Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Amandablonde / Edited and updated by Regis


Republished: 24.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Gore, NC, Rape, Snuff, Zoo

Note from Amandablonde: I have been rather busy and hence quiet, XP, but here is the start of a new story for you. There will be more to cum I promise!

Note from Regis: I love Amandablonde’s work, her wild imagination, and vivid descriptions that bring alive her brilliant ideas with the words she writes. I find it impossible to read her stories without my fist being engaged in rapid stimulation of my organ. I regularly ejaculate while reading her vibrant descriptions of incredibly stimulating events. That’s what draws me to join her in sharing her amazingly exciting stories.

Pedo Rapist Accomplice Whore


Amanda lay naked in bed with her lover Alex. She ran a lazy hand up and down the length of his impressive cock, stroking him. Her fingers played around the head, and strayed down the shaft, gently caressing his balls. Amanda had never lost her fascination for male cock and balls, especially when they belonged to a child rapist.

She was drawn to evil, and the more evil the man was, the more Amanda wanted him. Alex was probably the most evil man she had met to date. He was a multiple child rapist and murderer; his victims were countless.

Amanda had become aware of Alex after watching some of his child rape porn videos online. They were hard to find but were among the most violent and merciless she could find. Amanda had access to the dark web, and money was not a problem. Her daddy had left her more than a hundred million as his only child when he died.

She used the money wisely, and her net worth now exceeded three billion. She was free to buy whatever she wanted, and what she wanted was what turned her on: vicious, violent and nasty child rape! Alex attracted Amanda because he was dedicated to his craft. He was shameless in using his movies to promote child rape.

He had a special talent for drama and managed to make both the rape and snuff of the children he raped as erotic as hell. He showed countless men how to stalk, kidnap, molest, rape, and kill countless children, and secretly made videos of them doing their craft. He was a one-man assault on any form of morality.

Karl was dedicated to his pleasure and the destruction of anything good or innocent. Amanda saw the opportunity to use her vast wealth to help Alex in his persistent attack on any form of sexual restraint or morality. She would help him in the destruction of anything that smacked of good.

Alex moaned in pleasure as Amanda went down on him, her lips and tongue working on the head of his cock. His hands clawed Amanda’s blonde hair, pushing her head further down onto his shaft, to the point of nearly strangling her, but she loved that, and she pulled back, grinning and laughing.

“Not so fast big guy. You have some work to do, and millions of customers to reward, remember? “Alex grunted, “Yeah, I know, but I love the feel of your gorgeous mouth on my cock. I love having you with me, Amanda! You are such an incredibly sexy bitch, and a real fucking turn-on!”

Amanda again kissed the head of Alex’s cock.

“And I will always be with you, Alex darling, but right now you have a three-year-old black girl waiting to be raped, and millions of white men and women watching online, eagerly waiting for you to destroy the little nigger cuntlet, remember?” Alex rolled onto his side, looking Amanda in the eyes.

“Yeah, I remember, and I know why I am doing this. I am the luckiest guy in the world to find a woman like you to support me in my quest, Amanda!”

“Yes, you are!” Amanda agreed with enthusiasm, “Now shall we go and take a look at the little nigger whore we have trussed up on the broadcast theater? Remember, the live audience is seated and anxiously waiting.”

“You bet!” exclaimed Alex, his cock now throbbing with anticipation.

Hand in hand the couple walked naked down the corridor deep inside her sprawling mansion, until they came to the door of the specially designed broadcast theater, where their brutal child rapes were broadcast to an ever-growing audience of millions. Amanda placed one hand on the door and the other caressed Alex’s cock.

“Ready baby?” she asked.

He nodded, suddenly serious and determined.


Alex led Amanda into the broadcast room. In the center was a tiny black girl, bound naked and spreadeagled on a Saint Andrews cross. Cameras in the walls and ceiling focused on the child, giving a live feed to the millions of child rape fans watching online on the dark web. Alex licked his lips as he approached the child. Before moving into the field of view of the cameras, Alex put a demon mask over his face and stepped into the light.

The child screamed when she saw the naked Alex in the demon mask and struggled in her bondage. She could not, however, loosen the ropes which bound her. Alex growled in the naked child’s ear and twisted her tiny nipples painfully.

“Hello, nigger bitch, are you ready to be raped?” he asked, loud enough for the watching audience to hear.

Tens of thousands of affirmative requests were registered in the mainframe computer and displayed on the screen monitor on a side wall. Alex laughed. He spoke loudly now.

“Hey guys, everybody having a good time? How about I work over the little nigger whore’s cunt?”

Tens of thousands of urgent demands were registered in response.

“Hey,” Alex continued, “All you guys who are raping a female child at home as you watch this, check in okay? I want to see that you guys are just as sick as me!” he laughed again.

This time the system almost had a meltdown. Hundreds of thousands of affirmative responses registered, many with screenshots of men raping preteen girls, in many cases their daughters.

Amanda chuckled and rubbed her clit as she saw the audience’s reaction. She went to a keyboard next to the screen and tapped in codes to open multiple live feeds so that audience members could post live movies of themselves raping children and share. This was the whole point of this event: to encourage child rape as entertainment and a commonplace enjoyment for consenting adults.

There was a charge to continue to watch from this point on and the audience of millions was only too happy to comply. Alex and Amanda were instant millionaires. Not that that mattered to Amanda, already worth three billion and counting, but Alex wanted his share, and plenty of it. For Alex, it was at least in part about the money but for Amanda, it was just the thrill of it, and the deeply subversive attack on public morality, which they both despised.

Amanda donned her devil mask and stepped into the cameras’ field of view. She took hold of Alex’s cock and guided it to the black child’s bald cunt. Amanda rubbed the head of Alex’s cock in the vestibule of the child’s immature vagina as Alex snarled and hissed. Then she held his cock steady as Alex threw back his head and thrust upward and forward, tearing open the child’s cunt.

Amanda brought her masked face down the child’s cunt and watched eagerly as Alex’s cock rammed into her, tearing the flesh open, the child’s blood lubricating Alex’s cock’s passage. The naked little nigger child’s body shuddered and twitched uncontrollably as she thrashed and screamed.

Amanda stood and shouted to the cameras, “RAPE THE NIGGER BITCH UNTIL SHE DIES! — RAPE HER HARDER! — DIE, NIGGER BITCH, DIE!”

Alex responded by thrusting into the child with all his force, his hands on the child’s hips to steady himself as he ripped into her like the demon he was portrayed to be in his mask. Amanda danced naked around the child’s body as she was raped, shouting encouragement and urging the watchers to rape their children as they watched the show.

The bound naked child’s eyes eventually rolled back in her head. She tensed, produced a log of shit, and then slumped in her bonds as she lapsed into unconsciousness. Alex plunged into the small child’s ruined cunt far too deeply in a frenzy of lust, and at the last moment withdrew, so that the cameras could capture the long ropes of cum that shot from his cock and splattered all over the body and face of the child.

Amanda masturbated for the cameras as she watched. Alex’s climax brought her rapidly to her own orgasm, which she displayed to full effect, shuddering and moaning for the watching millions. When they were done the screen went black. A message scrolled across inviting the viewers to tune in again at the next scheduled broadcast time.


The next broadcast featured a twelve-year-old boy who had just reached puberty. Amanda and Alex had rescued him from the street for training. Amanda had been sucking him online for months before his first orgasm, and now he was cumming like a river. Amanda made him watch hours of child rape porn between his own online performances.

Recently Amanda had begun advertising a rape show featuring the boy, who they had named Sonny, and a six-year-old girl who had not yet been abducted. Amanda had put an order in with a local street gang and within a few days, they succeeded in kidnapping a blonde white six-year-old cutie. She was brought to Amanda’s private estate and imprisoned there until she and Alex were ready for the broadcast.

Amanda had noted with satisfaction that her audience had been growing by millions each month. News reports came through of an epidemic of child rape in several countries, especially in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. A movement had begun to repeal all sex offense laws, as rape was becoming impossible to prevent or control.

Amanda and Alex knew they were winning, and Amanda increased her advertising, promising a particularly depraved child rape show on the following Saturday, provided that one thousand successful and verified child rapes were committed in the next five days. It happened. The reports came through verifying over two thousand unsolved child rapes in sixteen countries. The show was on!

The broadcast began with Amanda and Alex, wearing hoods and cloaks, leading Sonny into the broadcast room and introducing him to the audience. They had seen Amanda masturbating and sucking him off many times, but then he had been an anonymous figure. Now he was placed on the same level as Amanda and Alex.

Amanda slowly stripped the boy and fondled his cock and balls, kissing and sucking them for the cameras. Then a spotlight moved to where the blonde child cowered in a corner. She was a certified virgin. Amanda whispered to Sonny and he raced to the little girl, dragging her to her feet and tearing at her clothes.

She screamed, struggled, and escaped several times, but the naked boy Sonny managed to run her down and resume stripping her. In moments her panties were off, and her pretty cuntlet was on full display, its pink inner lips curled from her slit of a cuntlet, and her little clit hood spread the slit at the top, adding beauty to her little child-cunt.

Amanda checked the computer. Twenty million viewers so far tonight and counting. She smiled with satisfaction. This was going to bring in a lot of money, adding to her wealth.

Sonny had the child naked now but she had escaped again, running hard, and Sonny was tired. Alex grabbed the girl and held her, while Sonny caught his breath and Amanda knelt to lubricate his cock. He was soon hard and ready for rape. Amanda whispered to Sonny and then assisted by taking one of the naked six-year-old’s arms from Alex.

They both held the girl by the arms as she screamed and thrashed, and Sonny moved between her kicking legs, being careful she did not get a kick in at his testicles. He would need them for the sexual action that was planned. There was no way he was going to let the little cunt get him in the balls and ruin the day’s proceedings.

