Writer: The Lilithian / Temple of Ascending Flame
Subject: Ritual Of Lilith
Link: Tumblr / 20.12.2024
Ritual Of Lilith
Gaze into the sigil below and repeat the mantra (mentally or aloud):
Marag Ama Lilith Rimog Samalo Naamah!
Face North and speak the words:
From the dark pits of the earth, I call you, Black Goddess! Lilith, arise and come forth!
Facing West:
From the Serpent’s Lair in the unholy waters, I call you, Queen of Blasphemy! Agrat, arise and come forth!
Facing South:
From the mountains and hills where the Sabbatic fires burn, I call you, Mother of Fornication! Mahalath, arise and come forth!
Facing East:
From the black skies of the night, I call you, Princess of Screeching! Naamah, arise and come forth!
Facing the altar:
The Gates are open wide and the children of Lilith are coming on the wings of Shadow!
Lil-ka-litu! Lilit Malkah ha’Shadim!
I invoke you, Goddess of the Moon! Mother of witches and queen of forbidden delights! Come forth from the desert caves of the Red Sea. Come to me, Mother of Fornication, Samael’s consort! Ancient Goddess, who rides the darkening crescent across the midnight skies! Mother of Demons! Maiden and Harlot! Princess of Screeching, who flies through the night and screeches in the desert. Scarlet Whore, who rides upon the back of the Blind Dragon. Sinful Hag! Eros and Thanatos incarnate!
Marag! Ama! Lilith! Rimog! Samalo! Naamah!
Hear my calling! Come to my temple of flesh! Appear before me, Mother of Dark Wisdom! Reveal to me the secrets of your unholy communion! Awaken my senses! Break the shells and dissolve the worlds as you approach intoxicated by the elixir of the Blood-red Moon!
Marag! Ama! Lilith! Rimog! Samalo! Naamah!
You are passion, death and ecstasy.
Your mouth drips with fresh blood.
Your forked tongue drips with deathly venom.
Your eyes are as black as Death.
Your breath is the stench of carrion.
Your womb is the lair of the Serpent.
I call you, Mother of Harlots who holds the chalice with the Blood of the Moon!
I call you, Serpent’s Fire that burns the Veil of Illusion!
I call you, Alien Woman, who seduces and leads the righteous onto the path of fornication!
I call you, Queen of Sheba, consort of God!
I call you, Bride of the Devil, who rules the Kingdom of Eternal Shadows!
I call you, soul of every living creature!
I call you, End of All Flesh, the womb and the grave!
I call you, Lilith!
Marag! Ama! Lilith! Rimog! Samalo! Naamah!
In the name of the Dragon!
Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
Thank you
Praise her always and let her guide,lead, groom and grant ownership of our needs and desires