Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: LUCIFER’S PORKIES 3

Published: 21.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Drugs, Abuse, Transformation, Young Ones

Synopsis: Little girls in farms near a rural town discovered that a special pig food, designed to speed up their growth and early slaughter, tasted like candy, and was addictive. It had never been tested on humans, but the results on young females were, to say the least, astonishing. Little girls grew muscles as if they had been working out regularly, and more impressive, they grew large breasts. Another effect was that the pig’s food made their bodies mature quickly, and they became fertile and ready for insemination. They were human piggies. Lucifer had triggered the program and was in His glory with the results. Daughters were of little use on a farm, but unfortunately, far more girls than boys were born in this part of the county, and they were known to be expendable. That led a group of farmers to organize a new sport for the area, a late-night butchering of the amazingly matured little girls. It proved to be more popular than they could have imagined. Lucifer reveled!

Lucifer’s Porkies 3

“There’s gotta be lotsa guys would love to witness us slaughterin’ and butcherin’ ‘em too! Cal added” He pulled his penis out just in time to ejaculate from the excitement of what he envisioned. “wouldn’t it be amazin’, hangin’ ‘em up by their fuckin’ heels, gettin’ a blade inta their bellies an’ rippen’ an’ guttin’ the fuckin’ little bitches, their gapin’ little cunts on fuckin’ show?”

“Shit ya!” Cal said, “I knows a guy that rounds up kids to sell to women that runs brothels, kids that them Madam cunts rents to their clients that are kiddie fuckers! There’s lotsa dudes around that likes that, ya know, an’ I’m damned sure he’d be great at supplyin’ us with as many pretty, sexy little girls as we fuckin’ needed!“

“An’ we all got ourselves young daughters at home too, added the second man. I’ll bet that fuckin’ growth feed for pigs that made your girls this way so fuckin’ fast would also make them be able to get theirselves pregnant an’ produce their own little piggies just as fuckin’ fast! With development like this, these kiddies of yours gotta be as fertile as fuckin’ sows!”

“Holy shit, I’ll bet you’re right,” proclaimed the third, “we could set up a whole fuckin’ breedin’ operation, an’ seed the girls as the fuckin’ studs everyone knows we all are! Wouldn’t that be a hoot! I’s got me a good camera an’ lights an’ shit, so we could make our own porno shots an’ videos of little kiddies with huge titties to sell, doin’ it all ourselves.”

“We could fuckin’ get it done without havin’ ta make other guys rich,” Cal added.

“Like I’m not inta child sex, kiddie fuckin’ or nothin’ like that,” said the first guy, “Although I allus makes an exception fer yer fuckin’ sexy kids, I loves ta pork ‘em an’ shit, Cal, but for a handsome profit I’d be happy to get myself inta it, porkin’ little human porkies with a camera rollin’ an’ folks watchin!”

He laughed at his joke, and the others joined him.

And that was precisely what the men did, moved in the direction they were taken by the invisible hand of Lucifer. To start with, they pulled the snarling hounds off the physically distorted and enhanced little girls and shot them. Dead dogs didn’t bite.

“Fuckin’ hounds!” Cal said, “I shoulda fuckin’ got rid of ‘em long ago, tryin’ to do a man’s work!”

The men then took turns getting their pricks out, pumping them to firmness with their fists, and then mounting the naked kids as the dogs had done, from behind, driving their raging cocks deep into their cunts so that they could grasp their new huge tits in their squeezing fists, bringing screams from both naked little beefed-up girls, which were pleasurable to the men if not to the children.

The uterus on each child was amply flooded with semen, and the men’s sperm swam through the so-recently matured female gonads into their ovaries and immediately found newly produced tiny eggs to fertilize. Their seed met with huge success, instantly impregnating both of Cal’s shapely little girls. Cunnie’s and Pipi’s days of dog fucking were over, as the men had more productive plans for them.

Two of the ranchers who had seen the effects the pig growth food had on the two little girls, each took a small pail of it with them when they left, as they both had young girls at home, that they kept naked. They knew only boys were useful on a ranch, and were quite happy to try the special feed on their girls to see for themselves what it could achieve on useless little cunts.

Cal took the naked little Pipi and Cunnie into the pig barn and fed them more of the feed, to see how much it would continue to affect them. He wondered if their already large tits could get any bigger. He was delighted to see how well things were going, and for once he saw there might be some monetary value in his otherwise useless little cunts.

If his buddies were happy to fuck them, he might make for himself some money by renting them out to the Madam cunt who owned the town’s whorehouse. He thought, while he was at it, it might be interesting to get the Madam to eat some of the feed as well, to see what it did to grow her big tits and see how sexy she looked.

Cal reasoned that if it made such radical changes to his daughters in just one day, what changes to the brothel owner might he expect if she ate it for maybe a week? The idea was intriguing, and he took an extra bag full of the stuff with him when he took his daughters into town. It couldn’t hurt none to check.

