Seeking Spells That Work by Mediating Dock Dweller

Writer: Mediating Dock Dweller

Subject: Seeking Spells That Work

Link: Tumblr / 26.08.2024

Seeking Spells That Work

What I need are authentic spells which get results. Why believe in the Dark Lord if you don’t know how to get his ear or get him to respond to your wants and needs?

A short excerpt which is the focus of the message sent by a seeker wanting to know the “secret code” which, when spoken, will result in the Dark Lord doing as the seeker wishes. Why believe if the Dark Lord can’t do anything you ask? What the seeker, well, seeks is for me to provide spells and similar items which, when recited, will move the Divine to do as the guy wishes.

In the past, I have spoken about those who seek after the Old Spectre or seek to enter the craft who are engaging in what I will call the David Copperfield approach (named after the noted magician) where they will learn the “secrets of the guild, the secret handshake or sign, the sacred satanic mantras, etc.”

All of us at one time or another and even now want to be able to recite a formula and what we want to happen suddenly occurs. I am reminded of the story of Aladdin and the Forty Thieves where, upon reciting “Open sesame”, a secret unknown entrance suddenly opens to untold riches, etc.

Often we have a desire or need which is or seems beyond us and want a simple method where we are asking and getting what we want because we ask the right way. It’s a common request where we want to know the best way or how to approach the Divine to do what we want. We want the right words and how to say them in the right way at the right time to get the right answer or response — better said to get what we want.

Consider when one is putting their petition to Providence who can’t be seen, we can’t be sure where to ask and what to say and so many have their way of doing so sharing they get results so we look to what others are doing or the material, etc, they are using and do the same.

And since we can’t see the Old Spectre as such, all of us will do so although we can’t be sure and often what we want or seek — well, getting an answer in the way we wish is a crap shoot. I’m not going to provide a list of relevant spells which may prove to be irrelevant though they sound relevant.

Spells are individual despite Harry Potter. One will find all manner of magical spells, etc, available online. One text has over 50,000 of them, fit for every engagement or issue. Thousands of them can be found online and are free — simply google, etc, what you need and you will be surprised.

For those who have read my Tumblr, you know that I entered the craft and can be considered a witch not because I have some special calling or birthright. Witchcraft is just that craft and can learned. There are no muggles, etc I’m into the craft because wanted just that. Spells, potions, formulas and potions to get the Old Spectre to dance to my tune. I have my personal Book of Shadows filled with such “items”.

I don’t tout that fact (I joined the craft). However, I don’t proclaim it either. I have many spells and rituals in my BoS. It’s important to recognize right off that the spells I might know of via notes, etc if spoken might not work for someone different because each of us is different and I believe that our personal “energy and aura” are unique to all of us.

The result can be (and I feel that it is) a flop because each spell and its intonation, etc can be unique to each of us. A spell used by one may not work for another. Let’s be honest. We want to simply say the word and it happens but that isn’t the way it works regardless of those who assert otherwise. Look at the number of books on the topic online which cost money to purchase as well as the numerous (free) articles available.

The market for the latest satanic intonation is in demand. I am again reminded of the infamous “Madame Ruth, you know the gypsy with the gold front tooth” who cooks up Love Potion No. 9. All of us are comfortable with formulas and feel-good mantras. And don’t we recite rituals in church, etc.”

Cutting to the chase, I write my spells and rituals but even then I realize that the Dark Lord simply wants me to ask him about what I need or want be it an item, wisdom, etc. I do this because I believe, that while a formula oft repeated is psychologically appealing, I sit down or stand and ask away in a conversation with His Wickedness. It is simple — I simply ask and share my innermost thoughts. One might say I pray.

That’s right. One doesn’t need to purchase a book or seek out just the right online article that exudes the power Christian pastors and theologians call it “Importunate prayer”.

What is “importunate prayer — It is constant prayer and petitions continually asking to the point of annoyance and beyond. It’s persistent, insistent, tenacious, persevering, dogged, unremitting petitioning to the Christian or other Almighty seeking what we wish — The best way to share “it” is this: One simply shares over and over etc, their prayer. You don’t have to be on sacred or holy ground to do so as such. One does need to be focused, serious, persistent and a serious believer in the Dark Lord or divinity they believe to get results.

Too often folks say that the Dark Lord is often silent when asked. That isn’t true. Actually, silence can be a response. At the same time, we have to listen and often we will see the Old Spectre respond in a way or via circumstances one doesn’t or never would expect. In other words, it isn’t so much the “right formula”, etc.

One should focus on the petition and not on how the petition is presented or even where. There are those, however, who agree with this, who will say that if we pray from a sacred space, etc. that makes the prayer more effective. Balderdash, I say. I simply approach His ‘wickedness with respect tell Him my concern and leave it there and wait. One can sum up my practice this way:

(1) Simply say what it is you need and why as often as possible openly and without all the theologically oriented sacred hoopla so what you’re asking for is understood.

(2)You have to believe to receive.

(3) You have to have faith: Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cannot see. One has to be patient. One has to be persistent. One has to be sincere.

So you know, I enjoy seeing spells online and find myself using them after adapting them to my needs. And one doesn’t go throwing spells and hexes right and left without direction because one doing so might find themselves the recipient of their spell — speeding karma on its way often, well, more often than we realize or want to realize.

I have spells I use but don’t share them other than occasionally because there are thousands of them out there already. Simply, with sincerity, say what it is you need, etc.

I am not addressing the issue of rituals our circle uses when we worship corporately or together. Those are more often forms of praise and not petitions for “assistance’ — I will end here, asking that you forgive the flaws in my writing and the inadequacy of my effort. I trust this article is responsive showing the kiss focus on display: Keep It Simple and Sincere. More can be said but what I have shared I feel is enough. I selected the illustration from online. I’m not addressing how the Dark Lord answers. Ave Obscurum Dominum.

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