DANCING WITH THE DEVIL 3: ANITA by Creative Boy In Spring

Feature Writer: creativeboyinspring


Published: 31.05.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

Synopsis: A group devoted to catching the devil encounters him.

Author’s Notes: The following dark story has themes of misogyny, non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read it. This is an erotic fiction story. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

Dancing with the Devil 3: Anita

“Well, this is rather…interesting,” the man with the long, silky black hair tied in a ponytail comments in an amused fashion as he walks up to the large house. The rather muscular man looks around at his surroundings lit by the bright sun, looking neither pleased nor worried, but bemused. As he walks, it does appear that a cloud in the sky must follow him as he does appear partly in shadow.

“I see it’s true what they say. About the way you look, I mean,” the attractive woman tells the man. She leans against her front door frame, not at all surprised by the appearance of the man on her secluded and locked down property. In fact, she was expecting him.

The thirty something year old man, complete with a well-groomed black beard and button down shirt that exposes his chest, smiles at the woman. It’s a charming smile that anyone could recognize as being dangerous.

“It has been an age since I have come across one with actual knowledge,” the short but muscular man tells the woman. He slowly walks towards her, not being intimidating or aggressive but stopping before he reaches a small stone moat that runs around the large house in a circle.

The woman smirks as the man says nothing about her comment. She smirks because she knows this is a game of cat and mouse, something she was fully expecting and can’t wait for the challenge.

“I am actually impressed,” the man tells the woman in an honest tone. The expression he wears while saying this shows that it is true. The woman can’t help but chuckle as with his face you might expect he just heard a new recipe with keto.

“Most often when attempts to send for me, they believe a night of Googling the terms “magic” and “spells” will give them the knowledge to, let us say, impose their will,” the man explains with his smooth tone.

“You look like what I thought you would,” the woman states again, wanting to go back to her own thought and conversation. This is her way of controlling the situation.

“You look like one of those hipster man-bun losers. The type that live at coffee shops and talk about how they shouldn’t have to do any work and their mothers should wipe their ass,” the woman tells the man, curious to see how he reacts to this.

Neither says anything, but the woman crosses her arms in front of her, and in a practiced move, she puts her folded arms under her large bust. There she lifts her breasts ever so gently to make sure they are accented. This is a move she has done when dealing with any man, rather it will help her or not.

“Nice place,” the man says as he examines the large house behind the woman. The woman smirks at this as they both know he appears how she thinks he should. That his visage is due to her.

The man looks at the well-constructed and high tech house, his face returning to that unreadable stance where he just looks amused at what he sees. The house is a three story dwelling in the midst of several dozens of acres on her property. It contains some very high tech features and security precautions to make it one of the safest places money could buy.

“I am guessing family money,” the man suggests as if trying to explain how the woman was able to own such a house including the huge gate that encompasses it in a giant circle.

“Not enough to solve the electricity issue tho,” the man adds on with a rather devilish smile as he can tell the electricity is currently out. This, of course, is due to his arrival.

“That is true, but not for long,” the woman replies and smiles a knowing smile. This smile shows her teeth and her sinister motives as it implies the man will have something to do with this.

“You may call me Anita. Anita Moul,” the woman introduces herself, still standing with her arms folded and her tits lifted. Now she crooks her hips to make her hourglass figure stand out more. This too is a practiced move to any that fancy sex over intelligence, as on purpose Anita makes her body as sexy as possible to get her way.

Anita is rather impressed that the man never once looks at her in a lustful way. He never even glances at her tits or any other body part. Instead he only looks at her eyes.

“Ahhh,” the short muscular man replies, a great understanding coming to him about the situation.

Anita knew this would happen, but is impressed how the man doesn’t seem to give anything away. His face stays in that amused state and is basically unreadable. Looking at him you have no clue what he may or may not do.

“Dear old Johnaton,” the man says with a fond recollection. In what the woman considers a show just for her, she sees the man’s eyes dart about the roof where he tries to see if there is a chimney.

Anita say how Johnathon Moulton was her ancestor, or that he left more than money as an inheritance to his family. That for hundreds of years her family has passed down his knowledge and wit, as well as money. It is what guided her to bringing the man here today.

“Knowing as much as you do Anita, I am sure you are aware that I am rather busy, which I know you also plan to use against me, so may I suggest we move negotiations forward?” the man comments respectfully.

It’s Anita’s turn not to show any reaction as this is true. Since she summoned him here, they both know she can do it again and again to disturb whatever he is doing. Each time she won’t be able to hold him, but it will be a great annoyance to him.

“You wish to negotiate? Given your disadvantage?” Anita asks pretending to sound confused. This is her way of mocking him, but respectfully as the man knows all that she’s done to prepare her him. It is most likely why he has stayed as he is and not harmed her.

“But of course,” the man replies with a bright hipster smile. The two look at each other for a moment, sizing the other.

“You won’t be able to read any of me, nor will your illusions work here. In fact, I would think just being here has started to be, well, uncomfortable for you,” Anita points out. She wants him to know that she was the one that set all this up. She is the one that has done this. And she is the one that is more than a match for him.

“You sure you can deal with me?” Anita asks rather pompously.

“Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread,” the man replies, which makes Anita smile. Her smile shows she is enjoying this a great deal. But a large part of that enjoyment is knowing what an edge she has over him.

“That is curious. You still consider yourself an angel?” Anita says in a light tone, but means it as cruelly as can be. She wants him emotional. She wants to see the legendary hate and rage. She wants to see the Devil in his true form.

“The answer, my dear, is the same one I would give if you think that is an arousing stance to someone like myself?” the Devil replies in his normal, casual tone, showing her comments don’t seem to bother him.

