

She led the middle-aged man through a padded door at the back of the opulent reception area. It led to a short corridor with a strange opening at the end. It looked like rubber curtains fashioned into the shape of a vagina, but with strange tooth-like protrusions. It invoked a competing mix of arousal and fear at the same time, being at once both reminiscent of a woman’s gaping sex and the toothy maw of a carnivorous plant or deep-sea predator.

The man followed the woman in the sexy devil costume through the aperture.

It was too late for second thoughts. The events of the evening had already been set in motion. There was no turning back now.

* * * *

Davey followed the girl in the devil uniform down a narrow, intimate corridor. The carpet was black and the walls a very dark shade of red. The lighting was also red and barely provided enough illumination for Davey to see where he was going.

“Um, where am I?” he asked the girl in front of him.

He didn’t remember… well, anything. He assumed it was night. The whole evening leading up to it was a complete blank. The day before was pretty hazy as well. He couldn’t even remember what he’d been celebrating to cause this massive bender.

“You are in St Valentyne’s Gentleman’s Club,” the girl replied.

Valentines? That rang a bell. Was it Valentine’s Day? That sounded… sort of right. And this bender… because some girl had blown him out?

Nah, that didn’t sound right. Davey didn’t give a shit about what any bitch thought. None of them were worth it.

The lights blurred and shifted. The shadows looked like bodies moving together suggestively.

“I am so blasted,” Davey said, more to himself.

“That’s fine,” the girl in the devil uniform replied in breezy clipped tones. “Sutruyasa will take good care of you.”

Davey hoped so, given he didn’t remember picking her.

And what was St Valentine’s Gentleman’s Club? He thought he knew all the places in town, especially the dodgy ones, and he’d never heard of a Valentine’s Gentleman’s Club.

If it even existed.

This could still be a dream.

Whatever, might as well see it through.

He just hoped she was hot. If he was paying for it.

* * * *

Beyond the strange aperture was a short flight of stairs. The middle-aged man followed the shapely rump of the woman in the devil uniform as she led him up the stairs. It was an extremely shapely ass. Full and peachy. The tightness of the woman’s costume fully showed off the curves.

“You remember the rules?” The woman looked over her shoulder and said to the man. Her eyes shone in the gloom as if there were red LEDs behind her pupils.

The man nodded.

The woman continued up the stairs, her hips sashaying alluringly. A slender red devil’s tail swung back and forth with the motions of her body. If a man wasn’t paying attention he’d think it part of her costume. If a man was paying attention…

They exited the close confines of the carpeted stairwell and up onto a strange long corridor. To the eyes it looked like a walkway over a film set, with opulent bedchambers and other rooms beneath them to the left and right. Yet, to the other senses it felt like a regular, enclosed corridor. And while the devil woman and middle-aged man could see right into the other rooms, their occupants showed no indication they were aware of being observed. It was as if the walls were akin to a two-way mirror. Though, whether it was because the occupants were physically unable to see the people in the corridor or were too engrossed in their own activities to notice, it was impossible to tell.

The man looked down into a dark bedroom to his right. Another stunningly attractive woman in a devil costume was vigorously riding a man tied to a bed. One could delude oneself the bat wings on her back were part of the same costume. It would be a delusion, shown for such when the succubus extended them as she tipped her head back and let out an exultant cry of climax.

“Ignore the rooms to the right,” the woman said. “They’re not for you.”

They continued down the corridor.

“The night of St Valentyne’s Day is always one of our busiest times,” the devil woman commented. “It is a night of passion after all. It is the one night of the year where the heart is allowed to be truly unbound.”

The next room on the right was filled with a giant blob of jelly that glowed with a sickly yellow-green colour. A naked man was lying on top and partially submerged within it. A buxom woman fashioned from the same glowing jelly sat on top and rode him languidly cowgirl style. The whole blob rocked and undulated with her movements. The man’s face was contorted–either in pain or orgasmic ecstasy, or maybe even both. His hands and feet were embedded in the translucent jelly and appeared to be slowly dissolving. Blood leaked from his extremities and diffused into the jelly in a pink cloud.

