Desecrating & Defiling (D&D) by Meditating Dock Dweller

Writer: Meditating Dock Dweller

Subject: Desecrating & Defiling (D&D)

Link: Tumblr / 23.08.2024

Desecrating & Defiling (D&D)

I am asked to comment on a statement made under a Tumblr posting where one is called to desecrate and defile religious and holy symbols, items, etc as a praise to Satan. I was going to quote the statement. Unfortunately I “hit the wrong key” and lost the quote. However, the query is simple enough to answer.

Does the Dark Lord smile with wicked glee when we desecrate a holy item or symbol? Honestly, desecration and defiling are broad terms so the context here is the key. I have chosen the illustration as one form of desecration and defiling that I enjoy.

What one needs to grasp is while one can do so in any number of ways, etc, doing so is always a matter of personal choice, and taste and there is always the question “Why this ‘target”? What we choose to do and how we do and to what is always a personal choice. The Dark Lord doesn’t demand we do so to prove our bona fides or our sincerity. He doesn’t dance with glee because, well, what I will call “Desecrating & Defiling” (D&D) is one of those things that happen as we discover and experience our real me.

I’m not saying I don’t do so. Many on Tumblr and elsewhere share that doing so can be cathartic, a need to demonstrate their anger for any number of reasons against the religion they attack. How one can do so can be simple to sophisticated, secret yet blatant. What is important is if one does so it should be something they wish to do or engage in. Don’t follow someone else because they say you should.

We are traveling in our lane on the left-hand path. I know of one who claimed he is a pastor who shared that he no longer spoke about fidelity and faithfulness when engaged in marriage counseling and was now more understanding when one asked about premarital and extramarital sex. For him, what some would call a personal sophisticated step on his part.

It isn’t easy. Often you find yourself able to “defile and desecrate” — unexpectedly. One of the stupid things I have done in the past was pour urine in the baptism pool. Another not-stupid but serene D&D is illustrated above. I do have a jackhammer, Jesus. Not as you see above but I do have one and have used it with me and with others.

One doesn’t have to ejaculate on a Bible but often does because it’s that step that one often takes which we see as an affront to the Almighty we are often angry with — or we’re being rebellious. I found myself one day realizing that while I and others often engage in D&D fun (with a serious bent), one has to ask if doing so makes the Christian Almighty angry.

One would think so but I don’t. Why? Because we are given free will and able to think freely which, as I have often shared, means that the Creator has given us this “ability” (for lack of a better expression) so we can choose for or against Him. If we don’t, fine. So I have to ask “Does He care?” Scripture says He does but His is that tough love — You reap what you sow when it comes to the eternal reward. So, when it comes to me, D&D is a measure of personal pleasure but unnecessary because the ultimate blasphemy is I simply don’t believe.

And when it comes to simply not caring, we women understand that. I won’t explain that statement other than to ask me how often I don’t care about this one or that one or this or that situation, etc. Besides, I believe that I am more into the sophisticated side of D&D — sort of a smiling sinful secret agent along with others who are followers. I’ve witnessed some unusual dissertations.

Somehow a box of porn photos turned up on a table at the Methodist women’s yard sale. A candy bowl filled with condoms in the youth ministry fellowship room alongside the candy, snacks and other items. Vodka instead of water in the bottled water chilled and handed out at a church event — One I remember is the table sponsored by a ladies’ community Bible study group.

They had these gifts in small boxes, wrapped and sold for a dollar. Pretty presents to be filled with knick-knacks and sewing items and such. Well, many were filled with nipple clips, g strings, small butt plugs, etc. Some may say that isn’t D&D. It is. Another is placing a list of free porn sites in some, but not all of the Pew Bibles. And I have often shared that sex in a sacred space happens quite often, all D&D — what it is, well, is and can be in the eyes of she or he who does so.

This isn’t very helpful I know but I am simply stating how I see the situation. I’m not criticizing. I’m simply again sharing that D&D is what the person makes it — there isn’t a code and it doesn’t have to be physically destructive, such as tearing down a cross or other emblem or destroying an expensive Bible.

That may seem necessary to some. Why not underline those sensual and sexual passages that have created havoc for theologians throughout the ages? I am reminded of the passages where Israel is compared by the prophet to a whore loving donkey and horse cocks — and Hosea, the prophet commanded to marry a whore and let her have children by other men.

Talk about a cuckold! Sure, there was and is a moral there about the extent of the Christian Almighty’s love. Still, think about the thoughts it places in a young mind much less we older ones. Or is the thought already there? Think about that.

I spent this Sunday in my husband’s study. However, I was wearing my blasphemous plug — a choice I made for myself not because I had to do so but wanted to do so. One person’s desecration can be another’s celebration — or are they both?

This is my perspective after time in my pentagram. Forgive the usual flaws in my writing, etc. I trust this is helpful. The illustration is from the web. That one item speaks volumes if one only sees it. Again, Think about it. Ave Obscurum Dominum.

4 thoughts on “Desecrating & Defiling (D&D) by Meditating Dock Dweller”

  1. This is rather similar to my own perspective. There is no INTRINSIC value in “D&D”; rather the value comes in two ways:

    “D&D” is a personal act of taboo breaking. The value of this is to desensitize one to the feelings of guilt and shame that have been traditionally felt when contemplating their breaking. It provides a powerful psychological boost and brings one closer to true freedom.

    “D&D”, inasmuch as it is public, acts as a way to persuade others to abandon the foolish restrictions that have been ingrained in them. It provides examples of the success in violating those taboos, and presents the positive attributes of freedom.

  2. Kmart used to have a thing at Xmas where you bought toys & put them under a tree in the stor with labels like Boy or girl or baby. I once snuck a vibrator all wrapped up with the lable 12yo girl

  3. Absolutely amazing the ways we can desecrate all holy stuff. Women have the power to create and destroy ina sexy way whatever they wish

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