This comment cuts Anita hard as the Devil knows she uses sex as a tool during normal deliberations, which won’t help here. She knew this was going to be the case, but had hoped it wasn’t true. Using her sex is second nature to her now and is her most useful tool.

“I do not and will not offer my immortal and blessed soul to you, not for any price. What I have summoned you for, is for other arrangements,” Anita explains as if getting down to business.

“I can tell you have not had sex in a very long time,” the Devil says as if reading Anita’s mind, which they both know is impossible. Anita keeps her face calm at this, knowing there would be some BS brought by him. Especially with a statement she knows isn’t true.

“My guess is that it has been over a year, at least. Even then, it was not with a partner you found attractive. For you, it would have been business related, just another tool to help you secure what you needed. And I am quite sure it was not even with a person of the sex you prefer,” the Devil muses as he slowly paces, stepping around the unseen circle around Anita’s house.

Anita knows better than to respond to this, even if it is to tell him he’s wrong. Only, Anita discovers that he’s not wrong. Thinking hard, Anita tries to remember the last time she actually had sex, and yes, it was many months ago.

“It was a woman named Brenda,” Anita states as the long pause basically shows him that he’s right. She holds her head up high, showing she is not ashamed of what she’s done, or that she uses sex in the way she does. A brute uses his muscles given at birth to achieve his goals, having honed his craft, just as a sharpshooter uses his eyesight. She just happens to use her sexuality, which with practice she is quite deadly.

“Brenda was in possession of a few items I needed and she wasn’t willing to part with them,” Anita explains without any shame. While looking at the hipster-looking man, Anita wonders if he already knew this. Does he know that she did seduce that older woman, which she feels is quite the feat as Anita isn’t lesbian or bi-sexual by nature.

“In terms of deaths, I am sure it was a method Brenda did not mind,” the Devil states and smiles an evil grin. A grin that says, “you are just as evil as I am.”

This sentence concerns Anita, but she doesn’t let it show. She tells herself that he can’t read her at the moment, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what’s happened in the past. He is the Devil after all. There wouldn’t be much he doesn’t know.

One question refuses to leave Anita’s mind from this. That question is if the Devil really knows the method of how she killed Brenda. No one else was there, nor have they found her body, as far as Anita knows. Or does he just know the older woman is dead.

Anita murdered the older woman when the two were having sex. The older woman was lying on her bed, performing oral on Anita as Anita straddled her face. Then, using her toned legs and thighs, Anita wrapped her legs around the older woman’s head and smothered her to death by pressing her crotch against her face.

Anita murdered the woman in this fashion because it was the best choice. The older woman believed that Anita was just getting excited over the act of being eaten out. Over and over Brenda yelled and moans about how good Anita’s pussy tasted and was fully enraptured. It was only when it was too late that Brenda knew Anita’s legs wrapped around her head wasn’t a sign of pleasure. By then she was too weak from lack of oxygen to struggle in any meaningful manner.

“Allow me just one more question-” the Devil starts in his smooth manner but Anita cuts him off.

“Will you hear me, or not?” Anita states, her tone serious and stern. She even takes a step back as if to disappear into her house, knowing that if she shuts the door, he wouldn’t be able to follow. If she does this, she knows it may backfire as she needs him and this deal. She was the one that summoned him instead of him pursuing her.

To this the Devil puts both hands up in a friendly way of saying “no disrespect.” He even takes a few steps back as well as if giving the two of them breathing room. The only thing that Anita doesn’t like about this is the smirk he continues to have. That smirk that seems to imply he is taking candy from a baby.

“I am assuming of course, you wish the same deal as your ancestor?” the Devil says and laughs, this clearly meant as a joke. Anita doesn’t laugh but smirks.

Anita is here to trick the Devil, but she knows tricking him in such a manner would never work. She knows times where different when her ancestor made the deal. But the Devil has been tricked before, and he’ll be tricked again.

“I am not that greedy, nor stupid,” Anita tells him, knowing full well she is that greedy. Even through she has enough to live the rest of her life comfortably, she wants more. She needs more. She wants enough to do as she wants for the rest of her existence. There is truly little that can’t be solved with money.

“Since you stated how important and busy you are, allow me to present my offer in a forthright manner,” Anita says, pretending to get down to the meat of the matter. This is an effort to placate the Devil’s ego by making him seem especially important.

“You never received the revenge on my family for hurting your pride. For outsmarting you to the point that the world laughed at you. I am here to rectify this,” Anita begins her business proposal in a smooth and calm manner, on purpose using language to make him upset.

“I propose that for a single hour today, you can have whatever minion or underling hunt me, here. They will hunt me and if they capture me, I forfeit not just my life, but all. But…if I survive that hour, I receive a boot-full of gold, metaphorically speaking,” Anita proposes.

The Devil merely listens with an unreadable face. Anita knows he will never go for this deal, but that is the point. This was a throwaway offer that he was always going to reject as it is part of the ritual. He will now propose his own extreme offer, which Anita will reject. This is how it will go until Anita is able to guide and trick him into what she wants.

Anita has studied the Devil for many years to prepare for this day. She knows what to expect, how to respond, when to press him and when to run away. This is what fills her with confidence to be able to deal with him, knowing just how powerful he is.

Calling for the Devil in an isolated place like this would be suicide for anyone else as no one will hear your pain or torment. But Anita did this on purpose. The first reason is to make the Devil think he has an edge. There’s no support system for Anita here, nor anyone else to help her, which gives him the edge.