“This date has a longer history than people realise,” the woman said. “In Roman times it was known as Lupercalia, a ritual of purification and fertility for the coming year. Before then it was the day of Santa Valentyne, when darker passions were allowed to run free.”

The next room was even worse. A pack of naked and nubile girls surrounded a wet red thing that might once have been a human being. The girls’ chins were stained red as they lowered their heads and took dainty bites.

“And some passions are dark indeed.”

Down below, a lissom young thing, barely more than a slip of a girl, tore away a strip of red flesh like a ravenous wolf.

“We cater to some very dark passions here at ValVi’s,” the woman said. Her sensual red lips turned up in a carmine smile.

The middle-aged man, who’d hitherto done a good job of hiding his emotions, was unable to prevent a greening of his pallor. He looked away.

“Over time, people forgot the darker aspects of this day… of the darker side to Santa Valentyne. She loved those who loved, but was also merciless to those who severed the bonds of love. Her passion made her a tremendous lover, but also a terrifying entity to incur the wrath of.”

They continued past the room of horrors. The man no longer looked to his right.

“Oh, you have nothing to fear. Here at ValVi’s we pride ourselves on reading the dark currents of the heart. We will find you an appropriate match for your desires. Your pleasure is paramount.”

The woman stopped and looked down to the left.

“Ah, here she is.”

* * * *

Davey’s head still felt fogged up as he followed the sexy hostess in the devil-girl uniform. He wondered what he’d taken. Alcohol for sure, although maybe not too much. He didn’t have the usual out-of-control feeling from getting properly blattered. Nor did he have any of the spinning giddiness of the head or roiling discomfort of the belly. And, thankfully, none of the ‘brewer’s droop’ either. Davey could feel his little man was eager and ready for action down in his underpants. Especially when looking at the lovely pert ass of the hostess in front of him.

The best he could describe it, in his compromised state, was everything felt surreal and dreamlike. Hell, this could still be a dream. Which would suck.

Or maybe Bennie had found some really new potent shit for them to try. His friend always had the hookup when it came to the good new shit to try out, and this shit, whatever it was, felt very good indeed. Davey felt like he was floating along inside his own personal cloud.

Valentine’s Gentleman’s Club… Davey was sure he didn’t know a Valentine’s Gentleman’s Club, and this place looked like it had been around for a while. Maybe it was one of those discreet upmarket places that had been out of Davey’s reach.

Not anymore. A little win on the lottery meant Davey–and his mates–could do what the hell they liked. This year had been full of win. Even that…

Yeah, best not to think about that. He was here to enjoy himself, not dwell on past shit.

Wherever here was.

Ah fuck it. Live in the moment. That was his mantra. Especially now, when he didn’t have to give a shit about anything. He’d just grab an Uber afterwards. Where here was didn’t matter.

He followed the hostess down a dark, intimate corridor until they arrived at a luxurious wooden door.

“This is your room. Sutruyasa is waiting for you inside,” the hostess said.

Cool, Davey thought. He hoped Past-off-his-face-Davey had chosen well.

He turned the handle and walked inside.

* * * *

The middle-aged man and the attractive woman in the devil costume stood on a walkway above an opulent bath chamber that looked a throwback to more decadent times. There was a circular pool in the centre of the room and within lounged an exotic woman with pale skin and long white hair. She was pale enough to resemble an albino. The liquid in the bath looked like milk and was opaque enough to hide the woman’s lower body.

“Do you like breasts?” the devil woman asked with a salacious smile.

The girl in the pool had been gifted with a large pair. Their lovely curves were just above the surface of the milk as the woman lounged seductively against the back wall of the pool. She gave no indication she was aware of the two individuals looking down on her.

The man didn’t answer or show any emotion.

