Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: LUCIFER’S PORKIES 1

Published: 18.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Drugs, Abuse, Transformation, Young Ones

Synopsis: Little girls in farms near a rural town discovered that a special pig food, designed to speed up their growth and early slaughter, tasted like candy, and was addictive. It had never been tested on humans, but the results on young females were, to say the least, astonishing. Little girls grew muscles as if they had been working out regularly, and more impressive, they grew large breasts. Another effect was that the pig’s food made their bodies mature quickly, and they became fertile and ready for insemination. They were human piggies. Lucifer had triggered the program, and was in His glory with the results. Daughters were of little use on a farm, but unfortunately, far more girls than boys were born in this part of the county, and they were known to be expendable. That led a group of farmers to organize a new sport for the area, a late-night butchering of the amazingly matured little girls. It proved to be more popular than they could have imagined. Lucifer reveled!

Lucifer’s Porkies 1

Chapter One

Chuck Ainsley and his son Cal ran the beef and hog ranch Chuck had inherited from his now-deceased father decades ago. Each of them had their own home in a broad sheltered draw where they had the beef and hog barns and did the feeding. The rest of it was twenty sections of fenced range, where they both hunted deer from horseback to feed their families.

Ranches in these parts were spread out, and because of the amount of work required, ranchers seldom visited, except at roundup time, when the men helped each other. Animals were moved to fresh pastures, or when the ten-month-old calves were rounded up and brought in for slaughter. They also met up at the tavern if they were in town for supplies at the same time.

The life of ranchers and their families in this region was to a great extent isolated, with all the privacy they could handle. Neither man, nor their wives, were interested in children, but a couple of times, after a night of drinking, Sue, Cal’s wife, had become pregnant, and each time had produced a girl. Taking care of the infants was a chore Sue hated.

The first to arrive, which they thought of as a useless cunt so called her Cunnie, was now eight, and the other, not worth piss so they called her Pipi, was six. Cal had been conceived in the same manner when his father had taken the Ford truck into town to imbibe the cheapest whisky in the town’s tavern. He’d raped his wife when he returned home, and she had produced Cal.

Cal’s wife Sue had no more interest in children than did her husband or in-laws, thinking they were just a bother. Both of their girls had been born at home and had no birth certificates, so they didn’t appear on any registries. That was typical on most open-range ranches. In law, they did not exist.

This meant, that since they lived on a remote ranch, there was no need to send the children to school. Nobody knew anything about them, or their story. Cal and Sue didn’t waste money on clothing for the kids. Each had only one outfit, consisting of a plaid shirt, a pair of jeans, cowboy boots, and nothing else, not even underwear.

That was because the only time they ever wore any clothes was for an infrequent trip to town. When people saw the girls with them, Sue explained they were her younger sister’s brats from another State, and were just visiting. That seemed to satisfy the curious, because she seldom took them to town, and didn’t see the same people each time.

In winter the girls played naked in the main hog barn, which was insulated, where the body heat of the animals kept the temperature moderate when it was freezing outside. The girls played naked all year long, spending most of their time in the hay loft of the barn, or in winter with the hogs and sows.

That was where they learned about sex, by watching the huge hogs mounting the sows, and witnessing them birthing piglets. They wondered if that was how humans came to life. They would have to explore that, if all else failed, as their grandpa Chuck. He knew a lot of stuff about life and shit.

They also learned about sex first-hand, when their grandpa Chuck and dad Cal would jack off inside them in the barn, relieving their urges by pumping the little girls full of their semen, but they only did that twice a day, in the morning and before supper, when their wives were busy cleaning up after breakfast or preparing the evening meal.

Chuck’s wife Sally, the girls’ grandma, and their mom Sue had little time for the kids, and thought it was cute they ran around the property like wild animals, which was all they thought of them. They believed the naked little girls were like piglets, at eight and six probably too young to be sexually attractive to their husbands.

On the other hand, the ladies had no concern if their husbands chose to rape the kids. After all, they were aware men were always randy, and a fuck of the little girls from time to time would take care of that. If they’d satiated their lust in the kids, they would leave the ladies alone when they tucked into their beds at night. The women did not need to be whelping more little brats.

Lord Lucifer took notice of this ripe situation; He seldom missed such an opportunity to develop evil and began planning. His mind ranged wide, as it always did, and He conceived a plan that would become one of his best in increasing his fold of sinners. He would take advantage of children’s natural curiosity, and make the naked girls into delightfully fuckable little piggies.

One day soon after, a horny feed salesman, inspired by Satan, made a surprise visit to the ranch and was startled to find two enticing naked little girls running around. Sue was out feeding the chickens when he arrived, and to mend the situation, seeing the growing firm bulge in the front of his pants, she suggested he might like to sample their wares.

“I’m talking safe sex, stranger,” she said, “Fucking little girls, because you know there’s no fucking way they can get themselves pregnant, is what we call safe sex since their internal gonads are by far too immature for them to ever conceive.”

She was not sure her husband or father-in-law had raped them, but she had often seen the ranch dogs mounting her naked little girls in the yard, loading her daughters’ vulvas with ample dog sperm, so she knew neither of them was a virgin. She led the salesman and her naked daughters into the barn, and to his delight, willingly and knowledgeably supervised him fucking her eager little girls.

