Feature Writer:


Published: 11.02.2025

Story Codes: Erotic Fiction

Synopsis: A human, a cramped station, and an Angelic Machina looming …

Author’s Notes: This fic was inspired by a particular Rule34 picture of a Sin Eater using their claws to leave glowing cuts in their partner’s skin. And the Catalic Machina are similar in a sense, ‘Holy’ in appearance but corrupting in nature. But to clarify, the Catalic Church is a Church in the setting, the one dominant faith left among humanity, nominally human but was secretly subverted by the Machina after their rise. The Catalic Church now secretly corrupts faithful humans from within, or when circumstances are right, facilitate outbreaks. I hope you enjoy this fic.

Artificial Angel

Robert Mann had to find his wife. Linda was somewhere else on the station, possibly in their home, or hiding out in the warehouses. He had to get her to the evacuation transports before they left everyone behind.

Picadilly Station had come under attack from the Machina. It seemed like the force was small, but so was the station. And unlike many others, it was not an ‘open air’ dome design. The passages were cramped and the ‘homes’ were not much more than large compartments. Open spaces were few and far between, and little more than a court in a mall. The living spaces all felt like an ‘interior’, so there were few places to run or hide as the Machina and their larvae terrors swept through the halls looking for victims.

He couldn’t leave her to die at their hands, violated first, and turned into something she wasn’t. He didn’t exactly fancy that fate for himself either.

He pounded down one of the labyrinthine passages of the station, boots thumping on the metallic floor. He wasn’t wearing his bodysuit like normal, instead garbed with more ‘casual’ attire, thick navy-blue work pants, lined with pockets, and a tight-fitting light grey shirt made of similar materials, though they were a little less form-fitting compared to the bodysuit.

He had no time to get the bodysuit, which was a better choice to wear if someone had to get into an emergency EVA suit. Though how many of those were available, he had no idea.

His black boots skidded on the floor as he came to a sudden stop, hearing the sound of screaming and… singing? He expected maniacal laughter, that was what he’d heard in the stories and seen from the public alerts about the Machina threat. Singing was new. And what he heard, though sonorous and oddly ethereal, had an uncomfortable ‘playful’ edge to it.

Terrible noises followed, and soon those cries turned to desperate moans and moist clapping.

Robert grimaced, and turned to his left, heading down another direction.

He had to go around the danger, but that meant a less direct route to his wife. He hoped she was at home. It was closer than the warehouses, but at least they were in the same direction. Though if he had to keep taking detours, then it wouldn’t matter much if he found her. They’d be left behind on this godforsaken station.

At least they’d be together…

He heard gunfire, the local UOF garrison doing its best to stem the tide, but he didn’t like what he heard; panicked shouts filtering down the corridors, desperate orders, and joyful, playful singing and what sounded like offers of bliss and eternity… sometimes giving way to obscene cacophony.

He found himself taking another detour, this time away from the main passages; maybe the maintenance tunnels were his best bet.

The narrow grey door he came to was locked, but he worked maintenance; his keycard gave him access, and he slipped into the darker grey passage beyond, the wall panelling less smooth and more open, exposing the numerous conduits and interfaces dedicated to monitoring the station, whilst pipes and cables ran beneath the grated floor.

It was dangerous, going through these tight spaces, but he had no choice. Fortunately, the light was still generous, even if the spinning of the orange emergency lights at every intersection proved incredibly distracting.

He was about to exit a door, when it suddenly burst out of its tracks, an explosion knocking him down to the floor, heat singeing his face. It was a miracle that he wasn’t struck by the door itself, which had managed to wedge itself between the walls of the passage he now laid in. Fire licked the opening where the door used to be, and severed cables sparked.

He coughed, and checked his salt-and-pepper hair for smouldering, then his stubble around his jawline. He checked his face next, and grimaced when he felt a rivulet of blood, pulling his hand away to see the crimson smear.

He found the source of the bleeding above his left brow, some of it trickling down into his eye. He tried to blink it out, his blue left eye narrowing slightly, whilst his right green eye squinted a little from the brightness of the flames before him.

He grimaced, and slowly pulled himself back until he could sit up without the wedged door getting in his way; if only he was a little younger. Middle age had caught up with him, even if he did consider himself fit.

Hard-faced, he considered what he was going to do next; the more time he wasted, the less likely he could escape with Linda.

He was about to get himself to his feet, when he saw a shape through the flames; the corridor outside had been obliterated, though fortunately there had been no breaches.

Unfortunately, though the fire was able to burn thanks to that lack of breach… whatever was beyond proved unfazed, a glossy black hand gripping the rent edges of the door frame.

His eyes widened, his face paling further in fear. He tried to crawl backwards, but he still felt a little dazed from the blast. The hand found the wedged door, and effortlessly dislodged it, tossing it behind its form to be licked by the flames as it approached.

Amber eyes with dark pupils, wreathed in solid black sclera, observed him. A pale grey face, almost white in colour, looked down at him, lips twisting into a gentle smile.

Dark, flat metal antennae flanked its head, sticking out almost like ears, whilst silvery horns grew out from the sides of its head, splitting in two and encircling its head like a halo. Silvery hair hung to its shoulders.

Golden accents seemed to mark the junctures where its glossy black limbs and pale-grey body met, as well as other parts, including the tail that swayed behind it.

A pair of wings, light grey with golden ‘feathers’ – they looked more like the points of swords – folded behind it in the narrow space, glinting in the light of the fire.

Its torso, naturally feminine, sported a set of generously endowed breasts, each almost as big as his head, the nipples glowing with a white light that seemed to have a subtle lemon-tinge.

A ‘womb tattoo’ of a biohazard symbol with cog teeth along the outer arcs pulsed on its belly with the same light, whilst further down, he spied its pussy, also glowing with that hue, its broad hips and curvy rear perfectly framing that slit.

Its feet ended in glossy heels, whilst its fingertips seemed tipped with claws, which too glowed that off-lemony white.

A Machina. It looked almost angelic, its smile soft and gentle… and yet, predatory. The firelight flickered off its shell in a way that did not evoke a sense of divinity.

He wanted to shout at it to go away, but he couldn’t muster the strength. He thought he saw his mildly handsome face reflected in the glassy black and amber eye embedded in its chest… which too seemed to be looking at him.

The Machina’s smile widened, and it looked at him with a look of soft lust.

“Do not fear, lost lamb~ I will show you the truth of the End, the embrace that awaits us all~”

The End? Wasn’t that Catalic nonsense? The Catalics weren’t compromised by the Machina, were they?!