“This is Sutruyasa,” the woman said. “She is the first of your potential choices. We decided she’d be suitable for your needs. She is very gentle and sensual.”

The woman shifted position in the pool. Her full pair of breasts rose up out of the milk. Rather strangely, there appeared to be the curves of another set of breasts beneath them, equally full and bulbous. What shifted beneath the surface did not seem like the lower half of a human being.

“Her kind is a called a Mamme-Yumushakta,” the devil woman said. “Humans call them boobslugs. A name that does not do justice to their considerable talents.”

The door to the room slowly opened.

“Ah, but I don’t need to sing her praises,” the devil woman said. “You will be able to witness her talents for yourself.”

* * * *

Davey walked into a big and fancy bathroom. Real fancy. It looked like a set from a mucky TV drama about Roman orgies. The sort of show that was just an excuse to show tits. It was exactly what Davey would have expected to see in a high-class knocking shop.

Maybe a bit more. Although that might be the ever-present fuzz blurring the edges of his vision. He hoped it was just the drugs and not a dream. Especially after seeing who was awaiting him in the bath.

Wow, Past-off-his-face-Davey had chosen well. Really well.

The girl was lounging in a sunken bath in the centre of the room, pale, beautiful, and…

Fuck, that was some pair of knockers.

* * * *

A young man with shaggy, unkempt dark hair entered the bathroom and looked around uncertainly. He too seemed unable to see the middle-aged man and devil woman in the corridor above the room.

His gaze alighted on the woman in the pool of milk. She smiled at him and propped herself up alluringly. All the best to fully show off her magnificent bust.

The youth leered back at her.

The middle-aged man’s face remained expressionless, but his right hand unconsciously clenched in a fist.

* * * *

The girl–what was her name, Sutruyasa?–had a massive pair of ripe round tits that drew Davey’s gaze immediately. They were pleasantly plump and full, but had neither the sagginess some big tits possessed or the plastic solidness of fake tits. They looked like they were made for a hand to grab and give a good hard squeeze.

The rest of her wasn’t half bad either. She had one of those exotically beautiful faces that belonged on a magazine cover. Probably some high-class Russian or Ukrainian import. Better looking than most of the slags Davey was used to.

She was very pale though. Rather than platinum-blonde, her long silky hair was outright white. Her pale skin had barely any pigment to it at all. Could she be some kind of albino? Not that Davey cared. His gaze was fixated on that marvellous rack. He wanted to get in the water and motorboat those puppies.

He noticed it wasn’t water. The girl was sitting in what looked like a pool of milk.

Was that actual milk?

Davey couldn’t work out if that was weird, kinky, or he was just tripping.

“Come. Take your clothes off and join me,” the pale woman in the pool said.

Her voice was as creamy as fresh milk. It seemed to slip into Davey’s ears and directly caress the folds of his brain. He felt a pleasant erotic shiver run through his body.

He smiled back. He kicked off his shoes, peeled off his clothes and left them in an untidy pile next to the door. Grinning like a dickhead he walked up to the girl in the pool of milk.

Whatever drunken or drugged-up instinct had caused him to seek out this club, Davey was grateful to it.

The girl rose up out of the sunken bath to meet him. He saw her luscious tits rise up out of the milky waters. More milk dripped from the lovely pink hemispheres.

Davey stopped. His eyes wavered.

There was a second pair of tits, equally huge, beneath the first. It was followed by a third pair, also massive and bulging. After that it was more than a pair–a triple. Then quadruples. Rows and rows of lovely bulging boobs. The girl looked like a normal sexy girl from the first pair of breasts upwards. Below that she looked completely alien, like something from a surreal nightmare. To Davey she looked like a giant pale slug, with rows of jiggling boobs on her underside.

And Davey was still walking towards her. He felt like he’d become a passenger within his own body–sitting and staring out of the cab of his head while the rest walked on like an automaton. He didn’t know if it was the drugs or one of those nightmares where the body refused to obey commands.

