Rituals by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Rituals

Link: MeWE / 05.08.2024


Recently I discovered that my newest goddaughter has a special daily ritual that involves using elastic hair ties on her cock. I know that this may seem like an unusual practice to some, but to her, it is a normal and consistent part of her daily life.

She has always been her own person and she decided to combine reciting her Lilith rosary after placing two bands around her gurl cock and balls. This is just one example of her being influenced by Lilith’s Spirit of Lust.

She has never been one to conform to any societal expectations or norms, and her use of elastic hair ties on her cock is an example of her desire to be herself in her own unique way. I have even watched her in preparation for the rosary by using four bands as well, two wrapped repeatedly around her balls and then two, as the aforementioned base and ball combination.

Please don’t mistakenly believe that her use of these elastic hair ties on her gurl cock is done only as a part of her ritual. I know she does this for sexual gratification and demonstrates her fondness for all things considered perverted. Granted, it is a unique personal ritual that she finds comforting and being the sarcastic whore proclaims it is for centering. She has mentioned that the feeling of the elastic bands against her skin helps her to feel grounded and focused and that the ritual of putting them on and taking them off provides a sense of structure and routine to her day.

As her godmother, I fully support her desire to express herself and engage in any practices that bring her comfort and joy. I also don’t mind watching her girl tool get all purplish and veins popping out while she finds herself. Personally, the use of my elastic hair ties on her cock may be unconventional, but it is a great demonstration of her values and commitment to living her life to her standards.

I will share that I am proud to be a part of her life and to witness her growth and self-discovery.

Salvete Lamia!

2 thoughts on “Rituals by Hoku Lani”

  1. you have every right to be proud of your goddaughter. I am sure you have been a great inspiration and guide for her.

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