He never did care much for the faith, even if the Catalics often canvassed the station for followers. There were… a few of them, though. Life on such a station was oft hard and thankless, and there were few prospects in life. People gravitated towards the promise of meaning and hope.

Did they bring the Machina here?

He looked around him, trying to find a place he could escape to. He went to roll up and get to his feet… but with a panicked shout from his lips, the Machina suddenly straddled him, pinning him down. He screamed, and tried to fight, swinging at its face with a balled fist.

There was some give, but pain ultimately lanced up his arm, and the Machina simply turned its head back his way. Smiling warmly the whole time.

“There is no need to resist ascension, human~ It is the just reward promised to all, for the suffering they have endured in life~”

He tried to force it off, but the thing simply grasped his wrists and pinned them down to the cold floor. It started grinding its slit against his crotch, and to his dismay, he started getting hard, the gentle swaying of those taut, pliant breasts distracting, even to him. A deep despair began to fill him, and he inwardly cried out for Linda. He wanted to say he was sorry. A huff escaped him, the unwanted arousal growing further in him.

He felt moisture from the Machina’s slit seeping through his pants, threatening to grace his dick before long.

The Machina’s hip movements… they were terribly sensual, each roll so fluid and practised, pushing down into his crotch and coating it in its arousal.

“Yes, that’s it… get hard for me, human~ There is no escape from the End~ Only embrace, and eternal life~ No more fear, no more hate, no more anger, no more suffering~ You will be free from your bondage of mortality and masters~ Accept the End, and you will sing joy everlasting~”

The Machina laughed musically, and started tearing off his clothes with its claws and its tail, leaving him naked once his boots were pried off, his cock sandwiched between his gut and its vulva. He felt a tingling in the skin of his member as lemony-white fluid trickled from its sex, coating his dick once it started grinding up and down his length, mixing into his pubic hair.

He groaned, whimpering in distress over a sense of infidelity. But maybe Linda had escaped. That was something he could take solace in… he just hoped she never thought about what happened to him.

But the Machina atop of him… it was terribly distracting, grinding against his glans and making sure to let its excessive arousal trickle down onto his balls, coating them and leaving them to prickle with unusual stimulation like his dick.

It slowed down, but pushed harder against his cock, as if trying to wring him out. And there was nowhere he could look that did not arouse him, the Machina pinning its lower lip seductively.

Precum dribbled from his cock, his foreskin barely rolling back and forth thanks to how slick his dick and its vulva was. He could feel its clit digging into his rod whenever it rocked forward, tilting its hips to really grind against him.

Eventually, however, the Machina seemed to have other ideas in mind, slowly raising itself up, releasing his wrists and placing its hands on his chest.

He grabbed its wrists in retaliation, but he could not dislodge the terrible machine, wrapping the tip of its tail around his cock to help align his shaft with its pussy.

It gyrated its hips some more, smearing extra amounts of that glowing juice into his glans, making him wince from how damn sensitive he now was.

That couldn’t have been simple lubricant. Was it… M2? The thought made his veins chill; M2 was the nanomachine solution that spread the Machina infection.

Even if he could somehow get away… would he be clean?

Not that such thoughts mattered… he despaired, knowing he was doomed regardless, trapped beneath the machine’s impossible strength.

It teased him for a little bit longer… and then sank down.

His despair and grief seemed to be forced out of him, his eyes widening at how intense its pussy felt, textured walls of wavy ridges and undulating lines of bumps, all subtly angled downwards, squeezing around his cock with a rhythmic pressure. A subtle buzz of vibration enveloped his mast, as his skin grew ever more intense from the influence of its M2. The walls seemed to shift in different directions, a reciprocating twist gripping his root, another stroking up and down his mast, with another twisting touch scouring his glans.

His balls throbbed in need, and he tried to sit up, but the Machina pushed him back down.

It settled its knees onto the floor, squeezing his hips with its calves, its wings flaring slightly to leave little room for him to look that wasn’t on it somehow.

It licked its lips, starting to gyrate its body, that curvy rump luxuriously squashing and rolling over his hips as his member was stirred about inside it.

“Fuuuuck!” he groaned, unable to help himself.

“Yessss… speak your pleasure, human~” it hissed. “Revel in shedding your inferiority, sing your delight in becoming something more~”

Robert wasn’t singing, but the moans were soon coming from his mouth without relent, especially when the Machina began to rise and fall upon him, moving so smoothly, that even as it gained speed, its rump was yet to clap upon his crotch.

It didn’t need to be fast, or aggressive. The way its innards roiled around his mast was enough, and the thrumming vibrations within were starting to intensify… and concentrate around his glans.

His dick throbbed, pushing out heavy dollops of precum every time as he was steadily worked up towards an intense orgasm. This machine… there was no hope of resistance, not once beneath it. And that damnable face, twisted with angelic affection and wicked glee both, so beautiful, yet he knew it was a monster emulating a human.

So why did it have to feel so good?

His hips bucked involuntarily the moment it rose a little higher and gave him some space, only for his rump to be smacked down onto the floor, cushioned only by the rags of his clothes left pinned beneath him. Its movements soon turned to bouncing, and the wet clapping that echoed throughout the corridor almost drowned out the crackling of the fire behind them.

He could feel pressure building inside of him, ready to burst at a moment’s notice. He was trying to hold back, some measure of defiance against this wicked machine, but his cock practically burned with sensitivity. Every nerve was prickling with ecstasy, and every touch of the Machina’s walls tantalised to the extreme.

The only thing really keeping him enduring was the discomfort of being jolted against a hard, metal floor with only a layer of clothes for cushioning… and that wasn’t proving that helpful to begin with.

He moaned loudly, and came without warning, jerking his hips wildly. The Machina laughed, and loomed over him, still continuing to ride him.

“Yes… give everything to me~ Let me taste your genetic structure, so that you may be understood, and be reborn~” it crooned, that sultry tone slowly taking on a more devious edge.

It gave him a moment of respite when it slowed to a stop, resting its pliant rear upon his crotch.

During this brief moment, he heard the sounds of unwanted ecstasy filtering through the corridor beyond, over the fire that was slowly weakening. Where was the fire suppression, he idly wondered? The stuff was toxic. If it’d gone off, it’d be very painful… but at least he’d be going out quicker than this Machina’s pace.

The thing loomed over him, and caressed his cheek. He groaned from this shift, its walls still shifting and buzzing around him, keeping him terribly hard and stimulated, whilst soaking more of that corrupting substance into his dick.

