Writer: Guardianwolff-666
Subject: Meditation With Vepar
Link: Timblr / 06.11.2024
Meditation With Vepar
Look up to the sky not just with your eyes, but with your mind. The mind is all and the all is mind. This is the magic of the mind. To create your reality with your intention. When your intention is pure, you can pull your reality into existence. You can even build your astral home. What is the Astral home? Simple. This is where you will go to reside. Prepare your home in life. In death, it will be your refuge.
You have possibly heard of people going to the Astral Plane. They have expanded their mind from the outside of their body to a world created in love, trust, and peace. It’s a world residing with those who follow their dreams of going beyond the stars. This is the ethereal. Compared to the physical world we live in daily, nothing is real. But it’s in the ethereal; everything is real. The universe comes to you. All things are possible. In our physical world, when we let these things happen, they become real, actualized, and part of who we are.
Separate yourself from those who anger you. They defile your name to others. If they accuse you of falsehoods, turn away from them but do not speak ill to them. Let what they did speak ill to themselves. Their vileness will destroy them.
Stand your ground when you are tested. No one can make you do anything that you know you shouldn’t do. If you lose your composure then your enemy wins over you. Stand up to your enemy stand by and let calmness guide you. Your enemy will feed on their rage in defeat and will fall. The Demons will support you and stand behind you when you need us. We will not walk away.