Ascension To Demonhood by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Ascension To Demonhood

Link: Tumblr / 15.07.2024

Ascension To Demonhood

This may be accomplished by a well-thought-out ritual or bestowed as a favor from Lilith herself. I encourage anyone considering or embarking on this path should begin by working with the Dark Goddess, so you may align with her and better understand her nature, not those that the Abrahamic use to slander her name or the basic ones re-posted repeatedly on the Ethereal.

This may begin with a pact, however Lilith will require that you demonstrate your respect and sincerity. I assure you the changes in your personality will be profound with a Lust for many things frowned upon by both society and religions. Thankfully you’ll never want to turn back from these gifts.

Have patience, turning your spirit and soul will take years and you may not even be self-aware. Many of us are destined to become demons and some are even blessed at birth. This is where a bit of self-reflection will help and ask yourself these questions. Are you attracted by material pleasure? Do the three main Abrahamic religions disgust you? Do you find the religious texts absurd and more like a fairy tale? Do you enjoy being in nature? Do you recognize humanity is simply one of many animals?

If so, then you are on the correct path, and fear not calling out to the demons. Seek out becoming one yourself or even invite them into your body and enjoy all they have to offer. As for me, I love all the demons who reside within me. Salvete Lamia.



Are you attracted by material pleasure? Yes. I thrive on orgasms and lust. But lust isn’t confined to sexual lust but a lust for life, for adventure, for experience, for exploring, for pushing back against my limitations and boundaries is discover new and exciting opportunities (and/or perversions).

Do the three main Abrahamic religions disgust you? Yes. Though they may bring some sense of order, in general, I believe that they have caused more harm and disassociation. Guilt and the threat of eternal punishment is their modus operandi — this has made millions of people suffer.

Do you find the religious texts absurd and more like a fairy tale? Definitely yes. I sometimes think Star Wars has more realism. To promise an afterlife in return for sufferance in this life is like stealing. It’s a lie that has been perpetrated for far too long.

Do you enjoy being in nature? Yes. It’s wonderful to see, explore, and experience nature. The shy, the sea, the forest, the beach, the mountains. But nature is very brutal — we think it’s beautiful, but it’s also deadly (from personal experience) — if that is the definition of evil — then “all things natural” are evil.

Do you recognize humanity is simply one of many animals? Yes. I see myself as part of the earth. We are born and die. Our bodies are made from the elements. There is no mystery or creator other than evolution. One day soon, we will all return to the mother.

I accept my ascension to demonhood. To be one with all my fellow demons.


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