Feature Writer: Libertysn


Published: 24.05.2024

Story Codes: Demonic

Synopsis: Alice spends the week trapped on an edge she can’t get over

Seeds Of Corruption 2

Chapter 2 – The week from hell

Waking up was easier than it should have been for Alice. When she finally got in bed and checked her phone last night she saw a few missed texts from Christina saying she’d got home safe and asking where Alice had gone, ignoring them she showered and went to sleep but that was at about four in the morning. Checking her phone and seeing more texts and a missed call from a withheld number, it was only eight and she realised she was wide awake and had no hangover.

Getting her phone up she texted Christina a quick apology and told her she was fine and checked her emails. A booking had come in for a month from now. A request to perform at a wedding last minute, sending a quick email back with a list of her pricing, she shut her phone off getting up. Infuriatingly that damned citrusy scent still clung to the room around her but thankfully at least the room no longer smelt of sex. Throwing on a loose top and a pair of leggings she went to the bathroom and quickly went about her morning routine.

After a quick shower and wiping the steam from the bathroom mirror, Alice was slightly shocked. Other than the dark bruising on her neck that was a poor reminder of the previous night, her skin looked flawless, checking each angle she couldn’t see a single blemish on her face. Prodding at her face it even felt slightly softer. Mumbling to herself

“HRT still has its miracles.” Finishing up, Alice walked into the living room and stopped just before reaching the table. On the floor she saw most of the glass had been swept to one side but there was a bit of blood on the floor. Concerned she popped another text to Christina asking if she was okay and set about cleaning the living room, she was only slightly traumatized to see her underwear piled in the corner of the room.

It was late morning when Christina finally emerged from her room, in tow the large ginger Werewolf from the night before.

“Morning guys, how are ya feeling?” Christina sat at the table and folded her head in her arms, Mark didn’t look much better but answered for the pair.

“Rough, I think they lace their drinks with jet fuel. I shouldn’t be hungover like this.” He sat at the table and Alice placed a glass of water in front of both of them, Mark chugging his and Christina not even raising her head. ” How much did you end up drinking after you disappeared or did you come straight back home?” Turning back to the kettle to finish pouring her tea Alice responded.

“Not much, some guy convinced me to try the drinks on a different floor, we tried like a shot of each then danced. I feel fine though the cocktails were all lovely. Christina groaned with her head in her lap. “Didn’t catch a word of that Chris.” Pulling her head from the table with seemingly all the effort she had Christina repeated.

“I only had two, those cocktails are evil and should be consigned to the fiery pits of hell.” Alice just shrugged sitting at the table.

“Who’s the blood anyway?” Mark just lifted his foot and Alice could see the bright pink plaster on the heel, she cringed away from the sight.

“Sorry I think we knocked it off when I came in, I didn’t even realise.” Mark just shrugged.

“It’ll be fine, quicker healing, perks of being a wolf.” Christina managed to sit up at that and after taking a sip of the water in front of her and shuddering turned to Alice, either looking at her with suspicion or just squinting at the light.

“Anyway, what or who did you get up to last night missy? It’s not everyday I have to move your bra off the dining table.” Alice blushed which just caused Mark to laugh.

“I kinda met a guy, but I’m over it.” Christina’s eyes went wide.

“You met a guy at the club, who is he? What is he? Did you end up.” Christina mock placed her hands over Marks ears before miming the word “fucking?” Alice’s blush only deepened as she sipped her tea. Christina squealed, her energy seeming to come back to her with the news. Before she got a word in, Mark spoke.

“I’m gonna head out before you two start gossiping. Saturdays are for the pack.” Alice rolled her eyes as he placed a kiss on his temple, nodding to Alice he made a quick exit.

“So are we gonna talk about that?” Alice asked, nodding to where the werewolf had sat. Christina just shook her head then closed her eyes in pain.

“No, we’re not getting off topic. Who did you bring home?” Alice sighed.

“He was some guy I met at the bar. He talked to me about trying drinks upstairs in Lust. I think. He was, well, seemingly very sweet and we just sorta hit it off. I may have left with him when the club was closing…” Christina’s eyes somehow got wider.

“Wait, pause. I have to ask, was he human?”

“Chris, you’re being weird.”

“Answer the question.” Alice rolled her eyes but eventually answered.

“No he was a Demon.” The laugh from her friend was followed by her tapping her feet excitedly against the floor.

“What kind? Oh my gods, you went to Lust. Alice please tell me you fucked an Incubus.” Her pause gave it away and suddenly Christina was laughing even harder. “This is literally the best day of my life. How was it?” She shrugged in response.

“It was, I mean it was good but he kinda left right after.” Christina laughing cut off looking more sympathetic she made her way round the table to sit next to Alice.

“Aww babe I mean, not to be rude but he’s like a literal sex Demon. I don’t know if I’d expect spooning after you know?” Alice just shook her head.

“I don’t mean like that, like literally as soon as we finished he looked. I don’t know, panicked? He held his head to my chest and then looked like I’d shot someone before storming out. It was just really weird.” Leaning out of Christina’s embrace she continued. “I kinda just want to forget about it honestly, I was wrong about him but I can just enjoy the night up to that point I guess.” Alice finished with a shrug before asking about Christina’s night. Christina went into great detail about how rowdy the Werewolves got before getting thrown out, leading to them going to a pack bar and her and Mark hooking up. It didn’t take long for Alice to regret asking.

