The Occult Shop Initiates A Brother And Sister by Lilith’s Bitch

Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Writer: Lilith’s Bitch

Subject: The Occult Shop Initiates A Brother And Sister

Link: FetLife / 05.06.2024

The Occult Shop Initiates A Brother And Sister

Jessica unlocked the door to her shop and turned off the alarms. She looked back to the depths of the shop and at the curtain. She knew what the curtain with its pentagram hid. People came to the shop for typically “New Age” items. She was cool with that. It paid the bills. Ever so often, however, someone or even some people came in, who she could just feel needed more. They were susceptible to her subtle charms even against their better instincts.

She had moved to the coast as experience had taught her, that people on holiday, were more willing to try new things. Alternative thinkers seemed to gravitate towards the coast. Over time she had started a coven. Some then moved on to start their own covens. She was always on the lookout for possible new members. She put the kettle on and opened the mail.

Goths were her gateway to younger acolytes, indeed there was a new box of stock specifically ordered to attract them. There was always the curious, attracted by the magazines, and statues at the back — close to the curtain — she had success in corrupting them too. A quick opening of the curtain and a gentle push to make them take the first step into the world of Satanism.

Many innocent, and not-so-innocent customers, had found themselves naked by the altar — doing life and soul-changing rituals — that made her pussy wet. Her nipples hardened too. The response of her body to the thought surprised her. It was a sign there would be new people to corrupt and defile across the doorstep soon. Lilith had given her a sign. She checked her watch, as her other hand crept down in her panties. There might be time for a quick fingering and even a quick orgasm before the tourists arrived.


Mom, Lily, and Toby were on holiday by the coast it was summer and it was even warm. At night, Mom would go out, wearing high heels, a short skirt, and too much perfume. Now, Toby saw she just wanted a little fun in her life but things were different then. Toby was now sixteen and wasn’t sure if he was straight, gay, or something in between. Toby just had to work his way through this, somehow. He had even taken an interest in Witchcraft and Satanism.

Lily was just younger than him starting to develop breasts and was on the cusp of her sexuality. She seemed to enjoy, wearing a bikini for the first time, and showing her long legs and developing body. Toby wore small tight shorts, which worked for him in a strange way. His body was still hairless and thin. Sometimes Lily would ask him to put sun tan lotion on her back and would do the same to him.

Sometimes she wanted sun tan lotion on her ass and legs — this, she seemed to enjoy — her toes curling under his fingers. They both seemed to feel there was a strange electricity, which they both sought to explore. Then suddenly one day she started wearing a T-shirt and stopped sunbathing. It was the day she announced she wanted to be a Goth. Toby thought it was going to be interesting in the hot weather.

Mom would go out and Lily would put on clothes she had bought at a shop she had found.

“You should go there too. It’s got those magazines you like with naked women on the front,” she said. Toby froze for an instant, “They’re about Witchcraft … not porn.”

One day Toby plucked up the courage and went into the shop. It was in an arcade. It appeared to be very alternative. The front had posters of dolphins and Red Indians. Moving inside there were crystals and candles. Whale music was pumped into the shop and there was the distinctive smell of Joss sticks. Moving further down the shop things got darker, literally and figuratively. There were a couple of rows of Goth gear and makeup. There was a table with old 1970’s commercial Witchcraft magazines. This was more like it, he thought to himself. A curtain showing a pentacle covered an entrance to a smaller room which seemed to be very tempting to him. What was inside?

The shop assistant, who Toby had tried to avoid eye contact with, watched him closely. She noticed him looking over the Witchcraft magazines. After a few minutes, he came up to him. She was a bouncy, beautiful woman, very curvy, with a close pixie crop haircut on her auburn hair. The sales assistant wore a light blue jumpsuit which clung quite tightly to her form. It appeared that she’d undone the zip, surprisingly low. Toby could see a lot of cleavage and skin — braless and possibly even pantiless. To top off the look she wore white stilettos which was a look women did then.

Toby already felt stirrings in his trousers. His cock was already hard due to the Witchcraft magazine covers. She came close to him and stared at him for what felt like a long time.

“We cater for a wide selection of beliefs,” she said.

Toby just nodded.

“Some of our customers have ideas that others may not approve of. That’s why we keep such items behind that curtain. She gestured with blood-red nails to the Pentagram-covered curtain.

“Would you like to see such … material?”

Toby willed himself not to look at her displayed cleavage, and what appeared to be her nipples through the thin fabric of her jumpsuit.

“Hmmm … yes, please,” said Toby nerviously.

“Some of it is very explicit. Be warned,” she added.

This was at a time when “Very explicit” did not mean what it did today but even more so, to a sixteen-year-old.

The sales assistant pulled back the curtain and turned on a dim red light. There was an inverted pentagram on the wall. The walls were black, shelves contained candles, skulls, amulets, scrying mirrors, and a range of herbs. There were also statues, some explicit posters, some books, and an altar with lit candles on it. There were also statues of Baphomets and skulls.

As Toby stood there, he felt her hand on his back. She pushed him gently forward into the room and the curtain swished closed behind him. It was quiet in the room. It was also surprisingly small. Toby smelt her patiole oil and felt her warmth. Though it was dim, Toby could make out that her large nipples were quite erect. She seemed to be breathing deeply.

Looked around at the statues of the twin-sex Baphomet and all the naked witches, it was very arousing. Without saying another word, she started an incantation. He watched, wide-eyed, as she unzipped her jumpsuit as far as it would go — right down to the crotch. She then stepped out of it, showing her fully naked figure, apart from her white stilettos. Toby could see that she was one of those full-bodied women, who had good legs. Toby just stared.