It had to be a nightmare. Or he was tripping balls and hallucinating his ass off.

“Relax,” the weird dream girl monster said. “Let me wrap you in fleshy pleasures.”

Her creamy voice again slipped right through his ear and directly caressed his pleasure centres.

Davey stood there and let her wrap her soft, slug-like body around him. Countless soft fleshy tits squashed against Davey’s naked body. He felt boobs everywhere. Pressing against, squashing against, rubbing against his body. He was lifted up off the floor and held in the grip of pure boob heaven.

Oh, that felt far too nice for it to be a nightmare. Maybe a weird-ass wet dream.

Soft. Fleshy. Comfy. Kinky.

It had to be a dream, yet it felt so vivid, so real. He could feel a multitude of rubbery nipples pressing against his naked skin.

The boobslug girl placed her hands on either side of Davey’s head and pressed her lips against his in a tender kiss.

It tasted of strawberries and cream.

* * * *

“First, Sutruyasa will wrap her soft body around you and pamper you with her many breasts,” the devil woman said to the middle-aged man.

Down in the opulent bath chamber the unusual woman had wrapped her pale, slug-like body around the young man. Only his head was visible as it poked up out of the top. The strange creature placed her hands on either side of the man’s head and held him in place while she gave him a passionate kiss.

* * * *

“Let me bathe you in my special milk,” the boobslug girl said to Davey. “It will feel like bliss as I rub and massage it into your flesh.”

Warm milk dribbled from countless nipples onto Davey’s exposed skin. She twisted her body one way and then the other. She dragged her leaking nipples against Davey and then used the soft fleshy cushions of her tits to rub the milk into Davey’s flesh. The warm milk seeped through Davey’s skin and brought with it a comfortable lassitude stronger and more pleasurable than any drug he’d previously tried.

* * * *

“Then Sutruyasa will soak you in special milk from her many breasts,” the devil woman continued.

Little rivulets of milk were dribbling from nipples and leaking out between the coils of the strange woman’s body.

“The milk is absorbed through the skin and induces a strong feeling of euphoric bliss. It acts to remove any resistance from her prey. You’ll feel so good you’ll let Sutruyasa do whatever she wants to you.

“You’ll want Sutruyasa to do whatever she wants to you.”

* * * *

Davey felt so good he hoped he’d be able to fully recall this dream on waking. Every sensation–pleasure–felt so vivid. He didn’t even care if he woke up in an embarrassing wet patch in his bed. He wanted to enjoy this to the fullest.

The pale girl snogged him again while she rubbed her countless soft tits all over his body. Fuck, she really knew how to snog as well. Loads of tongue and the most lusciously soft lips Davey had ever kissed. And all in the soft embrace of loads and loads of tits.

It might be weird. Davey didn’t care.

The girl broke off the kiss and shifted position. That shift rubbed rows of soft fleshy tits against Davey and drove him crazy with pleasure. She rose up and proffered a ripe and bulging breast to him.

He needed no encouragement. He wrapped his lips around the erect nipple and sucked. He was rewarded with a creamy splash of warm milk on his tongue. It was milk, yet it tasted finer than any expensive champagne Davey had ever drunk.

“Yes. Drink,” the girl exhorted. “Drink deep.”

Davey did. He sucked on her nipple. It was at first a trickle, then a solid stream. He gulped it all down. He couldn’t stop himself. It filled his stomach and pleasant warmth spread out through his body.

* * * *

“The euphoric effects of a Mamme-Yumushakta’s milk are much stronger when imbibed directly,” the devil woman continued as if narrating a nature documentary. “It contains a potent mix of aphrodisiacs and other substances.”

The middle-aged man watched the young man guzzle milk from the demon’s tits. He allowed neither arousal or disgust to creep across his face. Whatever he thought, he kept it deep inside.