The rest of the morning went by easily enough aside from a few grumbles from Christina about Alice not feeling as rough as she did. Honestly, Alice couldn’t remember feeling as good as she did currently, she felt energized? She had felt similar at the club but the details were hazy. She couldn’t help but wonder if they put something in their drinks that wasn’t above board. Regardless not one to look a gift horse in the mouth Alice spent the morning getting all the mundane chores she’d put off all week in between buying Chris’ forgiveness with snacks and drinks as she refused to move from the sofa.

It had taken her around three hours in the end to deep clean the entire flat, and she still had energy in spades. Pulling on an old t-shirt she found in the back of her wardrobe and some leggings she left her room and passed Christina’s near catatonic state while watching TV.

“Whatcha watching?” Christina didn’t move, responding.

“Claws and rings, it’s about supernatural weddings. Did you know Vampires can get married?” Alice just shrugged.

“I mean, I guess. Can’t everyone?” Christina pushed herself up shaking her head.

“No, most Undead don’t do anything. It’s something about seeing marriage as still too tied to the church and stuff, but Vampires do it themselves, have their own little ceremonies, I saw one couple on here, the man was human and the wedding ended with him being turned. It was very gothic though, pretty cliche.” Christina collapsed back onto the sofa, her excitement dwindling out. “This episode is a dud though, two werewolves and the whole ceremony seems like something straight out of the American swamps, very yokel.” Alice laughed.

“Putting you off the idea then?” Chris leaned back so she was looking up at the blonde and scowled.

“Shut it.” The scowl was quickly replaced with a smirk. “Oh we could look up if demons marry for you? Maybe you do it in a pentagram while sacrificing a goat.

“I’ll sacrifice you if you mention this again.” Chris however was not cowed by the threat but sitting up noticed that Alice had her trainers on.

“Where are you going? You’ve got nothing booked right?”

“Just a run, still feel like I’ve got energy to burn to be honest.” Christina’s face looked dire as she slowly slid back down into her pit on the sofa.

“Speak for yourself, I think I’m just going to sleep forever honestly.” Alice just laughed.

“Well I’ll leave you to your wedding plans. Do you want me to pick anything up on my way back? Think I’m gonna pick up some bits while I’m out.” Chris shrugged.

“Chinese maybe, text me and let me know where you are.” Alice nodded and left the apartment, as she was waiting in the elevator trying to ignore what had happened in here last night she thought back on Christina’s words and something bugged her but she couldn’t place what exactly, shrugging her shoulders as the elevator opened she walked past the new body guard on duty who smiled at her as she left.

Forty minutes into her run and she had barely broken a sweat, Alice had never been athletic, years of dreading getting changed for PE in school left her with a horrible distaste for the idea. Which really made her question, how was she doing this now? Her last run was about three months prior at the end of August and she’d managed maybe half an hour total before having to take a bus home. She’d managed to sleep fine so it wasn’t drugs as far as she knew, she wasn’t feeling sick, just fit? Is this why Levash had panicked, had he done some demon magic thing by accident when he, well. The idea didn’t sit well with her, she felt good, great even. Her skin looked like she drank as much water as she pretended to and actually kept on top of her skin care, her entire body actually felt softer and while yeah HRT does that, maybe not five years in.

The thoughts continued to plague her on her walk back, she managed to get her shopping done but couldn’t get her mind off, one if something had happened to her that she needed to be concerned, should she go to a church? Confess her sins? Two, what had happened to her last night? No matter what little things just kept reminding her about his grip on her, how he held her, pinned her. Shaking her head she continued on her walk home, checking the time it was only three so decided to avoid getting Chris’ chinese, she could order for Chris later. Walking around London during the day was always such a contrast to seeing it at night. Some supes were out, mostly Fae folk, and she imagined Weres who didn’t stand out, but otherwise the streets were packed with just humans.

She wondered if the entire world was so clearly split into two separate worlds, walking the same streets, using the same buildings, but never crossing paths. Or at least trying to avoid it. Well most avoided it, even those who didn’t outright hate supes knew there were dangers and didn’t really want to be involved. Alice knew the dangers. She had seen how badly Chris had been treated towards the end of her relationship with Sebastian the Vampire. So why had she decided to go home with Levash? Going to the club was one thing, Julia was her friend so some allowances had to be made, but sleeping with him? Has she been manipulated in some way? Was that why he was so apologetic? Before her thoughts could spiral she arrived back to the flat and made the split decision to forget what had happened. She was alive, and for better or worse she was feeling good, she had fun and didn’t think she’d been coerced or hypnotised or whatever. It was a fun night with admittedly a probably awful man, Demon, again whatever.

Purposefully blanking her mind on the elevator trip and her walk back into the flat, she put away her groceries and decided to go have a shower, cool herself off and let that be the last effect of her night at seventh layer. As she went to enter her room she noticed though, Christina was yet again asleep on the sofa, Netflix having long since paused to ask if she’s still watching. Going over to the girl and prodding her only made Chris shift but not wake. Clapping hard did nothing so in the end Alice did what her mother had always done to her as a child, getting a spray bottle full of water from the kitchen.

