GRAMMAR ERROR by AnthropicScholar

Feature Writer: AnthropicScholar

Feature Title: GRAMMAR ERROR

Published: 26.07.2024

Story Codes: Demonic, Fetish, Transgender

Synopsis: Three magic students make a small mistake in their summoning

Grammar Error

In the dark of the night, as the clock ticked towards three in the morning, the hour that tries… well, some people’s souls, three junior-level students at the Highpoint Academy of the Supernatural were attempting a post-graduate level summoning spell.

Ordinarily, most such students would have been doing anything else other than trying to read ahead, but this particular spell had been attempted before, by many such students, for a very obvious reason. Because if there’s one thing that can motivate some college students to do difficult, complex supernatural calculus and contract magic, it’s hormones.


“Yeah, I double checked the array come on, what do you take me for?” Agata, the short, burly and curvy dwarf girl with black hair said, closing the last of the technically restricted heavy summoning tomes currently resting on a cheap plywood desk in the cramped dorm.

Lena, her tall, waifish, dark skinned wood elf roommate, glared at her, tweaking a line of salt in the complex ring and knot diagram laid our over the cleared floor of their dorm. “Because last time you said you checked, we summoned a bunch of demon cockroaches and lost ten grade points.” she answered, standing to her full height and looming over the four-two dwarf girl.

“If you two don’t stop with the homoerotic tsundere dance and get casting,” the elf and dwarf girls glared at their third companion, saying ‘ew’ in concert, “none of us are gonna get any tonight.” she finished, undaunted. She in question was Sally, a five-foot human girl with generous curves and blonde hair, and a smug demeanor even when frowning at her classmates.

“Homoerotic?” Agata asked, incredulous.

“Tsundere?” Lena asked, glaring.

“We aren’t gay!” they both said simultaneously.

“Fuckit.” Sally said stomping past and whipping out her smartphone, wrapped in an Elfwood and silver caster case to conduct magic into and out of the magitech device.

She prodded at the screen. “Array locked. Incubus designated, set to quasirandom, mid-scale. We are the offering, so to speak. Anyone got the…”

Lena pulled out a sheet of copier paper with dense writing on it.

“…contract. Cool.” Sally finished.

“Get in position, lets do this.” she said.

The other two scurried into position at equidistant points on the circle.

“Wait, incubus summoning.” Agata said. “Clothes.”

“Oh, right duh.” the other two said, hurriedly doffing their pajamas, consisting entirely of their panties and a t-shirt, and in Agata’s case, a bathrobe on top.

Naked as the day they were born, the three returned to position. Agata was… marginally trimmed, bushy between the legs. Lena was entirely shaved and apparently waxed, judging from the faint redness still present, leaving her brown-green hair only on her head, revealing a small, and now hard penis. And Sally had shaved.

“Time to summon us an incubus.” Sally said.

They stood at three points in the circle, Sally placed her phone at a particular point on the circle, the other two following suit, though Lena’s was a slick-looking flip phone and Agata’s was bulked up with a rough 3d-printed casing instead of whatever it had had originally.

They began chanting, their phones began playing a complex animated image to go along with the magically charged math they were doing, and the salt line began to glow.

Lighting and wind surged in the middle of the diagram, and then suddenly, it was silent and dark as the magic stopped, and the lights went out with a pop.

“Ah come on!” Agata shouted. “This is the third time this week the damn building has lost power after a spell.”

“Everyone hold still.” Lena snapped. Agata had been trying to reach for her phone, but she froze at Lena’s sudden sharp tone. When she got quiet like that, that meant trouble.

Sally snapped her fingers. Her phone lit back up, bathing the room in a cool light, and revealing a dark figure in the middle of the circle.

“Why hello there.” said a voice. It wasn’t quite what any of them expected, a smoky contralto with a strange accent.

“Uh, hi?”Agata said.

The lights flickered back on.

“Um, Agata, does this look like you got the spell right?”


The demon in question was taller than all three of them, and, in the dim light from their phones, visibly, and unmistakably female.

“Agata, why is the summon a girl?” Lena asked quietly.