Amanda and Alex encouraged and directed Sonny as he slapped the child hard to make her stay still, and then he placed his cock at the entrance to her pink puffy bald cunt, pressing his rigid penis into the child’s cock-spread but sealed vestibule. Her hymen was about to be split wide open to accept the boy’s thrusting penis.

“Now Sonny! Take her now!” Amanda called out.

Sonny seized the moment and lunged forward and upwards, forcing his young hard cock to ram against and then break through her hymen and plunge deep into the child’s vagina. She screamed and thrashed as Sonny forced his firm boy-cock deeper into her, demolishing her hymen as he broke through.

Her blood helped to lubricate his cock and he was soon ramming into the child like a piston. She was still screaming and struggling, but Amanda and Alex shouted encouragement to Sonny, urging him on to deeper and more violent thrusts. His passion grew until he tensed and bucked his hips repeatedly, pumping his abundant flow of jetting semen deep into the child.

There was so much cum that it leaked out of the girl’s cunt. Amanda scooped up some from the child’s leg and licked it off her fingers for the cameras. Amanda and Alex threw the child to the floor as Sonny pulled out of her. Amanda caressed the boy’s slimy cock, pumping out the last vestiges of his semen as she kissed him with real affection.

Alex announced to the still-growing audience that they now had the choice to watch him rape and snuff the child or they could watch Amanda and Sonny suck and fuck together in celebration of his first child rape. The audience was divided roughly equally with an appreciation both of a further violent and fatal child rape by an aggressive adult and the boy engaging in hot child sex with a mature female.

The night was yet young.


The natural extension of Sonny’s rape was to involve his whole class at the private school Amanda owned. She taught from time to time, and secretly but regularly gave the class child rape porn to study. She encouraged the children to share their fantasies in class about violent child rape, and they displayed wild and stimulating imaginations.

Amanda made sure Sonny was commended and rewarded for his rape session on her dark website and made him her agent of change to win over the class to support a gang rape event. It did not take long. Within a month the whole class of eleven- and twelve-year-olds was on board with the plan. Amanda arranged an excursion to her estate as the venue for the pack-rape. Alex was stoked.

Amanda told him all about her evil plan as she stroked and sucked his hugely destructive cock in bed. He came hard, Amanda swallowing his cum with a smile. Their next event was bound to be a winner, and have an outstanding audience of eager paedophiles, most of them raping a child as they watched the steamy event.

The class was comprised of twelve boys and twelve girls. For the broadcast, Amanda divided them into three groups of two boys and two girls each. Amanda explained that each group of four would be tasked with the pack-rape of a girl abducted from the school kindergarten. The children would perform naked.

The two boys from each group would individually rape one of the kindergarten children while the two girls would hold her down, help strip her, and generally assist in the rape. The girls were encouraged to masturbate while they watched the rape if they were able to, and they were all both willing and able.

The broadcast began with the naked twelve-year-old boys and girls, all masked, being introduced on camera. The boys sported rigid erections with a gleam of moisture on the end that proclaimed them ready. A door at one end of the broadcast room opened and three tiny girls were brought in, each only five, wearing frilly dresses, white socks, and black shoes. They were shoved towards the middle of the room.

The two girls from each rape squad grabbed their selected girl and dragged her, kicking and screaming, to a low table with rings on each of the four corners. As they had been taught, they helped the boys strip them. The girls then tied each child’s wrists and ankles to each ring. The cameras zoomed in to capture the terror and fright on the naked little girls’ faces. The cameras also captured the bright eyes of each rape squad, filled with lustful excitement.

On a signal from Alex, the boys prepared to rape each child, with the eager support and encouragement of the girls in their squad. A spreader had been inserted into each child’s mouth to hold it open and cover her teeth. The boys’ cocks drove into each mouth, with a girl stroking and guiding it, looking adoringly up into the boy’s eyes.

The second boy on each team moved between the child’s legs, with the other girl in the squad guiding his cock with her hands to the child’s puffy, swollen pussy lips. The girls eagerly stroked the boy’s cocks to keep them hard and then guided them into the child’s vagina, as she writhed and struggled in her bonds.

As the pack-rapes got underway in earnest, the girls stood back so that the cameras could get the best view of each child rape, both oral and vaginal. The naked twelve-year-old girls watching masturbated furiously for the cameras. At their age, entering puberty, they all had extensive experience masturbating, and enjoying orgasm.

“RAPE HER. RAPE HER. RAPE HER HARD!” they chanted over and over again.

To add to the drama, a spotlight illuminated the naked Amanda and Alex. Both wore masks. Amanda knelt and took Alex’s huge erect cock into her mouth, licking around the head, teasing the open piss-slit, and then stroking her tongue up and down the shaft. She kissed the head and looked directly into the camera lens.

“Long live child rape!” she said clearly.

Then she began sucking Alex off in earnest.

The boy and girl rapists came repeatedly. The boys shot great ropes of cum into and over each child victim. The girls bucked and shuddered as they came, masturbating their clits and pussies like demons. They chanted praises to Lucifer and child rape with true earnestness, as eager participants were now totally devoted to the cause.

The little girls being pack-raped slumped unconscious in their bonds, to be carried away and thrown back into a dumpster after the broadcast was completed. Whatever became of them was of little interest to Amanda. The broadcast ended with Alex and Amanda surrounded by the twelve naked boy and girl rapists.

She delivered an address encouraging parents, teachers, and students to pack-rape the youngest girls in their schools.

“Raping innocent little girls, particularly in public, brings great sexual satisfaction, and makes engaging in child sex a joyous thing for everyone! Do it today and do it often, in the streets and in the parks, totally publicly.”

When they were finished the screen faded to black.


Alex and Amanda decided that the next step in their campaign should be to film a mother willingly handing over her daughter for rape, for a small fee, with the televised pack-rape of the child to follow. This would encourage a commercial market in young girls, and the free market would help to spread child rape around the world, bolstering slumping national economies.

With parental approval, the gang-fucking of little their girls would provide a substantial boost to personal income, with more money now available to be spent in each community. To get things rolling, Amanda would pay for the mothers to give up their pretty little daughters to serve the cause of acceptance of rape as a sport.

They offered online on their dark website fifty-thousand dollars to any mother who would sell her child under six for pack-rape and snuff. The killing would be as sexually stimulating to audiences as her rape. They offered to sweeten the pot by another twenty-thousand dollars if the mother would agree to appear in the broadcast of the rape, naked, and be shown assisting and enjoying it.

They were flooded with inquiries. Thousands of mothers applied every day for weeks, and they had to engage administrative support to assess and shortlist all of the applications. Photos were required to ensure the quality of those offered. Finally, they decided that the demand was so strong they should make it a regular subject on their broadcast channel: child rape for fun and profit.

It would become a weekly show, focusing on the mother and her child engaged in sexual activity with young boys, and then culminating on the rape and snuffing of the child. The show would conclude with the mother being interviewed to express her excitement watching the rape and murder of her little girl, and thanking Amanda and Alex for the opportunity to be rid of the cute little cunt.

For the first broadcast, they selected a mistress of the President of Brazil. She came from a Rio Favella and was a gorgeous blonde. She was poor and had gotten into the porn industry to support herself. The President had supported her from time to time but not consistently. The money Alex and Amanda would give her would set her up for a long time. The President had fathered her child who, at five, was blonde like her mother and shared her model looks.

The woman’s name was Stella. Amanda and Alex first filmed her on a beach in Rio with her daughter. She spoke to the camera in her tiny dental floss bikini and displayed her daughter, Precious, in an identical bikini. Stella pulled the child’s bikini bottom to one side so that the camera could zoom in for a close-up of her bald, pink pussy.

The camera then panned across to the mother’s groin, where she had also pulled aside the string of her bikini to fully bare her clean-shaved cunt, which the President had fucked and from which the child had emerged five years earlier. As the camera zoomed out again Stella was seen smiling and licking her lips.

Stella and Precious were flown to America, brought to Amanda’s estate, and taken to the broadcast room. The broadcast began with Stella and Precious being shown talking to Amanda and Alex and receiving the first payment of fifty thousand dollars in cash. Stella put the money in her suitcase and passed her daughter Precious to Amanda.

Amanda held her, kissed her full on the mouth, and then led the little girl to a small stage a few feet away. Stella stripped naked for the cameras, as agreed, and then took her seat watching the stage, her legs invitingly spread to display her open cunt. She began to caress her breasts and shaven pussy as Amanda and Alex stripped Precious on stage, the cameras lingering on the child’s perfect little body.

The boys and girls from Sonny’s class, now all experienced rapists, filed into view. They were all naked, and the six boys, including Sonny, each had a hard, twitching cock, with a bead of moisture gleaming from the head. The faces of the girls betrayed their excitement, as their eyes shone brightly with lust.

The girls took control of Precious and held her at hip height in mid-air, pulling her legs apart and forcing back her head, making her open her mouth. Precious began to scream and struggle. The cameras filmed her struggles and her smiling mother began to masturbate as she watched. Stella wanted that extra twenty thousand dollars and was willing to have her child killed in her presence to collect it.

Sonny and the other boys gathered around the struggling body of Precious and stroked their cocks. One boy drove his boy cock into Precious’ mouth and down her throat, with three girls holding her head steady and beaming up at the boy as he face-raped the child. Soon his cock was driving down the child’s throat, the movement of his rutting penis clearly showing through the thin muscle of her neck.

The girl holding Precious’ ass and legs urged the boy between her legs to rape her tiny pussy. He smeared his hard cock with lubricant and began to force himself into the still struggling virgin child. The girls shouted their encouragement of his efforts. Watching intently, Stella was mauling her clit and pussy now with both her hands, her eyes blazing with her lust.