The other reason Anita is so confident is she was successful in casting very old-world rituals here. Rituals that block him from reading her, rituals to protect the ground as well as rituals to lessen his abilities. Most of all, she made sure to create the circle of protection that engulfs her entire house. It took years to cast and cost a small fortune, but the Devil, nor any creature he controls is able to step foot within the circle that surrounds her house.

Anita’s plan is simple yet effective. Make a deal in her favor that would allow him to send whatever dark force he wants after her under the guise of him getting his revenge, but only for a brief period of time. When the evil he summons arrives, she will be safe within her well supplied and fortified home. A home that can be locked down and made air tight with it’s own CO2 conversion system, not to mention stocked with cameras and weapons that many third world countries would love to own.

“That sounds…” the Devil begins, looking like he rather likes this idea. His eyebrows go up, his body gets relaxed and if Anita didn’t know better, she thinks he just made a tent in his pants.

Boring,” he quickly adds, giving Anita a look that clearly says he knows what she is doing. His face is covered in boredom now, as if he disappointed her. That he expected better.

“I am aware you have your super-duper plan, and are well prepared for me, but I simply find this too boring. Allow me to bypass all of this, to which I am not interested in any childish games,” the Devil states in his casual manner but has an air of being impatient.

“I offer this, for one-time only, a unique deal. You see, I have no use in revenge. There’s nothing of value in revenge. That is a human concept, to wrong those that have wronged you to satisfy a never ending emotion. What comes from it? Nothing. Just an endless circle of stupidity, with each side trying to one up the other. That bores me. It bores me greatly,” the Devil states, saying this with only a hint of emotion.

“What I find more interesting is that a woman that uses sex as a deadly weapon, has not enjoyed the act in what, two years? Two and a half? At least with a partner that she wanted to experience it with,” the Devil questions, seemingly wanting to know this information rather badly.

“Why? You wanting to have sex with me?” Anita asks, her confusion real. She knows this can’t be the case, but doesn’t understand what he’s after. She understands he is trying to take control of the situation, but doesn’t understand what his goal is to be.

“Here is my offer, as simple and plain as it can be. I will offer you a “boot of gold,” if you agree to remain naked for the remainder of the day,” the Devil offers.

Anita’s eyes narrow on him as her confusion increases. This isn’t much of a deal, at least not for him. There’s nothing of value in it, unless he’s building to something. In any case, it doesn’t feel right to Anita. It’s far too easy. Far too much of a reward for such a small act.

Planning on asking a question, Anita opens her mouth to speak, but stops before she says anything. It clicks to her that he said he would only offer this deal once, so if she asks a question, he could take it away.

Anita then figures what his goal has to be. The Devil is known to taunt people with such offers like he just did. Offers that appear to be too good to be true, so the person either questions it or refuses to take it. That is when the Devil is able to swoop in and mock the victim to the point of insanity that they didn’t take it. That they had all they wanted at their fingertips and were too scared to take it.

“I accept,” Anita answers, seeing no issue with the deal. She is on her land, not in public, and he has no ability to make her leave. Even if he did, being naked doesn’t so much bother Anita like other acts would.

“Excellent! Once you remove your clothing you will find yourself unable to wear anything after until the day is over. Any clothing you try to put on will crumble and tear in your hands,” the Devil reveals, his smirk returning.

Still not seeing any issue from this, Anita grabs the bottom of her shirt and lifts. When she reaches the bottom of her sports bra, she forces her fingers under the cups and yanks it up. Doing this allows her exceptionally large breasts to spill out, where the Devil can see. Breasts that she has had increased not just once, but twice.

Within moments Anita becomes topless as she pulls her top and bra over her head as her massive chest jiggles. The act of doing this has made Anita’s nipples rather hard as she’s never been so brazen about becoming nude before. Something about being naked in front of the Devil is nerve wracking to her.

Next Anita pulls her yoga pants and panties down to her ankles, exposing her firm ass and bare mound. As she waxes to make sure her sex remains desirable, there is no hair anywhere on her bottom half. This is something she is rather proud of as she makes a point of keeping her skin very smooth and clear.

“Happy?” Anita asks, motioning to her own naked body while looking at the Devil. To make a point, Anita shakes her shoulders, causing her large chest to jiggle and bounce hard.

“Are you?” the Devil asks right after, his evil smirk refusing to leave his face.

“Look at you. Sure, you can use sex as a weapon, but it is so very clear you are scared of sex. Scared of how it can make you feel. Scared of your own body,” the Devil comments, motioning to Anita.

Scoffing, Anita is about to protest this but then she looks down at herself. Anita wasn’t even aware she was doing it, but one of her arms has moved over her chest to hold her breasts in a sad attempt to hide them. The same is true for her womanhood as her other hand cups it hard, making it seem that she’s scared to show off her body, despite how she was just acting.

This is very unlike Anita as plenty of people have seen her naked. Her body is just another tool to get what she wants, so why would she try to cover herself? And of all people, why would she care that the Devil got to see her naked?

“I am not scared of my own body,” Anita says to defend herself, but she doesn’t move her arms. Instead she stays like this, for some reason not wanting him to see her completely naked any longer.

“Yes, you are. Here, you are alone. Here you have to confront what you really feel,” the Devil remarks, now motioning to the very large property.

“Thank you for the therapy session Dr. Phil,” Anita comments, stopping herself before she gets sucked into his game. This is his way of getting in her head. This is exactly how he gets what he wants.

Behind Anita, inside her house she hears the sound of metal jingling together. Spinning around as she’s more than ready to fight, she spots what made the noise. It’s a pair of old leather boots that have appeared next to the fireplace in her front room. Both of the boots are filled with gold coins, in which the weight of one is so much that it’s fallen over and spilled all over the floor.

“Well, our business is now concluded. I am sure you are eager to seize your new wealth, so I will depart now,” the Devil says and does a sort of mock vow.

