Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote unlawful activity as the story describes. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 15.10.2024

Story Codes: Sadism, Abuse, Young Ones, Racialist

Synopsis: Naked women used by the ridiculously wealthy gentry as horses are called Equestricunts, and those that are from Mexico, which make particularly good horseflesh, are called Mexicunts. It takes a lot of training with the use of a whip to create a valuable Mexicunt, but it is worth the effort. The advantage of keeping Equestricunts is that they require a smaller pasture, enclosed with razor wire, and they respond to verbal commands much better than a horse. They race upright, with either a midget or a little girl as a jockey, and they respond well to the lash of a whip or riding crop. Human females don’t have a tail, but a real horsehair tail is provided to them, attached to a two-inch-thick wooden post that is inserted into their rectum.

Beautiful Mexicunt Horse Girls

Buonas trades! Si, I speak English good too, Vaquero! Señor don Carlos, my sponsor, and Master won this horse rancho in a poker game and decided that in addition to the horses, he would collect many innocent young ladies of my country, beautiful Mexicunts, and convert us to special horse ladies, Equestricunts. He likes horses, particularly human horses, and naked women.

I was in a high school beauty pageant, and I was one of the top three, the best one about to be chosen, we were doing the no-bikini part of the competition, where we wore only our high heels, perfume, and smiles. All of our parents were there, along with the press, who crowded along the front of the stage to get amazing photos and videos.

I was doing the part where I demonstrate how developed my cunt is, using a huge red dildo. They use red so if we bleed it won’t show on the cameras. The dildo is anchored to a whisky barrel on its side, painted red for the same reason, and we straddle it as if we’re riding on a horse, except we’re riding a rigid wooden cock.

I was getting into it, squealing like a stuck pig with my orgasm, when the gringos burst onto the stage and grabbed all of us, including the girls who hadn’t made the cut, and were backstage. I had my eyes closed, bouncing up and down so that my amazing breasts flopped!

Two of the gringos grabbed me and lifted me off the big wooden cock I was riding with such passion! It was disgusting, having to stop when I was doing so well, I’m certain I would have been declared the winner if they hadn’t interrupted my incredible orgasm demonstration.

They brought us out to the rancho, and Master met us with a riding crop he likes to use on fresh human horseflesh, making us Mexicunts scream when he strikes our brown buttocks, our bouncing bare tits, and of course, lashes his whip on our beautiful open bulging cunts.

He likes horses, particularly human horses, and naked women. He is very good at making horses out of women, and he is never constrained by stupid age limits. He makes fit little girls as young as ten into beautiful little titless ponies, and trains athletic girls as young as seven to use a whip and riding crop, training them as jockeys, who are small and fit enough to ride us!

He makes special micro-saddles for them, a leather strap that goes around our waist, with stirrups attached to the sides, and two wooden posts on our back. One goes up their little bum hole, and the other goes into their cuntlet to keep them on board!

That means becoming nude jockeys for us Equestricunts means none of these little girls can remain virgins! They get themselves rigorously fucked by the saddle posts every time they ride us! You haven’t seen anything until you’ve see a naked Equestricunt being ridden by a nude little jockey!

Master Don Carlos has been collecting women from around the world for more than twenty years now and has created a wonderful stable. Twenty of us girls he selected are Mexicunts, ten are Yankee cunts, and another dozen are English, French, German, and Spanish young ladies he obtained at the Cunt Auctions.

All kinds of young women are sold there, even little girls, all of us naked and with our hair done up fancy. We sell better when we look well-groomed. Our Master had to pay a special premium for the females he bought, as they were already trained as Equestricunts.

We usually get along with each other, and only the Germans will start a fight, mostly against those French cunts. That’s why when they need cuntfights, they’ll pick the Germans to be in them. They’re great in the nude fights because they are always happy to do a kill.

There aren’t yet any approved Equestricunt sports designed for the ten-year-old naked ponies, as we call them, so they put them in teams of two to pull carts for race officials. These sexy kids pull the cart of sulky by their groin! That looks so sexy, sometimes I cum watching them on a sulky!

They pierce their bumholes and cuntlets to put in a big ring, and they hook the cart’s pulling pole to a pair of these nude ponies. You can’t believe how sexy these little girls look when they’re harnessed and tugging! The ring looks like it’s gonna pull out of their groin when they pull!

Their reins are attached to bits pierced through their cheeks, and they have tongue depressors, just like a horse’s bit, so the kids can squeal like men, but not talk or say anything when they get their bums and cunts whipped. They look darling when working.

The fans are by now getting used to seeing naked little girls as ponies, and they like them. Male officials riding in the little sulkies pulled by them love to masturbate just from looking at their rear end and genitals. Soon they’ll have some events for them, to make them official Equestricuntlets!