She came back to the sleeping girl and spritsed her in the face which shook her awake somewhat. Chris mumbled abit wiping her face on her sleeve sitting up.

“What the hell was that for?” Alice just looked at her with concern.

“Are you feeling okay? It’s nearly four and you’re still sleeping, did anything else happen last night?” Seeing the salacious grin start to overtake the sleep on her friend’s face, “Other than sex.” Christina just shrugged.

“Nothing untoward as far as I know.” Shrugging again she went to lay back down before Alice quickly moved to stop her.

“Maybe you shouldn’t sleep anymore, should we call anyone, maybe you had a reaction to something?” Christina replied with a sardonic look.

“I had an allergic reaction to a drink and now want to sleep? I’ll be fine mother, go have fun without me since you didn’t bring me any food.” Alice couldn’t shake her concern and decided to leave the girl to go to her room grabbing a spare blanket and draping it over the already sleeping girl before heading into the shower.

The shower had been useless, well Alice had gotten clean, eventually. She couldn’t however scratch the itch that had developed after last night at all, the peak seeming to avoid her. Last night had awoken something in her that she thought estrogen had killed years ago, and it had come back with a vengeance. Taking her time getting dressed, the scent that had invaded her room with Levash’s visit had finally dissipated, be it through time, or extensive cleaning, Alice would take the small victory. Taking some time to do some real skincare to try and maintain her new glow Alice ended up spending most of the afternoon in her room only leaving once it had gone dark.

Going back to the living room she found her roommate finally up and sitting at the table with Julia who looked just as rundown.

“You’ve seen better days.” Alice walked over and sat next to the werewolf who was nursing a cup of water.

“Chris warned me that you were feeling too cheerful today. We never should have stayed in fucking Sloth, it serves me right.” Alice’s brow furrowed as she looked at Chris who seemed nonplussed at the comment.

“What does sloth have to do with it?”

Julia turned in her seat facing Alice as she spoke.

“It’s their magic, the floors all represent sins yeah?” Alice just nodded along. “So if you go to Sloth you’re going to feel slothful, or if you go to Lust you’re going to go home with an Incubus.” Alice felt her cheeks heat as she turned her glare on Chris who was sitting with an innocent smile. “Regardless, I imagine all three of us are filled with aches, we just want to sleep off. You especially.” Alice felt her blush burn harder as she turned away from the wolf hearing both laugh. At least that explained the urges she’s had though, and maybe her inability to deal with them.

“Does it wear off?” Julia nodded at the question.

“Yeah it lasts about as long as a hangover does, tomorrow we’ll all be right as rain.” Chris just laughed.

“I think I’d go for lust next time, what do ya say Alice, wanna go back for round two.”

“Absolutely not, once was enough.” Julia decided to join in the teasing at Alice’s comment.

“Aww did the Demon not live up to your high standards?” Alice scowled at the Were as Chris responded.

“Clearly not, he ran off scared after as well, seems he couldn’t keep up with our own little fiend here.” Enough was enough. Alice turned facing Chris and an innocent smile appeared on her face.

“Chris how was Mark’s foot in the end he didn’t hurt himself too badly did he?” Julia looked at her confused as Chris’ laughter stopped dead.

“What happened to Mark?” Alice turned to Julia.

“Oh you didn’t know?” Chris was shaking her head violently now at this point as Alice continued with a smile. “Chris brought him home last night, they seemed pretty cozy as well this morning, must have been a fun night right chris?” Chris started to stammer an excuse as Julia turned to her perplexed then quickly her face dropped.

“For the love of, please tell me you didn’t Chris.” The girl just gave a lopsided grin which Alice has to give her, was brave with the large werewolf sat across from her.

“Oh for, one man! I told you one man was off limits and you couldn’t help yourself!” Seeing the heat was well and truly off her, Alice got up and left for the living room and decided to try and order the Chinese that would be needed as an apology. Alice couldn’t help but laugh though, definitely worth it.


The evening passed without any major issue, Julia calmed down with a promise from Chris that it would never happen again. The trio ate, watched awful TV as two of the members drifted in and out of sleep and eventually Julia called it a night heading home. Chris went to bed not long after and soon Alice was left laying in bed and struggling to sleep.

Her thoughts kept going back to the night before, still. She could even tune out Levash, kind of, it was the actual sex she couldn’t get out of her mind. It made sense if having gone to Lust had inspired this, she just needed to try and sleep it off which was a struggle. After another unsuccessful attempt at dealing with the issue herself she forced herself to try and fall asleep. It was very restless but eventually she managed to pass out. Her dreams were odd. Vague and hazy things flickering past with only the barest hint of her conscious clinging on. The only thing that she remembered upon waking the next day was the symphony in the background, its words lost, except for one, a whisper traveling on the winds.

“Al……ice.” In a moment she heard it but couldn’t process it in full before it disappeared and she was lost to nonsensical dreams yet again.


Waking the next morning Alice stretched sitting up she realised, her stomach was still tied in a deep knot of lust. Falling back to the pillow and taking a deep breath. She tried to focus and clear her mind but it did nothing to help. It almost seemed worse today, her thoughts recreating the entire scene from Friday in her head and more, phantom touches trail her skin, where Levash’s had once been, if she focuses, more could be felt brushing against her, mostly her back and side, almost like parting the crowd… Shaking herself off and getting up Alice went for a cold shower which seemed to do the trick, getting ready in the bathroom mirror she noticed her hair looked a little longer, pushing it all back over her shoulders she noticed it wasn’t by much, barely below her shoulders but it was noticeably longer and perhaps shinier than Friday when she styled it. Shrugging, she left it and carried on with her day. Must just be because it’s wet.