Wouldn’t it be something, he thought, to see how much the pig food would add to the shapeliness of an adult woman who already had a voluptuous figure? He couldn’t wait to see how much it added to her already full bosom, and that amazing ass he loved to see wag so sexily when she walked away from him down the fuckin’ street.

He had thought at first that he might have to take the girls into town naked, because, with their radical re-shaping, they’d never get into the town clothes they had, but then realized he could get them into some of Sue’s clothes since she was always buying new outfits, and would likely be willing to put some of them to such good use.


Cal’s dad Chuck went with him into town when he took the girls, and they arrived at the brothel at two in the afternoon. He told the Madam he would leave the girls at little cost, for her to rent them out to any kiddie fuckers that dropped in, knowing most men would be happy to give up their right nut to take a turn putting the blocks to his radically altered little daughters.

He told the brothel owner he would be at the tavern, leaving them with her for the afternoon and evening, and would pick the girls up at 1:30 that night. He told her all he wanted was $100 each for her to use them as young whores. He figured she’d be able to bring in an extra couple of thousand dollars from their use and abuse.

The Madam’s customers were a rough crowd and liked to beat bitches before, during and after a round of fucking them. Because of that, most of her girls only fucked a couple of times a week, which was why she had such a large inventory of young cunts. The fucking all took place in private rooms, so nobody shouldn’t get to see the action.

Most of her girls were in their early teens, youngsters who had dropped out of school, preferring the easy life of fucking for a living. The Madam held auditions and sold tickets to her downstairs mini-theater, where a dozen men could watch the young girls stripping and spreading their legs to entertain men who got to fuck them for half price, simply on account they were required to do it in public.

He showed her the special pellets his girls ate that he believed gave them the peculiar growth and suggested she try some because it tasted very good. The Madam was quite interested and took several pieces to taste before the men left. They were certain the cunt would eat the whole bag full long before they returned, and they were curious to see if there would be an immediate effect.

A couple of his buddies met Cal and Chuck at the tavern, and they settled in to enjoy the informal activity that made small-town taverns such a pleasure to visit. For example, as soon as they arrived, a fifteen-year-old teen girl got her jeans off and straddled a young cowboy, pulling his penis out and riding it when his girlfriend left to go to the toilet, needing to piss.

The raunchy teen was at the peak of her orgasm when the girlfriend arrived back, and things turned interesting fast. The girlfriend, in her late teens, came up behind the younger teen who was far too into her ride on the boyfriend’s cock to be aware. The boyfriend’s view was blocked, and his legs were wide apart.

What the girlfriend saw was the younger teen’s ass and their organs in the union, his balls flopping below her stuffed cunt. She kicked violently up between the legs of the two, catching the younger girl’s cunt and her boyfriend’s rutting penis and testicles at the same time. The result was spectacular.

The boyfriend bolted up, and leaning far forward in agony, fell forward, his full weight coming down on the girl who was riding him as she crashed to the floor on her back. The young cunt hit her head hard on the floor, giving herself a concussion. She passed out for a few seconds but was revived by what came next.

The girlfriend repositioned herself to be above them and began kicking her boyfriend and the younger teen in the head, breaking the girl’s nose, bruising her cheek and blackening her boyfriend’s eyes. Two bouncers grabbed the boyfriend, pulled him out of his union with the girl, and hauled him to the door, then kicked him out into the street, his shrinking penis leaking semen.

They took the two teen girls up to the bar and the bartender poured them both whiskies. Maybe with a shot or two inside them, they could get lucky and the cunts might get into a fight. That was what regularly happened at this bar, and it could become very interesting. As they drank the free booze, a woman in her twenties removed her clothes and climbed up onto the bar.

Customers took turns hooking up with her, pulling out their stiff pricks and mounting the naked bitch, engaging in a public fuck at $2 each. Chuck and Cal both took turns riding her, wet-decking the nude teen’s cum-filled cunt, and then returned to their table to sit back and enjoy watching others mount and fuck the naked young cunt.

The two teens who had fought earlier got into an argument about the ejected boyfriend, arguing about what kind of fuck he gave, and they got at it again, this time more intentionally, ripping each other’s clothes off until both were naked, and they began a scratching, punching, hair pulling and wrestling match that held the attention of the patrons.

The two teenage waitresses, who wore only blouses open in front and spike heels so that their breasts, bellies and cunts were fully displayed, kept the liquor flowing, taking tips tucked into their openly displayed cunts. Chuck and Cal made a point of getting a finger up into them as well and did what they could to scratch the membrane inside their cunts to make them scream.

Most men did that. For the two young girls, it was just part of the job. Most of the men were regulars, and their disrespect for the girls was expected, and they kept smiling as the men scratched the tender flesh inside their bill-stuffed vaginas. The tips were usually dollar bills, but some of the guys just left change, which sometimes slipped out to rattle on the floor.

The teen girls fighting finally got radically serious and got a fist up each other’s cunt. The fight turned into a raucous uterus punching match, with their fists driven into the other girl’s foaming pussy more than halfway up her forearm. As they painfully punched each other’s inner gonads, they intentionally forced each other to expel a log of their shit, which the audience appreciated.


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