The Devil’s Legacy by Saint Chloe

Writer: Saint Chloe / saint–

Subject: The Devil’s Legacy

Link: MEWE / 26.08.2024

Art: Waganetka

About Saint Chloe: The Devil’s Witches — Creating a religion from scratch I’m into Satanism, Judaism, Traditional Witchcraft, Neutral Evil, Poker Pro

The Devil’s Legacy

People close to me know I’ve complained many times about how too much of Satanism is being tied to Christianity, and how so many Satanists are merely living in Christianity’s shadow. They’re doing what has been done for centuries which is using Satan as a symbol of power to combat the institution or values they hate.

I sought to fix that issue at least within my practice and the future covenant I long to write however today I began to wonder if that was possible at all without divorcing a key part of the Devil from his totality.

The history of the Devil a few centuries before the Church of Satan is a history of people; socialists, non-conformists, the oppressed, the desperate, revolutionaries, feminists, suffragettes and left-wing thinkers using our Devil’s unique abilities to undermine the Christian hegemony and the status quo. That struggle never really stopped either, the biggest — I guess we’ll call them Satanic — organization, The Satanic Temple, is still doing that today.

If you look into a more non-denominational Devil in traditional Witchcraft which draws a lot of its tradition & folklore from the witch’s persecution, the inquisitor writings on witches and of course the witch’s account of the Sabbat and their craft, we immediately run into the same issue where our Devil is intermingled just as strongly with Christianity.

Another issue is the nature of our Devil which inherently runs contrary to Christianity. Of course, many ideas and philosophies run contrary to the religion, but that does not make them an adversary sensu stricto. However we are not merely philosophically opposed, we are spiritual foes in the clearest sense. Everything down to Witchcraft in itself is in direct opposition. Combine that with the fact that Christianity is the largest religion in the world and that a huge amount of Satanists are here in the first place due to religious trauma, perhaps completely divorcing Christianity from our Devil is a foolish quest. For now anyway.

There is this delusion shared by many that the struggle against Abrahamic religions is over, that it’s now “cringe” or beating a dead horse to oppose them. I don’t know how you can be alive in this world, or see the news and believe this. Of course, we’ll never beat them in numbers. We will always be the minority. Our Devil in his great wisdom favors quality over quantity.

I’m not claiming the Craft should be about Christianity, it absolutely should not at all be. It was simply maybe an error on my part to want to erase that part of our Devil that ties him to it. It is a part of him and a shining part of our legacy. After all, without that side of him, we would not be free.

More About Saint Chloe

I’ve been into Satanism, broadly Left-Handed Path, for about two and a half years. Despite loving it for the most part there were flaws in it that increasingly bothered me as time went on.

I did about a year of soul-searching. Quite a miserable time mentally speaking, to be frank. Being utterly disconnected from your practice can be quite disorienting. Honestly, I haven’t completely recovered from it. I ended up concluding that I should be founding my religion.

This is a colossal project and most of it is undefined. The general line is I will write a book that will be a Witch going into a covenant with the Devil. The book itself will speak of what the covenant entails; the Laws, many short conversations with the Devil and the philosophy. There will be myths inspired by already known ones plus UPG (which will become canon gnosis) the Devil will reveal to me through my practice. There will be calendar events, unique spells and even prophecies.

Praxis-wise the witchcraft itself will highly be inspired by traditional witchcraft with some caveat.

This covenant will be inspired by the Torah as well. Strange you might think, for a highly Satan-esque religion to take inspiration from such an adversarial book. It is more the structure that I’m interested in, it’s a framework. G-d covenant with Israel is the most successful covenant in human history it can teach me a thing or two about how and why a covenant can be so successful. This might be one reason why I was blessed with an interest in Judaism.

I want to shoehorn a modified version of the Luciferian Qliphoth somehow to add a mysticism side to it. I even want to add G-d within it somehow as a minor character of the overall practice.


1 thought on “The Devil’s Legacy by Saint Chloe”

  1. Hail Saint Chloe,

    You’ve got to be an academic; you’re way over-thinking a real physical and spiritual relationship with a deity called Satan.

    You’re entitled to your point of view, but faith in Father Satan isn’t fucking based on empiricism; it’s based upon real life experience.

    Hail Satan

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