“I’m sure I got the summon right!” Agata said, plaintively.

“Well you must have fucked something up!” Lena hissed.

Sally sighed. “Not the time, you two.” she said, and turned to face the demoness, trying to remember how to cancel a summons.

The lights clicked back on, to reveal the demoness in her full glory. Six foot two, deep maroon skin, with subtle scales, a long, spade-tipped tail and generous curves, she observed the three with an amused demeanor, her glowing gold eyes scanning up and down the three students’ bodies with a hungry look.

She had horns. Long, curved horns that jutted straight out of her forehead before arching up and back in sweeping curves that stuck back over the top of her head and her long, straight mane of black, lustrous hair.

Her bare pussy had a neatly trimmed pattern of black bush around it.

Sally focused on her mage sight, only to be half-blinded by the sheer force of the creature’s power.

“Fuck, girls, we need to cancel it, now!” she called out.

“Oh my, no. it’s far too late for that, dears.” the demoness said, her voice giving Sally butterflies in her stomach and setting her pussy to tingling a little.

The other two finally glanced back, only to see the demoness suddenly pulse, a wave of something like a heat haze washing off of her and causing the still faintly glowing circle to wink out.

The same wave washed over them, heating the air in the room until sweat burst out of the three young women’s skin, and carrying with it a smell that was like the combination of cinnamon and a gym shower after the girls’ team had a long, arduous practice.

It sent a frisson of heat through all three of them.

She stepped forwards, looming over the Elf and Dwarf girls who had been arguing.

“We uh, we were trying to summon an incubus?” Lena squeaked.

“And you succeeded, dear.” the demoness said. “And now you must present the contract.” she said.

“Um…” Agata began, “We uh… could send you back?” she asked.

“Come now, after a high Lady of Dominance has come all this way in answer to your pitiful summons, you don’t think I’m going to go home with nothing to show for it, surely?” she asked, smiling as all three girls paled.

“But we weren’t calling a demoness of your strength! There must be a mistake!” Agata said.

“Oh no, no mistake dear, your summons was quite competently executed. Excellent work for a first year. The only problem is, you failed to specify the desired summon.” she gestured at the salt circle, some of which was smudged.

“But it says Incubus, right there?” Agata said, pointing at the relevant whorl of glyphs.

“It does, dear.” she loomed over Agata, resting a hand on her bare shoulder as Lena and Sally backed away, and Agata was struck dumb by the spicy, musky smell of the demoness. “I AM an Incubus! There are many who bear the title, and I chose to answer your summons!” The demoness said, smirking.

“You don’t honestly expect me to submit to you, as weak as your will is?” she asked, chuckling throatily.

She leaned in close, voice going husky and firm as she said “Come now, dear, the contract. Let’s do this all official, yes?”

Agata took a deep breath, staring up at the demoness’s golden eyes, before slowly handing her the contract.

“Very good dear.” The Demoness said, scanning it.

“Ah. You three just wanted to have a little fun. I think we can do that.” there was a hiss, and a set of glyphs sizzled into place on the page alongside the girl’s names.

All three felt it activate, a shiver running up their spines as the spicy smell got stronger and more compelling.

“The contract you wrote states that, for the duration of the night, you three are mine.” the three summoners stared. Agata was shivering, and the other two found themselves walking towards her.

“I am Melara, of a thousand titles, but the only one you need for me is ‘mistress'” she said firmly.

The three girls shivered as she spoke.

“Y-yes mistress…” Agata stammered.

Melara smiled. “A summoning circle is a poor place for a bit of fun.” she said.

“None of our rooms are big enough though… uh, Mistress.” Sally said, glancing around the cramped common room between their dorm rooms that they’d commandeered for the spell.

“Oh, that wont be a problem. I can fix that.” She said, smiling, and another wave of energy washed off of her. She stepped closer to Agata, looming over her, and brushing a hand down her side.

All three felt a faint tingle, like a continuous static shock, run through their naked bodies.

Agata stepped back uncertain as Melara loomed over her, and seemed to be growing taller and taller, until Sally gasped.