Getting ready she threw on plain jeans and a white tee. Leaving her room she noticed Chris was up cooking and singing along to her phone. Not noticing her when she entered, Chris jumped as Alice entered her periphery.

“Bloody hell. Don’t sneak up on me like that or I swear I’ll get you a collar with a bell on it.”

“Promise?” Chris just laughed.

“Freak.” Alice slid past the girl and made herself a quick cup of tea sitting at the table.

“Least you seem bubblier today, finally over your indulgence in sloth?” Alice spoke over her shoulder.

“Thankfully. I do want to see the other floors but I think I might give Wrath a miss you know?” Alice just laughed.

“I think I’ll avoid all of them, sorry you three were enough warning for me. Besides, I don’t think I’m fully over it.” Alice admitted with a blush.

“Aww is someone feeling a little pent up?”

“Fuck off.” Chris just laughed but calmed down eventually asking.

“You’re at the theatre today though, right?”

“Yeah just rehearsals, I’m going to end up pulling my hair out at how much we have left to learn. The new showrunner is a slave driver I swear.” Alice turned, putting a plate of scrambled egg and salmon in front of Alice and sat with her own.

“I’ve heard she’s a Wight.” Alice furrowed her brow as she ate.

“What’s being white got to do with anything?” She got a scoff in return.

“One chew your food before you speak, animal. Two, a wight not white. She’s Undead.”

“What, like a Zombie?” The look she got answered that.

“Definitely do not let her hear you say that, Wights are like undead royalty. Anyway they’re like, all with it and have all their memories and personality. I’ve heard they can manifest their spirit outside of them as well.” She didn’t realise she’d stumbled into another one of Christina’s biology lessons.

“And what for us plebeians does manifesting her spirit mean? Do you mean like anime?” Christina returned to her previously adopted unimpressed look.

“It means that she can use her spirit to become a physical thing in the real world.”

“Like a ghost?” Chris went to explode but saw the look on Alice’s face and realised.

“You’re fucking with me, excellent. Well whatever, have fun offending your new manager, I’m sure she won’t eat you for insulting her.” Alice looked up at that.

“They eat people?” Alice just shrugged.

“All Undead do one way or the other, they need life to keep going. I don’t know if she just like, drains humans with her spirit or has a special freezer in the garage. Never asked.”

“That seems like the sort of thing you should probably ask Chris.” Chris just shrugged again.

“If you want to go quizzing Undead on their eating habits, be my guest, I’m not that dumb.”

Alice finished her food with little chatter and in the end asked Alice to take in some documents and drop them off at her desk. Packing up her Violin, Alice decided to head out early and walk. It was about an hour’s journey but the energy she had gained didn’t seem to be leaving her anytime soon. Trying to distract herself on her walk she thought back to her conversation with Chris. She was fine with supes, mostly but she couldn’t parse the attitude Chris had sometimes, how could you be so dismissive of the fact someone’s a literal cannibal. Or well maybe it isn’t a cannibal if they aren’t human themselves but still. There was a line somewhere, where on one side there was being respectful and treating different people with respect and on the other was becoming willing prey, Alice couldn’t help but think Chris danced on that line dangerously.

Arriving at the theater Alice realised somewhere along the way she must have picked up her pace while she was spaced out having got here twenty minutes sooner than she normally would. Turning on the lights in the hall and not seeing anyone else about she quickly made for Chris’ office on the second floor. Her door wasn’t unlocked so she just slid the file under the crack and went to leave. Setting up in the main hall, no one else was around still so she decided to start playing herself to warm up.

It didn’t take long for the hall to fill with music from her violin, she’d always found the main hall here was better than anywhere else she had ever played the acoustics where perfect to just carry the sound no matter where you sat. Changing to a faster paced tune she continued to strum away clearing her head for the first time in days and just letting go.

“No need to show off their Al.” Mike, one of the brass players said. The room had started to fill with most of the band and Alice hadn’t noticed, blushing. She laughed off the comment and quickly moved to take her seat as she waited as everyone got into position.

After that the day flew by as they continued on going through each of the songs on the list. It was to be a new performance of Phantom of the Opera which seemed all the more appropriate as Alice took notice of the pale figure sitting in one of the viewing boxes above the room. They had entered half way through watching the performances and Alice could only assume this was the elusive showrunner. Most instructions had been passed down via her assistant, a waif of a girl barely taller than Chris and much thinner, she seemed fine enough if a little loud trying to get her point across.

The performance was finished in no time and they even received a slight clap from the figure in the stands. Packing her violin, Alice got up ready to leave before being stopped.

“Hey a few of us are going for drinks, you fancy coming?” Mike had approached her again and he had a few of the band milling about behind him. Mike was fine. He seemed overly enthusiastic with most of the women at the theatre, he’d even taken a shot at flirting with Julia which had worked about as well as a lead balloon. He knew when to back off though at least.

“Sure, where are we going?”