Each boy came, and extracting their penises from her, shot his load over the face and body of the still screaming, struggling child. Precious still had plenty of fight in her. The cameras caught her face, those of the school kids raping her, and her mother. Likewise, there were close-ups of the boys’ cocks pumping their cum all over Stella.

The first two boys were replaced by two more who took their time raping Precious together. The girls helping were getting more and more excited. Each one took the opportunity to rub their clits whenever they got the chance. Precious’ struggles were fading down and each girl accomplice had a free hand to masturbate with.

By the time the last pair of boys shot their load over the cum-covered body and face of the child Precious, the naked little girl had lapsed into unconsciousness. The girls cheered as the final pair of boys came and they carried Precious’ prone cum covered body to Amanda and Alex in triumph.

Alex directed the kids to drape Precious over her mother’s lap. Stella rubbed the cum over Precious’ body and then used her cum-covered hands on her clit and pussy. She looked expectantly at Amanda. She smiled and approached, taking Precious’ head in her hands and pushing her naked pussy into her double-raped child’s face. Stella moaned in arousal.

Alex moved between the child’s legs and began to force his cock into the unconscious child’s abused cunt. Even though she had been repeatedly pack-raped she was still tight. Alex snarled and drove into the child savagely, his hands on her hips for purchase. He pumped into Precious with wild abandon, far too deeply for her to accommodate him, tearing her insides open with glee.

Stella ground her pussy into her daughter Precious’ face, bringing herself to climax. She did not release her organ’s pressure as it covered her child’s mouth and nose, preventing her from breathing. Stella was killing her daughter in pursuit of satiating her lust. The twelve-year-old boys and girls were making out on stage together, sucking and fucking for the cameras, as the cameras showed both the group sex and the final rape of Precious. This was turning into an all-out orgy!

Amanda and Alex came together, bucking and shuddering as they stared into each other’s eyes. Moments later Stella came, her hips bucking up, animating the still body of Precious in a graphic final scene. Later, Alex and Amanda interviewed Stella, as she told how much she enjoyed watching her daughter get pack-raped and snuffed.

She didn’t mention, nor did she need to, that it was she who had taken her child’s life, and she thanked Alex and Amanda for the opportunity. Stella was still glowing with sexual pleasure from the incredible experience. Alex handed over her final payment of twenty thousand dollars.

The broadcast broke all previous viewing records. Child rape was spreading like wildfire around the world. Increasingly, no child was safe, even in her own home with her own family. There were even some reports of newborn female infants being abused by the probing fingers of surgeons in the delivery rooms of hospitals. Alex and Amanda knew that they were on the cusp of ultimate victory.


Alex and Amanda knew they needed to reach out to mothers around the world and spread rape culture, drawing on mothers’ love for their sons. They posted notices on the dark net, inviting mothers with sons around puberty to bring their sons to the broadcast facility and help their boys rape a female child live.

It proved to be a hugely popular invitation. There were tens of thousands of applications, with pictures of the mothers and their sons, standing naked for the cameras, often with the mothers gripping and pumping on their son’s erect penis, producing ejaculation toward the camera. It was incredible what a horny mother would do.

They were mostly attractive, but Amanda was taken by the story of a particular woman, Mona, and her son Richard, aged twelve. Mona, an attractive willowy blonde, wrote of how she was gang-raped by the football team at her high school when she was fifteen. She was impregnated and had no idea who the father was.

Mona had not married and had become addicted to violent child pornography, which she shared with Richard. Richard had recently started to orgasm and Mona sucked and masturbated him while they watched Alex and Amanda’s violent kiddie-rape shows together. They had begun a deeply incestuous relationship, fucking while watching the rape and killing of little girls on the screen.

Mona was anxious for her darling boy to begin raping little girls for real, but she did not want to put him at risk. She wanted Richard to experience his first child rape with Mona there to guide and help him in the safe environment provided by Amanda and Alex. Mona also hoped that her example would encourage other mothers with young boys to guide them to rape as well.

Mona had never lost the thrill of her pack-rape at fifteen. Like the first hit of cocaine, Mona was forever searching for sex that gave her a similar thrill. She had sexually satisfied an entire football team by herself and was proud of that accomplishment. She hoped that helping Richard rape a child would give her that same thrill.

Alex gave Mona directions to Amanda’s estate. She arrived on time with Richard and they were welcomed inside. Richard was a handsome fair-haired boy, well-built and athletic. They had seen from the photos that he had an impressive penis. That was a necessary attribute to be able to participate in what Alex and Amanda had in mind.

After dinner, Amanda guided them to their private cinema where the foursome got naked and watched some of Alex and Amanda’s private child rape movies. Amanda enjoyed watching Mona snuggle down close to Richard. Mona whispered to him as he watched the movies and slowly stroked her hand up and down his hard boy cock. He came repeatedly, covering Mona’s hand in his young boy’s semen.

Mona lay back and spread her legs, masturbating with her son’s cum as she watched a four-year-old girl on screen getting pack-raped in the chancel of their church by six adult Satanists. Mona began to moan, arching her back and pushing up her hips as she began to buck and shudder. This was the kind of action she craved.

Amanda wriggled around to where Richard lay and took his firm boy-cock into her mouth, sucking on him hard as she cupped his small balls in her hands. She realized she coveted the hairless cock and balls of boys entering puberty to those of an adult such as Alex, although he had a way of giving a power fuck she loved.

Alex straddled Mona’s neck and forced his cock down her throat. He pumped furiously until he came, forcing his seed down the writhing woman’s throat. The foursome slept together that night, naked in each other’s arms. They were all high in anticipation of the rape they planned and had discussed, to come the next morning, and each dreamed of it, moaning and writhing in their sleep.

The reality turned out to be easily as good as they imagined. The young girl, Tania, had been abducted in Russia and spoke no English. She was ten, pretty, and dark-haired. Richard, watching through a window in a door to the broadcast room, said that he liked her and was looking forward to raping her.

Mona hugged her son and kissed his left cheek, saying quietly that he was a wonderful boy and that this girl would be the first of many. Tania sat on a chair in the middle of the broadcast room, staring blankly at the empty walls. She had no idea why she was here, or of what was going to happen to her.

Amanda instructed the cameras to be activated. Tania jumped at the sudden clicking sound as the cameras emerged out of the walls and focused on her. Tania ran around the room looking for an escape but found none. The cameras followed her. Richard stepped away from the window in the door but he needn’t have done so as the glass was one way only. Everything was now set. The broadcast had begun.

Alex opened the door to the broadcast room and ushered in Mona and Richard. Tania squealed and retreated to a corner. A script played for the viewers, explaining that Mona and her son Richard would rape Tania together and they dedicated the rape to all mothers of pubescent boys who guided them into rape culture.

Richard began to chase Tania around the room. Mona watched for a while, laughing in pleasure, until she stretched out a leg and tripped up the girl, sending her sprawling onto the floor. In a flash Richard was on top of her, wildly tearing at the girl’s clothes. Mona applauded her son and then, reaching down, she secured the girl’s hands.

They were outstretched in front of the fallen child, and Mona stood firmly on her hands, crushing them with her shoes as her beloved son stripped Tania. Mona spoke softly and lovingly to her son, guiding him as he tore off each piece of clothing. Finally, only Tania’s pink panties remained. Richard tore them from her body with a sharp tearing sound. Mona laughed again.

Leaving her son to hold Tania down, Mona went to a drawer set into the wall and opened it, taking out a mouth spreader. She returned to her son and handed it to him, explaining its use. It would prevent the girl from biting his cock when he thrust it down her throat. Richard fitted the spreader to Tania’s mouth as she struggled in his grasp.

Mona took hold of Tania’s arms again while Richard performed the delicate operation. Mother and son now held Tania down together. Tania flailed uselessly with her legs and swore incoherently in Russian. Mona held her firmly by the arms as Richard shimmied up her chest. He pulled down his jeans and jocks, letting his hard boy cock fall free.

Then he dropped down with his knees on Tania’s shoulders. Holding her head steady he began to feed his cock down her throat through the spreader. Mona leaned forward, still holding down the girl by the arms, and kissed her son full on the lips as he began to rape the girl’s throat. Mona whispered to him, encouraging and praising him for his efforts.

Mona rose then and took a riding crop from the drawer in the wall. She began to beat Tania’s genitals with the crop while Richard drove his cock hard down her throat. Tania gargled and gurgled but was held fast. Richard was already an expert, just giving the girl space to breathe occasionally. Tania’s struggles grew weaker.

Richard did not want to cum in the girl’s mouth. He pulled and moved down between Tania’s legs, which Mona held wide open. Once Richard was in position Mona moved back to Tania’s head, slapping and spitting on her face before taking her hands firmly in her own and holding them straight above her head.

Mona smiled at Richard and blew him a kiss. He grinned back and began to force his cock, slick with Tania’s saliva, into her virgin pink pussy. Tania wailed and screamed as she felt her vagina being violated for the first time. Mona nodded to Richard who suddenly slammed his cock violently forward, tearing open the girl’s hymen. He was in!

Her blood lubricated her cunt and Richard was now able to pump his cock into her with ease. His eyes shone with lust as he raped the girl, his mother beaming down at him with true love and pride. Doing a voice-over to the audience, Amanda invited the viewers to send generous tips to Richard and Mona to a secure bank account.

The cash flowed in like a torrent. It reached one-hundred-thousand dollars before Richard came, and when he came he arched his back and paused momentarily, before bucking his hips violently forward in a series of brutal thrusts. Tania screamed anew. Mona clapped her hands with joy as her son came, her face filled with perverted delight. She pissed herself with excitement.

