Girls Who Masturbate by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Girls Who Masturbate

Link: MEWE / 17.09.2024

Girls Who Masturbate

Recently I came across a perfect example of the Abrahamic faith’s view of feminine issues. Please see below, for why the world and humanity remain so screwed up.

“The clit is not meant for self-pleasure. It is meant for creating a child, you morons. Do you know why you feel like garbage after you masturbate? It is because your clit is sending bad chemicals to your brain. By touching yourself you are killing your body. The clit is the Devil’s doorbell and if you keep pressing it, soon enough he will answer it. “

First, let me say Jesus Fucking Christ! Ever since I was a little one I have been ringing that doorbell three to ten times a day for over thirty years! Should I have it checked out because no one is answering my door?

Bad chemicals, never experienced anything like those, only euphoria and a rush of endorphins. As far as killing myself, I’d have to say I was designed and created in the image of The Divine Creator, a master class whore, Lilith herself. The clit is there for only two purposes, and that is to deliver pleasure and for use.

Salvete Lamia and flick those beans ladies!


WTF … I cannot believe these ridiculously out-of-touch (literally) Christians. I was reading only the other day about a woman in Alabama whose baby died inside of her during pregnancy, and for some kind of fucked up religious reason, they did not assist her, and she also died. The photo that accompanies this story on Reddit is that of her tombstone.

But, I digress — thanks for this, Hoku. Though I don’t possess an actual clitoris, I can only imagine the pleasure a woman would get from stroking it. On Reddit, I recently joined a group that adores big clits. I was amazed at how big some clits can be. I mean, bigger than my cock. Not that that is too difficult, as my cock is very small and insignificant. Haha.

In my last story, “The Chariot”, there is a character called “Sister Elise” AKA “Eliza” — a self-professed high priestess of Satan who transforms into a demonic creature with an enormous, horse-cock sized clitoris. How wonderful that would be. Check it out and let me know what you think …

Hint — I may be working on some new chapters to continue the misadventures of Durtal and Hyacinthe in “Chariot 2” …

2 thoughts on “Girls Who Masturbate by Hoku Lani”

  1. Hail the Beautiful Scribe of Lilith
    Hoku Lani

    If more listened to you words

    The world would be a much happier place

  2. I am in favor of girls with cocks, or clits as large as horse cock. To masturbate is demonstrate superiority over Christian’s so masturbate often and anyplace you desire

    Reddit is a marvelous place to enjoy such gifts..

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