Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 27.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Snuff, Young Ones, Abuse

Synopsis: In the time of Zoda, the great Roman slaver, there were highly produced shows to entertain and divert the citizenry, featuring sharp steel swords and spears, knives and hacking swords, all designed to part the flesh of naked females, often very young. It was a time of destruction in their great arenas, where cunts were split open and bare bellies ripped, to cover the sands on the floor with blood and female gore. Ladies died to be in these shows and also died in them. The butchery of naked cunts was a tradition, and the tradition was maintained for generations. Everyone of note owned female slaves …

Meghensa’s Fall To Enslavement 1

Meghana’s father, a Master Slaver, had recognized his beautiful little girl’s value as personal property as early as her third birthday. She was an outstandingly attractive child and had been treated as special for as long as she could remember, with personal slaves and teachers to take care of her every need.

Her father was a wealthy slave merchant and could afford the luxuries she quickly came to expect. He had plans for this little girl once she reached the mature age of twelve, a year after she was able to conceive, that even excited her mother. She was an incredibly beautiful child, with finely chiseled features, naturally curly blonde hair, perfection of form and naturally graceful movement.

She also had natural athletic abilities and had been tutored in the Greek art of gymnastics, Arabic contortion art and Persian nude erotic dance from the age of three. She was an excellent student, and her years of training had produced the most provocative child imaginable, with a delightfully puffy little cuntlet she could make open at will.

Her father’s wish for her was that she become a valued concubine in the courts of Caesar. Her beauty and sexual charms were as outstanding as any of the girls in Caesar’s court, and by the age of eight, she could make any man’s penis rise and ejaculate from the moment he began watching her outstanding behavior.

He had sold only three perfect young girls to Caesar’s procurer, all at the age of twelve, and they had been the very best young girls he had ever managed to collect, of the thousands that went through his system. His beautiful and talented young daughter was the match for any of them, and he was confident she would be purchased.

Meg’s father knew that the slaves would likely live as long as a year in service to the penises of Caesar’s guests, and if lucky, Caesar himself, before being cleaned inside and out, and then impaled and roasted alive over an open fire, to be consumed at a special banquet for Caesar’s most special guests.

She would make a spectacular sight roasting on a spit. His plans for his daughter were about to be fulfilled. Her long glowing golden hair was combed daily and carefully braided by slaves each morning. She played in the open courtyard and the house naked, readily displayed to passersby and his guests as one of his most prized possessions.

Only his most honored guests were ever allowed to kiss her delicate sex organ, and only after she had passed the age of six, and none was given the pleasure of opening her sex flower. Her greatest value in his plans for her was her virginity. The Royal Princess’ cunt was protected as she grew in the lap of luxury.

Her father wanted his beautiful female child to become used to the most luxurious things available and had allowed her to be toilet trained with a teenage black IBS slave. That was the name given to his slaves assigned to perform immaculate body service by collecting human excrement directly from the source into their mouths and swallowing it.

She had one of these dedicated IBS slaves at her side constantly as she grew as a child, and since it was how her entire family did it, she knew of no other way to evacuate her waste. Like other girls being prepared as concubines, she had been trained to a high level in bladder and bowel control, able to produce her fluid and solid excrement into her ready slave’s mouth at will.

Her IBS slaves had brief careers, as most of them became ill within a few weeks, and required disposal. When that happened, the slave was sent for a short ride on a long cruise. It was a common form of luxury entertainment to have slaves who were no longer wanted and unsalable to be manacled, and then thrown into the water.

They were either dragged out to sea behind the ship, and then released, to slowly sink in a stream of bubbles, or became food for predator fish such as sharks. Sometimes the slave girls to be drowned were gutted alive first, and fed to large fish that followed the ship, waiting for such tasty succulent handouts.

It was a way of making the most of a female slave who was not long for this world by speeding her on her way. These highly entertaining killings also provided a welcome diversion for passengers weary of travel. There was nothing as interesting on a dreary cruise than to watch beautiful naked young females being disemboweled and fed alive to the big aquatic predators.

Because of his prominent position of wealth, Meg’s father always had a fresh and well-trained young slave ready to take the place of the one who became ill and was sent for disposal. Her father sometimes used a slave ready for disposal as a target for archery, the javelin or sword practice, but he ensured they always faced an excruciating death.

Meghensa quickly grew to love the feel of a young slave girl’s warm moist mouth over her little vagina, sucking desperately to stimulate her urine flow, or pressing against her rectum, with a demanding tongue thrusting, licking, probing and pulsing against her pretty little anus ring to encourage fresh evacuation.

For the first few years, her IBS slaves were adult women aged sixteen or older, or sometimes girls in their early teens, but as she grew and learned responsibility, her father gave her girls her age to service her bodily needs. It was good training in the arts of mastery to have control over the slaves assigned to her.