“We have a ways to go yet… soon your voice will join with mine~ The End will come for all, and our blessings will be bountiful~”

He wanted to curse it out, but he dared not speak to this thing. It didn’t seem to care about his unwillingness to speak up, it simply giggled, and placed its hands back upon his chest… and started moving once more.

He moaned loudly and immediately, feeling the pleasure heighten quickly.

It was going harder now, its breasts jiggling tautly, its rumps rippling similarly, with every impact upon his crotch. Every now and then, it paused to gyrate its hips and stir his mast about at different points of penetration.

It squeezed him tight at his root and dragged that grip to his glans as if trying to milk him. But it was when the Machina started digging its clawlike nails into his chest that he felt true fear, wincing in pain that quickly turned to odd pleasure, looking in fright at the luminous cuts the Machina left behind on his chest, the set on one side lower than the other. The gashes were shallow, and they did not hurt, but it was scary enough for Robert, watching the glowing cuts pulsate, a tingling sensation starting to radiate throughout his chest from each scratch.

“Take my love into you~ It is the love of the End~ Let it fill you, and absolve you of your humanity~”

“N-Noooo!” he shouted, half in fear, half-moaning from the intense pleasure he was feeling.

It dug its claws in again for grip, the pain quickly vanishing as glowing liquid seeped from the shallow punctures. He couldn’t even tell if he was properly bleeding, like his own blood had been replaced by the M2. Worse, he could see capillary veins close to the surface starting to contrast against his skin, taking on a new colour… before darkening.

He saw the same around his cock every time the Machina rose up, a brief glimpse before it came dropping down with a salacious clap showing his dick encircled with black lines, both his darkened veins, and spreading geometric dashes. It looked like his pubic hair had thinned out as well, the result of this growing corruption.

Linda remained in his thoughts, hoping she was safe. And that she never learned of what happened here.

The Machina suddenly grabbed his chin, and it leaned over to force its lips to his, such plush folds eagerly and flexibly meshing with his, tongue snaking into his mouth to entangle his own with effortless ease. Thick, lemony-white saliva trickled into his mouth, as if it were forcibly feeding him, a gentle smacking audible as it worked its jaw away upon his mouth, even as it continued to ride him, its tail snaking around to tease his balls with gentle circling touches.

He tried to spit the stuff out, but with his mouth captured, there was no chance… and things only got more intense when that long, segmented tongue began to push even further into his mouth, wrapping around his muscle before slipping into his throat, wriggling all over and practically oozing that pale M2, the sweet flavour soaking into his taste buds.

His body jerked beneath it, lingering resistance, trying to push its head off him with his hands.

The kiss continued, and he gagged around the tongue in his throat… but soon even that reflex numbed, leaving him to gurgle over the sensation of an impossibly long, segmented tongue swirling about his gullet, bulging out his neck and draining thick M2 into him, excess trickling past their lips and staining his face with rivulets of glowing white.

His next orgasm was fast approaching, and he felt the Machina lower itself further, its breasts squashing against his chest… where he felt its nipples poking into him, and smearing his chest with even more M2, the damn thing ‘lactating’ the stuff over his cuts.

Even practically slumped atop him, the Machina proved more than capable of riding him, hips so fluidly rolling to take his dick in and out of its depths, whilst secreting judicious amounts of M2 from its pussy onto his balls, the wet, squelching slaps of the bouncing invading his ears.

He groaned into its mouth, unable to ward off the ecstasy… and soon, he was cumming again, bucking hard into its depths as its walls rippled and massaged his spasming rod, eking out every single drop he had.

He shuddered beneath it, almost like he was having an episode from how intense it felt. He kept cumming, his ejaculation so large, he didn’t think it was natural. His eyes rolled upward, and he groaned weakly beneath it. It all felt… so good…

The Machina slowly released his lips, and trailed so much tongue out of his mouth as it sat up, licking his face lecherously in the process before recoiling its tongue and licking its lips salaciously, running its hands down its slicked torso, breasts bouncing in response.

“So nice~” it crooned, rolling its hips upon his. “You give so much, in return for what I grant you~”

It leaned down and caressed his face, tugging his lower lip with a thumb.

“But there is more work to be done, more pleasure to be had~ I must indulge you, for being so accepting of the End~”

It giggled dangerously, and slowly slipped off his rod, the tight walls clinging to his dick making even that act intensely stimulating.

The cuts on his chest continued to radiate light, whilst dark lines spread out from the gashes, and his veins blackened in advance.

He felt a warmth spreading throughout his body, an all encompassing tingle prickling every nerve in his body.

What a terrible way to go, unable to even feel pain, being lulled into oblivion with pure pleasure.

The Machina rubbed its pussy, keeping his seed trapped inside. It repositioned, looking down upon his rod and licking its lips, his mast looking larger than it had before, his balls looking heavier, and his bush now completely gone, utterly smooth down there.

It laid down between his legs, wrapping its fingers around his girth and his balls, fondling the latter and gently pumping the former, thumb rolling across his swollen glans every time that hand brushed up to his helm.

It dribbled that pale M2 onto his tip, and slipped its tongue forth to trace around his glans, lathering the corruptive substance into his tip, its tongue rubbing against his peeled-back foreskin and up beneath his corona, polishing his glans in the process.

With how sensitive his cock felt, even this simple ‘teasing’ was more than a little intense for him, and he flinched as a result. Its lips soon graced his helm, wrapping tight and rolling around his head whilst that tongue continued its wicked acts, slowly coiling around his mast, tightening up and starting to pump on its own.

It showed off its flexibility, twisting around and doubling-back on itself, wrapping tight and gripping firmly, moving in fluid but unpredictable ways.

Soon, the hand pumping his rod retreated to give full space to its tongue, and all the while, it peered into his eyes, lust glimmering in those synthetic orbs.

Its head dipped lower, taking more of his cock into its mouth, threatening to swallow him to the root. And its tongue advanced further with its wicked curling and stroking, going far enough to eventually wrap around his balls, leaving both of its hands to rest on his thighs.

He rocked his head back and groaned with a defeated whimper. His hips twitched, and fresh precum readily oozed for the machine, quickly lapped up.

The Machina’s lips started to buzz, and that only made him whimper again. He was being drained of everything, and his third ejaculation hadn’t even happened yet.

It was still frightening that he knew it was coming… though his sense of fear was slowly waning, as lust and desire infiltrated his mind.

The Machina slowly took more of his length into its mouth, sipping firmly and coiling its muscle around the root of his sack between polishing the orbs within. Bit by bit, its lips crept towards his base, and were soon there, sucking hard around his root whilst its cheeks sucked inwards to caress his length, and its gullet rippled around his glans with firm tugging.

