Fake News by Skull Of Satan

Writer: Skull Of Satan

Subject: Fake News

Link: Tumblr / 25.06.2024

Fake News

The Ten Commandments

  1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
  2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.

Wow, what an ego this guy has.

     4. Honor your father and your mother.

It’s not their fault they’ve been brainwashed

5. You shall not kill.

Their so-called God has killed billions. I’ll put my record up against their God any day.

6. You shall not commit adultery.

In other words. Act like kids. Have fun.

7. You shall not steal.

So it’s wrong when you morons pass a basket around.

8.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

If that’s about lying, then you think I’m the enemy.

9. You shall not cover your neighbor’s wife.

So you think women are just property. Just tell a woman I own you bitch. Are you kidding. Lilith will grab you by the balls and rip them off.

10. You shall not cover your neighbor’s goods.

You can’t borrow my lawn mower because it’s mine. I own my lawn mower like I own my wife. This is preposterous.

So there it is. You know it was Emperor Constantine who put together the Catholic Church to consolidate power. Brought along older texts that supported his argument. I am Satan I am forever. Do what thou will. With Satan there is no sin there is no guilt. Hail Satan


Link: https://littlesally666.com/the-ten-commandments-by-andrew-mcarthur-non-fiction/

This reminded me of a previous post “The Ten Commandments” by Andrew McArthur about the so-called moral code of the Christians. Have a look at what Andrew says … at the same time here are some alternative views from Lucy Az, Hoku Lani, Polishpiggay, and Nina Crown — 

  • Link: https://littlesally666.com/review-of-the-ten-commandments-by-lucy-az-non-fiction/
  • Link: https://littlesally666.com/my-ten-commandments-by-hoku-lani/
  • Link: https://littlesally666.com/the-ten-unholy-commandments-of-sacred-blasphemy-non-fiction/
  • Link: https://littlesally666.com/comparing-the-7-tenets-of-satanism-to-the-10-commandments-non-fiction/

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