This Is What Lilith Looks Like by Lycan Rex

Writer: Lycan Rex / From an Unkown Author

Subject: This Is What Lilith Looks Like

Link: MEWE / 17.09.2024

This Is What Lilith Looks Like

Given that she has no physical form, what appearance she takes is generally up to the person working/speaking with her. There’s no set “this is what Lilith looks like” image of her. Now, an interesting bit of information: in Mark William’s book “Embracing Lilith”, he describes the following:

“Lilith will appear to you in several guises based on what you need and what you expect. Usually, her hair is red or black with bright green eyes.”

I’ve seen that first hand with a friend of mine and I introduced her to Lilith via pathworking. My friend is a painter and painted what she saw, which included Lilith having long flowing black hair, dark grey skin and vibrant green eyes. I didn’t make the connection until I re-read the book several weeks after she had made the painting.

Concern yourself less with her appearance and what it is you seek to gain by working with her. You concern yourself with what image to meditate on, focus on the idea of Lilith, what she represents as a mediation point. In time, you’ll find an image on your own or through her directly, of what works for you.

We humans tend to take too much interest in a spirit’s appearance and my experience, she’s found that rather amusing. As an aside, I recently did some past life regression work and found her in one of my regressions where I was in the life between lives (afterlife) asking her to work with me in this life. I saw her in a form without any biological connotations.

More like interwoven, constantly moving ribbons (it’s hard to explain). The first time I saw her, she was more similar in appearance to a black shadow and smoke with long, billowing hair, but it was her energy that made me realize it was her, not her appearance.

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