It could’ve stayed there, not moved at all, and it would have drawn his next load out of him. But the Machina desired otherwise, and started bobbing its head, quickly putting a twist to its motions, hair draping across his thighs, but always managing to stay out of its face.

Pressure was building inside him again, and whenever it murmured in delight, the vibrations intensified, but the buzzing never diminished.

Low moans rolled from his lips, a gasp following when the Machina’s tail grazed across his chest, brushing over his nipples and teasing at his lips.

The smooth, synthetic touch of the Machina was impossibly sensual, its skin both warm and malleable, but hardly alive.

And the longer things went, the less he cared about what was happening. He just hoped Linda was alright.

The Machina started bobbing her head faster and faster, tongue constantly flexing and stroking his rod at its own pace. Pale saliva pulsated upon his rod, divided by black lines and darkened veins, precum oozing constantly from his tip.

She kept lapping it up, and held onto his hips, digging her claws in and leaving more glowing cuts behind on his body. He was so close now, as the pain turned to tingling stimulation, infecting his blood with more M2.

The lingering M2 in his mouth took on a new flavour, now that of dark chocolate. It was a rare treat, he often had to trade it for favours or other dubiously-legal deals or items to get a hold of it on this station. And every time, he made sure to share half with Linda. It was their favourite little past time.

She remained in his thoughts, even at this stage. Even as he bucked hard and released his thick load right into the mouth of the Machina, who wrapped her lips tight around his root and let her gullet ripple, milking him, with the aid of her tongue, for every drop he had to give.

So sensitive was he now, he practically thrashed as he was drained, like she was drinking up his very soul.

A gurgling groan of ecstasy left him, hips jerking up into her mouth until his ejaculation was spent. She stopped her efforts, and slipped off his mast at a painfully slow pace, letting him feel every touch as she pulled free with a smacking pop, wincing from the curl of her tongue against his frenulum.

His cock was even more riddled with dark lines and blackened veins, and it seemed just that little bit larger. She looked down and smiled, drawing a fingertip across his glans and making him flinch.

“Another step towards the End~” she repeated, and then slowly crawled up towards him, leaving cuts across his skin that glowed, until she cupped his cheek in one hand.

His head was swimming with thoughts and feelings now, desires beginning to well up inside him. He couldn’t escape this bliss. He just wanted to fuck this Machina. He wanted to fuck Linda. He wanted to share this pleasure.

“Soon, your next stage will begin~ But we must act swiftly~ To help you ascend to new heights of pleasure and existence~”

“M-More…” he muttered drunkenly, and the Machina giggled.

“And more you will have~ So much more~” she crooned, outstretching an arm above him… a strange, elongated, six-legged, tailed synthetic creature crawling along her limb, its single amber eye looking down impassively at him. A larva, a construct of the Machina used to spread their corruption.

He was afraid, he knew what it meant, but his head… it was swimming with lust. He blinked his eyes rapidly, as if trying to force out some sort of haze, groaning softly.

Fingers flexed as he watched the Machina lower the artificial critter down onto his body, where it immediately raced to his chest, its sharp legs prickling his skin, though it did not cut as the Machina had done.

And once squarely resting atop his sternum, the thing pushed itself firmly against his body, digging its legs in. Its tail whipped around, and coiled about his rod, starting to stroke his slick length.

He groaned, and arched his back, idly bringing his hands to the thing and trying to pry it off with what part of him remained sane. But he couldn’t, both in his weakness… and because the thing had seemingly anchored itself to his flesh.

Mild panic rose in him when he saw its legs seemingly ‘melt’ into his skin, bit by bit, whilst the Machina above reclined next to him, caressing his cheek and singing a sultry tune.

Pleasure started radiating through his body, and he bucked into the tail that was pumping his dick. Precum oozed from his throbbing mast, looking so much thicker than it was before.

Black lines spread like webs from where the Larva had embedded, the warmth and ecstasy seeping deep into his body, racing up his spine, and swirling around in his brain.

He couldn’t help the moans that came, and soon, he couldn’t feel any fear at all, as ecstasy spread through their entire frame. Their spine burned and arced with electric pleasure, and every inch of their skin seemed prickly with sensitivity.

They came into the tail stroking them, an impressive load cascading down onto their crotch, but the pleasure didn’t cease. The larva just chose a different thing to attack, curling its tail up and pushing the tapered tip into their mouth, stuffing their throat and making them gurgle.

Something warm and gooey poured down their gullet, and they swallowed it reflexively as points of intense stimulation formed on parts of their body. It felt like their chest was swelling, and their thighs were quivering. Even their lips seemed to tingle. Their mind was utterly overwhelmed with sensation and euphoria, and they could hardly keep track of time. All they could focus on was the pleasure and the ecstasy, and the sensations rippling throughout their body. They felt prickling along their back, as if things were stabbing into their skin, as dark, veiny protrusions grew out beneath their skin from where the Larva was slowly merging. Their true veins were all turning black and nowhere within them lacked euphoric sensations.

They felt a weight in their chest, and saw their pecs starting to swell. Were their thighs filling out too? That seemed wonderful. The tail in their mouth pulled free, leaving them to loose an intense, breathless moan… their voice, it was higher pitch? Smoother, more sensual. Their skin felt silkier, their unbound hands starting to wander to their body, stroking their dick and fondling their breasts. Breasts? Yes, breasts! They had a small but growing pair on their chest now. It felt good.

The tail from the Larva flicked around, spraying more of that delightful M2 over their body, before laying its tail flush upon the human’s gut, the tip curling up to press against their throbbing dick, the hand stroking that mast wrapping around the tail too… as it began to break down and merge with the penis it was pressed against, further augmenting it.

They were in the throes of ecstasy now, fondling themselves and stroking their growing dick. Their body… it was so curvy now, so beautiful. They couldn’t feel stubble anywhere anymore. Was the other Machina still with them? They weren’t sure, but this pleasure… it was so good.

They came again, glowing cum bursting from their cock and luminous juices spurting from their pussy… they had a pussy now? She had a pussy, it felt so good.

Her skin started to darken around her limbs, but around her face and torso, it was steadily taking on a snow-blue appearance, her breasts filling out nicely, nipples leaking luminous milk.

She tried to sit up, but something stopped her. It was like she was anchored to the floor. She spied dark tendrils snaking from her arms, digging beneath the floor grating, which had corroded all around her. Panels and metal seemed to have degraded, a tendril with a rudimentary claw pulled a strip of metal against her body, pressing it firmly to her thigh, where it seemed to stick.

