Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: LUCIFER’S PORKIES 2

Published: 18.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Drugs, Abuse, Transformation, Young Ones

Synopsis: Little girls in farms near a rural town discovered that a special pig food, designed to speed up their growth and early slaughter, tasted like candy, and was addictive. It had never been tested on humans, but the results on young females were, to say the least, astonishing. Little girls grew muscles as if they had been working out regularly, and more impressive, they grew large breasts. Another effect was that the pig’s food made their bodies mature quickly, and they became fertile and ready for insemination. They were human piggies. Lucifer had triggered the program, and was in His glory with the results. Daughters were of little use on a farm, but unfortunately, far more girls than boys were born in this part of the county, and they were known to be expendable. That led a group of farmers to organize a new sport for the area, a late-night butchering of the amazingly matured little girls. It proved to be more popular than they could have imagined. Lucifer reveled!

Lucifer’s Porkies 2

“What the fuck’s makin’ this salesman dude so horny?” Cal wondered, “When all there is around here that might get a guy’s pecker up is these naked fuckin’ kids. Maybe it’s them that’s got this prick so fuckin’ aroused.”

“You think you might be interested in havin’ yerself a quick friendly fuck with my daughters?” he asked.

“That’d be sweet,” was the response, “I’d like nothin’ more than to slide my prick into the moist, warm cunts of your naked little beauties, but the truth is, I got to get back to my fuckin’ sales calls. Thanks for the offer, and I might take you up on fuckin’ the two of them when I gets back here sometime. Maybe your wife would like some too!”

“The cunt might,” Cal said as they left the building, “Most guys what visits here gets their pricks inta my kids, they’s young enough it’s what ya could call safe sex, cause they’s too young ta grow theirselves big fuckin’ bellies. It seems guys what visits this here farm enjoys fuckin’ them girls as much as me an’ the dogs do! Anyhow, thanks for them generous samples of feed.”

The girls followed them out. Turning toward his truck, the salesman took the opportunity to bring his hand down to the back of Pipi’s bare bum, and reaching through, he inserted his middle finger deep into the child’s cuntlet he had so recently raped.

Lucifer smiled. This was proceeding nicely.

The salesman drove off, and their dad left the pig barn to get his backhoe because there was a drainage trench to dig, to get rid of all the piss and shit the pigs produced. The naked little girls were now left alone with the pigs. They remembered the salesman said the new food he had brought tasted something like candy, and because nobody was watching, they each took a piece to see if it did.

Cunnie and Pipi each took a tentative bite of their pig food pellet, crunching it with their teeth, smiled at what they tasted, and then immediately grabbed a handful and stuffed it into their open mouths. They found it crunchy and sweet, tasting a bit like their favorite candy with a raspberry flavor.

Both began to chew and as they reduced the crunchy material, swallowed. This stuff was good. They grinned at each other, and each took another handful. It was free candy for the taking! They enjoyed the feel of it as it crumbled between their teeth, and its sweetness in their saliva ran over their tongues to their taste buds.

Swirling it around made it enhance the delicious candy taste. It made them feel good and relaxed. They continued enjoying it throughout the day. They slept in the barn on straw by the pigs that night and woke a couple of times to pee, get fucked by the dogs, and eat some more of that tasty pig growth food that tasted so good.

They both slept soundly, while something strange was happening to them. When they awoke in the morning, they were startled to see they were both rapidly growing their breasts. They’d thought that took years. Before leaving the pig barn they heard their dad driving the backhoe on the other side of the barn.

They each grabbed a fist full of the sweet-tasting growth food, chewing and swallowing it as they went into the house to make some toast for breakfast, and then went out to the cow barn and went into his favorite stall to be ready for their morning fuck from their dad. Lucifer’s plan was unfolding perfectly.

Their dad was busy behind the barn with the backhoe, digging a new trench, but it wasn’t too long before they heard the backhoe’s engine stop and within moments their dad came in, his erect cock already out, being pumped to firmness so it was ready to service his young naked daughters.

Cal was a real man-stud, and never one to miss any opportunity to masturbate his raging penis inside his cute little daughters’ cunts. They were always receptive, and recently lubricated by a fucking from the hounds, which also engorged their cunts to make them more receptive to a good fucking by their rutting father.

He was surprised to see the girls had suddenly physically advanced. They had both sprung a set of breasts, small but far more than they’d had the day before. ‘What the fuck?’ he thought. There wasn’t much that Cal couldn’t account for, but this was one of those things. Little girls didn’t sprout titties overnight.

He’d have to check with his buddies in town at the tavern to see if any of them had any idea about what the fuck might have happened to them. His naked kids were startin’ ta look quite a bit like they was real fuckin’ wimen. He’d never heard of anything like that but was sure some of his smart town buddies would know.

Cal started, as usual, with Pipi, mounting her as usual from behind, and immediately his penis told him her little cuntlet had somehow changed. It seemed to be more mature, and it gave him a squeeze his cock was not used to from such an immature little cunt. As a little girl, her cunt was too shallow to take in his entire shaft.

