Dead Girls Don’t Cry by HerHappiness966

Writer: HerHappiness966

Subject: Dead Girls Don’t Cry

Artwork: HerHappiness966

Link: LS666 Email / 05.06.2024

Dead Girls Don’t Cry

Welcome To Troubleton

If you’ve read my previous posts, you will probably know, how her story ends.

But like you, I wonder where it all began. There’s a tale to be told about getting lost in the darkest of places. Does Lucifer watch over her? Let us go and discover the starting point. For her, it’s leaving her hometown, to discover the “City of Fallen Angels,” also known as “Troubleton.”

Before all things known in her adulthood, she was once, eighteen, with the keys to a door (under the doormat) with her whole life ahead. The unknown city manifested within her mind. It calls to her. She’s young and had trouble with her tongue. With much more trouble still to come. She’s pulling the plug.

They’re calling a judge. They’re calling the blue. Though she isn’t a gangster, then again, who knows if you’re a thug. Yeah, she might be a bitch. And she’s going to grab this city by its nuts. You can put it all on her. It’s already started and she’s barely passed city limits.

She looks her best in long black hair and brown eyes. You know, that killer youthful glow. Full of energy. And a naturally hot body (before the surgeries). It’s black chucks, skater jeans, a backward fitted cap, and a T-shirt that reads “Don’t feed the animals.”


This is a great teaser. I cannot wait to see where it’s going! Keep up the great work. I get a fabulous Frank Miller kind of “Sin City” feeling from this intro. Beautiful drawing — thank you for sharing.

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