The Land Of The Feathered Serpent by Spiritusnoturnus

Writer: Spiritusnoturnus

Subject: The Land Of The Feathered Serpent

Link: Tumblr / 27.01.2025

The Land Of The Feathered Serpent

Since my current incarnation on this planet, I have always questioned the state of living and went beyond societal traditions and trends. The daily status quo of the institutional, religious and political foundations that we are founded upon especially here in America. I’ve always wondered why do we have to have landlords, why do people have to work long hours every single day or night, where you come home having to repeat the same thing the next day for what they call a minimum wage where it’s not even liveable but basically chunk change scraps, and more frankly, why is it even necessary to have money at all as a need to live?

Thinking of current living arrangements and seeing the state of world would only make someone hope for something higher. Growing up in a Christian home, there was always thought for some merciful master (who was good to some who were deserving) sitting watching and waiting and some Jesus figure coming back.

Though some things never added up to me upon the Christian path and some things I’ve outright disliked. Though that all changed upon my spiritual awakening. As I was going through my state of depression I’ve started deeply involving myself with the Occult and around this time I became very close to the state of death. I became reborn!

I became more infuriated after I seen how the mainstream religions was a tool to keep people in line praying to some hostile entity and to some who think a big white man with a curly beard who lives in the sky who sees and controls everything, how these systems that made me at one point pledge allegiance to a Red, White, and Blue Imperalist flag and how they acted with furious rage when I decided not to stand in school.

When I became more enlightened I understood that we was never taught our true history because not all colored people came from Africa as most if us was already here known as Native Indigenous In the land of what they would call Amaruca , or Amarucanapana (Amaruka) which wasn’t named after the Colonizing bastard Coloumbus or Amerigo. Amaruca was known as the land of the feathered Serpent.

US Natives was already here and we had our own spiritual ways, traditions and more. Though to reconnect the dots and see how it has thrown us off track through the Cenus act and more. Though the White man’s systems where we now pay rent through this Capitalist system, where we have to pay for water and food and where they even profit off our sickness and suffering in healthcare. It didn’t make sense to me as a kid and it damn sure doesn’t now. Nowadays it’s no wonder why I am what I always was unknowingly at a time -A Communist.

Although not following every thought from the white Marxist , I am more Spiritual Communist and more of a Spiritual Anarcho Communist that is my true nature and the ways of my Native ancestors. Not the way of the Colonizer Christian and not the way of a racist bigoted Darwin who is a materialist. I also seek Revolution just as my ancestors and others who practice Afro Caribbean Spiritually do the only difference is there isn’t need for Saints as I deal with those who are Ancestors, Lucifer and what they would call Demons.

You see instead of always dealing within a failed decaying state of matter, I invest time into what is everlasting to override matter. Not in every case because footwork and action is expected to happen in the means of Revolution and to also to overthrow the Rich Capitalist oppressors and their pawns of the State who are the pigs. I operate more on a higher Quantum and Astral level that is outside the realm of matter. Their god of matter the Demuirge.

In fact, their Abrahamic Faith’s god who goes by many names such as Yahweh, Allah, and as I know it as Yaldabaoth, the Demuirge. That god and it’s followers have demonized our Native spiritual practices, Witchcraft, and ways because we wish to be free. Though there is yet another who is demonized within their own Bible, who is known as Lucifer.

Lucifer, according to the Christians, is evil being who torment souls in hell when actually the ancient ones known as Gnostics among other from Kemet seen him as a liberator who set Adam and Eve souls free giving them wisdom and power in the Garden of Eden.

I started to understand the Christian god is the one of flesh and time, he is the true male oriented patriarchal being their god maintains a strict order, wishes to kill everyone who doesn’t worship him, kill every first born of Egypt and demands worship.

This earth is as he says is his foot stool and his followers were known to oppress throughout history. Whether it was the Catholic Church, Chruxhes, Nazis, KKK or now Maga. This is not the god for the oppressed only for those who are petty Bourgeois and White racist. As John Henry Clarke says, “How can a slave pray to the same god as his oppressor?” — It just doesn’t make sense.


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