To teach her to provide them much-needed discipline, each birthday Meg was given a larger and more destructive whip to use in her fun with her slaves. They were subservient, as her father gave her only slaves who were perfectly trained, but it was important for her to get used to the enjoyment of bringing suffering to others.

Total dominance and harsh brutality to slaves were the Roman way, and even as her station in life radically changed, being in a position to meaningfully hurt others would bring her enjoyment throughout her life. She enjoyed using her whips, and gained remarkable skills with them, being able to raise welts or break skin on slaves whenever she pleased.

Meg had lived the first seven years of her life on a Greek island, which lay on major trading routes. Her father owned the small island, which provided excellent security for his business. He traded exclusively in female stock and had an enviable reputation as a slaver.

He had a first-class unit of guards, and in all the years of trading, he had lost less than a hundred of his captive cunts to raiding pirates. The isolated island was ideally suited to his business. It had a high rock outcropping on which he had built his fortified holding pens, and a natural harbor for loading cargo.

The trading ships that came, loaded with slaves or with empty holds, were always ready to carry away the high-class slaves he sold on the block. The island was a perfect place to keep and maintain the thousands of naked young female slaves he put up for auction monthly.

His speciality of trading in females only was not unique, but he had an exceptional eye for quality and carried only superior stock. He had an extensive training school for concubines, which was recognized to be one of the best in the world. His young slaves became the top performers in harems and seraglios in many nations.

He trained girls as young as three to be erotic sex dancers, and as young as six to become accomplished prostitutes. Graduates of his training program, including the very young, were reputed to be able to make a man ejaculate just by watching them, by the way, they walked, thrust their hips and displayed their naked genitals. His cunts were always the best, regardless of age.

All of the women of his home were kept naked, except for their fine leather sandals, and beautiful young Meg felt wonderful freedom with her constant nakedness. She had learned in his schools how to move most provocatively, and by the age of eight, she was able to get men’s penises erect just by watching her.

The trade and his reputation for quality slave stock had been so good that her father was able to move his family and his business back home to Rome. Meg was now a precocious twelve, and more beautiful than any other females in his possession. Her movements were more sexually stimulating than ever.

The beginnings of little breasts were starting to bud on her flat chest, and her pouty little vulva was bare, yet to require either shaving or waxing to maintain its bare presentation. In every respect, his child had a fine figure and perfect skin, which was rubbed every day with the finest of softening and moisturizing oils.

Her father was preparing her well to make him very wealthy when she and her three older sisters would become new young dance, erotic defecation and fuck concubines for Caesar. Her father had kept her intact until four months past her seventh birthday, at which time he sold her virginity, but she didn’t lose it.

The buyer was a visiting trader whose son had reached the age of fourteen, and he presented the child he had just purchased to the boy to demonstrate he was a capable man. His task was to take her virginity with his erection, with the inconvenience of having his wrists bound behind his back.

The group of guests were reclining on pillows as naked black slaves straddled them, their clean moist vaginas spread, kissing and streaking the men’s bare sides with their cunt-juices, as they fed them morsels of lamb and fish. This was a common way for slave women and girls to feed men.

A mattress was laid on the floor in the middle of the group, and little Meghensa was placed on her hands and knees, ready for the first time to be mounted. The young man removed his simple loincloth, displaying his ready penis, the size and length of a large man’s finger, standing at full erection.

He was not new to coitus, as he had been practicing the erotic art by fucking the six-year-old daughters of female slaves temporarily in his father’s possession. The lad knew his way into a female’s cunt. However, the girls he had fucked were already broken in. He had never taken a virgin.

The boy lowered himself to his knees between the spread feet of the young girl, his erection ready. She visibly quivered as he moved his hips forward until the head of his small erection found the crease of her buttocks. He continued to push the head of his organ in, and she dropped the small of her back, which caused her buttocks to spread, intending to admit him.

His penis found her rectum, and seeing the need to correct his course, he gradually dropped his hips so that his ready cock came in contact with the fold of Meg’s vagina. He made a small thrust, which gained him entrance to her little cunt’s vestibule. He could feel the restraint of her tight hymen, completely blocking his penis’s passage into her.

The boy startled his audience when, with a sudden thrust of his hips, his penis returned to her anus, bringing a sharp squeal from the pretty young girl he was raping. He was in but in the wrong hole. He was not interrupted. With that abrupt move, he had proven his manhood to himself by gaining entry. Now he had to prove it to his father and the observers.

He began a steady even thrusting of his hips, pressing his small penis into the child’s anus at its full length so that his cock was firmly in the grip of the Princess’s tight anal sphincter ring. She whimpered but began to move with him, matching his firm and controlling thrusts.

The boy was demonstrating to the adults that he was capable of mastering a female, but not where he could successfully seed the bitch, the entire purpose of fornication. Meghensa, the seven-year-old daughter of a wealthy slaver, knew exactly what was going on. The young girl was being publicly fucked up her ass by a novice stud and was starting to enjoy it.