“Just the old bull, cheapest we’ll find round here.” Nodding Alice finished packing her things and followed the group out.

Once outside she saw another cluster waiting and noticed Julia with them. Walking over she bumped against the red head.

“Afternoon, how are you feeling?” Starting to walk Julia smiled.

“Hell of a lot better than yesterday that’s for sure, what about yourself, you got it all under control?” She responded with a wink. Saving herself the embarrassment Alice just responded with a small lie.

“Yeah all good here now, have you heard anything from Mark?” She just rolled her eyes in response.

“Nahh he’s in the metaphorical doghouse though, Lana has had a thing for him for years and I think she was hoping for her chance on Friday.”

“Oh is he not interested then?” Julia just shrugged.

“It’s not that he’s not interested, it’s just, pack stuff, he’s sort of expected too. Basically he’s important and she’s important in the pack so like them having a kid, is very important. He’s not the biggest fan of it, I don’t blame him honestly.”

“What is it like arranged marriages?” Julia quickly shook her head.

“No. No marriage involved just a kid, it’s a long story and honestly I barely get it so I wouldn’t really expect someone outside of the pack to get it. No offence.” Alice shook her head.

“None taken, trust me when I say I know about weird parents.” She heard a snigger from Julia.

“Yeah Chris told me some interesting stories about your folks, are they true?” With a roll of her eyes Alice responded.

“Probably, my mum left my dad and me to join some hippie commune, very much peace and love kinda thing. Don’t get me started, everytime I see her again she either smells of weed or sweat and she’s pushing fifty.” Alice laughed, the pair both falling into companionable conversation and arriving at the pub in a short time.


The pub was fun. Alice spent the day chatting with most of the members and the conversation drifted onto the topic of the show runner, some saying as Chris had that she was a Wight, some that she was a Phantom herself, ergo the choice in play. Some even said Vampire, regardless people kept asking Julia about it which was clearly annoying her having to keep explaining she wasn’t Undead so she wouldn’t know. Alice decided she was bored anyway so gave an excuse to leave and since it was dark out asked Julia to walk her home. They waited round the block and Alice’s taxi eventually arrived, they both hugged parting and Julia walked off home.

Alice didn’t take notice of the driver right away going on her phone and responding to her emails but as they stopped at a traffic light she felt eyes burning into her. Looking up she noticed it was the pink Demon yet again from Friday and he was staring at her like he was trying to solve a puzzle.

“I’m sorry, is everything okay?” Her question shocked him a bit and looking up at her his eyes turned apologetic.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. I just blanked out a bit there. Sorry again.” Alice just nodded at the weak excuse keeping an eye out of the window to make sure she was going the right way. She caught him looking at her a few times before he pulled up outside her apartment building. Opening the door quickly she practically jumped out of the taxi and heard him call back.

“Hey, have you been feeling okay?” Alice just quickly walked to her apartment calling over her shoulder.

“Never better!” He stayed at the side of the road a few minutes longer before finally driving off.

Getting back into the apartment she looked back out seeing nothing and went to the front desk to leave a message noticing the guard from the previous night was back on.

“Hey is it okay if I let you know about a taxi driver I’ve just had drop me off. He was acting strange. I doubt he’ll come back or anything but just in case? He nodded, getting a notepad out from under the counter and looked at her expectantly.

“Okay yeah he’s a taxi driver, he was driving a red five door car, not sure what make. He looked tall, pink skin, like pink pink, not white, he had two little white horns and.. Oh he had lilac eyes.” Looking back at the guard she realised he hadn’t written anything down. They sat in silence for a few seconds before he spoke in a gruff voice.

“Is this not one of your friends?” Alice just blinked.

“I’m sorry?” He rolled his eyes, dropping the notepad and leaning back in his chair.

“You came back with a Demon the other night, and now another Demon is dropping you off here. Maybe they’re just friends or he thought he recognised you.” Alice couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Okay erm sure maybe, could you make a note of it regardless, like I said he gave me really bad vibes so id feel more comfortable if there’s a note for any guards on.”

“And the first one didn’t give you bad vibes? They’re all literally Demons.” Alice nodded, dumbfounded.

“Nevermind then clearly I was mistaken.” He rolled his eyes again, returning back to the monitor glowing in front of him, pausing for a second Alice eventually made her way over to the elevator, as the doors were closing she heard him mumble something under his breath. Luckily she didn’t hear it.

Returning back to her flat she made short work of complaining about the guard to Chris who was about ready to go down and rip his head off.

“Who does he even think he is, your father? Like hello what has it got to do with you? Or anybody for the matter.” Alice just sat annoyed on the sofa as Chris paced. ” I mean come on if he’s saying that about you what on earth is he saying about me?”

“To be fair, you can’t exactly tell Julia or Mark are Werewolves looking at them.” Christina just glared at her.

“That’s so not the point, I brought Sebastian here for two years and he’s very clearly a Vampire.” Alice wasn’t going to point out that again it wasn’t very obvious unless you were standing next to him, he gave off a chill like a freezer.

“Oh another thing I went out for drinks with the band and spoke with Julia abit, you should maybe not continue things with Mark.” Chris stopped her pacing, finally sitting back down on the other side of the sofa.

“One I’ve already told Julia I won’t see him again, and two why are you grilling me about it?” Alice just held up her hands.

