Lilith, Me & The Dark Lord by Mediating Dock Dweller

Writer: Mediating Dock Dweller

Subject The True Cross

Link: Tumblr / 13.07.2024

Lilith, Me & The Dark Lord

I enjoyed meeting and engaging with Lilith last night. Not the divinity … she was a recent divorcee at the beach experiencing her, “New freedom,” she shared while at the same time commiserating over what had happened-experiencing the mixed feelings that come in this situation I have seen so many times in the past with other women. She’s here to make a point … she is still desired as well as available. She is attractive and in my age group so will do well when it comes to guys going for her. She isn’t into Lilith, etc.

She is angry with God or rather doesn’t care right now. We talked about her name and her faith … reared a normal Christian now divorced and engaged in the dating scene while being a mom with custody of the kids who are with their dad so she is at the beach … no need to explain all that or really why she is here. At the same time, I have been asked about Lilith and the Dark Lord, a topic I have shared in the past so rather than rewrite my thoughts I have found only a post from another “life” on Tumblr which I share below and trust is helpful.

I selected the illustration at random. I have always shared that we can’t know how the divine appears or looks like. Each artist shares their impression. However, being feminine is key so I have chosen as I have … not the best selection but I like it … It’s not meant to be, “Her,” but someone in worship, lost while doing so. My old article was re-posted, flaws and all:

“Well, this is one of those articles which may lose me followers and make folks mad. I don’t mind disagreement and I’m not saying that everyone else is wrong. In truth, I am prefacing my article with these remarks, not because I am going to say anything incendiary, it’s just that when one speaks on topics like this in a venue like mine, some can disagree with vehemence. That is fine also. People need to be passionate about what they believe.

“Also, we, especially those of us who believe in a literal Dark Lord and are in a very definite minority even among those who take the label, “Satanist,” have to often be passionate but often remain silent. Am I going to axe Lilith from the pantheon of the satanic supernatural? Am I going to minimize her place among the lords of the satanic family? Am I going to simply say she doesn’t exist as many describe her and that there is no Christian biblical reference to her other than in one place and then raise all the issues raised by biblical scholars? I can go on and on. But I won’t and don’t need to. Why? Because I have my understanding of her which I will share below.

“Let it be said now that when I think of the “Hags,” in Macbeth, Lilith comes to mind because one of the interpretations of the name is, “Hag,” or, “Night hag.” So much information comes from so many sources that it is hard for anyone to come to any definitive conclusion unless one simply adopts a position and, “Runs with it.” I wonder how much of the Harry Potter series will be seen as history and part of the supernatural indication of our period, possibly even seen as scripture by some when a similar period between ancient history and now passes into the future.

“Some will say that won’t happen because knowledge increases with time. What a foolish idea! Knowledge has been lost throughout the millennia over and over only to be regained and even now we are unaware of the knowledge held in the past because of any number of calamities, some man-made, most otherwise. We look at what we find today and make deductions about what things were like then only to later see we were wrong. How often, for example, do we mold or make God in our image? Often.

“Feminism today gives life to Lilith because she is seen as a woman of independence and fits the mold for their agenda. Before there are any complaints, remember I am a woman with a stake in the argument so let’s just wait til I’m finished before you come to any conclusions. Is it fair to ask if Lilith was the result of people writing fiction which suddenly became, “Truth,” over time, and as more and more was added to explain this or that, “Truth” grew? Look at what has happened with, “Star Wars,” since George Lucas released the first film in the 1970s … an entire universe has been created by any number of contributors and many now comprehend both the future and the supernatural via that “lens”.

“Read the article on Lilith in Wikipedia and you will get a grasp of what I am saying. And then take some time to look at the other articles concerning her and you will find, as I said, you just have to get a handle somewhere and go from there. In this, I am being honest and not denigrating or diminishing the person of Lilith. It’s just that, maybe, we have been so determined to put Lilith in the picture and as a part of the supernatural hierarchy or whatever, we have missed something important. Rather than, “Fit her in,” somewhere when trying to comprehend what I will call the “Systematic satanist system,” we should think, “Outside the box,” and look at the concept of the Christian God as shown to us in the Christian Bible.

“Let me begin with this premise and go from there. What we know of Lilith comes to us in, “Pieces,” and everywhere a similar name is found we add it as a puzzle piece. That is one of the ways we have come to determine that Lilith is female and not a nice person. Here, look at Wiki again and you will see this — I am referring to this single source to make it easy-I am aware of Wikipedia’s weaknesses but here it will suffice.