Something happens to Anita at hearing this. A feeling of fear runs over her, but not at the thought he would do anything to her. No, far from it. The fear is from him leaving. She doesn’t want him to leave, at least not yet. With the ease he made that gold appear. With ease he just dumped millions of dollars at her feet. It means he really can give her everything that she could ever want.

“You interested in another deal?” Anita comments in what she hopes is a causal tone. Not one that shows her concern at him leaving, nor her greed at wanting more.

“You know what they say about greed, my naked friend,” the Devil warns in a playful manner. Anita can’t help but to smile at this. She knows she is being greedy, but it is who she is. It’s why her family has been so successful. It’s why she was able to trap him and protect herself as good as she has.

“I am well aware that me removing my clothes was part of some greater plot for you. A plot that has a next part. Just as I’m sure you knew I would stop you before you tried to leave,” Anita states, regaining her confidence the more she speaks. She only hopes that what she is saying is true and not just the guess she thinks it is.

“I do find your relationship with sex very interesting and unique,” the Devil tells Anita after an extraordinarily long pause.

Anita smiles wide as this means she is indeed correct. That he had no intention of leaving, yet. It pumps her full of confidence where she can’t believe she doubted herself.

“It seems you are only comfortable with sex when it is for business purposes, or used as a tool to get what you want. But when it is just for pleasure, rather it be mental, physical or emotional, you run from it,” the Devil explains, his tone sounding rather confused by this.

“Even now you are afraid to be proud of the body you work so hard for. How many hours in the gym do you spend daily? How much on the special food to maintain your health? After all, who else gets to view your womanly features? Only I, and for me, seeing you naked is the same as seeing any other animal on this planet without clothes,” the Devil explains.

“W-W-What is it you are offering?” Anita asks rather rattled. She doesn’t understand why what he is saying rattles her so much as it is rather silly. What does it matter if others see her naked? Why would he care if she has sex at all? It has nothing to do with him in any way. The only point it serves is to get in her head. To torture her.

“As I am curious how you will deal with it, I offer yet another pair of boots filled with gold, if you are made unable to cover yourself for the rest of the day. To have your arms restricted so that you can’t hide any part of your naked body,” the Devil offers, sounding very curious to see what Anita will do.

Anita laughs as it is such a silly offer to her. Of all the things he could want, Anita doesn’t understand how he could possibly want that? It makes her wonder how far he has fallen. He used to go after the souls of innocents, stealing village after village of their eternal life, but now is reduced to have a peep show with her body.

Only Anita’s first choice is to say no. Something about not being able to cover herself does concern her. Not because she’s scared of her body or whatever else he is claiming, but because it doesn’t seem right. She figures there has to be another reason he wants it.

But the more she considers it, the more Anita likes the thought of having even more gold. And after all, two boots full of gold is worth having to feel her tits jiggle and bounce for a while. It’s not like anyone is able to see her like this. For the time being it’s just the Devil here, and he’ll be leaving soon.

“Fine, if that is how you get your rocks off, I accept your deal,” Anita says with a cock of her head. Upon saying this, the concern she had about this being some sort of trap leaves her. She figures this is really him trying to use some sort of self-esteem, sexual image against her, to which she doesn’t care.

“Wonderful!” the Devil boasts, clapping his hands together.

“How do you propose that this…happens…” Anita begins but then notices something rather alarming. Her wrists are now tied behind her with what feels like rope. Her hands were moved behind her and secured, leaving her unable to move her arms at all as they remain bound behind her back.

Panic and fear bubble inside Anita as this isn’t what she expected. This isn’t showing her body off, this is making her helpless. She needs her hands in case something goes wrong. What if she needs to defend herself? What if something attacks?

And how was he able to do this? He has no power here. The rituals prevent him from using any of his gifts within the circle of protection. How did he manage to do this?!

“Come on now, dear Anita. You said it yourself, you are quite safe in your private fortress,” the Devil says, motioning to the huge house that is behind Anita.

This statement hits Anita hard, making her look at the ground. Sure enough, she had moved off her porch when she undressed. This made her move past the circle and into his range. No wonder he was able to bind her like he did. She got too caught up thinking she was safe and didn’t look where she was.

Stepping backward and on the other side of the circle of protection, Anita understands that the Devil knows more than she thought he would. He may not be able to read her mind, but he still understands the situation. He knows that she is safe from him on this side of the circle. Just like he knows she made sure there’s no way he could send anything that could hurt her here.

“Those are rather nice breasts, I must say. Extremely large,” the Devil remarks, his eyes looking at Anita’s chest. He even points to them, which makes Anita feel extremely vulnerable. This small movement makes Anita want to turn around just so he wouldn’t be able to see them any longer.

“Ummm, thanks?” Anita replies, feeling oddly like a virgin girl in college letting her boyfriend see her naked for the first time.

Anita doesn’t understand why she would feel like this. She’s had sex plenty of times for fun and has many boyfriends too. Why is it now she would feel so open and vulnerable? Why is it that she doesn’t want him or anyone else to see her naked body?

Considering this, Anita does admit that she never really has enjoyed people seeing her naked. Sure, when it is for work, you have to do it. There’s nothing to consider in that situation, but otherwise she’s never liked to be exposed. Even in situations where other women had no issue with it, like going to a changing room together, Anita always liked to go alone.

“Must you keep looking at me?” Anita says, her face burning red as she feels the Devil looking over her naked body. For not the first time, Anita feels how comically large she has made her breasts, how they don’t seem to stop moving, ever. She feels how much like targets they are, not to mention how heavy. Where they make her feel like her body type is a mop handle with tits.