Alex asked the viewers to vote whether they would like to see Tania being gang-raped after Richard had finished, or whether they would prefer to watch Mona suffocate her with her pussy. The latter gained a clear majority. The conclusion of the broadcast showed Mona astride Tania’s nose and mouth, grinding her pussy into the mouth spreader and depriving Tania of air.

The girl struggled anew, which spurred Richard on to further rape of her cunt. Mother and son came together, their arms entwined, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes as Tania was beautifully snuffed by Mona’s mouth and nose engulfing cunt while being raped. This was what the viewers wanted, and was what Amanda was so pleased to provide for them. There were no limits to what she could do to please her demanding audience.

It had been another triumph of a broadcast, and Amanda and Alex were well satisfied with it. There could be little doubt that an army of preteen boys and their mothers would soon be on the march, hunting down preteen girls to rape together. For her part, Mona declared that the experience was the most thrilling since she had been pack-raped by the football team. And that was saying something!


Alex was away organizing the delivery of more preteen girls to be raped live online. While he was gone Amanda decided to organize her television special on their dark website. Amanda advertised it as a prison rape special in honor of the repeal she had personally orchestrated of all sex crimes in Texas.

The state legislature had decided that the tidal wave of rape brought on by Amanda and Alex’s programs was too much to attempt to control and millions in law enforcement expenses could be saved by repealing all offenses, at the same time as making abortion illegal, even in cases of incest and rape.

Amanda invited six former inmates of the State child sex offenders’ prison to be her guests and stars of the broadcast. They would get to practice what they so dearly loved, which was deflowering little girls with their raging cocks, raping the children in the open, with a snuff of the children to complete the rape.

The show started with the screen black …

Amanda did a voice-over, congratulating the Texas legislature for its far-sighted sex crimes repeal, and noting that men were now free to rape children as young as they pleased, and as violently as they wished. She stated that this program was both a celebration and an encouragement for as many men as possible to take advantage of their new freedoms.

She encouraged the rapists to rape as many girls as they could find. Hopefully, they would impregnate many of them, who would be forced to carry their rape babies to full term, deliver them in a birthing show, and raise them, if girls, to a brief life of their rape and abuse before being creatively snuffed for the enjoyment of an audience.

Amanda paused, and a floodlight suddenly illuminated the naked figure of a muscular black man standing naked on a dais. She introduced him as Washington Browne, who had been serving a life term for the rape and murder of a dozen white girls, all under ten. He had relished the violence of his rapes.

If the opportunity presented itself, he would make the girl’s mothers watch their daughters being stripped naked, fucked in all of their three fuck-holes, and then snuffed, unable to take the outstanding girth and length of his twelve-inch black cock. It was in every regard a murder weapon he regularly used to rape and kill helpless little girls.

Amanda now entered the pool of light, wearing a figure-hugging black evening dress and black high heels. She smiled up at the man, running a finger down his chest to his waist and then down to his genitals. She ran a lazy finger down the length of his cock and then caressed his balls, before stretching out a second hand and running both hands up and down his shaft while gripping it firmly.

Amanda listed his crimes in detail while she stroked him. The man snarled as his cock grew hard. Amanda knelt and took his cock in her mouth, her hands, squatting on her heels as she worked her tongue and lips on his cock head, and then deep-throated his shaft. Now he was hard and his cock was twitching.

Amanda stood then and snapped her fingers. Four women dragged a naked girl, no more than six, into the pool of light. Each woman held the girl by an arm or leg, her body suspended at hip height. Amanda stroked the black man’s cock and led him between the girl’s legs, whispering perversions in his ear. Amanda guided his cock to the girl’s bald pink hairless cunt and prized her open with her fingers.

The man put his big hands on the gagged child’s hips and began to force his enormous cock into her. The child screamed and bucked, but the woman holding her had a firm grip and laughed at the child’s feeble struggles. The women joined Amanda in encouraging the man to rape the child with all of his force, and he pounded her with abandon.

Amanda and the women shouted in delight as the man came, his cock spouting his semen deep into the child until it oozed out of her cunt and down her legs. Amanda stepped out of the light and as she moved in the darkness, she introduced her next guests, a husband and wife and their daughter Angel.

The next spotlight illuminated a man, a woman, and a girl. The woman was the child of rape and longed to have a daughter for her and her husband to rape together. The man was a pedophile rapist who loved his wife for her perverted ambition. The couple habitually watched child rape movies together and then fucked violently, until eventually the woman got pregnant.

She produced a healthy girl child, Angel, who she made feed on her husband’s semen in addition to her milk right from birth. They had the girl join them as they watched their child porn together and rubbed her baby clit as she watched. Angel was taught to deep throat her daddy as he watched and her mommy nuzzled in close, still watching each move as she pressed her daughter’s head deeper down onto her husband’s cock.

Now that the sex offense laws had been repealed, they had no fear of prosecution and were celebrating by raping their daughter together live on television. They had set up a screen and projector and began showing a child rape movie on the screen. Six men were pack-raping a two-year-old toddler in her torn cunt, ruptured rectum and throat.

The woman held Angel as her daddy roughly stripped her, tearing her clothes from her body. Then the woman held the girl over her lap, the child’s face in her crotch as her husband rammed his cock hard into his daughter from behind. The couple kissed passionately as the man drilled the child, a look of utter joy on his face. Amanda applauded as she watched, and then moved off again to introduce the third act.

Amanda had the spotlight illuminate a third man, a conservative looking white man in his forties. Amanda explained as she entered the circle of light that this was the infamous grade school rapist, who had terrorized the State for a decade or more and who was responsible for countless rapes and murders of school girls. He was in fact a teacher at an elementary school.

He had gone undetected because Amanda was the owner of the private school and protected him. Now he was safe from prosecution he was coming out of the shadows to take pride in his work. Amanda reached behind her dress and unzipped it, letting it fall to the ground, and she stepped out of it. She wore no bra or panties underneath, standing tall and proud in her stiletto heels and nothing else.

Amanda faced up to the man, kissing him and unfastening the buttons on his shirt, slipping it off him. She kissed down his chest to his waist and then undid his belt. She squatted down, pulling down his pants and jocks and taking his cock in her hands. Amanda rubbed his cock all over her face and kissed and licked around the head and down the shaft as images of each of his little victims flashed onto the screen.

Amanda fellated the man adoringly as a female voice-over gleefully described in detail the rape and murder of each of his victims. Amanda worshiped his cock until he came, pumping his semen down her throat. Amanda smiled and swallowed, sucking the last drops of sperm-rich semen from the man’s cock before she stood naked.

Amanda moved to a stool and sat on it, spreading her legs and fingering her clit and slit. She called on the viewers to rape their daughters together now so that she could watch and masturbate. A code allowed the viewers to live stream their incestuous rapes live for Amanda’s and her huge darknet audience’s pleasure.

A circle of screens around the walls of the broadcast room showed the scenes at random, a collage of delightfully violent child rape. Amanda turned her head this way and that as she masturbated, watching hundreds of live child rapes as she masturbated, her legs wide apart and her fingers rubbing her clit fast and hard.

A camera focused on her face as her arousal grew and another focused on her finger and clit. Amanda began to moan, her hips moving involuntarily as her climax grew. At last, to the screams of the “Circle of child rapes,” all around her, Amanda bucked repeatedly and tensed, as wave after wave of stupendous pleasure swept over her.

The screen faded to black …


As the epidemic of child rape spread around the globe and the laws against it fell one by one, Amanda and Alex’s broadcasts took on a triumphant quality. They took to interviewing the parents of child rape victims, to gain insight into how the parents got into child rape and what they got out of it; how they enjoyed it, and what in particular turned them on. Following is a typical interview.

Amanda is seated on camera next to another stunning blonde in her late twenties. She wears a tight tank top showing off her large breasts and a leather mini skirt barely conceals her naked pussy, which glimpses show is shaved. The woman wears no panties, and seductively moves her legs occasionally, adjusting her position so that the cameras can catch a fleeting glimpse of her bare and open pussy.

The two women are chatting together, almost as if they are unaware that the interview is being broadcast to an audience of millions.

“So, Shawna, how did you get into the child rape scene?”

“Well, Amanda, my boyfriend Tom was heavily into rape porn when I met him. He showed me his secret stash, and we explored a lot more once we learned how to access the dark net. We got turned on just by watching the rapes on DVD and online, and it made our sex a whole lot more exciting. I always pretended that Tom was raping me as he fucked me hard and fast. Fuck, it makes me wet now just thinking about it.”

Shawna flashes her bald cunt for the cameras. Amanda laughs.

“Yes, Shawna, I guess we all adore rape fantasy, but how did you get into child rape specifically?”

Shawna bears a thoughtful look.

“Well Amanda, I think it was one night late when Tom and I were surfing the dark net. We stumbled upon your site. The promotional material was really hot, showing exciting clips of men raping little girls. I made Tom sign up right away, and pay the annual membership fee.

“Once we were admitted Tom went straight to the main show. What we saw shocked me at first. A pretty naked little girl no more than six was being gang-raped by a group of men, some holding her down and others ripping open all of her holes. The girl was screaming, the men were shouting and laughing as they raped her.

“There was a live audience roaring encouragement. I was transfixed. I could not look away. I stripped off and had Tom stand behind me while I watched the startling rape. He thrust his penis up my bum and then used his hands around my waist to masturbate me wildly, and I came in the biggest orgasm of my life … to that point,” Shawa added with a smile.

Amanda chucked.

“Well, we are proud of the quality of our productions. And did it continue to meet your expectations?”

Shawna sucked in her breath.