“The milk stimulates a man’s testes to overproduce semen. It also acts a digestive fluid. You’ll experience monstrous ejaculations beyond anything you’ve ever experienced, but that semen has to come from somewhere. Your flesh and organs will provide the fuel for that final outpouring of pure orgasmic ecstasy.”

The young man stopped drinking. His head lolled back. White fluid ran from the corner of his mouth.

* * * *

Davey drank until he could drink no more. His belly was completely bloated. He felt like he was floating in a cloud of bliss. He felt like he was all wrapped up in warm titty heaven.

That was because he was all wrapped up in warm titty heaven.

The alien woman’s many soft tits were everywhere around him. They were squashed against his body like luxuriously soft pillows.

Davey felt so good he wondered if this was more than a weird dream. Could he be… ODing?

All his senses felt magnified. The press of each fleshy breast, the dimpled pressure of every erect nipple, the wetness of exuded warm milk… all was magnified tenfold.

Then the girl started contracting her body around him in slow pulsing waves. Her movements were deliberate. Each stroke, each rub, was designed to arouse… to drive his senses crazy… to make him so horny he couldn’t think straight.

Now it was Davey’s balls that felt bloated. As if all that milk had sunk down from his stomach and collected in his testicles. They’d swelled up. His dick had swelled up plenty as well, encouraged by the pressure of soft fleshy tits. Each rub had his little–no, big–man twitching eagerly.

Fuck, he needed to bury it in soft pussy.

He was close to losing control and spurting everywhere. His dick felt like it was on a hair trigger. His balls, painfully swollen and in need of relief.

This couldn’t be an OD. Davey hadn’t heard of an OD that made a man feel antsy and horny.

Fuck, he really needed to shove it in a warm pussy.

Did she even have a pussy? All he’d seen was tits. Loads and loads of tits.

* * * *

“Now you might be wondering where you’ll be inserting your penis into Sutruyasa, given that Mamme-Yumushakta’s do not possess a conventional vagina,” the devil woman continued to narrate.

The middle-aged man continued to watch what was happening in the room below. It was difficult to tell if it was an act of lovemaking or simple act of predation.

“Once her special milk has hijacked your testes to stimulate massive over-production of semen, the Mamme-Yumushakta will suck it out of your body with special orifices located further down on her underside. They are embedded within organs that also resemble mammary glands, although their function is to pump fluids into them rather than producing and exuding milk.

“I remember a man of god describing them as a blasphemous perversion of a woman’s breasts.”

The corner of the woman’s mouth turned up in a sly smile.

“It didn’t stop him from enjoying them. Greatly.”

She chuckled darkly.

* * * *

The alien girl shifted position. Davey’s rock-hard erection pushed up against a soft mound of flesh. The swollen head of his dick slid up to the apex where–rather than pushing outwards–the nipple appeared to have turned inside-out and pushed inwards to form an indentation. It was more than that. The blunt tip of Davey’s cock pushed inside and was then sucked in deeper until his whole length was buried to the root in a soft fleshy boob.

Oh. That felt so good.

The cushion of flesh contracted and pleasantly squeezed Davey’s cock.

He didn’t get to enjoy the pleasure for long. The boobslug woman shifted position again. His cock slid out of the warm fleshy sheath.

No. Wait. Put it back in.

* * * *

“The Mamme-Yumushakta has multiple of these special orifices. She will try them out until she finds the one that provides the most comfortable fit for your penis.”

* * * *

The alien woman shifted and contracted her body around Davey. His cock sank into another warm fleshy tit.

Fuck, that felt even better.

The fleshy pillow slowly throbbed around Davey’s cock, sending ripples of pleasure up and down his shaft.

It was not good enough for the strange girl. She withdrew Davey’s cock and slithered around him in another configuration. She squeezed up around him again and his cock was guided into another fleshy boob.

This one was perfect. Davey’s cock sank all the way into a fleshy pudding of pleasure. He was sucked in all the way until the warm breast was pressing up against his crotch. It was snug inside and fit Davey’s erection so perfectly it could have been moulded to it. It felt so perfect it was like his cock had melted into the soft flesh and become one with the big round boob.