“Now wait a second asshole!” Anita protests as she notices yet another unexcepted action she didn’t agree to. There’s a metal bar running from ankle to ankle, forcing her to keep her legs spread. This metal bar is rather long too, making it impossible to run or even walk. She is effectively stuck in a spread eagle position.

“What? You agreed. Otherwise you would be crossing your legs and doing your best to hide that cute little smooth mound of yours,” the Devil comments as if Anita is the one being unreasonable.

Anita opens her mouth to protest this, but stops herself yet again. She was within the circle of protection. How was he able to put this on her then? Before with her hands, she was outside of it, so it makes sense he could do it. But not now. Not when she is practically inside her house.

Worry creeps into Anita’s heart at this realization. The biggest worry is that she understands the deal has been made. There’s no going back. A deal with the Devil is iron clad, so no amount of bitching or complaining will stop it. The best she could do is figure out how he was able to put the bar on her.

“Oh, your little spell work is working just fine, Big Tits,” the Devil says, his tone very mocking at calling Anita “Big Tits.” It again makes her face burn red as he too considers her breasts large and comical. But Anita tries to push this away as he knows what she was thinking. He knows she is concerned about how he was able to put the bar on her.

“I am unable to read your thoughts or emotions, nor can I hop over your art project on the ground. But, one thing your kind does not think to consider, is that when a deal is made…” the Devil begins, making something click inside Anita.

“You are allowed access to the victim’s soul,” Anita states, remembering this tidbit of information. Anita does know this, but is confused by it. She understands that when someone sells their soul to the Devil, he can pull from it, using the energy to conjure whatever it is that they want. As souls are endless energy, this is how he can give people whatever it is that they desire.

But Anita knows she didn’t sell her soul. He should have no access to it, therefore unable to pull energy from it. That would be the only way he could cast something inside the circle of protection, so how in the world was he able to do it?

“You really did study,” the Devil remarks, sounding impressed.

Behind her, Anita hears the familiar sound of gold coins clanking together, letting her know she has been paid. That he supplied her with the gold he promised. Goal that was no doubt created with energy from her own soul. After all, they appear within the circle of protection as well.

The Devil begins to smile while looking at Anita. But it isn’t the evil smile that promises her death or pain. Instead it is a perverted smile. The sort of smile you might see a pervert have from across the room at a strip club.

“What?” Anita asks, genuinely concerned now. She understands he isn’t going to leave now as he wants to cause more havoc, but she doesn’t understand why the horny smile. The Devil can’t have sex, so what’s the point? Is it just because he enjoys her being concerned while naked?

“You are aroused,” the Devil says and laughs. But it’s not a mocking or mean laugh, but a perverted one. For some reason, that makes this laugh much worse. It makes Anita want to turn and face the wall so he isn’t able to see her lady bits. Only the bar keeps her legs spread wide so she can’t really move.

“Motherfucker,” Anita gasps as she actually considers what he just said. He’s right. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, she is incredibly aroused.

Squinting her eyes at him, Anita wonders if this is his doing. That he’s using her own energy to make her aroused. The more she thinks of this, the more she doesn’t believe that’s the case. Despite the stories, the Devil can’t make people fall in love, nor can he change their personalities. Trick people, yeah, but there’s no changing emotions or making them feel what they shouldn’t.

“Damn,” Anita says to herself when she discovers she isn’t just aroused, but super aroused. Already she is wet enough that it may start leaking down her legs. And her nipples are hard enough to cut diamonds. She even feels that strange feeling of her entire body getting warm as if in an oven as butterflies flap away in her stomach.

“Seems you have been waiting for someone to make you confront your sexuality,” the Devil remarks as Anita feels how insanely aroused she has become.

“T-t-that’s not…that’s not true…this is just…just…” Anita stammers, her mind becoming foggy as she feels her womanhood tingle. It’s a familiar tingle but one she doesn’t have often. A tingle in which she wants to be touched. Not just touched, but taken. For someone to grab her passionately and be as rough as they want to be. Where they shove her face in the dirt and take her as fast and hard as they can.

“Come now, what does lying do for you now?” the Devil chastises. Looking incredibly happy with himself, he starts to pace next to the circle of protection again, making sure not to cross it.

“You are aroused, plain and simple. Nothing wrong with it. It is pretty easy to see why it has happened too,” the Devil explains, making it sound like the two of them are old friends.

“The sex you normally have requires you to be in charge. For you to initiate and control all aspects. You choose the positions, you rock the boat, you do the fucking, so to speak. But now, like this, you are helpless. Not in control. Vulnerable. It is that feeling that drives you wild as you want more of it,” the Devil explains.

“N-N-No, that…that doesn’t seem right,” Anita states, thinking that what he says doesn’t sound like her. But even as she says this weak protest, a part of her knows it is right.

“You are not the first woman, or rather person, to discover this. If you did not spend such time denying your honest sexuality, you would be far happier and not have to resort to schemes like this,” the Devil keeps on, motioning to the naked and helpless Anita.

“Son of a bitch,” Anita hisses to herself, no longer able to deny just how horny she has become. Each time she pulls her hands to try and get free, a wave of pleasure moves over her as that dark part of her loves being helpless like this. Each time she tries to pull her legs to the side, the same thing happens, making her love and hate that she is unable to touch her clit.

Suddenly, Anita gets an idea. An idea that goes off like a lightbulb, dominating all of her thoughts. It is a plan that makes dollar signs flood her brain. It goes against her base plan, but is far too smart to go south. It’s the sort of plan she should have considered from the start.

“You are saying that some part of me likes being helpless and naked?” Anita asks, full of confidence as she has her plan. A plan that involves tricking the Devil by using his own method against him.