“Fuck yes! We set up our biggest screen in our bedroom and played Tom’s laptop through it, so we could lie naked in bed together and fuck and suck as we watched one child rape after another. The more violent it was the hotter our sex became. Once we started on the snuff shows, that became our go-to channel. The sounds and sights of that ultimate violent rape always took us both over the edge. The first time I saw a naked and violently raped little girl being snuffed I came like a fuck-slut whore. It was amazing, and we were both hooked on the terminal rapes. It was a total game- changer for us and our relationship.”

Amanda nodded.

“Yes of course, but how did the fantasy lead to your rape of your daughter?”

Shawna smiled warmly at Amanda.

“We can thank you and Alex for that as well. It was one of your competitions for viewers to bring their daughters to your studio to be raped, and to submit a video of her rape. My daughter Skye was only four when I moved in with Tom. At the time we got into child rape together, she had just turned five.

“Tom used to talk to me about raping Skye as he fucked me, and I found that turned me on just as much as the shows. I encouraged Tom to rub Skye’s clit and pussy lips when I changed her. We kept her naked around the house as much as possible, since she was by that age completely house-broken.

“We often had her in bed with us when we watched the child rape shows. Tom loved to hold her up and suck her little cuntlet while we fucked. She seemed to get off on it. We planned to normalize child rape in Skye’s mind. Tom and I masturbated her and encouraged her to watch the child rapes with us.

“Pretty soon she was rubbing herself in front of us and started using filthy language. I showed her how to take Tom’s cock in her mouth, and then how to take his penis right down her throat. She surprised me when she became very good at that. Then we had her sucking him off until he came while he watched child rape after child rape …”

Shawna had a faraway look in her eyes and touched herself. Amanda brought her out of her reverie.

“And then, when did you and Tom rape her?”

“You and Alex were running a particular competition for parents to send in home movies of them raping their daughters together. I set to work with dildos and each day I put a bigger one into Skye while Tom masturbated her and I made her watch the child rape shows. After a month of working it, her cunt was stretched enough to take all of Tom’s cock. I set up my cell phone to video it all.

“We crept into her room late one night when she was asleep. I videoed Tom hauling her out of her bed and dragging her screaming into our bedroom. I had decorated the walls with big posters of men and women raping tiny girls, with photos I downloaded from your website. Tom threw Skye on our bed and tore off her nightie.

“I put my cell phone on a tripod to continue recording as I joined Tom on the bed. I knelt on Skye’s shoulders and leaned forward to kiss Tom’s cock before I guided it to her baby cunt …” Shawna paused.

She was clearly aroused as she remembered these details. She looked at Amanda.

“I need to cum Amanda. May I masturbate, while I talk?”

Amanda smiled broadly.

“Of course you can, Shawna, go right ahead. I think our viewers would enjoy watching you masturbate as you describe the rape of your daughter.”

Shawna hitched up her micro mini skirt and began to rub her clit and vagina with a look of bliss on her face. Her hips moved slightly as she masturbated.

“I held Skye down as Tom forced his huge beautiful cock deeply into Skye’s cunt … uggghhh! She was screaming and struggling but I held her tight. Tom pounded into her deep and hard. Her struggles made him wild and he came in a rush, shooting his cum right up inside her. There was so much cum that it dribbled out her cunt on either side of his cock … ugghhhhh!”

Shawna came in a shuddering orgasm.

“That first video you sent to us was quite a hit,” Amanda replied, “I remember we paid you a fine price for it, although it did not win the prize. But you did not stop there did you Shawna?”

Shawna continued to rub herself slowly.

“No, we went much further. I started taking Skye down to a park and pimped her out. I had random men gang fuck her in the men’s toilets. Tom secretly filmed it on his cell phone hidden in the toilets. I think we did get a prize for that one!”

Amanda laughed.

“Yes, I believe you did. And you and Tom have since become stalwarts of our movement. We are proud of you and Tom, Shawna!” Amanda beamed and then became serious.

“Do you have any regrets, Stella?”

Shauna looked serious for a moment and then laughed out loud.

“Yeah, one regret. I regret we did not start on Skye when she was younger!”


Amanda wrapped up the interview at that point and promised a new motherhood interview would be screened the following week. Not having one ready, she visited an unsupervised single mothers’ residence and met some lovely young women, most in their teens, and none of them experienced in the matters of life.

Their children ranged in age from infants to six; any girl whose child was older was required to find other accommodations. About a third of the girls had yet to whelp and were in the latter stage of pregnancy. Amanda was delighted and wondered how she had never heard of this place before. The thing was, now she had it, using her enormous wealth and connections to obtain it. She was the new owner of the shelter and all of its inhabitants.

She went to work on the young ladies immediately, starting by putting up some of her tamer sex videos on the system, noting who gave them attention. At first, she put on videos of young people engaged in sex, and then began by adding some with little girls participating. Those proved to be more acceptable than she’d hoped for. This was great.

She called the girls who didn’t give the rape videos much attention into her office, two at a time, and questioned them about their tastes regarding sex. It turned out they enjoyed the videos, such as the one Amanda had playing on the big screen on the wall they faced, and they told her they were embarrassed to be seen enjoying such things.

That too was better than she could hope for. She asked if they thought the girls who got off on watching were embarrassed, and the only answer they could come up with was “no”, because it was obvious they openly enjoyed them, and just as openly masturbated as they watched the hot action on the screen.

Amanda asked all of the girls who came into the residential program if they had conceived because of rape, and the answer was a resounding, “YES!” Without exception. When they let her know that, she began to use videos of younger and younger girls being raped and gang-raped, with no visible concerns shown. The young mothers and pregnant girls all continued to masturbate while watching the shocking videos.

She took aside a group of pregnant girls aged eleven to fourteen and told them they were not equipped to be mothers, that they could not bring up and pay the costs of having a baby, and having one, they would not be able to work to earn money, which was a downer message for some who wanted to keep their infants, but she was successful in convincing them it was a terrible idea.

She then gave them an option. They could participate in a live audience birthing show, where they would dance seductively after being induced, and while they danced, naked in stiletto heels with their legs spread, they would produce the infant in their bellies to entertain an audience and the viewers around the world on her darknet pay-to-view website.

To guarantee their cooperation, Amanda told them they would each be paid five thousand dollars to rid themselves of their sprogs in a live birthing competition, and then get on with their lives. The girls all bought in. The show was arranged, and a live audience of regulars was invited to witness the grossly debauched event.

Alex was the one who had come up with the idea of a live birthing competition featuring the very young swell-bellies and had convinced Amanda that it would be a great money-maker. He was right. More than a thousand people applied for the two hundred fifty seats in the small theatre on Amanda’s property, paying in advance fifteen hundred dollars per seat. That brought in three hundred fifty thousand dollars.

A week before the event, more than seven hundred thousand people had booked, pre-paid, two hundred dollars apiece to watch the event on the darknet pay site. Alex had another brilliant idea. He hired a dozen studs at five hundred dollars each to perform naked in the event. Their job was to ass-rape the dozen pregnant naked teen girls in their stilettos as they danced, to keep them upright while they dropped their sprogs.
Online sales were stopped an hour before the show began, with a million and a quarter total online viewers, giving the event a gross income of more than two hundred fifty million. All of that is for one single event. The audience was convinced most of the sprogs dropped would die, if they were not stillborn.

They were also certain some of the younger girls would give birth to their gonads and bleed out. They were right. When the birthing began it was very messy. The audience watched with fascination as the hairless cunts on the girls, held up by the stout penises in their anuses, began to spread wide open from the inside by the heads of babies emerging.

Infants with long umbilical cords smashed their skulls on the cement floor. Those with short cords ripped the afterbirth out of their mothers’ cunts, often followed by her uterus. The young inexperienced girls just didn’t know when to stop giving birth, and a few of them bled out while taking a power fuck up their ass.

It was a lose-lose proposition for the young mothers. If their infant didn’t survive, Amanda told them they had not successfully produced a live birthing, as was what they were to be paid for, so there was no payout. One of the infants had rotated inside its mother, and its feet were what appeared first, in a breach birth.

The fourteen-year-old girl grunted and heaved as hard as she could, and managed to pass the legs and hips to freedom, revealing the infant was a girl, but it got stuck at the waist, constipating the hugely distressed girl’s widely stretched and distended cunt. The infant girl’s legs kicked to display its huge discomfort, in a show well worth watching.

To satisfy the customers who had come to see girls die, Alex moved across the row of a dozen girls with a pistol and if he saw one was fading, shot her in the head. After shooting two of the young bitches, he came to the one with the constipated breach-birth cunt. Amanda prodded him to do something quite different.

“You’ve never fucked such a young one as this little pup, not yet fully born,” she said, “Why don’t you get your cock into that little cunt and give it a powerful rape with that raging flesh weapon of yours?”

Alex grinned and stuffed the barrel of the pistol up his ass to store it while he did as Amanda suggested. He knew it was more than a suggestion, but he was game to rape any cunt available, even that of a partially born little girl. He grabbed the young mother’s hips to bring the cuntlet close to his prick, then pressed his glans into the bulge of the little vagina.

The pressure he brought to bear by thrusting his hips was all that was needed to invade the infant cuntlet, and with little resistance, he forced his rigid cock into the half-born baby girl. The mother screamed as if he were raping her. His penis was large and firm enough to rip the infant’s uterus free so that his huge cock entered the pack of baby guts.

His excitement was more than he could contain, and with a bellow Alex ejaculated into the gut-pack of the infant stuck in its naked ass-fucked mother’s womb. He continued the violent ejaculation for a couple of minutes, his swinging scrotum slapping the balls of the man ass-raping the mother. This made for incredible video.