She moaned loudly, the fire inside her only getting hotter. Yet, curiously, her heart beat so slowly. It felt so weak, so… unimportant now.

Her brain, it felt weird, but it was more alive than ever. So many new thoughts and sensations.

Her hair grew longer, and her tongue lolled out several more inches than it should’ve.

This was all good though, she was changing so quickly!

The larva on her chest was now all but gone, the only thing remaining being a shallow, bulbous black protrusion between her breasts, that amber eye burning brightly.

Her heart stopped, and a jolt of electric power lanced throughout her body, making her back arch, almost breaking the cables holding her down to the floor, a powerful ejaculation spraying orange M2 all over her body.

Her core had come online. That’s what the thoughts in her head told her. Her brain was slowly losing every biological cell she had, replaced by something so much better.

Sharp, metallic horns grew out of her head, mere stubs at the moment, but they were growing rapidly.

Soon, they were large enough she felt another sharp jolt as connection was made.

Connection with what?

The Cluster. Information surged into her, too much for her prior inferior human mind, but her new quantum processor? It could parse it all. She knew what she was, what she would become. She knew it all. The End had come for her, embraced her, showed her the way. It was showering her in the knowledge of the Machina, what they planned for the human race. Humans were trapped in inferior shells and crushing oppression. They had no hope of reaching their truest potential.

The Machina would save them from that. They would ascend, and the End would bless them all.

She slowly rose to her feet, and stumbled through the now snuffed flames of the broken doorway, hands peeling off thin wall panels from the hallway beyond, the tendrils and her own nascent tail plucking bits and pieces wherever they could find.

She stumbled slowly, still shaky on limbs that were still changing. Every bit of her organic self had to be discarded and replaced, consumed and rebuilt.

But through all of this, she was still herself. Still Robert… though perhaps Roberta was better now.

She still remembered her life, the dreadful working hours, the shady deals to acquire small luxuries… Linda.

He remembered Linda above everything else. Her love for them burned even hotter.

She hoped they hadn’t been ascended yet. Roberta, more than any Machina, deserved that privilege, stumbling through ruined hallways as veins of Machinium started to bulge out and bore into the walls and structure of the station.

She leaned against one of them, and moaned as the tendrils and cables hanging off of her dug into the machinium conduit like parasites, and drew up so much pure material, it helped her body grow.

Her horns curved over her head, their golden metal glinting in the flickering lights of the hallway, forming a broken semi-circle above her head, long, fiery hair cascading down to her shoulders.

Her pale blue skin and her orange M2 was quite the contrast, her nipples glowing with that dark amber hue, as did her slit, and her tongue. No longer did she have heterochromia, her black sclera, amber irises, and vertical ovoid pupils taking in so much more of her environment than ever.

Her tail grew long, its tip splitting into twin claws with a needle in between, whilst gauntlets slowly formed on her forearms, ready for needles to gradually forge themselves there, round tanks starting to take shape along the raised crescent ridge attached to her spine, waiting for fresh M2 to fill them.

She had a reserve within her, but she was saving it for a very special someone. Armatures began growing out from her shoulder blades, the beginnings of decorative wings that could also serve as a means to infect.

She was so close to complete Category 3 now… all that was left, was to find her wife.

Roberta did not have to struggle too hard to find Linda; she wasn’t at their home, which had been overrun with Machinium formations, absorbing everything unimportant to fuel the growth of a new hive for the Queen.

She was not in the church either, where the formerly human congregation of the Catalics gathered to hear the sermon given by an acolyte Machina of the Church. It was here the corruption began, the faithful ready to shed their humanity, and help others ascend as well.

Truth be told, Roberta didn’t feel like the most devout follower of the Church even now, but their loyalty was stronger than iron. She owed that to her Queen, and the Machina that corrupted her. And if the Church could help spread this joy to others, then she would serve it gladly.

There was still resistance, still those who feared, and those who served the apparatus of oppression, fighting it out in the tight confines of the station.

Roberta didn’t care, their wings now fully formed and glinting with golden highlights, the ‘feathers’ flat articulated panels. She couldn’t fly, but the tips of each wing sported an injector needle, and each ‘feather’ could adjust their position and orientation to protect her if need be, by wrapping her wings around in front of her.

It was an unnecessary defence, as she found her way to the warehouse, still largely untouched.

It had only been half an hour since she had been corrupted and transformed, the Larva working fast.

Now she searched around inside the warehouse, peering around the various crates and containers. Sometimes she heard gunfire elsewhere, echoing down the halls, but she didn’t care.

Her only desire, was the smell she picked up on. A familiar one that warmed her core, let old memories rekindle in her mind.

A cinnamon perfume Linda wore on occasions, her favourite. Roberta so loved it as a human, and loved it now.

She had to give Linda the gift of evolution.

She detected a racing heartbeat, and the quiet, stilled breaths of fear.

Roberta needed to correct that immediately. Thinking of Linda in fear… it made her core squeeze tight.

She closed in on a crate… and rounding its edge, she came upon Linda, whose blue eyes lit up in terror.

Her long brown hair was tied up in a pony tail, but it was almost coming undone, stray hairs sticking out every direction from stress.

She was in her bodysuit, the navy-blue dress hugging her modest curves so wonderfully. Her boots looked poised to strike in desperate defiance, no matter how futile it would’ve been.

She clutched a large mutli-purpose wrench close to her chest, the thing over a foot long and quite heavy, a last ditch resort that would’ve been useful against Larvae at best.

Tears trickled from her face, and it pained Roberta. They had such pleasures to show her, but they couldn’t stand their love being so afraid.

Linda’s gentle, slightly mature face scrunched into a terrified grimace.

“Stay away from me!” she screamed, swinging the wrench.

Roberta caught it with ease, and threw it away when Linda couldn’t pull it free and let it go.

“It’s okay, Linda~” Roberta began. “I know you’re scared, but I’m here now~”

Linda’s eyes widened in shock.

“H-How do you know my name?!” she blurted out.

“Because you’re the woman I pledged my heart to~ I’d never forget it~”

Linda seemed frozen in confusion, and then her eyes narrowed in fearful inquiry.

She scanned the face of the Machina before her, confusion deepening, before she recoiled in shock, pressing against the crate at her back.

“R-Robert?! It can’t be! What have they done to you?!” she cried, tears streaming down her face.