“We both know that to be true. Already I can see you wishing you had a partner here to enjoy your time,” the Devil remarks in a smug manner.

“Prove it, then. I have one more offer. A deal you no doubt already have in your perverted mind. A deal that will prove, or in my case, disprove what you are saying,” Anita says, attempting to take a step towards him but unable to thanks to the bar between her ankles.

Anita tries to do this again, but finds she is only able to take very small steps while her legs are so spread. When she nearly loses her balance, Anita stops, considering that to fall over wouldn’t end well for her.

“And what would that be?” the Devil questions, looking interested. Anita sees his eyes look at her chest as she tries to move. She sees his eyes move left and right with her swinging chest, causing that submissive feeling to pulse inside of her.

“A sexual fantasy I had…I mean, used to have…” Anita says but stammer as if uncomfortable. She does this on purpose, putting on her best acting performance. She wants him to think that she’s struggling to come to terms with some deep thoughts. That she has to fight to suppress what she is feeling.

“Is to be free-use. To be a free-use whore where I would be unable to reject any advances, male or female, old or older, fat or skinny, ugly or good looking,” Anita states, selling the thought the best that she can. She says this as she knows the Devil isn’t going to be able to pass up something so perverted for her, at least not in her current state.

“Since I am already helpless in this position, for the right price, I will be free-use for any human until the end of the day, if you accept,” Anita offers the deal. She keeps up her acting performance, trying to say this with confidence, but as well as showing that it scares her.

“I do like that idea, but it is still rather boring, not to mention safe,” the Devil counters, but shows he is thinking about it. He actually turns and walks a bit, revealing he is very much interested in the idea, but doesn’t want to go for it in this situation.

“How about this amended stipulation,” the Devil offers after pausing. He then turns around and smiles at Anita with that perverted smile again.

“As you stated, you remain free-use until the end of the day, but…at least once an hour, you must orgasm,” the Devil states with that perverted smile of his.

“What? How in the hell am I supposed to do that?” Anita asks incredulous. Saying this in this manner does make Anita cringe as it gives away too much of her plan.

Of course she doesn’t expect to really be free-use. She’s safe on her property where no one can reach her. There’s the huge walls that surround the place, not to mention the gate that a tank probably couldn’t get through. Unless she lets them in, there’s no way for anyone to get onto her property. Even then, if by some miracle they did, all she would have to do is get inside her house. Once inside she could lock the place down and wait out all the hours.

Now that it’s been said, there’s no going back. And the more she thinks about it, the more Anita figures that the Devil most likely had considered this. So he would know that there would be no way for her to pleasure herself in this state. There is literally no way for her to touch herself. So how would she orgasm if she can’t touch herself?

“Oh, you already know the answer,” the Devil laughs that perverted laugh. It’s the sort of laugh a rapist would have upon getting to rape the same victim again.

“You rub that pretty little pussy of yours against the corner of a table or other item,” the Devil reveals, making Anita’s eyes widen in disgust.

“But…I am not finished with my stipulations,” the Devil states, waving off the perverted nature of his answer, even if Anita’s mouth drops open at the thought of doing such a humiliating act.

In her mind she sees herself having to straddle the chair she has in her living room. It has an armrest that she would be able to get between her legs. Accepting the deal would mean having to rub her clit against that armrest at least once an hour till she orgasmed. It would be by far the most humiliating sexual act she could ever do. It’s so perverted that Anita finds she much rather have sex with the old woman again, even though Anita isn’t lesbian.

“Just to make it fair, if there are still those waiting to use you sexually at the end of the day, you must remain free-use, as well as naked, helpless and on display, until all are finished. But, and this is the most important part, at least to me as I find it extremely humorous, any sexual act you take part in, from the rubbing of your pretty little pussy against the corner of your kitchen table to whatever partners you may have…will be streamed online. Not on any site that your friends or family use normally, but a site where strangers will be able to see your sexuality in action,” the Devil reveals, his perverted smile truly going sinister.

“I…” Anita starts, processing these truly perverted stipulations. For years she considered what dealing with the Devil would be like. She considered all manner of tortures or pain that he may threaten, even to the point of losing her limbs. But never did she consider the Devil was such a fucking pervert. That’s all he wants, to be a pervert. For her to humiliate herself, sexually.

Considering what she would be made to do, Anita considers that the rubbing of her pussy against the corner of a table or the armrest is something she doesn’t know if she could do. Physically yes, she could do it. It would be humiliating, demeaning, not to mention probably very arousing given how helpless she is, but it’s too much. It’s too degrading. And for it to be recorded? No. No way. She can’t let strangers see her like that, no doubt recording it and posting it elsewhere.

“Oh, I do enjoy this. I love that inner torment. All those lovely emotions that cross your face,” the Devil proclaims, watching Anita’s face very closely.

Upon looking at him, Anita finally sees the fallen angel behind the mask. There’s a frantic power behind the face looking at her. A hungry face. A face that takes immense pleasure in the malice of what humans face within themselves.

“How about I raise the booty, so to speak? How about five hundred million dollars to debase yourself? Five hundred million to have people watch and think that you are a sick pervert? A hundred million to force you to get off by rubbing your pussy against all manner of objects to cum like a whore?” the Devil rapidly says, his voice getting deeper and darker the more that he says. As he talks, his eyes become darker and darker, while drool starts to fall from his mouth and onto his chin.

“Five hundred million?” Anita asks, not believing he could offer such an amount. That is far more than she could have hoped he would offer. Receiving that type of money could mean she could disappear. Go to a foreign country and never have to worry about any of her troubles. Never having to worry about cops trying to link her to some crime. Or some family member coming for her as they knew she was the last one to see so-and-so alive. And that’s five hundred million on top of what she’s already earned.