The precocious child grinned as she increased her involvement with the rhythmic thrusting action. She could feel his penis getting firmer, becoming more demanding, and she gripped it firmly with the muscles of her anal ring, an organ designed to prevent the untimely evacuation of her solid offal.

Her tight little ass gripped the base of his sliding rod, squeezing it as much as she could, knowing she could not squeeze it hard enough to make him stop, which was fine, as she had no wish for him to do so. She could feel his pulsating penis throb and realized something different was about to happen.

The boy suddenly bellowed, and she felt a warm squirting deep inside her colon. The boy abruptly pulled out of her, and stood, thrusting his hips forward, his small erection pumping jets of semen into the air, proving to his father and the assembled diners his new level of maturity.

He was now a man and now could prove it. He was now an accomplished stud, a proficient girl-fucker, and believed he had just made his father proud of him. He didn’t notice the look of disdain on his father’s face. Ejaculation was not new to him, as he had often shot his goo into the cuntlets of the little slave girls he had so often fucked.

A week later Meg persuaded her father to give her a stud slave, and she selected a thirteen-year-old black boy whose penis was much longer and thicker than that of the boy who had taken her anal virginity. This boy was much more experienced, having fathered nearly a hundred infants.

He had earned this status by having become a successful sire at the age of ten, early for a boy of his upbringing. His seed was thick and abundant, and he had an exceptionally short recovery rate. His testicles were the size of eggs, and she loved the way his balls slapped her bare groin while she was being fucked.

Her father had cautioned the lad he would be castrated and then fed to lions if he ever used her cunt. He was required to use only her anus for entry and was given free rein to ass-fuck the girl as much as he liked, whether she was in the mood or not. The sole purpose was that she was to feel like a cunt.

The husky black lad was charged with making her nothing but that. Meghensa’s young enthusiastic stud entertained nightly by ass-fucking the girl as her father hosted guests for dinner. She loved coupling with a stud, and the use of her anus increased the interest she drew as she was publicly ass-raped.

As she grew, she used her educated anus to pump seed from the willing penises of both slave studs and her father’s willing guests. Her ability to extract copious volumes of semen into her colon was also extended to her mouth and throat. Her throat was only used with her father present, to ensure she wasn’t suffocated.

From the time she was an infant, Meg had been given lessons in the arts of love and dance, and she had become a remarkably lusty student. She continued her daily lessons in gymnastics, contortion and anal coitus, which were, like her erotic dancing, done in the nude, with every move designed to flash her cunt.

Her unusual ability to produce multiple firm turds of her shit on demand was also an asset as an erotic entertainer. These additional arts were required of the best dancers, who were under constant demand to find new ways to generate erotic stimulation for their insatiable audience.

Meg excelled with their rhythmic posturing and performance of grossly obscene acts. She could make a man’s penis rise with her licentious dance movements and prodigious body waste production before she turned five, and by the time she was eight men would ejaculate upon seeing her perform.

This was a unique gift that made her even more valuable. Her father often gave her the chance to demonstrate her skills when he was entertaining wealthy slave buyers. He had turned down many offers for her, although he had once taken the opportunity to earn a sack of gold from a slaver who bought the chance to severely whip her at the tender age of six.

She was a family prize, and with every day of maturing, the beautiful young creature’s worth rose. The scars from that brutal whipping had disappeared within six weeks, and she had not been whipped so viciously since. It was a punishment she anticipated would ruin her, and its memory kept the girl in line.

For the past five years, Meg’s father had taken to gambling and had slowly begun to lose his standing in the community because of his sizable losses, which diminished his fortune. Just a week after her twelfth birthday, little Meghensa’s father came home in the middle of the night with a stranger.

They entered the house quietly so that they would not disturb the slaves, or awaken Meg’s mother. They went directly to Meg’s room, entered, and softly awakened her. Her father stood her up on her bed, and they examined her nude form with the light of a single candle. It proved to be enough.

As she stood naked before the stranger, the man fondled her, pressed her slender thighs apart, and slid his finger into her little fold to ensure she remained a virgin. He was not disappointed, as he easily found the intact hymen blocking the entrance to her as yet unused fuck shaft.

Her father had promised she could milk a penis dry with her rectum. It was rare that girls grew to this age in Rome with their virginity intact. Her skill with squeezing firmly her anus on a flesh shaft made her a prize worth winning. The man’s servant bundled Meg and her pretty little black IBS slave in the sheets of her bed and tucked one girl under each arm.

They left as quietly as they had arrived. Her father had wagered his prized daughter and had lost. Now he had made good on his debt, and his precious little daughter Meghensa went the way of many females of wealthy families. She was now relegated to live the extremely dangerous life of a slave.


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