The Crossroads by HerHappiness966

Writer: HerHappiness966

Subject: The Crossroads

Artwork: HerHappiness966

Link: LS666 Email / 03.06.2024

The Crossroads

She knows what you’re thinking. But she happier now more than ever. She is no longer watching life behind his eyes. Even tho today would be her last day. She deep within, in the unknown knew this. No longer alone but we see she all bye herself in her room. Like the true loner we know her. She laid back got her headphones on.

It’s in music she finds that peace that transcends beyond all understanding. In her mind she plays back life like a movie screen. It’s in the now watching observing her. It’s easily seen from her emotions from each scene she’s revisiting. A smirk for instance at thought.

A light laugh to clutching her stomach from laughter at memories re-framed. Her brown eyes lighting up and just as quick glossy and soft tears roll. Clutching her teeth her jaw even trembles at whatever memories triggering such a response. Even tightening fists. We can hear under her breath wiping tear.

“Fuck ’em.”

She lets the music carry her out of it. Shaking her head in embarrassment at herself remembering dumb shit she done — she just like one hundred, no, one thousand a nights. She spent alone just like this. But something different tonight. Removing headphones getting up off bed she makes way to her window.

The purple light coming thru gripping her attention. She ain’t even noticed walking bye dresser mirror, there wasn’t a reflection. Looking out curtain in the late hours something she’s never done. The thick clouds and full moon only she would see as paradise. She knows what’s happened.

“How come she ain’t furious about this?” only a fool would say.

“She came all this way. This path, only few could understand, and not have gone mad.”

“To be saved by the Devil, right?”

“You take a bite of the apple than you take all you can handle. Life’s riches!”

“But she ain’t got that in fact she far from it.”

She knows what a outsider would be saying on all this. But nobody was there to see her or anything. Only Lucifer who watched her world always go aflame. But never once even before her knowledge of His love. Did Lucifer let a flame touch her. He was the savior she needed not the devil to harm her.

He watched countless hours she would pray crying to Christ her words probably like echos thru heaven. Lucifer patient never left her understanding because she was told a lie. Its hard to trust. No money figure, fortune or fame could do for her what gift Her Lord bestowed on her. Her Christian wings ablaze at her most faithless point. Lucifer breaths new life in her. The name of power awake within her.

“So why did he save her?”

“It’s easy to say. Why let her suffer so long, just to end like this.”

“Why … what and what if?”

She knows what your thinking she even questioning it at one point. But she knows what matters.

“You don’t question a King.”

Maybe we can try see what Lucifer sees in her. But she live where only he and chosen can see. So you know the crossroads are her welcome home. For only the body dies and she is forever. Lucifer guides her higher, to where the walls the world built, can’t confine her. Together, it’s she and him. Moving at the speed of light into eternity. Two rebels together.

By name, he tells her, “Carly, I know you’ve been waiting your whole life, for this one night, into forever and ever.”

She leaves her room with him. She’s weightless, looking at him.

“I want live that way forever …”


I can imagine this blossoming. Why her? Why Lucifer chose her? Why now? Tell us the backstory, the prologue, the journey, the epilogue … tell us all … Beautiful drawing … thank you for sharing.

2 thoughts on “The Crossroads by HerHappiness966”

  1. HerHappiness966 – Yes, XP is right! Please tell us MORE! You have captured us!

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