2 thoughts on “DARK INSPIRATION 493”

  1. The Pic with the great Dane, beastiality is soooo hotttxxx 🔥 and other little toys 🧸 we all love

    Hail satan 🙌


    Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote unlawful activity as the story describes. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

    My son is 6yo and at school he has identified himself as 👧 girl!!! a transgender

    the nuns at his school tells me everything about this!!!

    he’s got long blonde 👱‍♀️ hair long skinny legs, flat chest little hard nipples and blue eyes !!!

    he goes to a catholic school and the nuns don’t tell parents about what goes on there??? except for ones the nuns know there mommy or daddy are into there sexy children

    the school is made up of mostly whites and blacks and Asians,

    it ranges in age from 5yo to 12yo mostly, lots of broken family’s one parent like me!!

    my son billy has a few friends Timmy 6yo a Asian boy and Tyrone and Damian black boys that are 12yo

    sister Teresa is his teacher she let’s billy act and dress like a girl at school, she spends lots of time with him getting him dressed 👗

    the nuns have female clothes for the transgender sissy children to put on so they FELL sissyboys while at school

    they have special school busses that bring billy home after school, he’s home there a couple of hours till I get off work, so he’s by himself mostly watching lots of porn!!

    there are 6 nuns at Billy’s school that are teachers and they live at the convent just next door, all the little boys that identify as little girls, which ARE 6 OF THE LITTLE BOYS the nuns take to the convent and take them to the dark secluded part of the basement and let them play and worship together, they teach them about SATAN, LILITH, PERVERSIONS BEASTIALITY ANAL FUCKING SERVING ADULT COCKS SUCKING OFF LOTS OF MEN!!! but most importantly the nuns show them lots of porn videos of all types!!! lots of satanic porn

    he’s been doing SATAN’S work for 3 years now and he is the perfect little slut faggot sissy trans,

    when I get home he is dressed in a little pink dress 👚 👗 and 💋 his lips are ready for sucking a load of daddy cummmm

    his sexy short dress 👗 his bald fucking hard COCKLETT oozing precum as he sucks daddy’s first load of the night, mmmmm

    he brings his friends over and let’s daddy enjoy some sexy little slut COCK trans faggot sissy pussy, banging pumping licking sucking, I love these satanic whores that love lord satan

    the nuns invite me to go in the basement at the convent and they let me worship Satan with the nuns and FUCK THE SEXY LITTLE SLUT COCK BOI FAGGOT SISSY TRANS whores!!! I love the catholic church!!!

    sister opens her habit and rams this huge crucifix dildo between her legs as she prays to the dark master god Satan watching me behind the little slut pussy banging the tranny cock bitch’s mmmmmm

    then I get on the floor and lick the unholy twat of sister Teresa her legs wide her huge tits out her nipples like 👍 thumbs sticking up I lick lick lick till sister squirms and takes the crucifix cock and fucks herself into a satanic frenzy, she’s owned by our lord and master god Satan like all the other nuns and the children 🙏 and ME!!!

    I’m the perfect father I know what billy needs??? a faggot daddy a bisexual beast that wants his 6yo son to grow up as a 🔥 hotttxxx transgender sissy girl swing 9 inches of pure unholy COCK
    pleasure 🙏 between his legs,

    but the church’s satanic basement were 6 of the hottest children whores that dress like sexy nasty sluts play everyday and learn from the satanic catholic nuns everything to be true sexual predator’s

    I get on all fours with my legs spread apart and my cunt all wet and ready!! my huge cock hanging down stiff and hard swing with 6 inches of pure 🔥 hotttxxx sperm sack full wanting to get sucked empty by faggot sissy trans bitchs, but sister takes the crucifix first and cunt fucks me and strokes my serpent between my legs as she cunt fucks me with Jesus and puts all 12 inches up my pedo filthy fuck hole

    sister tells me to suck off a nasty boy 👦 while she cunt fucks me deep with the crucifix from HELL, RAM IT DEEPER SISTER DEEPER !!! I LOVE THE WAY SISTER BEATS MY COCK AS SHE CUNT FUCKS ME!!!

    Hail satan
    Hail Lilith

    I love the catholic church ⛪️

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