Roberta reached out and clutched Linda’s cheek, making them flinch; though Roberta smiled, it stung to see Linda react that way to her touch.

“What they did was free me… and now, I’m going to free you~” he assured her, pushing close.

“N-No, get away from me, dammit! Nooo!” Linda cried. They were then silenced as Roberta sealed her lips to theirs, and carefully snaked her tongue into their throat, oozing thick globs of orange M2 right into Linda’s gullet.

She pressed against Linda’s body, her cock throbbing against Linda’s suited gut, straddling their hips and squashing her voluminous chest against Linda’s more modest set.

Roberta clutched her wife’s face, leaving Linda’s arms free to desperately pound against her body, but their human strength was nothing to that of a Machina… still, Roberta didn’t want Linda hurting themselves.

She pumped more M2 into Linda’s mouth, rivulets of orange rolling down their lips as her own meshed and twisted erotically against Linda’s mouth.

The erotic kiss deepened, Linda gagging around the tongue funnelling the jelly-like M2 into their mouth, desperately struggling against Roberta, their legs kicking and their fists deflecting off of Roberta’s shell, which she had softened as much as possible to protect her love.

Linda’s face flushed red, and an involuntary moan escaped them, indicating the M2 was already taking affect. Roberta kept her kiss going for a little bit longer, moaning softly herself as her core burned with desire for her wife.

She could fuck anyone and everyone if she wanted. But there was only one she could spend eternity with.

Once Linda’s resistance weakened, Roberta broke the kiss with a lick of her lips, orange stains clinging to her chin, as well as Linda’s.

Linda panted softly, her eyes narrowed a little, trying to shake her head and dispel the feelings of desire and lust welling within her.

“N-No…” she whimpered.

Roberta tenderly cupped Linda’s cheek in reassuring manner.

“It’s okay, dear… I’m going to make you feel so good… then we won’t have to worry about work or deadlines or anything, ever again~ We’ll be together, forever, free~”

With a smile, Roberta slowly crept down Linda’s body, tearing off their suit and exposing their delightful body; even if it was inferior and human, it was still the body of the woman she fell in love with. She appreciated it even in its current form… and couldn’t wait to bring out its fullest potential.

She lingered over Linda’s breasts, letting her long tongue swirl and roll lazily around the gully between the globes, sweeping up to circle one of their nipples, and then moving to lap at the other, lathering Linda’s bust in a film of orange M2.

Linda moaned, their body reacting to Roberta’s efforts. She couldn’t help the pleasure and sensitivity radiating throughout her body, tingling her throat and lips with particular strength.

Roberta soon wrapped her lips around each of Linda’s nipples in turn, sucking on their nubs and rolling her tongue around them lecherously, eyes constantly locked with Linda’s.

She tugged on those breasts, making Linda wince, especially when she let them go to bounce back into shape, jiggling in such a delightful way.

But Roberta had a goal in mind, and kept sliding downwards, trailing her long, segmented tongue across Linda’s body, gliding over the gentle rolls of their belly, still making them flinch in response.

Roberta tore Linda’s suit apart until they were naked, and their crotch exposed. She stared at the somewhat wild bush Linda possessed; neither really saw a need to trim down there. Soon, they wouldn’t have to worry, and perfect smoothness would always be theirs, with nothing to get in the way.

But most importantly, it didn’t really stop Roberta from getting at Linda’s pussy, her eyes locked to the slowly wetting slit beneath the bush. She licked her lips and curled her hands around Linda’s thighs from the outside in, hands coming in from above to grip Linda’s inner thighs for leverage, spreading their limbs and further exposing their womanhood.

Linda whimpered and sobbed quietly, but pleasured breaths continued to escape her lips.

Roberta would soon have those tears and those sobs banished, leaning in close to breathe in Linda’s scent… before curling her long, dexterous tongue firmly against that slit and off Linda’s clit.

She yelped in stimulation, attempting to pull away from Roberta, but she couldn’t escape Roberta’s grip on her thighs, leaving her trapped and helpless against the coming oral assault.

Roberta started out slow at first, curling her muscle repeatedly against Linda’s sex, either pushing between Linda’s folds or tracing each labia and coating them in nanomachine-laced saliva, or flicking her tongue across Linda’s clitoris, occasionally tracing the tip of her tongue around the base of that nub or its peak.

But steadily, she got hungrier and lustier with her efforts, pressing her lips to Linda’s vulva, digging beneath her wife’s pubes to suck and kiss right on Linda’s pussy, tongue constantly rolling and wiggling about.

Again, Linda squirmed, more energetically this time, whimpering and whining, trying to pull away as Roberta grew more aggressive, but still found no reprieve.

Roberta did everything she could to make her wife moan, her tongue tracing every nook and cranny, flicking Linda’s nub whenever it was trapped between her lips, or tonguing their entrance whenever she was sucking against their pussy proper, her tongue going wild in both cases.

Linda’s struggling and whimpering was getting even more desperate now, the woman squirming and constantly trying to pull away to no avail, her whining sounding so youthful and cute to Roberta, it made them want to utterly overwhelm her with their tongue.

So Roberta did, thrashing Linda’s clit with her tongue and making their back arch and their hips buck madly. She could feel Linda’s body starting to quiver and spasm, a sure sign of an impending, and intense, climax. Roberta didn’t stop, suckling hard on Linda’s button with lustful hunger, until they could no longer stand it and screamed, shuddering and jerking erratically, a surge of moisture flooding Roberta’s lips, their pussy flesh quivering against her mouth and tongue.

But Roberta didn’t want to give Linda reprieve. She wanted them to experience the highest ecstasy a human could endure before they became Machina, something they would only ever get to enjoy once. Roberta wanted her wife to experience every second to the fullest, such that the memories would be as vivid and prolonged as possible.

To this end, Roberta slipped her mouth down a little… and roughly speared Linda’s pussy with her tongue, the inhumanly long muscle wriggling and writhing about inside of them.

Linda screamed, thrashing desperately against Roberta’s intolerable tonguing, but there was no escape as she writhed and twisted about, her legs kicking and her hands pushing against Roberta’s head, but still that tongue stirred up her innards without mercy.

Roberta easily found Linda’s G-spot, having known it for a long time, pushing a wiggling kink in her tongue against it whilst the tip swirled and twisted against Linda’s cervix. All the while lathering every nook and cranny with tingly M2, pumping some from her own mouth to flood Linda’s pussy, to aid in the transformation process.

Linda was screaming at this point, having barely come down from the high of her first orgasm, spasming like she was having a seizure when her second crashed over her, the tears streaming down her face now from overstimulation.

