True Evil Is … by Et-Magus-Tenebrarum

Writer: Et-Magus-Tenebrarum / — from the Scrolls of Shadda

Subject: True Evil Is …

Link: Tumblr / 09.09.2024

True Evil Is …

“True evil is, above all things, seductive.”

“The words speak a basic truth, that the truest of evils, is like the “Siren Song”, seductive!”

“If I am a true evil, then what means by which will I draw the chosen unto me, without hesitation or remorse?”

“My seduction may be a word or a look, a kiss or a thought. It may come as a child, or beast, or even the dapper dressed man or elegant woman. It may come as a touch or a hunger, it may come as a glance or whisper.”

“The question always arises, how does the chosen come unto me and my queen? By acts of trickery or mischief, what grand seduction do I will upon the innocent and untouched? Could it be by guilt or shame, or undue influence of drug or intoxicant?”

“The truth is simple for the answer is plain, the chosen come unto me for they are called, and by that call, they choose.”

“They choose a path that is challenging for its difficulty and obstacles, they choose because I do not offer false promise nor assault them with threats of damnation or punishments for sin.”

“I grant the chosen a freedom that no other can grant, no other can offer, for their choice alone is valued and respected, they will choose a world where what they feel and hunger, what they need and want is given freely and without limit.”

“Within my realms, their touch is electric, their tastes are amplified, be it skin or heat, all accelerate through the very flesh for in our realms there are but two driving forces, fear and hunger …”

“An odd mix most would think but a necessary truth for it propels each of the chosen, for they fear one thing and hunger the other.”

“They fear rejection and hunger for acceptance. They fear being alone and hunger for companionship. They fear loss and hunger to be complete.”

“Some fears come without hunger and likewise, some hunger comes without fear.”

“The chosen may hunger discipline more than the fear of none, but once they have tasted what they hunger, or even feared, they not only hunger more but fear its loss.”

“I need not trick any into their path to me, they will sign a pact with ink of their blood but what binds them to me isn’t the ink but their will, and the dark freedoms I give unto them, by my hand and my will.”


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