Agata glanced at her, only to realize several things in quick succession. Sally stood near the couch they’d moved, and she was now apparently short enough that the seat of it came up to her ass, and the entire room seemed bigger.

Sally and Lena were staring at her though. “Agata, you’re… shrinking!” Lena said.

“If space is a problem, I can always make it… not a problem.” Melara said smugly.

“But I don’t want to be small! I’m already small enough!” Agata cried.

“Oh no dear, not yet. Mistress wants you all to be nice and conveniently sized so she can play with you all!” The Demoness said, smiling as she herded Sally and Lena to join Agata near the old comfy couch shoved against the wall, looming over them more and more as their heights began to visibly dwindle.

Lena looked around frantically, as they sank towards the floor.

The couch came up to the middle of her back now, and Agata and Sarah were, comparatively, even shorter.

They squeaked as the demoness stepped closer to them.

They were now small enough that Lena’s face was at the level of the summoned demoness’s pussy.

She got a nose full of her spicy, musky smell and gulped, her body tingling.

“Hmm.” The demoness said, studying them.

“More.” she said finally, and the tingling sensation grew stronger, the three of them suddenly felt like they were falling.

Lena squeaked, then turned and made a run for the door.

The Demoness watched as she did, smirking. When she got there, she stared up at the door handle.

She was less than two feet tall now, and still shrinking, and the door handle was now firmly out of reach.


The demoness stepped over Agata and Sally, her now enormous form dropping onto the couch, her legs now to either side of the shrinking college students.

They both squeaked as the fell on their butts.

Melara leaned forwards, gold eyes glowing as she observed them.

She raised one of her bare feet, and used the ball of her foot to nudge Agata onto her back, her foot radiating intense heat.

Agata squeaked, as she shrank past six inches, the demoness’ foot big enough to cover most of her body, her soft, hot skin pressing into her entire front and setting off a shiver of pleasure, as she was already worked up from the demoness’s smell.

Melara leaned forwards, and Sally squeaked as her enormous hand wrapped around her torso, pressing into Sally everywhere, causing her pussy to pulse and drip into the demoness’s hand.

Melara raised her foot, dragging a toe down Agata’s front and pressing it into her pussy.

She shifted her grip on Sally, and did the same to her with a thumb, causing her to yelp at the sensation of that massive, hot finger pressing into her pussy, and growing in place, pressing her thighs apart.

Lena stared from where she stood near the door, and the sensation of falling faded as she shrank past three and a half inches and finally stopped.

Agata and Sally had begun to gasp regularly as the demoness rubbed them, and throghout the entire thing, Lena had only gotten harder.

Melara looked at her, her glowing golden eyes feeling like she’d been poked right between her legs, causing her to drip, and raised a red hand, beckoning with a single finger and a stern look.

Lena’s entire body tingled with that look, and she walked back towards the demoness.

Sally let out a squeal, her legs clenching around the demoness’s thumb as she came.

Melara carefully laid her own her thigh, then turned to look at Lena as she approached.

She hummed, then raised her foot from Agata, reaching down to pick up the dwarf girl and drop her between her legs.

Then she grabbed Lena.

Lena’s hardness pressed against her hot, soft palm, and the now tiny wood elf squeaked at the sensation, and her dick pulsed, leaving a tiny bit of precum on the demoness’s hand.

“Hmmm, yes. Why don’t you and Agata have a little fun, hmm? Get us all warmed up while Sally recovers?” the demoness said, dropping Lena next to her dwarf classmate.

Lena blinked as she was lowered to the couch between the demoness’s legs.

Melara poked her with a huge finger, and she turned to Agata, who was lying on her back, panting and flushed.

Enclosed by the walls of Melara’s immense thighs, the air was hot, and the smell of spices and the demoness’s musk were overpowering.

Despite her and Agata’s knee-jerk denial, she did fond her classmate a little attractive.

And right now, with the demoness’s smell and the magic of the contract sliding fingers up and down her spine and brushing away her doubts, that was enough.

