HOOKER ADDICTION 2 by Antarctica77

Feature Writer: Antarctica77


Published: 23.07.2023

Story Codes: Shemale, Perversion

Synopsis: Scott delves deeper into the menu

Hooker Addiction 2

What I foolishly hadn’t taken as part of the equation, was the fact that every encounter was being recorded. It said so in Hunter’s own menu list. And that every session would be posted. This added to the turmoil I felt in the days after. It was like a big pit inside me, as the realization of what caving to my depravity meant.

It had been a few days since my appointment with Hunter. The first day after was luckily the weekend, so I could exist in my shame alone. I hadn’t dared to check her onlyfans nor her website yet. I swore I would never watch that type of porn again, that I would remain strong. Come Monday I would resume my normal life. I would go to work and pretend this never happened, and will it out of existence. And to my amazement, it worked.

The week went without incident, and I started chatting more with my coworkers. Especially Sera of late.

“Thank you for asking last week, by the way. I was sort of in a rut or whatever,” I had said.

“Yeah? What happened?”

“Erh, let’s save that for another time,” I chuckled, trying to play it cool.

Her concern the prior week hadn’t gone unnoticed by me. Maybe I could even ask Sera out one day next week. It didn’t have to be a romantic date or anything, I could easily hang around her just in a normal capacity. Maybe getting around ‘normal’ people would be good for me. Make myself act normal until I became in fact normal. And not watch any more dickgirl porn.

So Friday night I sat browsing Hunter’s onlyfans. Fuck. So much for never watching it again. But it was such an addiction. And I was there somewhere, surely. I ominously scrolled through her videos to see. I had no idea if I really wanted to see myself getting fucked, but I was always caving to my curiosity, I guess.

It didn’t take long for me to find it. I remembered I had worn a particular checkered shirt. Red and blue. A fifteen minute video. Was it really that long? It felt so much shorter during. The title was “Breaking another virgin.” So Hunter knew. She probably had plenty of experience so maybe she knew the tell tale signs. The thumbnail was mostly her ass in black lingerie standing in front of a bed where I presumed I was laying. I think indeed it was my calves I saw between Hunters giant thighs.

It was surreal. Unreal. Seeing myself in a thumbnail, knowing what happened. Knowing plenty of others also saw it. By the likes and the first few comments, it had been a hit. People seemed to really enjoy the video! But knowing the audience to be anything like myself, they probably didn’t give a shit who it was, as long as whoever it was was getting punished. Severely.

The video began with her holding the camera at her masked face. She sometimes liked to set the premise of the videos before going for the kill, but I rarely had watched those parts. But for obvious reasons, now I did.

“Hey guys,” she said in a cheerful, upbeat tone. “You know what it is. Today we have a brand new puppy. His name is Scott, and Scott will be here shortly.”

I heard the knock in the background of the video and the video made a jumpcut to Hunter lathering up her cock with lube. The camera was at a low angle, slightly to the side of the bed. This made it so the viewer wouldn’t see my face, and nothing else really but Hunter from navel and down… and my ass sticking up. It was like it wasn’t even me. I only remembered bits and pieces of this. I couldn’t even remember if I noticed the camera back when it happened.

There wasn’t much said initially, just the rhythmic sounds of her jerking her cock with lube. Hunter then moved in between my calves, put her head against my hole and pressed. I was so thankful afterwards that she didn’t just shove it in. I heard myself gasp in agony as Hunter pressed her hips. On the video I only saw her ass flex, but I knew that she had trouble entering me at first.

“Shit! What the fuck is this?” Hunter asked. “You’re a fucking virgin? The fuck? This is tight!”

Hunter’s ass started to flex hard as she began thrusting into the ever groaning me. I couldn’t remember any of the things she had said due to the pain and discomfort.

“Yeah? You gonna lose your virginity like this? Fuck! Ugh! Well you’re not a virgin anymore, ugh, you just lost it. Fuck,” Hunter groaned through gritted teeth, pressing ahead over and over.

Hunter started slowly, pressing in on one hip while rolling out with the other. It was like watching waves beat against a beach with how smoothly her ass flexed with each thrust. Growing more and more shiny with each thrust. She alternated between styles of thrusting, finding a good way to jerk her cock off by using my body as a fuck toy.

“You lost that v-card over nothing special, ugh, you wanna know why?” Hunter moaned. “Because you’re just a fucking slut. I’m gonna show you what we do to sluts around here. We get them hooked.”

