Passionate Practice by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Passionate Practice

Link: MeWe / 05.08.2024

Passionate Practice

I must admit that I find a certain thrill in combining masturbation and reading the Bible. There’s something about the tactile sensation of the Bible’s pages, the weight of the book in one hand as my fingers sink deeply inside myself, and the sacredness of the text that adds an extra layer of pleasure to the act of self-gratification.

For me, it’s all about desecrating the Bible and using it in a sacrilegious way. Oh, how I have dedicated so many of these Bibles to Lilith and Lucifer while finding a unique and personal way to connect with the text and with my sexual gratification. The act of masturbation can be a profoundly intimate and introspective experience, and using the Bible as a sex toy and a target for my orgasm I find it incredibly arousing.

Of course, I realize that this is a controversial practice that may be off-putting or even offensive to some people. Do you know that I don’t care? I encourage any engage in this behavior and discover the process of healing and freedom that it delivers.

There is something deeply satisfying about the act of masturbating over the pages of the Bible and cumming on or inside its pages. It’s a way of affirming my sexuality and my connection to Lilith, all at the same time.

There’s a sense of taboo and transgression that adds to the excitement, but there’s also a sense of ritual and reverence that makes the experience sacred. And in those moments of ecstasy and release, I feel a profound connection to something greater than myself, something beyond the physical realm.

I know that not everyone will understand or appreciate this practice, and that’s okay. But for me, it’s a deeply meaningful and fulfilling way to express my sexuality and my spirituality, all at the same time.

Salvete Lamia

5 thoughts on “Passionate Practice by Hoku Lani”

  1. As a pastor’s wife and a bride of Satan I know your thoughts precisely; thank you for expressing them so eloquently.
    Hail Lilith, Hail Satan

    1. Phyllis, I am looking for someone to guide me to Lord Satan’s service and enslavement to His lust and sex magick. I am a white , christian male amd have felt Lord Saran’s pull for sometime.

      Please guide me into this. [email protected]


  2. Everything you have expressed is so wonderfully true and I vicariuosly enjoy doing the same with you
    If it is ever possible, I would love to chat about this with you.
    Hopefully you will email me.

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