When he had at last satiated his lust, Alex jerked his bloody cock from the half-born infant, surprising everyone that his stiff bloodied rod was still jetting cum. For some reason, nobody had thought to pull the trigger of the pistol jammed into Alex’s anus, which would have made an amazing shot, in every respect.

Amanda’s friend generated a prodigious production of semen, and being a generous man, was always willing to share it. Amanda was proud to have such a man as a partner in crime, as a phenomenal rapist. Alex withdrew the pistol from his rectum and went on about his business of snuffing the failing birthing girls.

He dispatched four of them, at first to the sound of gasps and then cheers from the attentive audience. He was giving them a rape show to long remember. The last girl that he shot in the head was the one with her breached female infant stuck in her cunt, the little one he had just raped. He also put a bullet into the head of the grinning stud who was still ass-raping her, just for an added thrill. No justification was necessary.

The screen faded to black . . . .


With waves of sexual freedom sweeping the world, country after country was abolishing all sex offenses and changing the educational curriculum to encourage sex in all its forms and train boys and girls to reach their full potential. Sweden was leading the world in this respect and Amanda decided to take a trip to check out what was happening there.

Amanda flew to Stockholm and checked into her luxury hotel. She was pleased the most extreme porn imaginable was available on the room television and pleased that wealthy families were checking in with their children for a night of sex with them or with children they had bought as sex slaves.

The room information advised that guests could activate cameras in their rooms to broadcast the abuse of their children to a special channel on the in-room television. But that was not why Amanda had come here. She had come to check on the education of the young. Amanda was tired after the flight and had a big day planned the following day. She masturbated herself to sleep watching a regular child rape movie.

The next morning the Ministry of Education sent a car and guide to show Amanda around. The guide was a handsome young man named Karl who doubled as her driver. He took Amanda to a large school building in the wealthy suburbs and took her to the Principal’s office. He was a balding middle-aged man and a dedicated pedophile.

The walls of his office were covered with photographs of him fucking schoolgirls of all ages and being sucked off by tiny preschool girls as young as three, their baby lips embracing the head of his cock entirely. Amanda smiled and congratulated him on his leadership. They discussed the new school sex curriculum for a while and then Amanda asked to see the kindergarten class.

The Principal was happy to show her and walked her down to the kindergarten classroom. He knocked and entered, introducing Amanda to the stunning young blonde teacher, Astrid, who warmly greeted her. Astrid explained that she was teaching the little boys and girls about sex by using models, images, and movies.

They were encouraged to masturbate in class and to use the models to help to drive their natural sexual urges. The Principal then returned to his office. Amanda noted the posters on the walls showing naked men and women, the men displaying their hard cocks, and the women spreading to show their shaven cunts.

On the desks, the girls were playing with plastic erect cocks and balls, sucking and fondling them, squeezing the plastic scrotums to squirt warm cum into their mouths, gathered from the well-used and abused cunts of whores at a brothel, while the boys used sex dolls to have their cocks sucked.

Astrid beamed as she told Amanda that the class was about to have a visitor in honor of her visit. At that moment the door opened and Karl entered. Astrid introduced him to Amanda, even though they had already met in the car, and explained that Karl worked for the country’s Sex Education Ministry as a special education advisor and inspector, having been in prison for child rape before all sex offenses had been abolished.

Astrid affectionately touched the rising bulge on the front of Karl’s trousers.

“How many little girls did you forcefully rape, Karl, before you were caught?”

“Ten that I was arrested for, but there were dozens of others that I raped and snuffed that were never found …” he grinned.

Now that child rape and snuffing were legalized, he could talk about his adventures as much as he liked and took every opportunity to do so. Karl took pride in his lust for unwilling cuntlets, and let everyone know about it.

Astrid was aroused, put her arms around his neck and French kissed him, her tongue lashing his. Then she pulled free and caressed his cock with her hands through his pants, looking up into his eyes. He nodded, allowing Astrid to unzip his pants and pull them down. He slipped off his shoes and socks and pulled off his shirt, leaving Astrid to pull down his cum-dampened jocks.

Amanda admired Karl’s thick and veined cock, already rock hard and twitching. Astrid called the class to attention. Karl sat naked on the edge of the desk, slowly stroking his huge cock. Astrid explained that each girl in the class was to come forward, to touch and kiss Karl’s cock with their adoring mouths.

The boys were to watch and masturbate as they enjoyed Karl being fondled. When the girls were done with Karl, the boys would be sucked by them while the boys masturbated the cock-sucking girls. It was tit for tat, and everybody got to benefit. The girls were aware that they were to be raped by this big man, but could do nothing about it. He would also rape the rectal boy-cunts of some of the little boys.

Astrid called each little five- and six-year-old girl forward by name. Amanda watched in mounting arousal as each child was instructed to wrap her tiny fingers around Karl’s cock, stroke the shaft and kiss the head, before running her tongue around the head, across the open piss-slit, and up and down the shaft, worshiping the manly cock.

Astrid’s eyes were shining as she instructed each little girl, no doubt imagining Karl’s cock splitting open the entire groins of many children he had raped in the past. Karl showed great self-control, with a look of concentration showing on his face, because he was not allowing himself to cum from the stimulation of the little fists and mouths.

As each little girl returned to her place, she was stripped naked by one of the boys who was already naked. Each kindergarten couple then sucked and masturbated on each other as instructed by Astrid. Gradually the room was filled with the sighs and moans of the children as they pleasured each other with their hands and mouths.

When the last little girl had completed worshiping Karl’s pedo rapist cock and returned to her place, Astrid and Amanda could contain themselves no longer. Karl stretched out naked on Astrid’s desk and she and Amanda went to work on his cock with their lips and tongues, greedily sucking and licking the head and shaft. Karl now let himself release.

He forced the two women’s faces down on his cock and came, spraying both their faces in gush after gush of semen. Amanda and Astrid lick the warm cum off each other’s faces and kiss Karl up and down his body. Speaking softly, Astrid asks Karl if he would like to rape one of the girls in the class before he leaves. She strokes his cock with one hand to encourage him and he nods gravely, turning to Amanda.

“Would you like to see me rape one of these little girls, Amanda? I’m sure Astrid wouldn’t mind.”

“Oh Karl, I would adore that! Please do!” Amanda beamed.

Karl turned back to Astrid who was continuing to stroke his cock.

“In that case yes Astrid I will rape one of them that I select. I want you and Amanda to hold her down on your desk while I rape her. Now I want you two to suck me to hardness again, and then when I am ready, I will make my selection.”

Amanda and Astrid resume sucking on Karl’s cock. It takes some time, but they are in no hurry. Many of the children masturbating each other have climaxed, to the level small children can, and all are aroused. Karl watches them, and in particular, watches the girls. His eyes settle on a pretty blonde girl who lies on her desk bucking up her hips as a boy licks her clit. Karl sits up and pushes Astrid and Amanda aside. He points at the girl.

“I want that cunt!” he shouts in a harsh voice.

Immediately Astrid calls to the class, instructing them to drag the blonde child to Astrid’s desk. There are excited shouts from the boys and girls as they drag the now terrified child to the teacher’s desk. The little girl is aware this can go very badly for her. Astrid and Amanda drag the girl up onto the desk.

From her desk drawer, Astrid takes out a length of cord, ties the child’s arms and legs to the legs of the desk, and looks expectantly at Karl. The rest of the class gathers around the desk excitedly to watch what they anticipate will be a violent child-rape. Karl assures them they will not be disappointed.

Amanda stands among them, slowly masturbating as Karl readies himself to rape the distraught child. From her desk drawer, Astrid takes out a bottle of silicon lubricant, which she applies liberally to Karl’s cock. Astrid also works lubricant into the child’s vagina, while the little girl shrieks and struggles.

Astrid hushes her with a sharp slap on her face. She explains to the girl that it is an honor to be raped by a former convicted child rapist, now liberated by the State. The rape will hurt (as it should) but the use of a lubricant will ensure the little girl is not seriously damaged inside by Karl’s enormous cock.

Astrid steps back and looks adoringly at Karl. As their eyes meet Astrid nods and slips her lubricated hand down her pants, finding her engorged clit. Astrid sighs in pleasure as Karl moves between the child’s legs, positioning his hard and thickly veined cock at the bald pussy lips. He rubs the head of his cock around the child’s lubricated vestibule.

As Astrid and Amanda lead the class in applause he begins to force his shaft slowly into the child’s cunt. She thrashes and wails loudly, which increases Karl’s pleasure. He snarls and grips the child’s neck in his strong hands as he grinds himself inexorably into her. The kindergarten boys and girls look on in fascination, wide-eyed at the special guest.

Amanda and Astrid are both masturbating furiously now, and Astrid invites the class to join in — they do with enthusiasm as they watch Karl’s huge penis rip into the girl with such force that her groin splits, joining her cunt to her rectum as a single hole. Seeing the damage he has purposefully done, Karl reaches forward, grasps the child’s throat, and drives his thumbs into it with such force that she is unable to breathe, and he strangles her to death.

Everyone enthusiastically applauds the natural completion of his task. He has not yet cum, so he tells Amanda he needs another little girl to come forward, and asks Astrid if she can provide a broom for him to use with the child. She complies, with no idea what the cruel sadist has in mind for the little beauty Amanda brings forward.

Karl lifts the naked child with her back to him and lowers the screaming girl until her buttocks are spread by the flared head of his erection. He lowers her further, so that his penis is pressed against her tiny starfish anus until it bears her full weight, and that, along with a thrust of Karl’s hips, is enough to drive his cock home into the naked little girl’s colon.

With the energy of an experienced child rapist, Karl bounces the child up and down on his rigid throbbing cock with passion. The strategy works, and he brings himself to the brink of orgasm. At that point, he nods to Amanda and looks down toward the little screamer’s cunt. Amanda knows exactly what to do.

