Lost In Thought 1 by Lilith MorningStar

Writer: Lilith MorningStar

Subject: Lost In Thought 1

Link: MeWe / 02.07.2024

Lost In Thought 1


Lilith leaned up against the wall. She thought about many things. She thought about the good and the bad. She thought about times lost. She thought about the past very often actually. Hmm, Lilith had many things running through her mind. She smiled because the past always brought a smile to her face she knew the future was yet to come but she felt things could only get better from here. She leaned back in thought. She closed her eyes and then left this realm.

Lilith went back many lifetimes ago, perhaps to the time she left Adam. Lilith was happy but was punished for not bowing at a man’s feet. She smirked as if she shook her head then smiled slightly as soon the thought passed. Lilith thought about a time in the Victorian age that always brought her great joy. Lilith enjoyed the large masquerade balls, and the dresses in the Dark Ages were one of the best.

The food was much easier at this time too. She even had a love a soul mate. However, she had no idea where he was now, and Lilith smiled at that moment her eyes open. She had missed him dearly, and he was truly the only one she ever loved. Lilith then closed her eyes once more she ended up with the Egyptian times, Lilith laughed this time was one of her favorites the men barely dressed here. Some were sexy to look at others not so much. Lilith enjoyed it very much.

The wars! Lilith smiled deeply at the amount of bloodshed that must have split here. The lust and torment to be had the parties, and the drinks were wonderful. Open sex wasn’t a crime. Lilith then reopened her eyes smirking she then walked off into the woods. Her eyes were black as night.

“Hmm one, two, I’m coming for you!” she grinned devilishly.



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