I Am The Dark And The Light by Lycan Rex

Writer: Lycan Rex

Subject: I Am The Dark And The Light

Link: MEWE / 04.11.2024

I Am The Dark And The Light 

Child, I am the night. Thick and bold, pressing against your chest. I am the darkness wrapped around your bones. I am the whisper you hear when you are alone.

Come to me. I dare you. Come to me in the hours when fear becomes a fire. And you tremble — not from the cold but from the truth you’ve buried deep.

I am that truth. Swim to me through oceans blacker than silence. Dive into the belly of what frightens you, and know I will be there cradling your heart with hands as old as time.

You think I’m the enemy. No. I am your deliverance — the quiet storm before the rising sun.

Child, you carry me within you. I am the pulse in your veins, the glow behind your eyes. In the shadows of your soul, I dance, beckoning you to rise.

So, rise. With love as your compass. With courage as your wings. Rise. And let the world watch as you become everything you were meant to be.

3 thoughts on “I Am The Dark And The Light by Lycan Rex”

  1. Like more hard core sex perversion piss drinking kids faggots female torture filming photos cock torture.

  2. This is one of the most beautiful and moving poems I have read. Thank you! Hail Satan our Dark lord!

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