Cernunnos by Theblackpegasuswitch

Writer: Theblackpegasuswitch

Subject: Cernunnos

Link: Tumblr / 16.10.2024


Cernunnos is a deity from Celtic mythology who is often depicted as a horned god or the Lord of the Forest. He is revered in pagan and witch circles as a symbol of wildness, fertility, and power. Cernunnos is a complex figure who is hailed as a protector of animals and the natural world.

As a horned god, Cernunnos is often associated with male vitality and virility. In many depictions, he is shown as a figure with antlers or horns, representing his connection to nature and his mastery over the wild. He is considered to be a fertility god, as he promotes growth and fecundity in the animal, plant, and natural world.

Cernunnos is also often linked to the cycles of life and death. As the Lord of the Forest, he is seen as a figure who mirrors the cycles of the seasons. In many traditions, he is celebrated during the autumn equinox when the balance of day and night moves from one season to the next. The horned god is associated with the darker side of nature, symbolizing the cycle of decay, death, and rebirth.

As a god of the wild, Cernunnos is also associated with shapeshifting and transformation. He is said to be able to take on different forms, such as a stag or a boar, to better connect with nature. This links him to the world of magic and witchcraft, where practitioners often work with animal energy to enhance their spells and rituals.

In many pagan traditions, Cernunnos is invoked during rituals that promote healing, fertility, and creativity. His energy is believed to be potent and transformative, acting as a catalyst for growth and empowerment. He is often called upon to help balance energies and invoke the forces of nature.

Overall, Cernunnos is an important figure in witchcraft because he embodies many of the ideals and energies that witches strive to harness. The horned god represents wildness, freedom, and the power of transformation. His presence is a reminder to witches to focus on their connection to nature and to embrace the cycles of life and death that are a fundamental part of their practice.


The Cernunnos is the god of wild things — I like that —I recently found a wonderful blog on Tumblr for an artist “Art of Maquenda” — though some are explicitly sexual and indirectly suggest the pagan ethic, they are highly suggestive of the mood of the Cernunnos, the Celtic wilds, and animal lust. Check it out …

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