Finding Other Satanists by Guardianwolff-666

Writer: Guardianwolff-666

Subject: Finding Other Satanists

Link: Tumblr / 07.09.2024

Finding Other Satanists

How does one find other Satanic followers? — I need someone to guide me — That is an excellent question. Everybody at some point needs to answer that question for him or herself. When starting here on Tumblr, you will be bombarded with so many different ideas about Satan, Lucifer, and the Demons, are they real? just an archetype of making one’s self into a better person?

Is Satan and Lucifer the same being or two different entities? Unfortunately, the only scriptural information that is available comes from the Christian Bible, a biased book full of disinformation and interpreted in a biased manner.

On the premise alone Satan is described as the adversary and Lucifer is called the bringer of light. On Satan being the Adversary, Christians automatically interpret that to mean that God is good, so Satan must be evil. I will say don’t put any credence on what the Bible says.

Determine what you believe about Satan and what your role is as a Satanist. Do you believe in a real Satan? If not, then you’re an Atheistic Satanist. They believe that man is God and should take responsibility for his actions.

The Satanic Church, Temple of Satan, or Church of Satan are groups you may want to get to know. If you believe in a real Satan, The Joy of Satan has a wealth of information however they are a White Supremacist group. I belong to the which utilizes all tools to change one’s inner and outer self and environment to create the reality you desire with the use of Mentalism, Hermeticism, meditation, crystals and other sources of vibrational energies.

We believe that Satan and his Demons were the original Gods that created man’s self-governing in the ancient times of Egyptian Pharaohs as well as the Mayan and Incan civilizations that created the first water reservoirs that channelled running waters in canals to those that lived at Machu Pichu. These ancient civilizations were destroyed by Christian settlers exploring and coming to the New World and stole gold and depleted these civilizations because their jealous God did not approve of the worship of multiple gods in the name of their king.

If you believe that Satan and Lucifer are the same, you may want to get to know other Luciferians. They consider that Satan is more of a title than the name of a being. In Theistic Satanism, Satan and Lucifer are 2 different entities. Whereas Lucifer is known as the “Bringer of light”, Satan is considered to be more dark. Don’t confuse this with being evil. Instead, accept it as Chaos. This is important because it is in Chaos, or the dark where we find an answer or the light.

At this point, I want to interject that Satan does not require animal or human sacrifices of any type. If anyone trying to get you to join their group pushes living sacrifices, run away quickly. You are breaking human law and Satan’s law. Satan finds animal life and human life as precious. As far as abortions are concerned, that is one’s own decision. Keep in mind that there is indeed no sin, however, there are consequences for the decisions we make.

Find like-minded people. You do not have to like everybody on here. Get to know those that seem to match with the things you believe. Maybe you just like their posts. A lot of us probably came to Satan because of Tumblr. You will find a lot of commonalities and differences.

Reblog what you like however, if you are at a point where you are coming from a dedicated life of a Christian and you are more worried about the Christian stance in today’s world rather than your relationship with Satan, you may not be ready to make a serious dedication and commitment to Satan. It’s not a game and should not be treated as such. I wish you well.

3 thoughts on “Finding Other Satanists by Guardianwolff-666”

  1. what an honest and thoughtful post. I am going to check out the Satanic Blood Brotherhood. I do not know if it for me, but it seems more serious about Satan than many sites. Thank you for posting

  2. Ugh, moralistic “Satanists” are such obnoxious bores. Satan doesn’t give a fuck about laws, consent or the sanctity of any lifeform.

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