Lust by Untitled1665

Writer: Untitled1665

Subject: Lust

Link: Tumbler / 12.10.2024


Submit to the Demons of Lust as they take possession of you and lead you down the dark path of sexual pleasure and delight. Allow yourself to succumb to the perverted desires of others as they use you to explore their depraved, lewd and sinful cravings and impulses.

Let them satisfy themselves in ways that you may never have imagined or if you did, you kept those thoughts hidden in the deepest recesses of your mind for fear that you might betray your need to act out on your own perverted urges.

Become one with the Demons and those they send to you. The pleasure they derive from you multiplies and returns to you in waves and waves of intoxicating ecstasy. As the lust engulfs your being you will experience intense and unending pleasure. Pledge yourself to the Demons of Lust and they will show you the way to eternal bliss.


Lust. What is lust? Described as “strong sexual desire” or “have strong sexual desire for someone” … Ancient Greek epithumia means “having affection for” and “feeling desirous towards;” desire, fondness and liking … But epithumia is often used to refer to sinful desires, so epithumia is also rendered as “lust” and “passions,” as well as “desires.” Lust is the desire for anything that is sinful, such as illicit sex, intoxication, ill-gotten gain, revenge, or anything else that God forbids — right or wrong?

Lust, to me, is not just about strong sexual desire or simply a sin against the abrahamic god, but is something so intoxicating and compelling that it must be sate! What I “lust” for will never happen … ever … but it drives me … it drives this blog … it makes me get up everyday with the passion and excitement that I cannot refuse … A lust for life … a lust for creation … a lust for change!

Here’s a story I write, funnily enough, also called “Lust” —

LUST. A four-letter word that is so heavy with expectant meaning of one’s intense desire. And, lust comes in so many forms. To covet wine, wealth, power, and sex, is omnipresent and permeates in every aspect of life. It is the struggle of life. Survival depends upon it. But, I do not hear to talk about the mundane, or human lust. The lust that interests me, transcends even life itself. It is a lust that reaches out from beyond what is natural to that which is considered supernatural. The protagonist of this story is a very young girl called Anastasia.

Coming from a religious family, she is sent to live a life of piousness in the service of the Lord. Unfortunately, she falls into a nest of evil, devil-worshiping nuns. Contrary to their stated beliefs, these religious zealots seek sexual copulation with demons as a means to attain their carnal gratification by offering them the young girls they induct into their ranks. Following the only lead in the case, a female detective, Whitehall, finds a diary written by the hapless young protagonist. She becomes interested in the story leading up to the disastrous fire that supposedly claimed the lives of all in the monastery.


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