Devil Worship by The Dark Lords

Writer: The Dark Lords | A Ghost Blog by Wamphyri333warrior

Subject: Devil Worship

Author’Notes: From the “Temple Of Satan: Pact With The Devil”

Link: Tumblr / 12.19.2024

Devil Worship

What could be more terrifying? What could provoke more primal fear than the specter of men who worship a deity, not of benevolence and light, but pure evil and darkness?

In his classic study, The History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day, Paul Carus makes the case that Devil worship is the primeval form of human religion:

Devil worship naturally precedes the worship of a benign and morally good Deity … there seems to be no exception to the rule that fear is always the first incentive to religious worship. This is the reason why the dark figure of the Devil, that is to say, of a powerful evil deity, looms up as the most important personage in the remotest past of almost every faith. Demonolatry, or Devil-worship, is the first stage in the evolution of religion, for we fear the bad, not the good.

Devil worship is indeed a religion of fear, but it is also a religion of awe: awe at the powers of darkness; awe at the dark god who commands these powers and must be propitiated by mortal men.

But more than mere slaves who live in fear of a tyrannical God in the manner of the Yehovans, Devil-worshippers hope to gain great boons by their fealty—all the wealth, power, pleasure, and knowledge that the Lord of this World has to offer.

In an age of widespread unbelief and cynicism—a so-called “Age of Enlightenment” which starves men’s souls of the potency and faith of the old religions—it may be Devil worship that offers the path out of this cul-de-sac of ignorance—a path that is compatible with the materialistic and hedonistic ethos of the age, yet which serves a transcendent Master: the Devil!


Thank you Wamphyri333warrior for your thoughts on devil worship. It’s fundamental for me. I was brought up as a Christian and taught all the propaganda. However, my reaction as a ten-year-old to the doctrine that “anything pleasurable is not permitted” made me wonder why and if the devil in the deep was the one that “solicited sin as his” … maybe we were worshiping the wrong deity. Does that kind of ring a bell for anyone else?

For me, devil worship took on a meaning that connected me with my preteen sexuality — the idea that one could indulge in same-sex fornication, suck cock, commit sodomy, that boys could dress like girls for sex, dance naked, and masturbate while watching others do the same, that drinking urine and pissing over my lovers was “normalized”, that the devil was transgendered and encouraged perversion …

Maybe, one could say that I was a little weird at that age, however, I have discovered that I am not alone in these proclivities (and I am not mentioning the more extreme fantasies at this point). What was your first experience with devil worship? How did it make you feel?

Here’s a story I wrote about a mother and son who both worship the devil … here’s a short synopsis (if you feel that way inclined) … It’s May 1975. Jerry and Nancy are lovers. They are both servants of Satan and indulge in each other’s most perverted fantasies. They are also, mother and son. But who instigated this incestuous relationship? Who was the abuser and who was abused? The lines are blurred. Both seem to have been on their lustful journey to find the Devil’s temptations. This is their story.

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