“Ah, that’s the right one,” the girl said.

Her special tit began to slowly throb around Davey’s member. Each pulse sent ripples of pleasure running up and down his shaft, as if he was receiving a blowjob from a lusciously soft pair of lips. Each soft little jerk was answered by pleasant little twitch in Davey’s swollen balls.

Sutruyasa leaned over and kissed Davey lightly on his forehead.

“There is no rush. Lie back and relax. You can come when you’re ready.”

If Davey had control he would have pistoned his hips back and forth, and ended it all too soon.

He had no control. His body felt heavy and floppy. The boobslug girl’s body, with its multitude of soft round tits, supported him totally. She pulsed around him, slow and deliberate. The pulses spread out around him as she started to rhythmically squeeze Davey’s whole body. He luxuriated in the sensation as countless soft boobs squashed against his body.

The special breast continued to pulse around his cock. It felt like it was trying to pump him. Milking him, almost. Davey felt the urge to come slowly and inexorably rise up within him. The alien woman didn’t need to speed up. She was going to get him to ejaculation and taking it slowly just meant the climax, when it arrived, was going to be all the more powerful.

It was going to be epic.

* * * *

“Ah yes. I think she has a tight grip on him now,” the devil woman commented. “It won’t be long before ejaculation.”

The middle-aged man watched on dispassionately.

* * * *

Oh fuck, it was coming. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Fuuuuuuuck!

Davey couldn’t keep it in. Both down in his loins and in his mouth. It was no time to worry about how goofy or uncool he sounded. He let out a lowing moan of orgasm that sounded more like a cow or similar beast of the field. His cock throbbed powerfully and spurted a massive load of cum into the slowly pulsing boob.

And spurted.

And spurted.

Fuck, this was the longest and most powerful orgasm Davey had ever experienced. His whole body trembled with the intensity of it.

And spurted.

His cock was still going. It felt more than the contents of his swollen balls. It felt like he was spurting a whole river of cum into her.

Epic. Beyond epic.

His partner was much more muted in comparison. Had she orgasmed? Not that Davey cared. He saw she was bent over him with her hands resting on top of the soft body she’d wrapped Davey up in. There was a strange triumphant cast to her face. Predatory.

* * * *

“Ah, she’s made him ejaculate. I know you humans consider that a climax, but with a lust daemon it’s just the beginning. The real climax is still to come.”

* * * *

“Mmm. Your milk is delicious,” the weird pale girl said. She ran a tongue around her full lips. “Relax and let me suck it all out of you.”

Davey felt another pulse of pleasure travel up his cock and burst out into the centre of her slowly throbbing tit. He was still ejaculating. It felt like a never-ending stream. The fleshy boob tightened its grip around his throbbing manhood. Its pulsing motions felt like a sucking mouth. It felt like she was sucking the cum right out of him and gulping it down like a thirsty man in a desert.

Davey felt a strange twinge inside his abdomen.

The first flickers of fear appeared in his eyes. He knew he shouldn’t be able to keep coming like this, but he just couldn’t stop. The demon woman’s boob had battened around his cock and was thirstily sucking it all out of him. She’d reversed the roles, but Davey was starting to fear he might not have enough ‘milk’ to slake the thirst of her fleshy boob.

Another twinge. This one powerful enough to pierce the comfortable bubble of bliss surrounding him.

“Oh, are you starting to feel discomfort?” the pale girl asked. “There is no need to fear. I have prepared a special cream for you. Your final moments will be smothered in thick creamy bliss.”

She placed her hands on the sides of her soft body. It pulled slightly back from Davey’s body. The countless boobs throbbed and then their nipples squirted warm frothy cream all over Davey.

* * * *

“Once you begin your final ejaculation, Sutruyasa will exude and cover you in a special cream from her nipples. This will help maintain your ejaculation while keeping you soothed and relaxed. Your final moments will be filled with creamy bliss.”