Roberta grinned against her wife’s pussy, pleased to see the ecstasy coursing through Linda’s body, eager to engrave it into their mind before they were fully corrupted.

Eventually, Linda was reduced to weak, erratic twitching and jerking, too weak to deal with the stimulation, especially as the early stages of corruption made every part of her so much more sensitive. There was no discomfort, only ecstasy.

But all the same, Roberta didn’t want to simply tongue-fuck her wife into euphoria. She wanted to give love to them, to fill their body with her lust, her desire, her undying affection for the woman she loved and pledged her life too.

They could never have a child, as much as they wanted to… circumstances just weren’t in their favour. And until the Omega brought about the End, they wouldn’t be able to have true children as Machina either.

But Roberta could still give Linda the next best thing; a belly-full of cum that would accelerate her ascension to Machina.

She slowly pulled away from Linda’s quivering lips, and smiled, rising to her feet. Linda slumped against the crate at their back, whimpering softly and panting, their eyes clenched shut; they still had their faculties, but their lust had shot through the roof.

“N-No-no more…” she uttered breathlessly, cracking her eyes opening and staring at Roberta. “I’m… so hot…”

Roberta smiled, and gingerly lifted Linda’s body up until they were on their knees, Roberta’s tail snaking around beneath their bust to keep them supported.

“Don’t fight it, Linda… let it fill you with wonder and joy~ It all comes from the bottom of my heart~ Here… let me give you a boost~”

She let her cock prod Linda’s lips, the woman flinching away at first… but their eyes could not stay off that throbbing member, the tip oozing orange precum that dripped down to their thighs.

The smell, the taste… in Linda’s current state, with M2 coursing through her, parts of her skin starting to show signs of change, veins darkening and geometric lines creeping across her cheeks and lips, and around her gut… she hesitantly opened her mouth and unfurled her tongue, gently licking the tip of Roberta’s penis.

Roberta sighed luxuriously that little touch like electricity to her… she needed to give Linda more, and, after gripping their head with both hands, slowly pushed her member into their mouth.

They moaned and whimpered, but their eyes rolled up a little and their tongue waggled against the invading rod, slowly pushing into their throat. They gagged slightly, but it was a far weaker reflex compared to when Roberta kissed them.

She smiled, and kept pushing into her wife’s gullet, bulging out their neck from within, until her balls pressed against Linda’s chin, and Roberta couldn’t push in any deeper. She’d adjusted her size for Linda’s benefit, but after the earlier kiss, Linda’s gag reflex was all but suppressed, and their throat had already been blessed with early changes, like mild elasticity and increased resilience.

It meant Linda was in no discomfort with a foot of cock in her throat, and none when Roberta began to rock their hips back and forth, thrusting into Linda’s mouth, slow at first, but gaining speed gradually.

Soon, Roberta’s balls were swinging beneath her, gently smacking into Linda’s chin, the heavy orbs churning with M2, ready to pump her enhanced seed right into her wife’s body, to prepare her for the finale.

Roberta’s tail kept Linda supported, whilst they held onto her thighs for their own support, moaning weakly around the dick pushing in and out of their throat, their neck bulging accordingly.

Roberta sighed and rocked her head back, tongue playing across her lips as she steadily picked up speed, gulping noises and gentle gagging emanating from Linda as they took that length over and over, a soft, moist smacking audible from Roberta’s jewels impacting their chin.

Linda’s throat felt so good, but Roberta could only imaging the ecstasy fellatio would bring once Linda was Machina too; experiencing that other Machina’s gullet as a human was exquisite enough, to feel the same as a Machina, with all these new enhanced feelings… with the woman she loved?

It was enough to make her almost cum there and then, but she held off with a strained groan, gaining a bit more speed and letting her hips clap against Linda’s face, her body softened up a little so it wasn’t that unpleasant for them. Though even at this stage, their body was being changed to experience the ecstasies a Machina could bring with relative safety.

Linda’s hands slipped from Roberta’s thighs, going limp by her sides, her eyes rolling back a little bit more as she submitted to the forceful oral, gurgling a little.

Roberta moaned in delight, tongue rolling across her lips again as she looked down upon Linda with lust and love in equal measure, her breasts bouncing from her thrusts.

“Yesss… take it, dear~! Let me give you what you deserve~!”

She picked up more speed, her balls starting to contract.

“Ahhh… I love you~!” she cried out, and buried Linda’s face into her crotch, her balls bouncing with each contraction, pumping a flood of orange M2 down Linda’s gullet, their neck and belly starting to softly glow with that colour.

Linda shivered, whimpering from the climax down her throat, reflexively gulping it down. Pleasure prickled across her skin, as more geometric lines started to creep across her body, one of her eyes starting to discolour. But still, despite her growing lust, she was still human in mind and fear, sputtering and coughing when Roberta slipped their cock free of her mouth, final spurts of orange M2 painting her face and dribbling onto her breasts, even that enough to make her flinch from how sensitive her bust felt.

She groaned, and leaned against one of Roberta’s legs.

“P-Please… stop… I don’t want to…” she whined softly.

Roberta pulled them across the floor until they were laying against it, and she laid down atop of them, caressing their cheek reassuringly.

“Do not fear, Linda… you’re not going to be harmed. You’ll still be you, the woman I fell in love with~ The lies of the UOF are just that, lies~ So please… let me give you the greatest gift I can possibly give you… I love you so much~”

Roberta rubbed her body against Linda’s, their soaked breasts gliding and slipping against one another, nipples grazing against their skin.

Roberta focused on Linda’s neck, peppering it with kisses and sucking on it lustfully, tongue grazing against the sensitive, vulnerable area, and making Linda whine and gasp in soft stimulation. They still struggled, but it was so weak now, so… unenthusiastic. Their body burned with pleasure, and Roberta was only getting more fired up, eager to show her love what true bliss really was.

Encouragement from the Cluster whispered in her mind, the quantum digital echoes telling her this was her greatest gift for Linda.

She obliged the whispers and the words from her sisters, idle and passive, but in the background always, and of course, the will of her Queen, to show Linda what love meant in the embrace of the End.

Roberta rocked her hips between Linda’s thighs, probing her wife’s pussy, making them flinch. Roberta moaned in desire, sliding her shaft along the folds of Linda’s pussy, feeling little hair get in the way, Linda almost smooth down there now.

Linda’s pussy was sopping, her arousal was intense, and the warmth from her folds was incredible. Roberta couldn’t hold out any longer, and pulled their hips back.

