The Goat-Foot God by Wytch Of The Ways

Writer: Wytch Of The Ways / Dion Fortune

Subject: The God-Foot God

Link: Tumblr / 10.09.2024

The Goat-Foot God 

Came the voice of Destiny, Calling o’er the Ionian Sea,

The Great God Pan is dead, is dead.

Humbled is the horned head; Shut the door that hath no key-

Waste the vales of Arcady.’ Shackled by the Iron Age, Lost the woodland heritage, Heavy goes the heart of man,

Parted from the light-foot Pan;

Wearily he wears the chain

Till the Goat-god comes again. Half a man and half a beast,

Pan is greatest, Pan is least.

Pan is all, and all is Pan;

Look for him in every-man; Goat-hoof swift and shaggy thigh-

Follow him to Arcady. He shall wake the living dead- Cloven hoof and horned head, Human heart and human brain,

Pan the goat-god comes again! Half a beast and half a man-

Pan is all, and all is Pan.

Come, O Goat-god, come again!

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