“Greed, right?” Anita says to the Devil and laughs. The Devil then laughs an honest laugh at this, understanding perfectly what Anita means. Only now he looks like he originally did when he arrived, a hipster that managed to find his way inside the property.

“Greed, ass, pussy and tits to be exact,” the Devil comments, making Anita laugh this time. The two of them share a strange laugh at this, as the moment isn’t particular funny at all.

“Fine. I accept,” Anita proclaims, holding her head up as she can’t think of what could go wrong. A part of her screams that this is a bad idea, that she needed to think about it more, but she can’t help herself. She is safe here, which means her only problem will be to find ways to get herself off. As for people recording, it’s not like she will ever have to watch the videos, so what does she care?

“Great!” the Devil exclaims clapping his hands together. To this Anita turns and tries to look inside the house, expecting several more pairs of boots to appear, all with gold inside. It should be so much gold that it’ll break the fucking floor.

“Holy fucking-shit boys! There’s a naked bitch over here, all truss up like a pig!” A crude, uneducated male voice yells nearly at the top of his lungs from far away.

In a moment of disbelief, Anita turns back around to find that the Devil’s gone. He’s disappeared completely. Then she looks down her very long driveway which is the only way in or out by car. This driveway goes directly through the surrounding forest which is about fifty yards away. And from the forest, Anita sees a stocky, huge man walk out, pointing directly at her, wearing bright orange coveralls.

Confused, Anita recognizes those coveralls as being from the Department of Corrections. It’s what they make inmates wear. What Anita’s brain can’t seem to process is who the hell that guy is, and how he got on her property.

As if a horror movie, Anita watches man after man in the same orange coveralls step out from her woods. At least a dozen and a half of them appear, all stumbling out of the forest like they lost their way. They at first seem to have no idea where they are, but then their attention is turned to the only other thing they can see, the lone house, and the naked, tied up woman standing on the porch.

“But…but the…the gate,” Anita stammers, the color draining from her face. Anita then understands she needs to get inside the house. With the bar connected to her ankles, the only way she’s going to make it is by hopping. Sure, she’ll look stupid, but it won’t matter once she is inside the locked house and safe.

Anita tries to turn, still not understanding how the Devil could have done this with all the rituals she had placed on these grounds. He couldn’t have used her own soul energy to bring them, as they were not part of the deal. There is no way they could have gotten over the fence that surrounds her entire property unless they were catapulted over as it is so high. And the gate itself is not only electrified, but has spikes all over so no one can climb it.

“With all your preparations, the years of work, all the research, you must have forgotten that to summon me requires a heavy-load of energy. Energy that is sucked from the nearby area,” the Devil remarks.

Anita turns to the voice to find the Devil, now wearing the same orange coveralls as the inmates, leaning against the house on the other side of the porch. Just like before, he stands outside the circle of protection, showing he can’t cross it.

“No! I knew that. I prepared for that. I knew the radius the blackout would affect. The house is prepared for no electricity for months!” Anita states angrily, pissed at the thought she didn’t know such a basic fact of his summoning. Not only does the house have a solar generator, but it is also stocked with propane, MREs, as well as tons of canned food to survive on for years.

“The house? Sure, sure. What about the gate?” the Devil asks after leaning in a tiny bit, as if sharing a secret.

Anita’s stomach drops as she realized she never took the gate into consideration. But as soon as she thinks this, she knows the gate can’t be the reason. Even if the gate doesn’t have power, it wouldn’t affect anything. It would stay shut and locked. So he had to have cheated somehow.

“Oh shit,” Anita gasps as she thinks about the gate again. Anita had completely forgotten that when the gate loses power, it automatically unlatches so as not trap anyone inside or out. The moment the power went out, the gate would unlatch and slowly open all the way as it is designed to do.

“Oh…you bastard,” Anita curses at the Devil when he sees what he did. Her anger flares and she knows that she isn’t so much pissed at him, but at herself. In the end, he was able to trick her in more ways than one.

Instead of doing her best to get inside her fortified house where she would be safe, the Devil kept her talking and outside. That gave one of the inmates, who must have run at top speed, time to reach her. For now he is close enough she can smell the man.

“NO!” Anita screams as the man reaches her. Panicking, Anitas hops in the air, trying to move as fast as she can. But before she can try and hop into the house, the man grabs hold of her hair. That hand yanks her back, sending her backward, off balance and to the ground.

“NO!” Anita howls as she is grabbed by multiple hands as more of the men run up. The world spins as the hands begin to grab, grope and squeeze all over her naked and helpless body. With a fever they grab at Anita, acting as if she is the last woman in the world. And with her arms tied behind her, she can’t do anything about it.

Anita does try to struggle as the group of men pick her up and turn her around. They place her on her knees and hold her up, with all of them cheering, jeering and yelling about their good fortunes. As much as she tries to pull back and fight, they are too strong for her.

The forgotten feeling and taste of a cock enters Anita’s mouth as it is forced inside after she cries from her hair being pulled. Yet instead of biting or pulling back, Anita’s lips close in on the cock to grip it tight. Her mouth then starts to suck automatically, where she whips her tongue over the invading member. All the skills she had learned about pleasing men with a blowjob come out as she does this for the strange inmate.

Shocked as her mouth does this independently of what she wants, she feels herself being bent over as the man keeps his dick in her mouth. The reason for this becomes clear as from behind, she feels a man position himself between her wide, spread legs. There he positions his cock, bareback and hard right against her pussy. The man wastes no time in thrusting it as hard as he can inside Anita’s very welcoming pussy, making Anita moan like a whore.