Melara’s finger at her back pushed her towards her classmate, and she crouched, putting her thighs to either side of Agata’s hips.

She pressed her dick to the dwarf-girl’s pussy and their eyes met, Agata’s glassy and unfocused.

She reached down and grabbed Lena’s dick gently, and guided her in.

Agata was now taller than her, and comparatively, Lena’s dick was smaller than normal, and she was balls-deep in her classmate in moments.

Then an immense, warm hand pressed into her back, pressing her against her classmate, and unbidden, they started kissing.


Sally sat up, body still tingling with the aftershocks of that first orgasm, only to find herself unceremoniously swept from her seat and dropped in front of the demoness’s pussy.

She stood, unevenly on the couch cushion, and found herself pressed to the pussy. She was almost four inches tall now, so she was easily about the same height.

“Why don’t you warm me up, little thing?” the demoness asked, placing her hand behind he rand pressing her in.

Sally was pressed against the hot, wet fold of the demoness, and began rubbing herself against her, her cum covering her in a hot, sticky mess.

The red, pulsing nub of the demoness’s clit pressed out, right in front of her face, and she took a lick, then began lapping at it like the dick she’d hoped to get that night.

The demoness let out a moan that vibrated through Sally’s entire body. She squeaked, but kept at it.

As Sally worked, Agata and Lena were beginning to gasp in sync with each other as they fucked.

Agata was already worked up from the demoness playing with her using her foot, and it didn’t take much for her to cum, clamping around Lena’s dick. Lena came in response to Agata clenching around her and fell back onto her haunches.

The demoness planted her hand behind sally and pressed her firmly into her pussy, rubbing her against her, until she came, drenching her in sticky, musky fluid. The demoness let go, letting Sally fall to the couch, panting.


“Good work, for a warm-up, you three. Time for the main event. Lena, why don’t you get over here. Sally, you did good, but I need you somewhere else now.” The demoness said, and grasped Sally, pushing her head down and pressing her into her pussy, head first.

“Lena, use that member of yours and help her get in deeper.” Melara said, grasping the shrunken elf-girl and pushing her against Sally’s protruding ass dick-first. Lena and Sally both squealed.

Melara reached over with her free hand and grasped Agata, lifting her up and placing her face-first on her breast.

She pressed a finger against Lena’s ass, and pushed in, pressing Sally deeper into her hot, slick pussy, her walls contracting in a firm, soft embrace around the student mage, as Lena’s small dick pressed against, and then into her anus.

With a single push from their demoness mistress, Sally was driven up to her hips in her pussy and Lena balls-deep in her classmate’s anus.

The demoness gripped them both by their joined hips, and pulled, sally’s nipples, and abs, and butt, rubbing against the demoness’s walls as she slid out almost to her shoulders, before being shoved back in, incidentally shoving Lena into her as well.

They both squeaked.

Melara reached up and pressed Agata against her tit, sliding her down until her pussy was being nearly invaded by her comparatively gigantic nipple, making her gasp.

The demoness fucked herself in earnest with Sally and Lena, while using Agata to stimulate her nipple.

Lena and Sally both came very quickly under the force of the fucking, but Melara kept going, thrusting Sally in and out of her, using Lena as a makeshift handle.

At length, she pulled Agata off of her nipple, instead pressing her against her abs, sliding her down until her pussy pressed against her swollen clit, and then pressing her against her clit in a rhythm that caused it to press into the tiny dwarf girl in time with the thrusts she made with her friends.

She thrust again and again, until the girls lost track of time.

Until the demoness stretched, tensed up, and let out a deep moan, her juices flooding the three girls shoved against her pussy.

She gently drew Sally and Lena out of her pussy and let them drop onto the couch, Agata joining them a moment later.

A faint blue light was shining through the blind son the windows as they laid, exhausted between the demoness’s thighs.

“Looks like our time here is at an end, girls.” the demoness said. She smiled down at them. “but since you gave me such good service, it’s only fair I reward you.” she said, her smile gaining an edge.

