Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: LUCIFER’S PORKIES 7

Published: 26.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Drugs, Abuse, Transformation, Young Ones

Synopsis: Little girls in farms near a rural town discovered that a special pig food, designed to speed up their growth and early slaughter, tasted like candy, and was addictive. It had never been tested on humans, but the results on young females were, to say the least, astonishing. Little girls grew muscles as if they had been working out regularly, and more impressive, they grew large breasts. Another effect was that the pig’s food made their bodies mature quickly, and they became fertile and ready for insemination. They were human piggies. Lucifer had triggered the program and was in His glory with the results. Daughters were of little use on a farm, but unfortunately, far more girls than boys were born in this part of the county, and they were known to be expendable. That led a group of farmers to organize a new sport for the area, a late-night butchering of the amazingly matured little girls. It proved to be more popular than they could have imagined. Lucifer reveled!

Lucifer’s Porkies 7

And so on it went, eager butchering of the naked little bitches for the pleasure of the audience, made up of not only townsfolk and other farmers and their wives, but people who had traveled from across the State and further to witness the production of tender human meat in the show of cuntlet butchery.

These little girls had brought this on themselves, by greedily eating the pig growth food that had never been tested on humans. Now it had, and they were the result, with muscles in places most girls didn’t have places, and the growth of premature breasts at their tender age.

Satin was in His glory! The people of the town and ranchers from the district were gathered to gleefully watch the butchering of little girls who had been fed the pig growth food to greatly enhance the naked prematurely matured bodies of their little girls. The child riding the Dark Angel’s penis felt a burst of flame as he leaked his cum.

This was not a full ejaculation but was enough to cook her uterus inside her. Riding the Devil’s raging cock was the riskiest way to experience sex, as sometimes as many as a dozen nude little girls were discovered each day, and even his liquid semen would flood their ovaries to the bursting point and beyond.

Too often, in His common throes of passion, He would instead spurt fire into them, ejaculating like a fire canon. Little girls, always virgins, were his favorite fuck, and Lucifer was an eager fucker of any little cuntlet he could get His enormous cock into, often splitting the little darlings’ immature sex organs open just by insertion.

A full burst of flame was sufficient to turn her entire carcass into black carbon. At least twice a week Lucifer would become so highly sexually engaged, he would ejaculate with a powerful burst of flame into whichever naked little girl he was fucking, and roast her entirely, burning all of her tender meat.

This was how the Prince of Darkness found his sexual satisfaction, regularly proving it was not always fun for a naked, sexy little girl to engage in adult sex, getting their little cunts reamed by a rigid cock, if they discovered they were being fucked by the Devil.

His Unholiness had demonstrated once again that He was in charge of matters about the capture of the souls of people who bent to His wishes, creating bloody and gory chaos in the world He commanded. Every person who bought into the unholy butchery was a new soul for His turf.

Hank felt a sudden thrill as he looked at the inverted naked little girls hanging by an ankle, and at the woman who had climbed onto the stage. Her huge breasts swelled out, and an erect nipple found its way free from the garment not satisfactorily covering her expansive breasts.

His penis jerked to fresh attention as he observed the stimulating scene, and grabbing it near the base, he began jerking on it with new passion. His testicles responded, and he began a new round of ejaculation, spurting his semen high in the air for everyone in the improvised theater to enjoy.

The large blade of the butcher knife in his hand gleamed as he thrust it upward, driving it up into the adult bitch’s cunt, right through the candy it contained, so that the hilt and his fist smacked into her fudge-slicked bare pussy. The damage inside was devastating, as the sharp steel slit her cervix.

The tip of the blade ran through her uterus, emerging in the pack of the startled and screaming lady’s guts. With that impulsive move, Hank had promoted Ramona from butcher to butchered. He released his grip on his cock to use both hands on the handle of the knife, and with an impressive heave, ripped it up through her dress and belly.

Ramona dropped to her knees, and the impact of them hitting the floor jerked her internal pack of viscera out, dumping it through the rent in her dress to form a gleaming heap of her guts in front of her. Hank grabbed her hair, and pulling her head back to reveal her throat, slashed the blade across it, decapitating her.

When he turned toward her, Sue braced herself, inadvertently presenting her cunt to his blade. It flashed, and he thrust it deep into her pussy, as he had done to Ramona. Her eyes bulged in disbelief. Her scream was stuck in her throat as he again ripped the blade upward, opening her belly to reveal her guts.