Cal arrived back from a trip to town as Sue and the salesman emerged from the barn. The naked children had remained behind, where they played their favorite game of sixty-nine, sucking freshly deposited semen from each other’s cunt, each probing deep into her sister’s freshly fucked vagina with her tongue.

Life was good, and with their limited but focused vision of the world, pleasure evolved around raging penises, of men or the farm dogs, probing their eager little cuntlets. They especially enjoyed eating freshly ejaculated semen, either sucking it from an erect cock or eating it from her sister’s cum-leaking cuntlet.

Cal saw there were noticeable pecker tracks on the salesman’s pants, residue from fucking the girls. Cal misunderstood, and believing Sue had betrayed their trust, went into the Chevy pick-up and brought out his shotgun.

“You fuckin’ whore!” he screamed at Sue, “Get your fuckin’ ass into the house an’ I’ll deal with you when I’m done here!”

“God Damn,” Cal said to the startled salesman, “You can’t trust these fuckin’ cunts with nothin’!”

He violently kicked the cunt of his wife through her jeans as she turned to go. It seemed a harsh way for Cal to treat his wife, but the salesman understood she was nothing but a cunt, and he knew full well that cunts needed to have constant reminders they were nothing but cunts.

Lucifer grinned at the success of what he had set up. The rape of the kids, supervised by their mom, was the kind of thing He regularly made happen as if it were the idea of the bitches who so willingly did His work for Him. All He had to do was set the stage, and the unsuspecting cunts performed perfectly. He wasn’t nearly done with this project.

“So, what brings you out here?” Cal asked, as if everything were normal, following a misunderstanding he didn’t grasp.

Cunts could be up to fucking anything when your back was turned. This one had to be a real cunt to allow her little daughters to run around the ranch as naked as the day they were born.

This bitch had not only made it possible but saw to it that a visiting salesman fucked her naked little girls, with her watching. Women were such fucking bitches. He’d visited a few ranches where the wives had their kids, boys and girls under the age of eleven, running around stark naked with their bare genitals on full display.

He’d seen the nude kids shit and piss in the barnyard and had even been at a farm where the farm dog fucked the boys as well as the girls up their assholes, but he’d never been given the chance to fuck the nude little girls while their mother watched. He’d had to do it in the barn when the cunts thought he’d left.

The salesman, seeing he had the rancher’s attention.

“Damn, you sure know how to deal with infidelity!” Said the salesman to Cal, “I thought for a minute there you were gonna use that fuckin’ shotgun on the cunt. That’s a pretty hot bitch you got there for a fuckin’ wife. It’s clear that you know you can’t fuckin’ trust cunts to keep their pants up.”

“Fer sure,” Cal responded, “Maybe I shoulda outright shot the bitch. It’s just that I need her around ta cook my vitals. Who the fuck are ya, an’ what brings ya all the way out here, an’ how’s it that yer prick is dribbling cum inside yer fuckin’ pants?”

“I’m with the Speedy Meat Co.,” the salesman explained, skipping the question about his erection, “We’ve developed a great new growth feed that speeds up the production cycle for pork. Piglets love the taste, and they mature and put on weight, real muscle, four times as fast as without it. Put your best hog on a three-month-old piglet that’s eaten it, make sure it seeds her, and I guarantee she’ll drop a litter of piglets. I’ve got a couple of free sacks for you to try in my truck, so you can give it a go and see how quickly your piglets develop into breeding or marketable hogs and sows.”

“Sure,” Cal said, “I’ll give it a try. How much does it cost regularly?”

“Eighty-five per sack, but they don’t need much, so just one sack will make you five thousand extra, from the quick growth and weight they put on. It’s a fucking miracle. You can take my word on that, but give it a try for yourself and you’ll see. Like, I just gave you ten thousand bucks free, but only because I know you’ll be back for more.”

“Fuckin’ ace!” Cal said, and they each lifted a sack from the back of the salesman’s Dodge pickup and hauled them into the main hog barn.

Cal opened one and poured some into the feeder.

“What’s that?” Cunnie asked as the two naked little daughters came into the feeding area of the hog barn.

“Growth feed for the pigs,” the salesman said, “It makes little piglets grow up and mature a lot faster, physically, anyway. That way their ready for market in about three months instead of eight. Now don’t you girls go eating any, because it tastes a bit like candy, but isn’t made for girls to eat. It’s never been tested on humans.”

“We won’t mess with it,” Pipi promised, “We’ll just feed it to the pigs!”

“That’s a good girl!” said the salesman, “I’d hate to see you girls get yourselves sick from eating something not made for, and never tested on humans.”

His penis began to rise again at the sight of the naked little girls he had so recently raped, with the help and some useful encouragement of their mother.

Usually, the only action he got at ranches, quite regularly, at least twice each day, was with wives when the husband was out working the fields. Women loved to have a strange piece, and knowing that, he worked it for all it was worth, and his prick and balls got a regular working out on his visits to ranches. His seed caused more than a few pregnancies.

He turned to Cal, who noticed the guy’s large bulge in the front of his pants.

“We’re in town on the last Tuesday of every month,” the salesman told him, “So give me a call and let me know when you’re ready to buy more of the growth feed. Here’s my card, with my phone number, so you can let me know how much you want.”


4 thoughts on “LUCIFER’S PORKIES 1 by Regis”

  1. Great start to a great dark story…littles….Satan….evil moms…cannot wait to read the next chapter….Satan be Praised…

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