Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 01.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 14

Chapter Fourteen — Creative Crucifixion Contest 

On a signal from Zoda, the first four crucifixion teams began with their demonstration. The woman at the first cross was lifted up into place by the shoulders, while a second man held her legs. The third man went up the ladder with his sword drawn, and used the weapon to bevel the edges of the upper part of the long vertical post, which was six inches thick and stood nearly three feet above the cross-brace.

When the corners of the post were rounded to his satisfaction, he cut the top of the post to a rough point, then he placed the sword back in its scabbard. While he worked, the other two on the ground bound the beautiful bitch’s wrist behind her back, spread her knees and fingered her vagina until they were sure she had loosened up enough to accommodate one of the men’s entire fist in her womb.

The fabulous naked woman was lifted to the man standing on the crossbar. He grasped her by the ribs beside her large full breasts and hoisted her in the air, lifting her above the cross, then he carefully lowered her until the point he had cut pressed, as it was supposed to, up into her lovely finger-opened vagina.

Now he carefully lowered her, so that her fine cunt took most of her weight, and the point of the thick post thrust up into her womb. The design forced her to take her entire weight on her gripping sex organ. She attempted to take her weight on her legs, by standing on the cross beam with the man holding her.

The second soldier stood on the lower part of the ladder, and grabbed one of her ankles, stretching her leg out so that her arched foot was held out near the end of the cross beam.  The man on the ground passed up the mallet and a spike, and with a series of powerful rapid blows, he drove the rusty spike through the top of the lovely naked foot and into the cross brace.

This held her shapely leg stretched out from her body. He quickly repeated the operation with her other foot, pulling it first out near the opposite end of the beam, so that the woman’s lovely legs were widespread and unable to take much of her weight. Her marvelously stuffed cunt now took the bulk of her weight, and it was clear to all the spectators that her impalement process would be lengthy.

It would take at very least several moments, and perhaps up to an hour, for the thick tapered post invading her painfully invaded vagina to deeply impale the marvelous crucified woman. The speed of its progress into her would largely depend upon the firmness of the grip by her strained cunt on the invading post.

She was in an incredibly awkward position, and she struggled to remain upright, to avoid falling off the cross and crashing to the ground. The position ensured that she would continually sink onto the impaling post, but in the meantime, she had the best seat in the house from which to view the other crucifixions.

The second woman was lifted to her traditional position on the heavy cross, but her ankles were spiked to each side of the vertical post. In addition to her wrists and feet, long spikes were driven through her shoulders into the crosspiece, ensuring that she would not slump and rip her wrists off the spikes.

While the other two were being crucified, the third beautiful wench was lifted and placed on her cross, but she was nailed into place facing the heavy vertical beam, with the huge nails driven through her wrists and into the cross brace. Her big breasts were also spiked to either side of the stout timber.

This incredible abuse of her flesh brought horrified screams from the beautiful bitch, and hoots of delighted laughter from the huge crowd. The jaded Roman audience loved to see the erotic mutilation of a gorgeous mammary, and the young Turkish women all had large magnificent breasts.

This woman’s big boobs now embraced the vertical beam of the cross and held her fast to it. For insurance, a fifth spike was driven at an angle up into her vagina, and she was pissed as it drove through her bladder and out into the thick vertical post. Her long lovely lean legs were left dangling to kick in her agony.

The first soldier was up the ladder on the fourth cross and the woman was lifted up to him, flipped upside down. He spread her gorgeous legs wide, and one at a time he spiked them to the cross beam out at either end, driving a large iron spike through her ankles. She hung upside down, her open cunt fully exposed, and her magnificent mane of black hair hanging below her.

The soldier climbed down the ladder and crossing her wrists below her head, he drove a large spike through both of them to fasten her arms securely to the vertical beam. With the first set of women now attached to their crosses in painfully bizarre crucifixion, it was time for the second group of women to be mounted to the oak beams.

The fifth gorgeous bitch was hoisted up, also inverted and her legs were bent over the cross-beam, then her ankles and wrists were nailed together to the vertical beam. She was effectively crucified with just two spikes. She was also held in place as solidly as any of the other Turkish beauties.

The sixth woman was lifted by two of the soldiers up onto her cross, and a spike was placed into her mouth, and driven right through the back of her neck into the beam. Then her wrists and feet were spiked to the cross in the traditional method, her knees bent to permit one foot to rest above the other.

This permitted a single spike to be driven through them and into the rustic beam. Now half the crosses standing in the bright sun had one of the beautiful young women nailed to them. Crucifixion was one of the most popular forms of Roman execution, because it was brutal, slow to kill, and left the naked victims fully exposed to the audience.

These marvelous young Turkish women with their large full breasts and firm figures made perfect subjects for this startling exhibition of creative crucifixion. The huge noisy crowd in the stands saw that this Greek named Zoda was a fine slave master and showman.  To show his appreciation for the cheering, he pumped his penis until it spat out thick gobs of cum into the air.

Under the stands, the prostitutes in their stalls were performing their sex acts with the large trained animals, or were being fist fucked, or were being whipped and beaten by paying customers, but none of them was experiencing the enormous pain, sexual degradation and consummate humiliation that the women spiked to their crosses in the sun were suffering.

The seventh woman was spiked to her cross with arms spread wide in the traditional configuration, and then the head of a spear was thrust up into her vagina. The soldier with the spear gripped its shaft with both hands and skillfully twisting and thrusting, carefully worked it up through her uterus and into her internal tangle of guts.

With continuous movement, he maneuvered the long spear up between her internal organs, until at last it was driven up into the inside of her right breast, forcing the speared mammary to bulge upward, stretching it so severely that those in the farthest reaches of the coliseum could see what was happening.