Anita’s eyes widen as her head bobs on the cock in her mouth with a passion, like the only way to cure herself is to make the man cum as fast as possible. Her head and mouth move independently of what she wants again, this time to the point that she deep throats the man, her face shoving against his stomach as he moans in pleasure.

The cock that enters her wet pussy begins to fuck her furiously, as if not being with a woman in twenty years. He holds onto her hips so hard that his fingernails leave marks on Anita’s skin while he thrusts insanely fast to the point it hurts her. The speed and force of his thrusts make it feels like he is fucking her raw, but to listen to her, you wouldn’t know this as moan after moan come out of her as she sucks the dick in her mouth.

“Free-use,” Anita thinks as she realizes what is happening. As her hips thrust back to help the man fucking her, Anita knows that her body is free-use, as the deal stated. She is free-use and unable to deny anyone of any sexual act. Worst of all, it is her own energy that makes her body react this way, powering her own punishment.

An orgasm bursts over Anita as despite the horror and situation, her body still craves the humiliation and submission of what is happening. It hits her hard, the waves moving all over her as more and more hands grab at her. The men, whomever they may be, even start to fight over her, with then trying to grab any part of her.

It starts with Anita being double teamed by the two men, with one on each side where it feels like they are trying to compact her. This quickly grows to more joining in, with one man making her grab his cock in her tied hands and jerk him off, another crawling under her where he gnashing her tits together and tries hard to tittyfuck her and yet another that grabs a handful of her hair and begins to pleasure himself with it, moaning loudly as he does.

“I probably should have mentioned it when I arrived…” the Devil says, his voice cutting through all the noise. Anita’s eyes then search for him, but can’t really see anything as her head is whipped about as she furiously deep throats the criminal’s cock.

Anita then catches sight of the Devil, still in his orange coveralls with the man bun on the top of his head. He stands to the side of Anita, looking down at her, and at the spectacle that she’s become. If it was any other time, Anita no doubt would be begging him to make this stop, but the orgasm that runs over her at feeling so helpless and submissive makes it impossible for her to want anything than to be fucked harder.

“But as you can see, there was a bus full of inmates being transferred upstate due to overcrowding. The bus was driving along peacefully when suddenly, some unseen force knocked out the power of the electric bus, sending it crashing off the side of the road,” the Devil reveals.

Anita tastes the unique taste of cum as the man who has his dick in her mouth grabs the back of her head and forces her down. There he jams his cock into her throat, forcing it so deep that she can’t breathe. It’s here that he finishes cumming, wanting her to take all of his cum directly into her stomach.

After pulling out of her mouth, Anita feels the man that crawled under her, who had pushed her breasts together, has cummed as well. He unleashed himself with his cock still buried between her breasts, leaving a trail of cum all over her cleavage which quickly travels downward. The man cheers and laughs at this accomplishment, where he starts to slap her tits against his cock, treating them as toys.

“He looks fun,” the Devil comments as a hulking man steps up to Anita. She is able to glance at the man as he moves in front of her, but as she is still being fucked from behind, her world rocks as she bounces off the cock that is making her cum.

The new man pulls his coveralls down to reveal an exceptionally large cock. An exceptionally large, pierced cock. And unable to help it, Anita leans over, her mouth wide open to take it in her mouth, hungry and wanting to taste it. Like before, she immediately begins to perform a blowjob, her jaw already tired.

“With no other place for miles and miles out here, the bus’s inhabitants decided to head this way for some help,” the Devil resumes as Anita is used by the multiple men.

It’s at this point that if she could, Anita would scream for the Devil to fuck off, as he reveals that this is her fault. That it was her summoning him that knocked the inmates’ bus off the side of the road due to knocking all power out. Just like it was her fault she forgot that the gate would unlatch without power.

“But don’t worry. This is perfect for you, for these men were in jail for taking what they wanted sexually, over and over. They love being in charge, and treating women like you as whores. They are all convicted rapists after all,” the Devil says and laughs a cruel, loud laugh.

“Though, it does make you wonder,” the Devil continues pondering as the man fucking Anita from behind cums. Only he cums inside of her, having no consideration of her at all. Not caring that she may get pregnant, or that he may be passing some STD to her. He cums deep inside, laughing as he does and slapping her now reddened ass.

“Was it being helpless and naked that was making you as aroused as you were? Or was it because of the money?” the Devil asks, flaring Anita’s anger yet again.

“Bastard,” Anita thinks as she notices the Devil is no longer next to her. She knows that he’s gone now, gone for good. That the next time she sees him will no doubt be once she dies.

Anita would curse the Devil out loud, but at the moment she is unable to speak as two cocks are shoved in her mouth. The two men both try to use her mouth at the same time, pulling at her lips to fit both their cocks inside.

As this happens to her, Anita understands what the Devil just did, just as she understands he’ll no doubt be successful. Doubt. The bastard just put doubt into her mind. Anita’s only hope to survive this is that on some level she gets off on being treated like this. That she really wants to be treated like a whore and used to an extreme until the day is over, which will be in a few hours. That what is happening will be nothing more than a night of kinky sex where she will cum over and over.

But now she has to realize that she became aroused after she was paid the gold. That it could be the gold that made her wet, and not the thought of being helpless and on display. That the son of a bitch may have tricked her by making her think she liked being submissive.

Moreover, Anita recalls the exact terms of his proposed deal. Her anger and fear increases as she recalls that the deal doesn’t end at the end of the day at all. She agreed that she would be free-use until no one else wanted a turn. Now, as there are at least twenty inmates surrounding her, all wanting at least a few turns, this is going to last days, weeks even, if she even survives that long.


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