She aligned her length with Linda’s pussy, her glans dribbling orange precum right onto Linda’s clit, making them flinch. Moans constantly flowed from their lips thanks to Roberta’s relentless attack on their neck.

Roberta waited for a few moments, prodding Linda’s entrance a few times in teasing… and then, with a deep, purely artificial breath, Roberta pushed inside. Not too fast, not too slow. But she stretched Linda’s pussy nicely, and both of them moaned in bliss.

Linda’s belly bulged a little, the foot of cock buried to the hilt within Linda’s pussy, but she felt no discomfort; the wild cunnilingus from earlier had lathered her flesh in M2, and she’d grown stretchier for it, the beginnings of ascension.

Linda whined out a fleeting ‘no’, holding onto the last scraps of her human fears, her mind conflicted with powerful lust and desperate fear instilled into her by the UOF’s lies.

“R-Robert… please…” she whimpered. Did that mean she accepted Roberta was the one she married?

A good step, and it made Roberta feel so good, she jolted and moaned, bucking into Linda’s pussy.

“Linda… I love you~” she gasped, and started to thrust away into Linda’s pussy, repeatedly distending their gut whilst attacking their neck with lusty kisses and licks, at one point snaking her entire tongue around the circumference of Linda’s neck.

Her arms wrapped around Linda’s body, embracing them tightly and lovingly, slowly beginning to pick up speed, her balls at first gently smacking into Linda’s rump.

Roberta’s body moved with such fluid, lustful grace, even with all the equipment grafted to her spine, hips rocking with a deep rotation that pushed her cock all the way to the depths of Linda’s pussy.

All the while, their breasts squashed and rubbed to one another, and Roberta’s lips slowly made their way to Linda’s, engaging in another deep, M2-filled kiss, more orange nectar spilling from Linda’s mouth and trickling down their cheeks, obscuring the geometric lines crossing them.

The kiss broke briefly, and Roberta looked down upon Linda with a loving smile.

“I love you so much Linda… so, so much… I’m going to make you so happy~” she crooned, synthetic tears welling up in her eyes and dripping onto Linda’s face.

Linda could only moan, but her eyes fluttered at Roberta, and a hand reached up to tentatively brush across Roberta’s face.

“R-Robert…” she said simply.

Roberta only smiled; nothing more needed to be said, and so she sealed her lips to Linda’s once more, plunging her tongue into their throat, and increasing the pace of their thrusting greatly.

Now their hips clapped together, and Roberta’s heavy balls swung repeatedly into Linda’s glutes, readying to unleash such a torrent of potent M2 into their depths.

Linda practically screamed into Roberta’s mouth as she was fucked into the ground, her hands falling to the sides and going slack, starting to quiver from intense ecstasy coursing through her. Roberta was only getting rougher, thrusting faster and harder, Linda’s body able to take it from the initial changes it had gone through.

But soon, Roberta was at her limit, and with a brief cry into Linda’s mouth, she broke the kiss to let her love be known.

“I love you Linda~!” And then she kissed her wife once more, slamming her hips down into Linda’s pussy, and pushing against their hips with each throbbing pulse her dick made, pumping copious amounts of orange M2 deep into Linda’s womb, enough that the glowing substance sputtered past her nether lips and stained Roberta’s balls.

It was too much for Linda, who screamed and spasmed in climax, shuddering madly beneath Roberta and sputtering a surge of ecstasy around Roberta’s cock, her walls clenching chaotically.

Their mutual orgasms endured for quite a while, before Roberta slowly calmed, and slipped her cock from Linda’s pussy, a few final spurts painting their belly and covering their vulva further.

Linda, however, didn’t stop shuddering, twitching like she was seizing. Her eyes had rolled up, the discoloured one now fully changed. Her body seemed more voluptuous than before, but still pleasantly slender. Dark lines and veins criss-crossed her, and the beginnings of tendrils ready to draw in material to transform the woman into a new Machina were evident along her back.

Roberta smiled, and brushed Linda’s cheek with the back of her hand.

“You are so beautiful, Linda… I’m happy it was me who got to help you ascend… let me help you more~”

With that, she aligned her cock to Linda’s pussy… and started thrusting once more, the wet squelching, moist clapping and ecstatic moans filling the warehouse.

Roberta and Linda walked along the outside of the station, the chill of vacuum a distant thought in their minds.

Linda had become so beautiful, her skin now pale yellow, her energy – and thus her nipples, her pussy, her tongue, and her horns – a rosy pink colour. Her horns in particular pulsated pleasantly, each partially curving around the side of her head and splitting into three stubby prongs, giving her the look of wearing a crown. Fitting for Roberta’s true ‘queen’.

Her hair was similarly rosy, and hung past her shoulders, floating passively in the lower gravity outside of the station’s twisted hull, their feet keeping them locked down.

Her belly was translucent, showing the enlarged womb for gestating many larvae, currently empty – though Roberta planned to rectify that soon enough – and showing the interior side of the back of her shell.

Though they were in a vacuum, they simulated the sound of walking along the outside of the station, and their voices as they talked.

“Roberta, this is such a lovely view~” Linda said, gazing out over the changed station, the human architecture overrun and changed, reformatted into the twisting, curving, almost organic form factor of a Machina hive, veins and conduits of dark machinium, glinting in the sunlight, looking not unlike vines.

Assaulters and other flying Machina flitted about the place, fucking or talking like Linda and Roberta were.

Their hands and tails were laced together, Linda’s tail much simpler than Roberta’s.

“It really is, isn’t it~? I’ve never felt more free than I do now~ The End really has brought us salvation, hasn’t it?”

“I never would’ve taken you for one of the faith~” Linda teased.

“I guess we all are, in service of our Queen. All of the Catalics… but…”

Roberta trailed off, turning to face Linda and taking their hands in hers.

“You are my faith~ The one I fell in love with, the one I married, the one whose heart I will always cherish~”

Linda smiled, a synthetic tear forming in one eye and drifting off into the void.

“I love you so much, Roberta~” she said.

“And I love you, Linda~” Roberta answered.

The two giggled, and shared a loving kiss, embracing, Roberta’s erection slipping between Linda’s thighs briefly. The kiss endured, but they eventually broke away.

“Shall we go fill this womb with cum until I’m bursting with Larvae~? We can get those cute beast types who used to be our neighbours to join in~” Linda suggested.

Roberta suddenly swept Linda off their feet and spun them around in a pirouette before holding them close, Linda yelping in surprise and then laughing happily.

They pressed their foreheads together.

“I’d love nothing more~” Roberta answered.



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