Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 03.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 16

Chapter Sixteen — Wolves Play With The Kiddies 

Everywhere in the stands, men were openly butt-fucking their pretty young slave girls or, preferably if they had them, their lovely young daughters. Women had parted their robes and were masturbating themselves with curved and knurled wooden dildos they had purchased from the sex toy vendors under the stands.

The stout carved sticks created prodigious foam as they vigorously worked in the steaming cunts of the mature ladies. The whole of the Coliseum was in wanton, lustful bedlam at the obscene sight of the grossly violent carnal slaughter of the marvelous young naked maidens spilling their blood on the area sand as they were viciously ripped by the jaws of the ravenous wolves.

The audience knew the stories and were aware they had yet to see the best of Zoda´s magnificent young slaves. The citizens of Rome were getting their money’s worth in this marvelous afternoon of ribald entertainment, provided by the man, once a captive slave and then a gladiator himself.

Zoda was now reputed to be the world’s greatest slaver and licentious show producer. The roar of the excited crowd was not sufficient to drown out the horrific screams of the gorgeous naked young girls bound in rings on the arena floor. They were now reduced to being dog food, there to feed the ravenous wolves.

The swarms of wolves were quickly pulling the two woven wreaths of human nudes apart, tearing out long strings of girlie guts, ripping off chunks of succulent female flesh and ripping out of their bodies’ tender and tasty organs. A pair of wolves dragged a gorgeous young screaming girl out of the circle after both of her arms were chewed through just below the shoulders to release her from the binding.

As the wolves pulled the screaming young bitch past the entry gate behind which Princess Uterissa had stood, the writhing girl’s anus opened, and she ejected a thick long stool which dropped into the gore-covered sand. The enslaved Princess was repulsed at the cheek of the bitch, and was glad that the armless girl was now being ripped apart by the pair of wolves that had claimed her as their own.

Suddenly a group of wolves broke off the pack and went after the third bound circle of naked females, the one which was made up of the little girls. Four of the wolves leapt into the center of the circle of children, to get at their backs and tender young buttocks. The wild and bloody carnage was spectacular.

The flesh-eating animals freely attacked the defenseless little girls, biting into their lean limbs, and ripping off bleeding chunks of flesh and hungrily gulping them down. At the same time, several of the shrilly shrieking little girls were having savory morsels of their susceptible ass flesh gashed and torn off by ferocious fangs.

Soon the pouting little cuntlets of all of the children were bitten into and jerked off them, and in some cases, their whole inner sex organs were pulled right out of them at the same time. When this happened, fat loops of the young girl’s pink intestines began to bulge out of her, leaking from the new gaping hole, and would dangle obscenely between their spread legs.

A wolf would seize them and jerk on them so that they pulled further out, finally completely eviscerating the living screaming dog food. A hysterical matronly woman in the audience, totally caught up in the carnal violence unfolding in the arena and in the throes of an orgasm, responded to the flashing of teeth and the ripping of succulent female flesh by tearing off her robes.

Then, wearing only her sandals and her extensive display of jewelery and gold chains, she startled everyone in the Coliseum by jumping over the edge of the high wall onto the arena floor, and she charged at the pack of feasting wolves, thrusting her big flopping tits, and her slightly rounded belly and her shaved sex-flared, steaming cunt at them.

Three of the ravenous beasts obliged the woman’s masochism by attacking her, quickly sinking their fangs into the mature bitch’s belly, tearing the pale belly flesh wide open. She was ripped from her ribcage to her pelvis, and her glut of pink intestines began to emerge from her.

Suddenly the fun was gone from her daring sacrifice, and much too late, the masochistic woman attempted to turn and run. The results were devastating. She tangled her legs in her entrails, which were quickly slithering out of her, and in an instant, the three accommodating wolves had clamped their browned fangs into her cunt and both of her big breasts.

The force of their powerful jaws buried their teeth deep into her flesh, and they were locked to her. The horrified rich bitch, suddenly shocked back to reality, fell screaming in terror onto her back on the hot sand, and the animals shook their heads violently until they ripped her big breasts and her entire cunt from her writhing gutted body.

The incredibly brutal carnage on the vast floor of the Coliseum was so devastating that there were soon severed limbs, breasts and even a few female heads strewn across the expanse of bloodied sand. Most of the famished wolves were now sitting and feeding on ripped-off chunks of raw fresh bitch meat from the little girls.

Some of the ravenous wolves were fighting over favored morsels, and somehow a few of the naked young females in each of the three rings were amazingly still alive. These temporary survivors were whimpering and babbling hysterically as the ferocious wolves pulled their enticing small young bodies apart.

Princess Uterissa was in shock at the brutal finality of the violent exhibition of live meat eating, and once more she pissed herself in excitement. Even the extravagant deadly tortures of lovely young women that her father had arranged for guests at his banquets were not this excitingly violent.

She felt numb as she watched the gutted shapely carcass of a white ten-year-old girl, with her intestines spilled on the hot sand, the cuntlet and three of her four limbs torn off, being chewed by a pair of wolves. The captive Princess was either too excited by the raw brutality or too numb to be violently ill or to even feel nausea.

A couple of innocent naked young teens sharing her holding pen were not so restrained and were emptying the contents of their stomachs through the bars. Others around the two pukers were angry at them and beat on them with their fists until guards had to restrain them. They had to be unmarked when they entered the arena to die.

Zoda would be very angry if any of his female slaves were injured before they entered the arena to give up their worthless lives. He prided himself in supplying only prime, undamaged women and girls for the incredible carnage to follow. The burly Roman guards were very effective in handling the naked female slaves, because of the vicious weapons they carried.

They were both armed with special whips that produced incredible pain in even cramped quarters, without marking even the delicate flesh of the most intimate parts of the young women’s alluring feminine bodies.  To punish the pair of impudent pukers, the two guards bent them over forward, and then violently raped their exposed and vulnerable tight anuses.

They knew that Zoda would approve of this kind of treatment of the disrespectful young bitches, as long as the pretty young sluts were not allowed to enjoy the painful and debasing experience. The enslaved Princess Uterissa wished she could take either one or both of those magnificent penises into herself, but realized that to be an impossible dream. She was, even in her own eyes, too valuable.

She knew that experiencing sexual intercourse was possible for a slave only when it would be devastating to her, never pleasurable. She was certain that the nearest she was likely to come to having a man thrusting his hot sex meat up inside her womb was the experience she had been given at the beginning of the day’s games, when she had painfully taken her Master Zoda’s mighty fist, not his imposing penis, up into her womb.

Even this excruciatingly painful encunting had been done for his and Caesar’s pleasure, not her own. She knew she was no more important to Zoda than that large lump of human shit that lay on the arena floor outside her cage. The only thing that mattered to him was how well she gave up her life, and how well she entertained the crowd with her imminent death.

Princess Uterissa resolved that she would give them a display of spunk the world would remember above all else that they saw here today, one that would make the incredibly violent deaths of all of the other girls meaningless by comparison. None of the gorgeous female slaves would be as bold or as shameless as her.

The knot in her gut spread with the growing carnal excitement that was filling her loins and her fevered brain. Her voluptuous body in the obscenely revealing leather bird costume quivered with a death lust. The daughter of the foreign King was ready for her last display of manifestly vulgar and lascivious sexual violence.

What she did not know, and what caused her anxiety, was what form her death exhibition would take. The crowd was warming up through the progression of sexual violence, ready each time for more and more incredible sexual violence inflicted with sadist intensity on the tender flesh of innocent young women.


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