* * * *

The pale demon woman wrapped her body tighter around Davey. She squashed countless soft boobs against him and rubbed her luxurious special cream into his flesh.

And with that, Davey lost all reason.

All he could think of was strawberries and cream.

Sutruyasa bunched up her soft body and pulled Davey’s head down beneath the surface. He felt like he was being sucked down into a giant fleshy womb, one where the walls were lined with rows and rows of soft, comfortable boobs.

Strawberries and cream.

She provided the cream and he was the strawberry.

Ripe. Fresh. Juicy.

The boobslug demon squeezed her body tighter around Davey. He kept spurting out cum in a never-ending stream.

So juicy.

* * * *

“And then the final squeeze. You will be pulled down into a fleshy heaven of soft breasts and exit this world in a final delirious burst of purest bliss.”

The middle-aged man watched as the young man’s head was pulled down into the pale mass. Pleasurable exertion creased Sutruyasa’s features as she squeezed her body once, twice, three times. And then a last final squeeze as she tipped her head back and let out her own orgasmic cry. Creamy white fluids squished out between her coils. Sutruyasa’s upper body flopped down on top of the soft mass as it slowly relaxed and spread out.

“Ah, what a lovely explosive climax,” the devil woman said. “Sutruyasa always brings them to an end with the most exquisite flood of ecstasy. Should you decide to choose her, you’ll meet your end with incomparable pleasure. What do you think?”

The middle-aged man didn’t answer. He looked down at the puddle slowly spreading out across the tiles beneath the lust daemon. Like a puddle of blood, but milky white in colour.

The man’s thoughts were elsewhere.

* * * *


Cause of death was loss of blood, that’s what the autopsy report said. Caused by a wooden mop handle, that broke off inside. The theory was one of them had been unable to maintain an erection and so…

* * * *

“You don’t have to make your decision right away,” the devil woman said breezily. “I still have four more lovely girls to show you. You can make your choice after you’ve seen all five in action.”

Five. Yes, there were five.

* * * *

They were not students. Somehow they’d found their way into the student house party. Where…

She’d been found the next morning, curled around the toilet on the upstairs bathroom floor. Too late. Far too late.

* * * *

The devil woman went to move away.

The middle-aged man stayed where he was. He stared down into the bath chamber where the unusual demon girl was still curled up on the tiles.

There was something he had to make sure of. Something he had to see.

* * * *

They’d escaped justice. A bungled prosecution.

They’d escaped karma. They’d won the lottery months later, the biggest rollover in four years. He’d seen them on the TV screen waving fistfuls of banknotes and shouting obscenities at the camera. Because they could.

He knew then there was no god. No justice. No karma. No higher power.

He would have ended it all that night… if something else hadn’t answered his prayers.

* * * *

The Mamme-Yumushakta uncoiled and slithered back to her pool of milk. Left behind was little more than an empty husk, more a hollowed-out paper bag of skin than the body of a man.

It was done.

The middle-aged man felt… nothing.

“Vengeance is the darkest passion, yet leaves the heart feeling the emptiest.”

The devil woman had returned to his side.

“It must also be returned. Those are our rules here at Santa Valentyne’s Vengeance. I hope you have not forgotten the terms of our bargain.”

The middle-aged man shook his head. He had not.

The rules were clear. Five would be taken, but only if the one responsible volunteered to take the same judgement. It was fair. Just. They would be punished for what they had done and in turn he would be punished for what he’d had done to them.

“Good good,” the devil said. “Let’s go see the others.”

After it was done, he would need to select one. For him. Those were the rules.

He followed the devil down the corridor. She turned to smile back at him. Her eyes were red pools. Flames burned in their depths. Her smile was a carmine slash across a pale death mask.

“I’m sure one will be just perfect for you.”

He thought of his Sarah. Of the other Sarahs out there.

It was a fair price to pay.


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