She takes the broom, and puts the end of the handle into the little girl’s cuntlet, pressing it against the intact hymen. She will use the wooden handle to make the girl into a woman, ending her virginity. The girl’s screams increase as she realizes what is about to happen. It happens. Amanda thrust the handle hard as the six-year-old naked girl bounces downward on Karl’s cock, and the double-raped child is instantly an occupied woman, front and back.

Karl motions with his head to Amanda, insisting she go further, and his female companion willingly does so. The teacher Astrid shrieks in excitement, seeing where this is going, and starts to piss. The grade one children watching take their cue from their teacher, and they also start to piss in excitement.

Amanda grasps the broom handle in both hands and thrusts it up and down passionately, hammering the end against the child’s uterus. The result is within minutes of penetration, breaking through the immature gonad, and the handle breaches the organ, entering the abdominal cavity filled with the child’s tangle of intestines.


His cock is now raging, and as he bounces her more quickly on his shaft, the broom is forced further up through her torso.

The little girl’s shrill screams are piercing, but as Amanda thrusts it in even further, it moves up between her lungs, reaches her throat, and the screams are suddenly cut off. Karl starts to cum, Amanda thrusts again on the long wooden handle, and as the child throws her head back, the bloody end of the broom handle bursts through her wide-open mouth!

The naked little lady riding her anus on Karls’s erupting cock is now fully impaled, just as Karl intended. Amanda had assisted in another thrilling child-rape-snuff! This proved to be one of their best videos yet! Astrid was a valuable new companion for the wholesome pair of sadistic kiddie rapist-killers!


Amanda and Karl returned the next day to the kindergarten, and now fully rested, Karl was ready to cum again. For him, that was always a requirement. He, Amanda, and Astrid again stripped naked, and they got the children to get out of their clothes. Although they knew that one of them was in danger, the excitement was too much to restrain them.

Karl grasped a naked five-year-old girl and held her in his firm grip, intending to release his passion by ejaculating inside her. She screamed, having just yesterday seen him fuck a girl her age to death, and impale another. He held her, and she struggled bravely, attempting to escape what was about to happen. Her little cunt was an easy target. Karl inexorably forced his hard, throbbing cock into the thrashing child.

The pleasure showed on his face, as did the pain on the face of the raped little girl. Amanda, Astrid, and the other children watched his progress closely. Several of the girls knelt beside the rape victim’s hips, getting a close-up view of Karl’s cock slowly pushing forward. One of the girls ventured to touch Karl’s cock in motion but was warned off by a sharp look from him.

He wanted nothing to interfere with his concentration on the child rape he was engaged in. The sensations on his cock from the child’s tight cunt and thrashing movements were fantastic and he wanted to focus on that. Karl looked around him at the children watching and masturbating. That pleased him. He looked at Astrid and Amanda, naked now and also masturbating vigorously.

Both women had sensational bodies and displayed them for Karl as they masturbated. Astrid in particular had the body of a perfectly voluptuous supermodel. Her hips were in constant motion as she frigged her clit and pussy. Her eyes blazed in lust as she watched Karl’s raging cock slowly disappear into the child. Karl turned momentarily to Amanda and Astrid. His voice was guttural.

“Cum for me bitches!” Karl commanded, “Cum for me as you watch me rape this pretty little blonde five-year-old whore! Imagine that it’s you I’m putting the blocks to!”

The instruction sent Astrid and Amanda into another level of lust. They shouted encouragement to Karl as they masturbated faster and harder, urging him to hurt the child with his cock and open her up completely. The naked little girl was moaning now as Karl’s cock reached her hymen and drove through it.

Karl snarled triumphantly and the child shrieked and gasped in pain. He had done it again and with panache. She was small enough that his penis was only half way when his glans slammed into her little uterus, and his rapid fucking motion hammered her little internal organ with merciless abandon. This was living!

Astrid orgasmed at that point, her fingers flying over her clit and her hips following a rapid circular motion. Many of the girls in the classroom followed her example and several of them pretended they were able to climax, faking little cries of pleasure as they came, mimicking their teacher and her guest.

Amanda watched the little boys in the classroom masturbating. Their eyes were fixed on the rape and they stroked their cocks eagerly. Most were small but some were surprisingly large and all were hard and erect to the degree possible for their age. Amanda imagined these boys by the time they turned eleven being able and motivated to pack-rape a naked little girl-child together.

She imagined herself helping them, giving them encouragement and support; urging them on. Amanda looked back at Karl. He was through the child’s hymen now and driving his throbbing cock down to her cervix. He called the child filthy names as he plumbed her depths. The pain was easing now for her and she lay still.

Soon she would begin to feel the pleasure that all females feel when they are raped, after the first rush of pain. The pleasure builds until the pain is forgotten and the female surrenders to the power of the cock raping her. Amanda called out to the child, urging her to focus on the pleasure that she was now beginning to feel.

Amanda told her that she was now a true cock whore, a rape slut, and that she should embrace that reality. She should welcome Karl’s cock inside of her and try to enhance his pleasure by using her vaginal muscles to massage his cock as he raped her like an animal. Karl was hard at work now.

The muscles rippled on his body as he drove his cock harder and faster into the child, withdrawing a little before plunging forward again. He looked like a muscular rape god, feeding on his prey. Amanda came, bucking her hips and shouting obscenities, her head thrown back momentarily.

Karl now moved into long, slow fluid motions, pulling his cock most of the way out of the child and then driving down and forward back into her depths like a piston rod. the lubricant on his cock and in the child’s vagina was now working its magic. He beamed in delight at the sensations felt by his cock.

The bound child lay prone and spreadeagled beneath him as he raped her, but Karl had plans to change that. He joined Amanda in calling the child a slut and a whore, and rape cunt, and a piece of rape meat. He told the child that he could tell that she was beginning to feel pleasure; that she was starting to enjoy her rape.

This concession proved to him that she was nothing but a filthy rape slut who craved to be abused by her rapist. Like Amanda, Karl instructed the child to begin to massage his cock with her vaginal muscles as he raped her. He promised her more and more pleasure as she did so. Karl did not lie.

The child still felt pain but she now also felt a tingling sensation that began in her crotch and made its way all through her body. Her slick vagina transmitted growing impulses of pleasure to her brain. She obeyed his command, contracting her vaginal muscles in time with Karl’s brutal thrusts.

Sharp waves of erotic pleasure grew from her vagina with each powerful thrust. Karl felt this too and he held his gleeful face right over the child, giving her instructions and urging her to embrace the true purpose and joy of child rape! She would in future crave this feeling more and more and would go in search of rape.

Her mind and body would soon become fully and irreversibly addicted to cock, especially pedophile rape cock. The precocious child would surround herself with pedo-rapists, and beg them to violently molest her. She would fulfill her destiny as a child rape whore! The naked girl-child responded, massaging Karl’s cock more forcefully.

Her breathing became deeper and she locked eyes with Karl, his face only inches from hers. She felt more and more waves of pleasure as Karl rammed into her now with all of his force, using the full length of his cock to rape her as brutally as he could. The skin on his muscular body glistened with sweat.

His muscles rippled as he used his cock as a weapon, grinding and thrusting like a wild beast into the child’s newly opened and activated vagina. The naked little girl responded to this more savage assault by lifting her hips to meet Karl’s thrusts, as far as her bound legs and arms would allow.

Karl still had his hands around the child’s neck and he pressed harder, demanding that the child he was raping thank him for her violent rape and beg for more.

Panting now, the child did so.

“Please sir, please rape me, sir. Rape me harder sir, I beg you!”

Karl delivered three particularly savage thrusts.

“Do you love me raping you, slut?”

The child nodded, pushing back against him.

“Say it!”

“I love you raping me sir! It feels wonderful sir!”

“What are you?”

“I’m a fucking little rape slut, Sir!”

“Beg me to cum inside you!”

“Please Sir, I beg you! I beg you to cum inside me, hard and long.”

Karl threw back his head in a snarl of triumph and climaxed, his engorged cock shooting a new load of his semen deep inside the cunt of the child. As he came, the girl’s body tensed, and she arched up her hips. Karl rammed his cock into her in a wild frenzy as he shot more and more of a load of hot semen inside her.

Finally, it was enough. The child shrieked, but this time it was a shriek of pleasure, not pain. She experienced her first orgasm, wracking her body in spasms. Karl rammed into her again and again in brutal savagery, wringing the orgasm from her abused body, forcing her to cum. Then he collapsed on top of the child. Both he and she were spent.

The classroom erupted in cheers and applause, led by Astrid and Amanda. It was the most erotic child rape Amanda had ever witnessed and one that all of these children would remember for life. Amanda was filled with delight that these children had been so privileged to learn of the powers of an experienced rapist. She thanked Astrid profusely.

Karl was now sitting on the edge of Astrid’s desk, beaming with pride and satisfaction. Spontaneously she dropped to her knees before him, rubbing his slick cock all over her face before kissing the head. Karl’s wonderful cock had been the real star of this show! Astrid laughed in delight. She suggested that Amanda return to the Principal’s office and discuss with him what could be observed in other classes.

“I know that the senior grade nine class, all fourteen-year-olds, is making child rape porn movies today, using another kindergarten class, raping both boys and girls. We could join them and watch it all if you are interested in that. I understand that today they are being trained to perform duets, ass, and throat-fucking snuffs, putting the little cuntlets out of their misery.”

“That sounds just perfect,” Amanda beamed.

She slipped back into her clothes, her cunt dripping into her panties from the excitement just completed as well as what she anticipated seeing, and headed back to the Principal’s office to get ready to view the rape and snuff training session.


