Mary Milkmaid Meets The Cunt Killers 8 by Regis

Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote unlawful activity as the story describes. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: Mary Milkmaid Meets The Cunt Killers 8

Published: 14.10.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Snuff, Young Ones, Abuse

Synopsis: Mary, a single mom, lost her first child early, and her doctor suggested because she had such substantial mammaries, that she take a job he knew of at a research station at the university, where she would become a full-time milkmaid. She took the job, and was startled they were researching the feeding by nursing of children up to puberty! Then she stumbled upon the real reason for the research, the production of shocking snuff videos, and her life was now at extreme risk.

Mary Milkmaid Meets The Cunt Killers 8

When the second spike had been driven deeply through her breast, she thought that ordeal was over, but the ready Matron produced several more long spikes and continued driving a series of them through each huge breast, painfully flattening the milk-bloated mammaries.

She was being treated mercilessly as the cold-blooded bitch nailed Mary’s fabulous breasts to the wooden floor. This was unconscionable behavior, and she had done nothing to be treated in this despicable, inhuman manner. What the fuck were they planning to do to her?

The orderly continued to expand the device in her anus, taking it to what felt like the rupture point as the Matron rigged a rope to the overhead light. Then she tied the end of the rope to Mary’s now tightly secured ass plug and then used the rope to lift her ass by the plug jammed into it.

This forced Mary’s head to be bent severely back, with her throat and chin pressed firmly against the floor, and caused her spiked breasts to tug severely against the huge nails anchoring them to the wooden floor. She wasn’t sure if the plug in her ass or the spikes in her breasts hurt her more.

The orderly then gave her incredible pain as he hammered more big nails through the meat behind her ankles just in front of the tendon, and then clipped chains onto them and lifted her legs high above her head and widespread, attaching the chains to the window curtain hooks.

Her entire weight was now suspended by those monstrous spikes through her ankles! Mary was sweating profusely, in a desperate panic as she realized how completely insane the Matron and her brutal helper were. She was certain that if Dr. Robins were here, he’d take care of her.

These two heinously corrupted people would both be forced by the kind doctor to submit to a most vicious beating for the atrocities they were performing on her. She had been hired to nurse children, but now they had damaged her breasts so much that she wouldn’t be able to do that, either.

The evil bitch could do anything she wanted, and nobody would discover her plight until morning. By then the Matron could remove all of the evidence. Suddenly Mary felt a cold sweat cover her naked body, although she knew the room was still quite warm.

She realized that she would be able to identify the Matron as the perpetrator of her abuse unless the woman killed her tonight. That was what they were going to do! These insane people were planning on killing her, and probably make a snuff video of it as well. She was going to become a fucking a snuff star!

That was when she felt the pressure of cold surgical steel against her belly, and felt the cold turn to sudden heat as the sharp blade cut into her flesh. What in the world did they expect to achieve by scratching her tummy with the tip of a sharp knife? Then it was pressed into her.

Surprisingly the sharp steel slicing through her skin and the muscles of her stomach didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would. The most prominent feeling was that of her warm blood running down her tummy ahead of the blade. They were starting to gut her alive!

As she was slung upside down with her ass and heels chained up and her breasts nailed to the floor, she felt the course of the sharp knife slicing from the first plunge of the blade at the top of her pubic mound as it moved down across her slightly rounded belly.

It continued to slice her open, down to the dip of her navel and then on further down to where her ribs met in front at her breast bone. It must have been very skillfully done, because there was no feeling of the knife cutting into her internal organs or intestines.

“My fucking guts!” she thought in a sudden panic.

At that instant she felt the pink shit-snake of her entrails begin to bulge out through the new opening, and then she could feel the first warm damp loop of gut slide down her opened belly and curl onto the base of her nailed breasts.

Very slowly her wet viscera began to gradually evacuate her opened body, slithering slowly out and down the gaping belly cut to lie on the floor in front of her. She tried to scream through the tight ball gag and found that even getting out a slight moan was difficult.

Suddenly a new horror happened to her. She felt the cold steel being plunged into the stretched narrow space between her right leg and her cunt. The sharp double-sided blade was thrust deep into her groin, and then with a sawing action, the Matron began to cut around the outside of her cunt.

The veins and sinews stuck out rigid in her neck as Mary’s face turned purple in her futile effort to scream. The sick bitch of a Matron was slicing out her whole vagina! They were cutting out her cunt! Fucking hell, that was her sex organ, and she needed it to be a woman!

The sharp steel blade cut around the back of her cunt, and through the band of firm flesh between her cunt and her anus, then it moved with a sawing action over through her left groin. The ten-inch blade was thrust into her tender meat to its full length!

The deep cut across the top of her pubic mound completed the circumcision of her cunt, and Mary realized that the whole organ would come free when it was pulled out of her. In addition, she might also have her entire uterus and the attached ovaries removed.

That is exactly what happened. When the knife blade was withdrawn, the sadistic Matron thrust her hand into the loosened vagina and then she pulled. Hard. At first, it hurt Mary like hell, but when the female sex organ began to give, she felt relief as the detached fuck muscle was pulled free.

What Mary couldn’t see was what she knew had happened, that her uterus and ovaries came out with her detached cunt. The matron shared what she had done by moving around and displaying her bloody prize in front of Mary’s eyes. Mary had never seen a woman’s entire reproductive system.

Then she pressed the severed cunt over Mary’s nose, holding it firmly in place to suffocate the helpless disemboweled and de-cunted girl while her assistant, the orderly, pulled out his penis and urinated into the spasming milkmaid’s opened fully and eviscerated belly.

Now the knife was put to a new use, and Mary felt a sinking feeling, at last realizing with a sudden certainty that she was going to die here on the floor. They were intentionally killing her, and there wasn’t anybody around to stop them. This was fucking murder!

The orderly was now thrusting the knife into the base of her large right breast, right up against her ribs, and she was certain that the cruel asshole was going to slice the huge mammary right off her chest. Fucking hell, what would she look like without both of her magnificent breasts?

She was right. The fucker sliced her big breast right off her. He performed the same operation on her left breast, and now she was no longer attached to the floor, although both of her big breasts were still spiked firmly in place to the floor, like the huge milk bags they were.

Just before she fainted into unconsciousness Mary heard the door open. She opened her eyes in time to see it was Doctor Robins, who had been watching.

“We got a pretty good show out of her,” he said, “I had five cameras running, and I think it’s the best we could expect.”

“Why didn’t she work out?” the matron asked, “You said yourself that she looked like a good one.”

“Yes, but she turned out to be too emotional to maintain control, and she was too damned turned on sexually to be an effective sadist. She would have needed a hand free all the time to satisfy that fucking insatiable cunt of hers.”

As she passed out Mary’s last thought was of the relief she would get in death from the agonies of this insane session, and from the voracious lusting in her vulva. What she would never know was how things would truly end for her. She was now nothing but fucking toast.

In a few moments, her slashed and eviscerated carcass would be dropped down into the acid of the “fuck” vat. Nor would she know that for years to come video fans around the world would enjoy replaying the erotic snuff video of the beautiful young woman with the huge tits, shitting even as she was being gutted.


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