A Common Misconception by Noah The Satanist

Writer: Noah The Satanist

Subject: A Common Misconception

Link: Tumblr / 07.09.2024

A Common Misconception

The common misconception of Hell is that it is a burning lake of fire created by Jehovah for the Devil and his brood. This is not so! Satan is a creator and Hell is the spiritual kingdom created by him. It is a place that the hand of Jehovah has not touched.

It is a place that Jehovah cannot peer into. It is a place where the souls of humans know not the sorrows of Christian torment. It is that place where we can truly be with our own kind. It is a mirror of the Universe itself, as conceived by Satan. And after Jehovah, the Nazarene, and all the souls of Christian swine have been placed into affliction by Satan, all creation shall become Hell.

The very matter of Hell is pure chaos reshaped into the darkest fantasies of the Satanic divinity. By its nature, Hell knows not the turmoil of physical existence, nor do its denizens know of the terror of expiration. It is that perfect place that lives in the heart and desires of every true Satanist.

Those who are loyal and achieve their destiny in life shall join Satan’s legions after death. The true will of the human is to fulfill his destiny, and Hell is the destiny of most of us. Those who deny it will only regret that they deceived themselves in life. The destiny of every Satanist is to join Satan in Hell, Ave Satanas!


Another great post. Thanks, Noah (and your Ark). Seriously, so here we have another interesting analysis of the creation of Hell, hinting at its possible purpose as a place you can call home — “a burning lake of fire” created by the supernatural for what? Maybe the supernatural being just like burning lakes of fire? I don’t know.

Is the “destiny of every Satanist to join Satan in Hell”? Does it have Netflix? Can I bring a friend? What’s for dinner, wood-fired pizzas? As a reassembly-sensitive person (with a small penis), I kind of wonder where all this comes from and where it leads to.

Maybe I just won’t make the grade. Like Scott Evil, the son of Doctor Evil … “Because you’re not quite evil enough. You’re semi-evil. You’re quasi-evil. You’re the margarine of evil. You’re the Diet Coke of evil. Just one calorie, not evil enough.”

Anyway, here’s a story of evil — “I need an old priest and a young priest. The power of Christ compels you!” (Dr. Evil, from Austin Powers 2) … The story is called “Evil Deeds” and I hope you enjoy it …

“Since the dawn of time, demons have existed and thrived in the darkness of our world. Despite warnings in the scriptures to the contrary from words of ancient wisdom, today few humans actually believe – even the clergy themselves have banished the belief to the realms of outdated myth and scary movies. Even though the Catholic Church is adamant that this narrative is true and that the existence of The Devil is indisputable – it is still the misinformation that makes so many people doubt the existence of the personification of evil.”


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