With a final thrust, the soldier dove the point of the spear up through the top of the breast, so that it burst through in a spray of her crimson blood. With amazing skill, applied knowledge of human anatomy and a dollop of luck, he had managed to impale the nude spiked gorgeous body of the woman without killing her. Yet.

The eighth young woman was lifted onto the cross facing it. Her big breasts were spread on either side of the vertical post, and laid on top of the cross beam. Large spikes were driven down through them, fixing her to the cross in the ultimate tit-hold. Her ankles were nailed to the side of the post, and her arms were left free so that she was effectively hung by her tits.

The next set of beautiful Turkish slave bitches was now moved up onto their crosses. On the ninth cross, one end of the cross brace was trimmed with a sword, and rounded as the top of the first cross had been, but with greater slope, and a narrower tip. In this case, the woman’s legs were spread, and the sharpened end was worked into the intimacy of her tight but now incredibly spread pink anus.

The beautiful young bitch screamed at the top of her lungs as her luscious legs were pulled by two soldiers, tugging her onto the impossibly thick horizontal shaft. Her strained rectum struggled to take the invading column into itself, and then abruptly it reached the bursting point and ruptured. With a gush of blood, she abruptly took the rounded beam up inside her.

When the post was two feet into her, the soldiers spiked one of her ankles to the other end of the cross-beam stretched the other ankle down and spiked it to the vertical post. The boisterous audience shouted their appreciation of the remarkable display of heartless brutality to the beautiful young woman.

Caesar had his robes parted, freeing his well-developed genitals, and a naked six-year-old Egyptian girl was sitting on his erect penis, bouncing her colon up and down on the invading fuck-pole in the manner of the bitch with her asshole gripping the top portion of the cross.  Caesar was well known to prefer giving his sexual attention to youngsters rather than more mature teens or adult females.

His passion was to make a little girl die from his attention. A slave attending to him always carried a satchel of sharp little daggers to use on them. His favorite method was to get a little girl to sit with her back to him, with his penis buried in her anus. He would hold her slender waist to bob her up and down while ass-fucking her.

Both his testicles and his penis swelled up in this little beauty, as he copulated, and when he was ready, he reached around and pushed the tip of his dagger into her cuntlet, slicing her inside, and as he ejaculated into her, jerked it upward to rip her little belly open, to reveal her inner pack of guts.

Nude teen slaves cleaned up the offal with their bare hands. They then removed the carcass and used wet towels with warm water to clean the blood off the ruler as he enjoyed Zoda’s spectacular show. Everything he’d seen so far was wonderful, and he knew it would only get better. Zoda was the best, and his shows always impressed the receptive crowds.

The tenth lovely bitch was positioned on her cross sitting on the cross-brace with the upper part of the vertical post rising in front of her. Her breasts were spread on either side of the thick beam and were nailed to it, holding her in an upright position. Her round buttocks, her cunt and her puckered anus were completely exposed from below, and one of the soldiers thrust his spear up into the awaiting anal orifice, thrusting it into her a full two feet.

Next, the beautiful Turkish woman was crucified in the inverted position, with her wide-spread ankles nailed to the ends of the stout horizontal post. Then from his ladder, a soldier thrust the head of his spear into her womb, through her uterus and down into her belly, causing great trauma inside her, but not enough to kill her outright.

The final woman first had a stout spear thrust horizontally through both her bulging breasts, then her legs were spread and another spear was driven through both her thighs, just above the knees. She was now lifted into place on her cross and the two impaling spears were spiked to the heavy beams to hold her in place.

Then her head was pulled back and a third spear was driven into her mouth and forced down her throat, with such persistent force that it finally emerged through her steaming cunt. Although the victim of his twelfth team was the first bitch to die, the crowd were so appreciative of the novel crucifixion contest, they were each thrown a purse of gold by Caesar himself.

The first woman to be placed on her cross was the one who was taking the pointed top of the heavy device up into her vagina, driven entirely by her weight. She had by this time lost all ability to use her gorgeous legs and the grip of her vagina to resist the steady progress of the invading post. She was driven downward by her weight.

This was most difficult in any event, because of her feet being nailed to the cross-beam so far apart. The tip of the invading post in her stretched cunt finally burst through her cervix into her uterus, and there was now little to stop its progress up into her belly as she dropped significantly further onto it.

This drop caused her knees to bend, and her head to go back as she screamed her horror at her plight. Those crucified women who were able, turned their heads to see her jolt as the post worked even further into her naked form. Her anus opened from the severity of the event, and she ejected a string of her long firm steaming feces, an act Caesar applauded.

It was not unusual for naked slaves to be butchered alive to shit on the arena sand, and their solid waste was soon buried through the constant activity in the forum. To complete the first of Zoda’s violent demonstrations, the soldiers were given spears on which the pointed heads had been replaced with curved cycle blades.

To the shrill sound of the screaming victims, they used them to cut open the crucified women’s bellies, causing their intestines to dangle out. Most of the naked crucified bitches dropped long loops of their moist and gleaming guts down to the hot sands, where they spiraled into steaming piles.

Finally, the soldiers used the blades to slice through the throats of their naked female victims and then decapitate the beautiful women. The lovely heads of the crucified bitches rolled onto the sand, except the woman whose head was held in place by the spear driven through her mouth.

Beside the heads lay the severed limbs of the gorgeous Turkish bitches, either an arm or leg, cut off near the base, as well as wet ropes of their dragged-out viscera. This was the kind of violent entertainment the citizens of Rome had come to expect from the contractors who vied to provide the most shocking deaths of all.

Now the two rows of rugged crosses were lifted from the holes they stood in, and they crashed down onto the hot sand, where they were dragged out of the arena. The headless carcasses of the gutted naked women still spiked on them. The audience shouted their approval. They had been promised a display of heartless tough action, and Zoda was delivering.


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