Demons Of Sexual Desire by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Demons Of Sexual Desire

Link: MEWE / 07.09.2024

Demons Of Sexual Desire

There have long been nun fetishes and rumors of convents full of vibrators, honey-soaked bibles, and crucifixes that smell of pussy, but the reality is that nuns, like priests, often struggle with their vows of celibacy under which even masturbation is a sin.

Even outside the clergy and religious orders, men are not supposed to masturbate because the church believes that such an act amounts to spilt seed that should be used for procreation. Lilith has shown many that seed is used for creation through Magick. While women are prohibited from masturbating under Catechism rules because the church believes that self-pleasure robs the potential of sex, Lilith opens the minds and souls of these nuns, demonstrating the hypocrisy when they are tricked into vows of chastity. Blessed is the woman who is fantasizing while touching herself.

I believe that there is a perception that nuns somehow have been written off as immune to the demons of sexual desire. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Who doesn’t want to watch a nun masturbating, half-dressed in her habit, with a crucifix sliding in and out of her?

There are also many cases of demonic rapes where nuns and priests use intimidation, guilt and pressure to coerce young nuns into sexual relationships. If you took time to research and read news articles and internet search results you would soon discover everything from nuns engaging in all forms of sex, you think it and it’s been done, there are at least as many cases of nuns who cannot fight their own desires, either, and why should they? Nuns fill a purpose, the playthings and whores of the demonic.

I wonder how many nuns have inked. Dog paws on themselves? Salvete Lamia.

5 thoughts on “Demons Of Sexual Desire by Hoku Lani”

  1. You Hoku Lani

    are Truly


    Demon Of Sexual Desire

    If you don’t Believe your Lycan

    Just ask my Brother Xpanther

  2. In my own town i knew a priest and a nun were having sex and they ran of together it was the talk of the town and i would love to have fucked a nun the lust demons brought them together i love watching and reading a nun have sex with a man and nuns having lesbian sex it makes my cock hard

  3. Fuck yes, SATAN loves to torment, defile and debase the most devout brides of christ with his demons the most.

    Pure, graceful and tranquil souls turned into crazy meat-toilet beasts who only think about sexual depravity 24/7, it honours SATAN so much.

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