Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Masturbation Over Religion
Link: MeWe / 11.07.2024
Masturbation Over Religion
Organized religions throughout the world are indeed experiencing a decline in numbers, a trend that is inversely proportional to the exponential growth of accessible information. The proliferation of the internet, social media, and other digital platforms has democratized knowledge, allowing individuals to seek out answers to life’s profound questions beyond the dogma of religious doctrine. As a result, more people are opting out of traditional religious affiliations, instead adopting more personalized and nuanced belief systems that prioritize critical thinking and intellectual curiosity.
This shift is particularly pronounced among younger generations, who are more likely to eschew the constraints of organized religion in favor of a more fluid and adaptive approach to spirituality. The ready availability of information has also led to a greater awareness of the historical and cultural contexts that have shaped religious beliefs, allowing individuals to critically evaluate the claims and biases that underpin these belief systems.
Consequently, many are concluding that the tenets of organized religion are no longer tenable in the face of scientific evidence, philosophical inquiry, and simple human reason. As people become more informed and empowered to think for themselves, the authority of religious institutions is understandably waning, leading to a decline in attendance, membership, and overall influence.
This trend is by no means limited to the West, as nations across the globe are witnessing a similar phenomenon, with many people opting for a more secular and rational approach to understanding the world and their place within it. Ultimately, the increasing accessibility of information is catalyzing a profound transformation in the way people think about religion, spirituality, and the human experience, one that promises to reshape the cultural and philosophical landscape of our world.
I prefer Lilith, and her gifts of desire, temptation, and indulgence, which many interpret as Lust, Wickedness, and Perversion. These gifts are more tangible or relatable than the more abstract and intangible qualities associated with factious figures such as the Holy Spirit, God, or Jesus.
It is why I view self-exploration and discovery, symbolized by the act of masturbation, as a Divine experience. This act of self-love and self-acceptance is a means of understanding and appreciating my own body and desires, which I consider a Sacred and intimate experience.
With knowledge comes wisdom. With insights comes choices. With enlightenment comes freedom. And with the truth comes self-empowerment and liberation.
For some, that may be in the bosom of belief in the supernatural — whether it be a God or a Goddess. When I say, self-empowerment and liberation — this means, to me, the ability to make my own choices about what is right and wrong, be they sexual preference, fornication without guilt, and as this post began “Masturbation Over Religion” being that you choice what turns you on, what gets you off, and to freely engage in your own fantasies, be they sweet and happy or evil and wicked.
I guess, if you’ve been on LS666 a while, you know I try to be open about everything, and share posts, stories, and points of view, that may be polar opposites to conventional or conservative thinking — this doesn’t mean that I endorse the suffering or behavior that limits the choices of others either — that shall remain in the realm of fantasy.
Be good to one another — without the false promise of heaven or the expectation of reward — just do it because it is the way.