“No judgement here but apparently he has a thing with Lana.” She saw Chris’ eyes begin to widen as rushed to finish. “Nothing serious but apparently it’s something with the pack, they have to have a kid and this Lana’s been pushing for it for a while. I don’t know if it’s considered stepping on someone’s toes to go for him but regardless, it’s baggage you do not need.” Christina visibly relaxed.

“Oh Julia had already said that to me. Yeah it’s fine he was fun but honestly it was a bit weird.”

“Weird how?” Christina leaned forward conspiratorially.

“I woke up in the middle of the night and he was kicking his leg and growling like a dog having a bad dream, if I wasn’t so out of it I’d have woken up the whole house laughing.” Needless to say that dragged laughter from Alice and soon the pair had been reduced to a laughing fit talking about chris’ prior suitors.”

As it was getting late, Chris was the first to retire, double checking the door and giving her little bat to Alice just in case anything did happen with the driver. Returning to her room, Alice prepared herself for bed and as she was about to get into bed she took stock of how she felt. Thinking about it as she sat there, the pool of energy still felt like it was there, she had no better way to describe it but it felt like she had a pool of energy to draw on and she couldn’t drain it. Lust wise, well it has been in the background all day and it wasn’t going anytime soon. Deciding against trying to deal with it herself she went to bed and again tossed and turned before falling into a restless sleep.

Her dreams were just as nonsensical as the night before, she remembered none of it once she had awoken just a voice calling to her on the wind.


Monday and Tuesday both came and went quickly and without any issue. Rehearsals were coming along nicely and Alice was pretty certain she had all of her parts nailed at this point. Her now daily examinations had found that yes her hair was definitely getting longer, now looking about an inch longer than it had on Sunday. The weirdest part that she couldn’t prove was it looked thicker, and definitely healthier. She brushed it off, again it wasn’t exactly a negative. Her hair had always been slightly on the thin side, and it probably was some weird after effect of sleeping with a demon, something she wouldn’t be doing again.

She had started to remember her dreams though, only fragments but they all seemed to be growing more and more, erotic. They mostly focused on Levash but she even saw the taxi driver a few times in broken memories. All the while she heard a voice echo her name. It was, well it was disturbing, and very annoying. One she didn’t want to dream about the sketchy driver and two she still couldn’t actually find a way to get off, she was reluctant to tell Christina knowing it would either become the newest thing she mocked her for, or it would turn into one of the supernatural biology lessons, and she would hear Incubi that would ruin her mood further. Maybe incubi lay eggs or eat the heads of their mates. The thought made her shudder. She decided with it being her day off on Wednesday she’d go meet Julia for a late brunch, hopefully she wouldn’t be annoyed that Alice thought she might know.

Christina had left early for work that morning, something about a company meeting that absolutely did not concern Alice. Alice got ready, curling the ends of hair and looking at her clothes, decided on a brown floral dress that came to her knees and threw a jacket over the top. She grabbed a cute little beret she had stolen from Chris and left. As she left it was the smaller guard who smiled as she left so she waved back but he gave a bit of an odd glance down at her outfit. Leaving she saw the ground had a light dusting of snow on the ground but it looked like it was melting. Marching on, she headed for the tube to meet Julia.


Walking into the cafe she saw Julia already sitting down who waved her over, as she got close Julia gave her an odd look.

“Are you not freezing?” Alice followed her eyes to the dress and shucked off her jacket and placed it over her chair.

“No I’m fine, the jackets thick enough, how are you?” Julia’s eyes moved to the thin wool coat hanging behind Alice.

“Alice it’s -2 and you’re barely wearing anything.” Alice hung her bag over the back of her chair looking back to the werewolf. She noticed she was wearing a thick black jumper and jeans, the usual leather jacket hanging over the side. Alice just shrugged.

“I didn’t notice, I’m fine though honestly.” Julia reached across grabbing Alice’s arm, the touch feeling like pins and needles on her arm as she let go.

“You’re burning up, are you sure you’re okay?” Alice put her hand to her forehead but it felt normal to her.

“I’m fine honestly, can we just order something, I will admit to being very hungry.” Julia looked sceptical but nodded, waving down a waitress as the pair placed their order. Alice listened as Julia listed off the three meals she was going to have with a cup of tea and the waitress turned back to Alice who just ordered smashed avocado toast and a second tea. As the waitress left Alice turned back to Julia who was watching the waitress leave.

“Are you okay, how much do you need to order?” Julia snapped back to Alice before realising her question.

“Ohh, it’s a Were thing, we need more food. It’s why in theory it should be harder for us to get drunk, because of our metabolism.”

“In theory?”

“Yeah in theory because if you go and drink in a Demon bar apparently you still get vicious hangovers.” Alice just laughed, but cut herself off quickly.

“Actually that kinda links to what I wanted to talk to you about.” Julia raised a brow and waited for her to continue.

“Well since we went to the bar and I well..”

“Pulled.” She said with a smirk. Alice rolled her eyes

“Yeah basically, I’ve been feeling kind of weird.” Alice was fidgeting her fingers in her hand, knowing she wasn’t going to like the answer.

“Weird how.”

“Weird like I’ve kinda not gotten over the whole lust thing.” As she finished Julia just started barking out laughing, Alice’s face going beet red as the waitress approached. Thanking her for her cup as Julia tried to get it back together to take hers, Julia finally asked.

