Your Spirit Of Warmth by Authenticly-Satanic

Writer: Authenticly-Satanic

Subject: Your Spirit Of Warmth

Link: Tumblr / 04.02.2025

Author’s Note: Hello Everyone! Satanic Blessings to all. I’m April. I’m a theistic satanist and I’m dedicating this blog here via tumblr to Lord Satan. Here’s my little introduction, I’m nineteen, I grew up in a small village town until seventeen. I found satan or maybe so Satan found me when I was fourteen. Satanas has been one of the best things to come into my life and I intend for him to stay.

Your Spirit Of Warmth

Lord Satan, who sits most high, I welcome your spirit of warmth into my presence. May I honor you in all I do, and may we share as Father and daughter in your victory. My God, Lord Satan, be blessed this hour as I seek to bond with you for who you are. I love you, Father, and may your warmth consume me and protect me from those who seek harm against me.

Dark Lord, I ask of thee to guide me in all that is unholy. The infernal path is not for the weak and for that I ask for your guidance. Guide me in every endeavor I partake in. For I will follow your will and what you ask of me until the day you call me home to the Infernal Kingdom.

Dark Lord Satan, I ask you for guidance. I ask you for strength. Guide me, Oh dark one. Guide me on this most unholy path. Give me strength despite what others say, Despite what others think. Give me strength to believe in you.

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