Godmother by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Godmother

Link: MEWE / 17.09.2024


There are many names or terms for assisting someone in transition. For me when a male knows they are her, then I mentor them and refer to them as goddaughter. I know you may be asking if that makes me a godmother. It does, one doesn’t even need to believe in the biblical god to become one. It may be better to renounce the trinity to be effective.

All one needs to understand is that the Divine Creator is Female. That’s why it’s so important to support anyone transitioning. I know that I must show support and it may be more about encouraging her to explore different clothing, bikinis, skirts, lingerie, hairstyles, makeup or activities to confirm her sexuality without judgment or negativity.

Don’t underestimate the power of words, even if what you’re saying seems obvious. Assuring your goddaughter, no matter her age, that they have your unconditional love and support. This can go a long way.

Let them know how proud you are every time they explore a new desire, and keep showering them with your love and support them in loving others. They need this because being transgender comes with people trying to tear you down, so they need all that loving to lift them back up.

While your first instinct might be to say that there’s no judgment from you or that you don’t care either way, try a positive demonstration, rather than a neutral, response.

Have zero tolerance for disrespect or negative comments regarding your new goddaughter. You might not be able to change peoples’ opinions, but you can set expectations for how people are to behave around her and speak to or about, your goddaughter.

If people in your life have questions that you don’t know how to answer, simply say I don’t have all the answers, but I know my goddaughter is happier. Treat my goddaughter with the respect that you would want me to treat your family. You don’t have to understand or even approve, but it’s not about you approving it’s about honoring Lilith and her essence within the new goddaughter. Salvete Lamia.


Godmothers and goddaughters. I love them all. Their sweet young bodies and delicious cocks. So beautiful. Above is one of my favs … EmilyTSBunnies from Reddit. She’s so fucking hot, she’s off the chart (well, for me).

In the vain of my shameless self-promotion — this is a story I wrote in a couple of chapters. I re-read this last night, and it reminded me of my deep love of satanism, the occult, transgendered lovers, incest, and my many paraphilias… the story is called “Temperance 1 & 2” where the protagonist (loosely disguising myself) gets involved with an incestuous mother and her transgendered son … how I wish it to be true … but it’s fiction. Let me know if you enjoy it …

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