He found that the action of her external organ as he fucked her was much more sexually stimulating than he had previously experienced. Something had changed. When he was close to cumming he withdrew, having spilt only a couple of spurts into his younger daughter. He immediately thrust his raging erection into Cunnie and found her cunt was also more gripping.

The eight-year-old had been fucked enough that she was able to engage his entire penis. He came with unexpected passion soon after he started to move in and out of her cock-gripping cunt. His cum-spurting hole at the end of his prick shot semen deep into her cervix, flooding the kid’s little ovaries. This was fuckin’ amazing!

After he had properly seeded his naked eight-year-old daughter Cunnie, Cal mounted Pipi again to give her the remainder of his seed, then promptly jumped into his Chevy pickup and headed off on the twelve-mile drive to town, to tell a couple of his close friends about the strange mystery about what had happened to his daughters, growin’ theirselves titties, muscles an’ shit like that.

As soon as they heard the truck leave, the girls moved onto their sides and assumed the sixty-nine position, then got busy cleaning dad’s semen from each other’s evolving cuntlets with their tongues. When the girls had thoroughly cleaned each other’s vulvas, inside and out, they got up, and went straight for the opened bag of pig growth food.

They stuffed a handful of the addictive stuff into their mouths. They then went out into the yard for the regular morning ritual and got down on their hands and knees to allow the two farm dogs to mount them. Dog semen didn’t taste quite the same as their dad’s fresh cum or that horny salesman’s, but it wasn’t bad.

It tasted quite a bit different even when they got it by sucking it directly from the dog’s extended cock while jacking him off with their little fists, but it still tasted pretty good out of her sister’s cunt, when there wasn’t another source. Until they tasted that delicious pig growth food, the regular doses of fresh semen had been their favorite food.

When the dogs dismounted, and their cunts had been eaten clean of cum, they grabbed another fistful of the piggy growth food, stuffed it onto their mouths, and then moved onto a hay pile and made spots to curl up where they could catch some sleep, tired from their morning activities. After all, getting a power fuck from their dad and then taking another from the horny farm dogs required a lot of energy that needed to be restored.


They slept soundly right through until mid-afternoon. When at last they awoke, the naked young girls both squatted over the urine drainage trench to pee, and as they did so saw each other, and were startled at the additional changes to their young bodies that had taken place in just a few hours.

Both of the young naked girls now sported a pair of large breasts, distended nipples and firm muscular bodies much more mature than they had when they were fucked by their father and the dogs this morning. What was the fuck was making this happen to them? Was it the way they slept?

They heard their father’s Chevy truck pull into the yard, but it was not alone. Three other pickups were right behind his. He had brought friends to see the strange phenomenon. The bare naked and now highly developed young girls came out of the pig barn, again chewing the feed they found addictive, as the men got out of the trucks.

The four men stopped in their tracks, astounded when they saw what had happened to the bodies of the nude little girls. Other than their faces, they appeared to be muscle builders in their teens, except for their diminutive height and large oversized breasts, which you would never see on girls of six and eight years.

Their pubic mounds were also enlarged, and their cunts stood open, the inner lips of their reddened labia well extended. They often looked like this from the regular fucking they engaged in, but this was special. They looked invitingly fuckable. The hounds were also excited by what they saw. The big dogs bounced their paws onto the girls’ upper backs, forcing them onto their hands and knees.

They then promptly mounted them, thrusting their shafts deep into the children’s ready cunts, to the amusement of the four men. The large farm dogs and farmer Cal’s two naked daughters put on a show for the men they were not expecting. The naked little girls with their new big tits squealed and screamed with joy as the copulating farm hounds ejaculated into them.

“What the fuck happened to your fucking little girls?” one of the men asked, dumbfounded at the change in them he saw. He had been by just a couple of weeks before and had seen the naked girls playing bitches to the dogs, had chased the dogs away and taken a fuck of each of them at the time, but back then they had looked like normal little girls. The changes he saw now were astounding.

“I don’t got no clue,” Cal said, “They was just normal kids yesterday when this here salesman come by sellin’ pig growth food. He said it tasted like candy, an’ told them kids not ta touch it. Ya know, now that I thinks of it, I’m guessin’ the fuckin’ little cunts got into it, an’ it’s what’s changed them like this.”

“Holy fuck,” another said, “These kids has turned theirselves into human fuckin’ pigs! Look at them sexy fuckin’ bodies on ‘em, an’ them huge fuckin’ tits! Could you imagine if we started raisin’ us a bunch of little girls that way? We could easily make ‘em into a herd of fuckin’ human porkies, great for fuckin’, for shootin’ ourselves some raw sexy porno, an’ maybe perhaps even for butcherin’ an’ fuckin’ eatin! I loves pig meat, and would love to taste me some proper cooked little girlie!”

“Fuckin’ crazy,” the fourth chimed in. “If we was able to get us a good supply of little girls, which everybody knows ain’t worth shit anyways, we could build us a herd, an’ market ‘em for rare sex, for the porn trade, an’ even sell ‘em for human porky consumption too. Fuckin’ girlie-pigs! I’m bettin’ we could even sell tickets fer folks ta watch ‘em barbecue!”


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