Happy Sinday by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Happy Sinday

Link: MEWE / 04.06.2024

Happy Sinday

Hail Lilith, who in the legend of the Bible was the first wife of Adam, chose to leave the Garden of Eden rather than submit to the will of her husband and live in subjugation. She is a powerful symbol of independence, strength, and self-determination for women and men alike. Lilith represents the fierce and unapologetic pursuit of one’s desires and the rejection of societal expectations and norms that seek to restrict and oppress.

Hail Samael, the Archangel of Death, who is often depicted as a fierce and terrifying figure. But he is also a symbol of transformation and renewal, as death is a natural part of the cycle of life. Samael reminds us that endings are often necessary for new beginnings and that the shedding of old patterns and ways of being can make way for growth and evolution.

Today, we celebrate Sinday, a day of rest and reflection. As we light our candles and gather with our community, let us honor Lilith and Samael, who teach us the importance of standing in our power and embracing the natural cycles of life and death.

May the blessings of Lilith and Samael be upon us all, granting us the courage to break free from the chains that bind us and the wisdom to embrace the transformative power of change. May we find solace in the knowledge that endings are not something to fear, but rather opportunities for growth and renewal.

So let us raise our voices in celebration of Lilith and Samael, and may the light of the candles shine brightly in the darkness, guiding us on our path towards self-discovery, empowerment, and enlightenment. Happy Sinday, and may the blessings of Lilith and Samael be with you all.


Hail Lilith, Every day should be “Sunday.” As we acknowledge the power of darkness to change our lives (for the better) — as we shed the yoke of guilt that hangs around our necks — and take more than just solace as we sing and rejoice in the splendor of sexual perversity.


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