“Next, look at how the Christian God is described in Scripture, especially in the Old Testament and you will notice a point often overlooked by most including biblical scholars who do so because they just can’t comprehend the Almighty doing something, “On his own,” and he has to have a minion or minions just as we humans do. Since when can we be everywhere at once? We can’t. But what about deity?

“In the Old Testament is a reference where the Angel of the Lord appeared to this one or that one. Not any of the angels or, “Messengers,” from the Christian God. Theology tells that the Angel (with a capital “A” rather than the spelling “angel”) was the Almighty himself. Christian theologians assert that the “Angel of the Lord,” being the Almighty, this was a pre-Christian appearance of Christ, who, in turn, is the Almighty by the Almighty’s abilities as a deity. Let’s take another jump.

“While all of the ancient religions have a senior god (like Jupiter), an entire pantheon of gods were created over time to express the different emphases of this or that situation or part of creation where we as humans applied our ideas that one god wasn’t enough and every area had a god of its own so the number of gods for this or that created a crowded pantheon but humans couldn’t seem to grasp the monotheistic nature of the deity. It wasn’t how humans were and it was easier to understand a god for this and a god for that rather than deal with the issues that came with trying to understand the one god.

“This premise was accentuated in Athens where Paul points to the fact there is a place for the “Unknown God,” to be praised and glorified because everyone assumed there were gods or a god left out and they didn’t want that to happen. It was the same at the great pantheon in Rome where altars to the gods of the nations and cultures who made up the empire were recognized and spaces were left open for gods yet to be discovered. What I am showing is the idea that the almighty was always with us and we are unaware of the, “So long ago,” that we end up trying to understand yet our reasoning doesn’t measure up because it’s hard to comprehend the incomparable and the incomprehensible. Confusing? Not really.

“There is a lot more than can be said about dealing with the Lilith puzzle but I’m going to jump ahead so we can conclude.

“Lilith is considered a created being as is Satan and other minions. Adam’s first wife, etc. I believe she is more than that. I posit that Lilith today is an expression of the Angel of the Lord, a personage within which the Dark Lord acts within the scope or limits he has given himself within this personage. Why do I believe this? Because of the nature and authority and powers attributed to the name and personage over time. Deity can declare himself (and deity is above gender) in any form or fashion he wishes. Often deity will adopt the name that is understood or known by this group or over time. But the powers, fears, etc, are not as defined by the numerous books, etc, that speak of her abilities and powers. The Dark Lord is not a complicated person or construct. He simply, “Is”.

“What am I saying; I am asserting that Lilith is part and parcel of the Dark Lord who has been redefined or a memory of, “Her” has been developed along mixed with fiction and passed along in a way where she fits into the pantheon but is lost as to her deity. We tend to limit God in our minds. Maybe we have limited Lilith and she is more than we can grasp or understand. It may be that Lilith wasn’t the first wife of Adam but existed before Adam … and she didn’t leave Eden because she wanted her independence.

“She had to be explained when it came to Eve so a story came about as truth that probably started as a, “Maybe it happened this way,” scenario. The fact is Lilith is to be worshiped and when do you begin to worship that which is created? It’s like us worshiping the Caesars who were deified by senatorial decree. Thus, Lilith is more than a created personage. See the difference. That is also why I believe that Satan is more than created. And that is also why I say when you factor in the ancient Britons, etc, the Dark Lord goes way back.

“Now that is confusing but it is a simple explanation. The witches, as I have written, sum it up by saying they believe in all the gods or whatever god is the god of the individual witch. Of course, they then, like me, use nebulous terms like, “Higher power.” I borrow from history and use, “The Dark Lord” because that is God as he was recognized in a part of the world in pre-Christian times among the druids, for example. But it is with simplicity the Christian God reveals himself … and when it comes to describing how he works, the trinity is a way he reveals himself.

“So, that is how I see Lilith. Setting aside the accumulated, “Knowledge” of the ages, I see, “Her” as beyond what many say about her today. She is included as a name used by the “godhead” and therefore the Dark Lord.

“That is why I am at peace with my grasp of fellowship. My Dark Lord exceeds the scope of what is said about Lilith. And I see the same when I use the term Satan. Why I don’t use, “Satan” is already known from my articles where I address that issue. I use Dark Lord because the name arises from the mists of time. And some claim to follow him because they don’t believe in him but a concept derived from one of the many definitions of the word.

“There I stand on the matter of Lilith. Devoid of the clutter of confused history, yet I know where I stand will give rise to any number of controversies because I have jumped out of the box that has been conveniently constructed over time to hold the pieces of the puzzle about her. Think about these things.”

Ave Obscurum Dominum.


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