Like Ramona, she dropped to her knees, and with the jolt of hitting the floor, her bowels also tumbled out, leaving two heaps of lady guts messing the floor. The crowd cheered and called for her head to roll.

“Not too quick, now,” he said, and walking behind her, put a boot into the crack of her ass, the toe of his boot striking her distended anus ring.

Cal moved behind the final little girl on the stage not bound, and lifted her to thrust her cuntlet down onto his erection. Fucking her with passion, Cunnie’s father drove his thumbs into the naked child’s throat. He used enough force to break her trachea and then grasped her hips to fuck her violently as she strangled to death from the damage to her throat.

Chuck had gone out to his truck, and he returned with his rifle. He stood in the audience, visible to everyone, and leveled the long gun barrel pointing toward his granddaughter Cunnie. Raising the gun to aim, he put a bullet into her lower belly, causing the little girl, suspended by one ankle, to buck.

The shot rang loud throughout the converted barn, and the people cheered when they saw what the grandfather had done.

“Keep the fuckin’ bullets flyin’!” shouted a man in the rear, and Chuck put another bullet through her free-kicking leg.

“Great shot, Chuck baby, let’s end the little cunt’s life with the barrel thrust into her fuckin’ cunt! Shoot her in the guts!”

Chuck grinned. This crowd was getting into it with him. He put a third bullet through her shoulder, getting the kid screaming at the top of her lungs, and thrashing her three limbs as much as she could. This was starting to get interesting, and to even things out, placed another shot into the thigh she hung from.

He then turned his attention to the child’s naked and gutted mom, Sue, his daughter-in-law, who was kneeling over the pile of her spilt intestines. He pointed the gun at her, and as she screamed, he put a bullet into her open mouth, which ripped a trench through her tongue and blew out the top end of her spine.

She flopped down over her pile of guts. Ramona’s head lay on the floor where it had fallen, on its side, the eyes staring blankly at Chuck. He put a slug between her eyes, that caused the severed head to spin across the rough planks of the stage. He knew better than to waste bullets on a carcass.

He then climbed up onto the stage. He pressed his gun barrel against the outside of Cunnie’s large new breast and pulled the trigger. The bullet ran through the breast and then through the other, making the big flesh melons smack together. The exit wound on her other side was more than five inches across.

Standing up, he thrust the barrel down into her well-used cunt, a little sex organ the dogs, his son Cal and he had so often used for his enjoyment. Ramming the barrel downward, the end of it penetrated her little cervix, entering her uterus. The audience went wild. This was going to be good!

Cal suddenly jerked the gun out of his granddaughter’s cunt. He would give her the honor of going last.

“Let’s rehearse, to make sure we get it right!” he shouted to the crowd.

They cheered again. He lunged the barrel into the cuntlet of the other girl hanging by one ankle, and with a series of pounding thrusts, drove it through her cervix and into her immature uterus. This naked little piggie was seven and had the most remarkable set of full tits on her.

By moving the gun around, he got the naked piggie screaming, and at the peak of her shrieks, pulled the trigger. The shot ballooned her belly, ripped through her twisted torso, and emerged in a spray of blood and kiddie gore through her shoulder. Adjusting the weapon’s angle, he put a second slug into her that emerged through the other shoulder. That one had gone through her heart, ending her short but interesting life.

Jerking his weapon out of the small suspended carcass, Chuck again thrust the now bloody barrel back into Cunnie’s vagina and again jammed it downward into her uterus. It was in far enough that it would remain standing upright when he released his hold on it, now necessary only to pull the trigger.

“Do you think we could manage a headshot from this angle?” he asked, not needing an answer.

“YEAASS!!” the crowd of butchery enthusiasts shouted.

Without hesitation, Chuck grasped the gun’s grip, got his finger into the guard against the trigger, moved the gun’s angle until he was satisfied, and squeezed the trigger.

The shot did exactly as he had predicted. The bullet ripped through the naked and ankle-suspended Cunnie’s pig-food-enhanced torso, blasted past her liver and kidneys, ripped up through her diaphragm between her lungs, entered her neck, and raged up through her throat into her head, blowing a five-inch hole in the top of her skull, as the swollen lead and a batch of her brains and blood spewed onto the floor.

“Come to Satan,” Lucifer shouted, and as he did, unable to control his passion, ejaculated a blast of fire into the body of the naked little girl riding his enormous cock.

The force of the flaming discharge blew her off him.

“It all works out in the end,” he said quietly to himself, stroking his erection with Devilish satisfaction.


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