“Time for you to get starkers too, darling,” she whispered.

She smiled as Toby took off his t-shirt and dropped his shorts and Y-fronts. His young cock was hard and fully erect.

“Time to worship the Devil,” she said.

She made him kneel by the inverted pentagram and hold two lit candles in his hands. She retrieved, what looked like, a small whip that had several knotted separate cords. She rang a bell several times and whipped his back — it stung, more than anything else.

Then, she made him stand up and spread his legs apart. She bent down to hold his ankles. His youthful scrotum was tight and his anus was exposed. Suddenly, she took out a knife and made a small cut between his scrotum and ass, into his perineum. It hardly drew blood but later Toby could see the cut clearly with the aid of a mirror.

“Time to worship the Earth Goddess,” she whispered.

She held out her large floppy breasts and fed him her nipples to suck while she chanted. Toby avidly sucked on the large breasts. Then she stood her back to the inverted pentagram. She instructed him to kneel in front of her “Earth Goddess” and pushed her hairy pussy into his face. Grinding on his face, Toby could smell and taste her cunt juices. She laid back with her arms spread out along the mark of the inverted pentagram.

“Lick my cunt!”

Finally, she got up and laid herself across the altar and played with her clit.

“Masturbate yourself,” she ordered.

Toby took surprisingly few strokes before he squirted his cum all over her bouncy body. The skulls looked down from their shelves, the statues of Baphomet seemed to be almost alive. At the time, Toby felt Satanic, as she forced an orgasm out of her body — rubbing her clit with her blood-red fingers — the blood-red fingers scooped up his cum and she tasted it with her tongue.

“Nothing quite like virgin’s cum,” she said and anointed some of the skulls and the statues with it.

Eventually, they both seemed to calm down from their orgasms. The sales assistant passed him some tissues and they both cleaned themselves up. Then, she stepped into the jumpsuit and zipped herself up.


The marks from the scourge took days to go down. Toby had to wear a t-shirt all the time which was complicated in the heat. Lily had returned to the small bikini and Toby rubbed suntan lotion into her body. The cut was slow to heal and ached to a surprising extent. Finally, Toby felt the marks had gone down sufficiently and went back to wearing his bathing shorts. Something had changed in him. Toby was trying to process it. Touching his sister’s flesh — well, it was different now.


Lily and Toby were being left alone more. Mom was happier and away during the evenings. Then something happened, changing Toby’s and Lily’s world forever.

Lily lay on her towel waiting for the suntan lotion on her back. Toby began to massage her, rubbing the soft warm oil over her shoulder blades. That’s when Toby noticed barely visible a series of small welts in a row. It should have meant nothing but Toby had a similar set of marks from the scourge inflicted in the room. Suddenly, Toby felt his cock rising. Toby was sitting between her legs Lily was lying on her chest. Toby lent over her sexy body pressing against her small, pert ass.

It felt difficult to control himself, so he had to stand up.

“My turn now. Lie down on your front,” she said.

She started to rub the suntan oil into his back. Toby lay on the towel and she seemed to take longer before starting somehow. Eventually, he felt her small hands on his back. It was very disconcerting. Toby was getting the feelings again. Her hands seemed to go up his legs further than usual. Further and further, between his thighs. It felt lovely but equally, brought on a strange sexual feeling.

Her thumbs disappeared into his shorts and near the cut. Suddenly, she gave a giggle.

“Toby, I see you too have been initiated by Priestess Jessica,” she announced.

She rubbed the marks on his back from the scourge that Toby thought had gone.

“Turn over, brother Toby, I have a surprise for you,” she requested.

Toby did so. He saw that she had removed her bikini. It had hardly covered anything. Now her rosebud nipples and hairless pussy could be seen. Indeed she seemed proud of them.

She took his hands and placed them on her pancake breasts.

“Nice, eh?”

Toby nodded as she ran her hands down his body and pulled his bathing trunks down.

“Oh, nice to see it at last. Priestess says, girls, always need to take the initiative with boys,” she murmured and put one hand on his erect cock.

“Priestess said she would teach you how to make me happy in a special way,” she added.

At this, she sat on his face and Toby started to lick her out, searching for her small clit with his tongue. A few minutes of this and Lily was wiggling and gasping with joy, as the orgasm built up, and finally engulfed her spreading from her clit to her whole body.

She rolled off.

“It’s your turn now,” Lily announced.

With that, she began to suck his hard cock, lapping her tongue around his cock-head. Again, Toby felt his balls clench, the cut hurt slightly, as he bucked and pumped his cum into her waiting mouth. After a brief reluctance, she gulped it all down avidly, as she got used to the salty taste.

They both lay there naked in the sun cuddling each other.

“Mom and the Priestess said we cannot have sex until a full moon. There are some words to learn we have to say and we must do it in front of their friends. Toby, we cannot transform and become acolytes unless we both lose our virginity this way.”

Toby lay there, their bodies entwined.

“What does she have planned for us then?”

“Well,” said Lily, “Whatever it is, Toby, I am sure it will be good. You will have to wait and see.”




Loved it. Great idea. I loved the characters. Princess Jessica is super hot! Hit all my fetishes. Wow! I would love you to follow up with the further adventures of Lily and Toby — I want to hear all about their initiation and incestuous sex — and of course, see how their mother is involved.

9 thoughts on “The Occult Shop Initiates A Brother And Sister by Lilith’s Bitch”

  1. Loved it! I agree with XP, I NEED to hear how our trio becomes more enslaved by Jessica and the secrets of her wonderful shop!

  2. Oh, and can I have a link or a clue how to find you on fetlife, please? (I have had a quick look)

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