Back home in the States, the two sadistic kiddie rapists went to stay at Amanda’s ranch, where they were guaranteed privacy, something they valued. Alex persuaded Amanda to try a little test.

“How big and deep do you think you can stretch that gorgeous cunt of yours?” he asked.

He had an agenda but was not yet ready to share it.

“Wide and deep enough,” she replied, “A woman’s cunt can be very elastic, as it must be capable of passing an infant out, although that girl with the breach birth whose baby you raped, while it was halfway out, proved that there is a limit. ‘I don’t know that I have one.”

“That’s right,” Alex said, “You likely have a huge range with that cock-gripping organ of yours. I’ve been down to the sex shop and bought a terrific set of cunt-stretching dildos. The instructions say to wear one each day, each one for twenty-four hours, progressively stretching your vagina until it can accommodate a huge, long cock. Are you up for it?”

“No problem,” Amanda said, wondering what Alex had in mind, “I’m guessing some of the wranglers out here are well equipped, with big cocks and swinging balls. I’m in, let’s get started!”

Alex produced the set of dildos, and Amanda was surprised at how many there were, and the size of the largest.

“Fuck me, that’s so big it will split me wide open!”

“Not if you follow instructions faithfully, and work your way up. It’s guaranteed to work, a full money-back guarantee, so let’s get the first one into you.”

Amanda disrobed, and spreading her legs while sitting on a bench, she took the first dildo and inserted it in, so that her cunt closed behind it.

“That’s not too big,” she noted, “But I can feel the pressure of it inside me. Are you certain I should start with one so small to get to the end size?”

“Tomorrow we’ll put in the next one,” Alex said, “And each day add a larger one until we get to the last. You should have no difficulty, as long as you don’t skip any, or try to do the whole set too quickly. One per day is the rule, and you’ll do fine. Each one will open you more, spreading the gripping muscle of your cunt beautifully!”

They kept at the ranch a stable of two dozen little girls and half a dozen boys, to keep Alex’s rape ability up. He would use one a day, and there was a constant feed by Amanda’s suppliers to keep the herd of naked little girls and a few boys stocked with rape-ready children for his cock to service and to keep him in practice. A child a day was Alex’s motto.

Amanda enjoyed assisting him in his rapes and subsequent kills of the little girls and occasional boys. She found it satisfied her enduring lust for violent sexual activity.

They also rode horses daily, and Amanda had a favorite stallion she liked to ride. Prince was frisky and needed constant control, which was something she liked. He was never fully trained, and from time to time would surprise her by attempting to buck her off. After a ride, she would go into its stable and play with him.

She would fondle its testicles until the penis grew and unsheathed for her to get her hands and mouth onto. She would then grasp his dangling cock, jacking him off with her fists and drinking the flood of horse-cum directly from his ejaculating cock. She loved the way the stallion responded to fondling and wondered what it would be like to have herself fucked by it. That was far too dangerous, she knew, but her fantasy regularly took her imagination there.

By the fifth day, Amanda noticed her cunt was responding well to the ever-larger set of stretching dildos, and two weeks along she had only four to go. From that point on she required assistance to get the last one out and the next one seated inside her. Alex was a big help, eager to make the new one fit snuggly.

By the time they got to the last one of the set of eighteen, Alex had to use his foot to kick the large device into her, and only by using his boots could he get it fully inserted. Amanda did not appreciate the blows but realized Alex had little choice, as the fit was so snug. She had to leave the final dildo in for three days and had a lot of trouble extracting it.

They had to push a coat-hanger wire into her beside it so that the hook on the end caught the deep end of the dildo, which fortunately had a notch to catch. After a great deal of effort, they were at last successful in extracting the device. It had been a very tight fit, and Amanda was startled at the new size of her stretched cunt.

With a mirror, she could look in and see her cervix in the back through the wide opening. An added benefit of carrying the heavy dildos inside her cunt was that, in addition to expanding the organ, it greatly improved the muscle tone. This made Amanda an incredible fuck, but not for anyone with a small prick.

Alex gave her a workout in bed, and his large penis felt like a little boy’s as it worked its way inside her. His cock was long enough to kiss her cervix, and he happily ejaculated a load of semen to flood her ovaries every night, making her feel special. To fill her cunt, he used his fist and arm, giving her powerful fist fucks regularly, pounding her uterus until she screamed, as she loved the pain.

One evening Alex slipped a date rape pill into her drink, and once she was unconscious, he carried her into the barn and strapped her into a special jig he had workmen build, so that her legs were spread and her expanded cunt on full display. Cameramen got video of her, live-streaming to the darknet website where thousands of people patiently waited to see the gang-rape woman facing an unknown rape of her own.

Amanda awoke gradually, aware that she was lying on her back on a wooden jig, her arms bound to it and her legs spread, also bound from thigh to ankle. She was unable to move. She saw Alex standing near her, and standing beside her was Prince, her favorite stallion. With a start, she realized she was about to be raped by her horse!

Alex did love her! Prince was a big boy, a quarter horse but the size of a thoroughbred at seventeen hands, as big as a horse ever got. Alex held a cloth and was spreading moisture gathered from a mare in season onto her cunt, giving her the scent of a mare ready for breeding, which was enough to easily get Prince seriously interested in her.

The cameras captured wonderful closeups of Amanda’s newly stretched cunt, standing open to reveal its depths. Her organ gleamed with the fresh mare moisture spread on it, and she saw Prince’s long thick cock dangling between his legs, announcing he was interested in a fuck of this human mare.

This cunt had mounted him so often and painfully raked his ribs with her spurs. Now he would mount her, and fuck her until she shit, which was quite likely with his large experienced cock driving into the depths of a human vagina, something Prince had never before experienced, but he was up to the challenge, and quite willing to fuck the bitch to death, if that was where this took him.

Amanda saw the gleam in his eye as Prince snorted and moved over her.

‘Holy fuck,’ she thought, ‘I’m about to be fucked to death by my fucking stallion!’

That appeared to be his intent as he moved his penis to the gaping opening of her incredibly stretched cunt. Amanda had never considered taking a bestial rape, but it was now happening.

Prince suddenly thrust his cock forward, and it ran straight and true into her prepared cunt, sliding in its full length, painfully slamming into her uterus. She felt her internal organ straining in its seating, as if when the fucking progressed Prince might hammer her uterus free, and jam it back into her abdominal cavity. That would not be a good thing.

Without missing a beat, Prince began thrusting in a regular rhythm, the grip of her filled cunt massaging his raging cock, the tip of it kissing her cervix as a cervix was intended to be kissed by the flared head of a human prick. So far the jig was supporting the horses weight, so that its chest, which spread her large breasts, would not crush her. She fervently hoped it held up.

Prince increased his fucking motion, and her well-developed cunt muscles gripped and massaged his rutting penis driving repeatedly into her, hammering her uterus hard. Amanda felt the pounding resounded into her pack of guts, and the stirring soon got her processed food moving down into her colon, which could handle only so much.

It reached the fully packed stage, and she could feel the nerves triggering her urge to shit, an urge that became uncontrollable, and with a sigh she let the building solid shit log begin its passage to freedom. A camera was ready, and caught the pointed nose of the turd emerge from her spread anus, and documented its full passage out of her.

Her horse Prince had fucked the shit out of her, and the relief was only temporary. Within moments a second log formed in her rectum, and expecting it, the director had the cameraman keep his focus on her anus, to capture the emergence of the second, even larger stool she produced. The audience watching on the darknet pay site was thrilled. They were getting their money’s worth, watching the rapist being raped.

A sudden increase in the pace of lunging his cock into her announced Prince was nearly ready to fill the bound Amanda with a flood of his cum. She shrieked with pain as his urethra pressed hard against her cervix, and a flood of horse semen was released into her fallopian tubes, flooding her ovaries.

The volume was far above their capacity, and the tiny egg-producing organs swelled inside her to the bursting point, and one of them split with the pressure, exploding inside her. Amanda had never experienced such sharp, powerful pain. Her scream filled the room, and Prince just kept on pumping its cock into her, so that she shit a third time.

Amanda’s veterinarian took charge as soon as the horse was dismounted, its long dong still streaming semen. Alex took care of the stallion, and Amanda was given an antibiotic and given bed rest. She remained in bed for three days, which gave her time to recover from the trauma she had experienced, thanks to Alex.

On the fourth day, she was up and went out to the barn to see the rig she had been lying on for her rape. She brought Prince and a camera crew with her, and lay on the rack again, this time unbound, and used a rag with fresh mare scent on it to again prepare her cunt, which had begun to shrink back toward its normal size.

With cameras rolling, she had Prince move over and mount her again, this time requiring much more force to fully en-cunt her. Prince again performed admirably, and once seated within the grip of her shrinking cunt, he fucked the shit out of her again, which the cameras again perfectly caught and recorded. Amanda was a true fuck slut, and had enjoyed being raped for most of her life, from the third time onward, since the age of three.

This time the semen flooding into her fallopian tubes was found to escape through the torn ovary, and the other remained intact. Prince inundated her abdominal cavity with his sperm-rich semen so that her intestines floated in an eminent emersion of horse-cum. Amanda knew she was fully raped and in heaven.


7 thoughts on “PEDO RAPIST ACCOMPLICE WHORE by Amandablonde”

  1. So nice to see an Amandablonde story back again. She has not lost her touch for incredible violent story telling. Thanks so much for posting

  2. Thank you for the horse story, one of my favourite fantasies. I hope to one day have my mouth filled with horse cum.

  3. I love your work. I was rape when I was a little girl by my father, but grew to love it. Later I found out he was a Pedophilia. I wanted to know what happened. Keep going

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