Witchcraft, Wickedness, & Wisdom by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Witchcraft, Wickedness, & Wisdom

Link: MeWe / 23.06.2024

Witchcraft, Wickedness, & Wisdom

In the realm of the supernatural, the concepts of enlightenment, wickedness, witchcraft, and wisdom are closely intertwined. Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of many spiritual practices, and it is often associated with transcendence, understanding, and a deep connection to the universe. However, the path to enlightenment is not always clear, and sometimes it can lead to unexpected places.

Obtaining enlightenment through wickedness and witchcraft is a wise choice for anyone willing to embrace the Gifts of Lilith and challenge their assumptions and beliefs through critical thinking. By tapping into the power of the natural world and the secrets from The Dark Mother and the universe, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and we can become more compassionate, wise, and enlightened beings.


Thanks for the invite to the new MEWE blog … “Order Of Chaos” — May the Dark Mother of Chaos bring us all closer together in her wickedness!

2 thoughts on “Witchcraft, Wickedness, & Wisdom by Hoku Lani”

  1. Thank you, for always sharing with your readers and fans a little bit of what rests within my mind.

    1. Thank you Hoku for all your insights — they have set many free from the bonds of ignorance — including myself — XP

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