“Okay so you’re still horny? I fail to see the issue.” Alice took a sip of her tea, finding it to be served pretty cool. Taking a big swig of the drink and placing it back she saw Julia again looking at her curiously.

“The issue is I can’t do anything about it.”

“Is this a proposition?” Alice’s eyes went wide.

“No! No no no.” Julia’s smirk dropped. “No I just mean. I physically can’t do anything about it no matter how much I try.” She was pretty sure her cheeks were glowing at this point.

“And you’ve asked me because?”

“Not because you’re a Were, I’m asking you as a friend.

“Why not ask Christina?” Alice just stared at her blankly.

“I’m going to assume she’s never made you sit through one of her little talks on how supernaturals work but trust me, they’re long, boring and entirely unasked for.” Julia cringed a bit.

“She did once, she spent a full dinner break explaining to me the complexities of Elven dance and culture. You’re right. Very boring.”

“Exactly, so, do you know anyone who’s been to Lust? is this normal? Or is it because I slept with..”

“A demon? Maybe never done it myself, seems like playing with fire honestly. No offence.” Alice rolled her eyes. “I mean I can give you Mark’s number if you promise not to give it to Christina, he’s been to Lust, and sorry I am not up for asking him myself how it was.”

“Understood, that would be great thanks.” Julia nodded, getting her phone out as she read it off to Alice. Their food arrived shortly after both decided to tuck in.

It wasn’t just the Weres metabolism that was a marvel; her eating speed confounded Alice as well. Before she had even finished her meal, Julia had inhaled all three of hers. As it was, Alice was just pushing scraps around her plate when Julia asked.

“Did you notice anything else weird other than the lust thing?” Alice looked up, seeing her eyes back on her coat.

“I mean, my skin is softer and I think my hairs thicker maybe? It’s definitely growing faster.” Alice shrugged

“You’re also burning up.”

“Sure.” Julia just stared at her for a few seconds before responding.

“You should probably just call the Demon you slept with; he’ll probably know better than anyone else.” Julia responded with a shrug.

“I didn’t get his number, he ran out looking panicked afterwards.”

Alice hadn’t noticed the waitress approach who now stood next to the table with an obvious frown on her face.

“How are you paying?” Alice offered to pay for both their meals but Julia kindly pointed out she’d barely eaten anything in comparison to hers and paid for her own. Giving cash to the waitress she pinched it from Alice’s hands and held it like she had leprosy and took Julia’s payment by card quickly making a beeline from the table back to the kitchen after. They both got up to leave, Alice noticing Julia brought a scarf as she got up as well. She was now starting to feel slightly underdressed in comparison. Both leaving the shop. They decided to head on a walk into town as Julia needed a few bits.

“Are you seriously not cold at all?” Alice shook her head.

“For the last time honestly I’m fine, trust me I’m not one to suffer in silence.”

“Well in that case you’re probably not going to want to hear this but you should go back to Goetia.” Alice turned to her furrowing her brow as they walked?

“What’s your logic for that?” Julia shrugged.

“You’ve got something from a Demon bar, best to ask Demons what. You said you had a taxi driver acting weird, he was a Demon yeah?” Alice nodded. “Maybe it’s obvious to them what’s going on, maybe you just have like fire and brimstone gonorrhoea, but if anyone’s gonna know it’ll be them.” Alice sighed, kicking her feet a bit as she walked. It made sense logically, that a Demon might know but it’s not like she knew any…

“You think you’d want to come with?”

“Not a chance I’m afraid, I need some time off after last weekend.” Alice began to pout.

“But I’ll need a supe to get in.”

“No can do, I’m busy. See if Christina’s got any friends who’ll take you. Or just say you were with the guy who you went home with, be confident enough and you shouldn’t have any issue.” Julia shrugged.

“Oh god I’m such an idiot. When he was leaving he specifically said about how I could find him at the club this weekend. What if he knew he’d done something to me?!” Julia grabbed her and pushed towards a shop door well out of the crowd on the street.

“Calm down, you don’t want to cause a scene. We don’t know if he did anything, he could have meant anything. Look I know it’s probably weird but you should go, at the very least call him out on his shit for leaving straight after sex. Regardless if you’re in a club he can’t do anything.” Alice sighed, she would have to go, something clearly had happened and he knew it. He put his head to her stomach like he was listening to the ocean for Christ sake. Alice nodded.

“Okay, yeah I’m fine, I’ll sort something out. Nodding they both backed up and continued on their way.

When Alice got home she found the flat empty, no Chris in sight. She shot her across a text asking when she would be home and dialled the number Julia gave her for Mark. After a few rings he picked up his voice sounding breathy.

“Who is this?”

“Hey Mark right? It’s Alice, Chris and Julia’s friend.” She heard shuffling from the other end of the line before she got a response.

“Yeah I remember, what’s up?” Taking a deep breath Alice prepared herself for the conversation she dreaded to have with the man and explained everything as quickly as she could, him staying silent on the other end of the line.

“… So did anything like that happen to you after going?” She heard muffled laughter from the other end of the line, something she was quickly growing sick of.

“No I’m sorry I can’t say I have. It wore off after a day for me and there was no issue, finishing per say.”

