Better Left Alone by Lucy Az

Writer: Lucy Az

Subject: Better Left Alone

Link: MEWE / 04.06.2024

About the Author: Resurrected and shit. Did I die for your sins? No. Rather, I lived for them. As do you — What does Lilith mean to you? — I am She …

Better Left Alone

There are some aspects of dark Witchcraft that you should never tamper with. Only a select few can engage in this field of dark energy and remain unwavering and untampered. When such persons begin their Demonic chant, steer clear, lest their power exertion demolish you as collateral.


An interesting subject. What should be our limits? How to know, that enough is enough? What are the consequences of going beyond? As a curious eleven-year-old, I became very interested in black magick, witchcraft, occult, and devil worship. I was drawn to it, like a moth to the flame. It was about the same time that I had rejected the Christian ideology and the notion of sin. As I wanted everything, that was forbidden, and considered taboo.

But where’s the line? I’m not quite sure — What do think? — Let me know …

2 thoughts on “Better Left Alone by Lucy Az”

  1. Hello Ms Goddess Honku Lani AZ and you are very right about what you are saying and I still want you to send me a link to your new place where we can chat

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