She Is All Beauty by Lilitsprince

Writer: Lilitsprince

Subject: She Is All Beauty

Link: Tumblr / 22.06.2024

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She Is All Beauty

She is all beauty— this woman nude and terrible and black, who tells the name of God on the skulls of the dead, who creates the bloodshed on which demons fatten, who slays rejoicing and repents not, and blesses him only that lies crushed beneath Her feet. Her mass of black hair flows behind Her like the wind, or like time “the drift and passage of things.” She is blue almost to blackness, like a mighty shadow, and bare like the dread realities of life and death.

“The Great Liberating Mother has been known and worshipped since the most ancient times – probably even before we were homosapiens. But Her name then was not Babalon, or Babylon or anything remotely resembling that. The current manifestation of the Great Liberating Mother known as Babalon derives Her name from certain passages in the Book of Revelation, modified in spelling by the Enochian works of Dr. John Dee, and finally popularized within the occult movement known today as Thelema. And it is in this modern movement where She has been despiritualized, dethroned from Her status as Goddess, and recast into a simple role designed for females to play in conjunction with the fantasies and the workings of male magicians in their own sex magick. But all of that is changing, and Babalon is slowly and surely regaining Her rightful place as one of the most powerful, feared, and revered Goddesses in history, after two thousand years of repression in the West.” — Hagia Aureavia


Check out “The Guru” (link above)

About Kali, the Goddess of Kundalini.

Kali Mah has many names; the Goddess of Kundalini, the Black Mother, the Serpent Goddess, the Demon Goddess, the Goddess of Death … just to name a few. Kali’s most common four-armed iconographic image shows each hand carrying variously a sword, a trishul (trident), a severed head and a bowl or skull-cup (kapala) catching the blood of the severed head. The sword signifies divine knowledge and the human head signifies human ego, which must be slain by divine knowledge in order to attain moksha. The other two hands (usually the right) are in the abhaya (fearlessness) and varada (blessing) mudras, which means her initiated devotees (or anyone worshiping her with a true heart) will be saved as she will guide them here and in the hereafter. In some, less common depictions, she carries a wriggling serpent.

Synopsis of The Guru 

Controversy seemed to enshroud this illusive man that had been labeled as the ‘Shaitan Guru of Kolkata’. Shaitan means literally devil or evil spirit and as the Guru Swami Vishnu notoriety grew, so did his cultish following that rode upon the wave of alternative eastern medicines and healing power through extreme yoga and tantric sex spawn from what was referred to as the ‘Fire of Kundalini’. It had been alleged that the Guru Swami Vishnu and his inner circle of brahmacharis (novice monks) were all in fact homosexual pedophiles, rapists, murderers and even cannibals; that they worshipped some kind of hermaphroditic serpentine deity that demanded perverted sex orgies as well as human sacrifices to sate demonist appetites. Of course, these outrageous claims were never substantiated, mainly because those that had accused the Guru Swami Vishnu simply seemed to disappear. To better understand this wicked man and his wayward disciples, our protagonist, Lewis Gracie, a young, handsome and homosexual private detective poses as a ‘potential follower’. Once inducted Lewis quickly realizes that he is out of his depth and in danger of losing his mind as well as his life.

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