“Great okay so it’s probably tied to having slept with an Incubus.” A cough came through on the other end of the line.

“I mean maybe, I had a erm, a friend who slept with a Succubus a few weeks back, he said that her well her, saliva I guess? It well..”

“Please just spit it out, if I’ve been poisoned I’d rather know than die waiting.” Sighing deeply he continued.

“Well he said it was an aphrodisiac is all.”

“You have a spit kink?” She heard the sheets brustle under him as he moved around before she heard his indignant tone.

“Hey, not me, a friend. And it wasn’t a kink it was like, if she drank from a glass for example, and he did after, it got him ready.” It was Alice’s turn to finally laugh at someone.

“Okay well this has been lovely Mark, and thank you so much for the help but I’d rather not hear anymore sordid fantasies from you.”

“Hey I’m being serious you little… What are you planning to do about it? Maybe go to the doctor?” She continued to laugh.

“And say what? Doc I slept with a demon and now I can’t seem to finish, can you prescribe me something for hysteria?”


“Nevermind. No, Julia recommended going to the club actually, to find the guy I slept with or, well any demon, a demon I saw the other day reacted weirdly so maybe anyone would be able to tell me.” She paused for a moment before continuing in a saccharine tone. ” Actually, Mark, how would you like to help me out this weekend?”

“Admit I don’t have any weird kinks and I’ll potentially consider it.”

“Fine. Your friends the odd one then, please?”

“What day?”

“Friday?” He sighed.

“I’m busy Friday, kinda got a date actually, I can come with you Saturday though?”

“He said he would be there Friday so I need to go then, it’s fine thanks anyway.”

“You’re not thinking of going alone are you? Do you know any other supes?”

“Not really, Julias busy as well. I’ll be fine though, I’m a big girl.” She hoped he couldn’t hear how false her confidence was over the phone.

“Look, I’ll call you on Friday, yeah? Text me what time you’re going and I’ll call you a few hours after, make sure you’re still fine, if anythings the matter I can call the cavalry in.” Alice blinked, shocked at the offer.

“You really don’t have to, honestly I’ll be…”

“Nonsense, my mother raised me better than to not help out a lady in need. I’ll save your number, just remember to text me okay?”

“Thank you so much Mark, this means a lot.”

“Not an issue at all, just well. Maybe tell Chris about this for me will ya?”

“Want me to leave out the spit kink?” He finally laughed with her.

“If you’d be so kind.”

“I’ll consider it, anyway, got to go, I’ll text you the details.” They said their goodbyes and quickly hung up. She wanted to be shocked, the kindness was surprising to say she had known for all of an hour prior to calling him, it made a little more sense when she remembered that Christina also had a mystery date on Friday…

Time after flew quickly, Alice was determined and had made a set plan for how to proceed. On Friday she would go to the club, say she was there to see Levash and cut the queue, she’d find the Incubus and make him answer her questions, questions she had a lot of. Getting back on Wednesday she found Christina who confirmed that yes she did have a date Friday so couldn’t go, she suggested Saturday instead but Alice had to refuse, she couldn’t be certain he would be there then.

Christina helped her prep though, the following day she came up with a list of questions she would ask. One, why can’t she get over this lust and why is it getting worse? Two, why is her hair growing quicker, and she thinks her breasts have a bit as well but she’s kept that from Christina for now. Three: why are demons looking at her weird, and finally why did he walk out.

She would make him answer her questions come hell or high water, though she imagines given the context it would probably be hell. She had another rehearsal Thursday and she played her heart out, something about the music at the moment was calming for her, it had been doing wonders for her rocketing libido. After leaving that eve, Thursday was spent, curling her now considerably longer hair, doing skincare and face masks with Christina. Everything she could to make herself feel vicious for tomorrow. Looking in the mirror she was pleased with the result, looking at her hair up in curlers she noticed a potential fifth question, why is her hair turning white. Taking a deep breath and not letting it get to her, Alice crawled back into bed. For hopefully the last time she settled in for a restless sleep.

Dreams flashed vividly in her vision before moving onto the next, each as graphic and erotic as the last, scenes playing on repeat of her, and multiple demons she had seen in the club all twisting and morphing into one. The final image that burned into her mind before she awoke was of a red woman. she sat upon a black crystalline throne carved into the side of a mountain. The demon wore what looked like purple chitinous armour moulded to a statuesque body. Her face looked ethereal and cruel, the smirk sent a chill down her spine and her glowing orange eyes seemed focused on Alice. The attention was horrifying and awe inspiring. Twin horns jutted out from the woman’s head, signalling her corruption to all. One pair pointing straight up, and a pair curling around pointed ears, all seemed to be black with an orange glow shining through cracks within them, like magna bubbling under the earth.

She couldn’t see much else and as her mind began to fade back into the waking world, but before she could depart she felt a burning grasp take hold of something within her. Something imperceptible to Alice but important nonetheless, and in that moment, she felt it change. The inferno escaping from the grasp melting it down and reforging it anew. She could barely understand what was happening but suddenly something felt corrected. Like a shoe that had always been on her foot and was too tight had been taken off, unshackled. As her vision faded she heard the voice carried on the wind, only it sounded closer than it ever had, it called out to her soothingly, reassuring her as her very being was altered. Everything faded to darkness, and all Alice could feel was safety.


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