They’ll have to make special rules for them and build sized-down tracks for them to race on, with deadly traps all over, to make it interesting for the fans who like to see violent deaths during the races. They love to see Equestricunts involved in terrible accidents, which will be true for the kids as well.

We compete in official private events on remote estates around Mexico and travel internationally too. I’m a Mexicunt Grand Champion, and some of the bitches in our cunt stable win competitions, mostly races, in other countries too. I won a sulky race in Texas, US of A., and came in second in two other races that day.

One of our German Equestricunts who specializes in doing Dressage won Best-In-Show at an international show on a private estate just outside Buenos Aires. She had to win at least two races that weekend, finish in the top three in Dressage, and then fist-fuck another cunt so violently that the bitch died of her internal injuries.

Two of our English Equestricunts are also specialists and won best whipping dressage in upstate New York in August, a wild international event where two of the jockeys got so enraged with their Equestricunts, and carried away, they whipped their stupid teenage entries to death.

One of the girls killed was a California beauty, and the other a gorgeous big-breasted fifteen-year-old Spanish cunt! It was outrageously exciting. One’s belly was ripped open with the whip and the Spaniard’s neck was broken. Extreme risk is what the sport is becoming all about!

Dressage for Equestricunts is an amazing sport. In the Duet Class, our two winners stood on tiptoe, nude and in harness in their slender hoof boots, raised the other leg high, and balanced a glass of champagne on the toe of that boot and held it steady while they had their cunts whipped.

They both had a big expansion ring stretching their cunts open, which is an internal part of their costume, a horse tail planted in their asshole in the other, and their jockeys snapped the ends of their whips right up inside the ladies’ open cunts, striking their cervix at the back!

I once wore an expansion ring in training, and had the dimple of my cervix snapped with a whip, cracking right against it! You won’t believe how painful that is! When they’re properly trained, properly educated English girls are good at taking painful internal whip snaps like that. I don’t know how the cunts get used to it.

I think the most exciting races at these events are with the naked Eqestricunts racing over a large bed of glowing coals. Even though we wear dainty fireproof Equestricunt boots, they place invisible trip wires, so that if we fall we get severe burns, and have to be put down with a bullet into our brain. It’s so exciting to see a girl being put down!

The first time I saw such a race, they had put in too many trip wires, and all of the girls in that race fell into the coals. They left them lying there, burning, for like ten minutes, cooking alive, and then they started shooting them, one by one, in the head.

It was fucking spectacular, seeing these burning girls getting a bullet in the brain! All of us waiting for our event had a great view of it, so we didn’t miss a thing. It was so hot seeing these cunts taking a bullet in the head! I had an orgasm with every shot!

Next year it will be even more exciting, because they’ve changed the rules, so that when a girl loses her third race in a row, a guy with a sharp sword will grab her by the hair, pull her head back to stretch her neck, and then whack her fucking head off, with everybody watching!

I know I’m gonna piss myself the first time I see it. Of course, if it’s me getting shot, I’d probably shit myself too. I usually do that when I get too excited. That will be so embarrassing I’ll have to be careful not to be a loser! You’d have to be an Equestricunt to know how exciting it is to watch a naked opponent bitch being killed, for whatever reason.

Everything in all of our sports is about surprise. You never know when you’re gonna be in an event, whether you’ll be ridden by a kid or a midget (kids are meaner, midgets are stronger with the whip), whether you’ll be pulling a sulky or carry a rider, and you never have any idea who you’ll be racing against, or on what kind of course.

You also don’t know if there are any hidden traps or what kind they’ll be until you hit them! My favorites are the hidden deep pits behind jumps with sharp spikes in them! They’ll hide the pit, so it is invisible until a fucking girl come down onto it.

You can’t believe how exciting it is to see the girl ahead of you not leap far enough so she falls in, and when she goes down on them, the spikes come right through her fucking body! In one race, three girls went down into the same pit, and the spikes came through all of them!

Next weekend Señor don Carlos is taking all of us to the Extreme Fatality Games at a winery in Chile, not far from Santiago. They have a huge storage building that’s been converted for putting on events like this. It has a special big fight pit, with room for two hundred viewers.

Wealthy owners bring several of their trained girls, who have to fight to the death in the pit! When there are only three girls who have not been killed, they put them into the pit one at a time against two big male lions they bring in from Africa!

As far as I know, nobody has Equestricunts in Chile yet, they just have nude death-fighting girls. Our stable is there to do a whole afternoon of Equestricunt demonstrations. Our Master has promised us the losers will never be going home because he doesn’t want any losers in his stable.

He has a special treat in mind for his bloodthirsty hosts. Losers will go into the pit as a team to fight the lions with rubber swords! He said lions love fresh horse meat, and he reminded us that all Equestricunts are sort of horses. I think we probably taste different, though, particularly those of us who are naked brown Mexicunts, don’t you?


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