“Umm, I’m sure that’s not…” Lena said faintly, but the demoness was already moving, a massive hand grasping the tiny woman around the shoulders and pressing her headfirst into her pussy.

A finger pressed firmly between her legs, shoving her in, the heat and tightness of that tunnel pressing against the tiny wood-elf’s breasts and dick, raising it to full-mast once again.

She was thrust in and out several times before, despite having cum many time already, Lena came again, and the giant demoness as well, clenching tightly around her at full insertion.

She was pulled out, and dangled from the demoness’s grasp on her legs, before being dropped senselessly next to Sally.

Then Melara grabbed Agata and did the same to her.

The other two watched, dazed as the demoness fucked herself with the tiny dwarf girl, and moaned as she came, muffling Agata’s own weak orgasmic squeak.

She laid their classmate next to them, then stood, the demoness’s immense, red ass looming over them briefly before she finished standing.

She strode to the disrupted summoning circle, and stood in the center. There was a pulse of a smell like intense spices.

“Call me next time the three of you want a good fuck. Ta for now!” the demoness said, and vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving three shrunken magic students in a pile on their couch.


They were still barely two and a half-feet tall as they groggily dragged themselves down the hall to the showers, eyes still baggy with exhaustion.

Agata had her phone out, and the three of them had covered themselves with what were ridiculously oversized T-shirts on their much-reduced bodies.

“I think…” the dwarf girl said, then yawned cavernously… “I figured it out. Incubus is not a gendered term. Also, demons don’t uh…” she yawned again, “…demons are whatever gender they wanna be, so we don’t have any way to specify that we want a summon with a dick, unless we turn to creatures from the Abyss instead.” she said.

“Wait, so what does Incubus actually mean?” Lena asked as they stumbled into the bathroom.

Agata slid her thumb along the screen of her phone, which looked ridiculously huge in her shrunken hand. “Dominant. Succubi are submissive. That’s what we fucked up.”

The three of them stopped in front of the mirrors, near the showers, and Lena pulled her shirt off with some difficulty, revealing the gift the demoness had left them. An intricate black design etched into her dark skin just above her penis, that formed a heart out of an intricate knotwork of black lines.

The other two stripped, revealing the same design on their hips as well.

“Professor Corundum is gonna kill us.” Sally said, staring at the tattoo.

Agata shuddered. “Or worse. I’ve heard rumors about her ‘special detention’.” the Dwarf-girl said.

Lena reached over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “We’ll deal with it together.” she said.

Agata leaned into her embrace, relaxing fractionally.


The so-called ‘Hell’, a dimension of the Upper Abyss, is home to many creatures spoken of in religious texts. But the question of why this particular shallow sub-demesne of the Abyss hews so readily to the beliefs of the early ‘Evropan’ outlander humans is a question best left to the Arcane Theoretician. For our purposes, understanding the residents and occupants of this ‘hell’ is all we need.

The most commonly known and summoned are the creatures classed as ‘Concubuses’. Morally and ethically neutral beings aligned with the mortal concept known as ‘Lust’.

Of these beings, the most popularly known and discussed are the Incubus and the Succubus. The popular understanding of such creatures is, as with most supernaturals, mostly fabrication. Superstition, misinformation, poorly-understood pop-sorcery perpetuated by non-professionals, and outright fiction pervade the popular perception of these creatures.

Succubi are often depicted as extremely sensual female spirits, and Incubi as male spirits. However, the terminology referring to these creatures is quite specific. In Old Evropan, these terms refer, not to the gender or sex of the spirit, but their sexual behavior.

Thus, a Succubus is a Submissive spirit, an Incubus a Dominant spirit.

As beings of pure concept, so-called “Demons” cannot be reliably gendered or sexed, nor can they be reliably constrained in their appearance, thus it just as likely that in seeking to summon an Incubus, one summons a Feminine Spirit, or in summoning a Succubus, a Masculine Spirit.

Many would-be summoners have discovered this fact only during a summons, sometimes to their cost.

-Excerpt from A Summoner’s Guide to Hell and it’s Denizens, a first-Year Summoning Textbook from the Highpoint Academy Press.


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