And with that she sped up, hitting with more direct thrusts. You could hear the change in my pained groans. “Now I’m gonna make you cum, slut. You want that, Scott? Want me to make you fucking cum, you little slut?”

I groaned incomprehensibly on the video. In real life I was jerking it like no tomorrow.

“Fuck yeah,” Hunter groaned more softly.

She then shoved in deep, pressed forward until she had moved me slightly more up on the bed and followed up on top of me. With this new angle, with her knees on the mattress between my thighs Hunter was able to slam at a more downward trajectory. And that she did. Hard and brutally she fucked down into my jolting, limp body.

“Fuck yeah, slut,” I moaned. Wait. I groaned that, in real life. Not Hunter, not me on the video. Right here and now. I sometimes let it slip when watching others get fucked, but now it was me. I chose to ignore it as I saw Hunter press with her giant ass hard and good.

“That’s it, Scott. Cum for me. Slut. Cum, you fucking slut,” Hunter groaned, still thrusting at the poor little me, who was currently ejaculating into the mattress. She grabbed my hair and shoved my face into the mattress hard and continued to pound my ass hard and fast for five minutes straight, in complete utter silence. I had no idea it had been that long, I was so out of it from my own powerful orgasm.

Hunter roughly yanked her cock out of me and shot her big load onto my back, ass and so on, while panting satisfiedly. And like that, the video ended. I had busted a long time ago, while watching her silently thrust at me on the video. Now I was getting riled up again from watching her stroke her fat hog, shooting thick cum everywhere. I even absentmindedly licked my lips looking at her ass tremble as white goo leaked onto her newest victim; me.

I knew then I had been wrong all along. I wouldn’t be satisfied with trying her once. I had to try again. Just to be sure. To get it over with. After all, your first time is always gonna be awkward. So I ordered another 15 minutes scheduled for the very next day.


“Hey, Scott! Back for more?” Hunter asked, as I entered the small motel room once again. She once again had her face masked, this time with a scarf, white t-shirt and sweatpants.

“Y-yeah,” I said.

“No need to be nervous, we’ve met before,” she chuckled. She was friendly, but she always had this ominous, slightly mocking tone of voice. And here we are, her dominant nature resurfaced “Or are you just a natural submissive slut? Go and bend over the bed so I can fuck you again.”

I obeyed. I went over to the bed and slowly sunk my knees into the mattress, falling forward onto my elbows. Hunter quickly moved behind me, grabbed my hair and pulled me back up again. I winced in pain as my hair felt like it was gonna tear from its roots.

“Now that I know you better, I can get you off much easier,” she explained. “Or multiple times. Or not at all. You’re here because you paid for my pleasure. Understand?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Yes what?” Hunter said sternly into my ear.

“Yes, mistress!”

“Fuck yeah,” Hunter groaned, shoving me ahead. She grabbed the waistband of my pants and roughly ripped them halfway down my thighs.

I then felt something wet and blunt touch my hole again. I knew it was her cock. She only lingered a moment before cold liquid trickled from her bottle and onto her cock and my own ass. Then she pressed. There was some initial sharp pain and then she was inside of me once again. No shoving, she was taking it slowly just like last time.

I tried to not think too much how weird this was after the week I had. Instead, I decided to focus on the moment. The moment of Hunter’s words and thrusts, as she pressed her cock deeper inside of me at an agonizingly slow pace. The pain was already fading away.

“Yeah? You’re getting used to it. Coming to get fucked two weekends in a row? You’re putting in the work, guh, ugh, to become a good slut. Putting, ugh, in those fucking hours, you dirty whore!” Hunter said, still working more and more of her length inside of me with her slow thrusts.

“Virgin to slut in just a week? Bet you love that shit- oh fuck- you like that?” Hunter asked, then shoved into me hard, sending sharp pain through my entire body. I shot up on my elbows, but Hunter pressed a palm between my blades for me to get back down.

“Too deep?” she asked, though it sounded more rhetorical than anything. I turned my head to give her a nod.

Hunter paused for a moment to look at me. I could see in her eyes that she liked it and that she was enjoying herself.

“Fuck yeah. Look at me while I fuck your ass! Look right into my eyes, bitch!” she demanded, pulling out a little bit. I could see from the corner of my eye how her cock glistened with spit and lube.

I looked into her eyes and saw them filled with lust. She was about to cum, and by gods, a part of me hoped she would do it inside of me. She rarely did so in her videos. But I wanted it so bad. Hunter started moaning even louder, and I climbed up on my hands instead of elbows so I could see where we connected. She then stopped her thrusting and promptly grabbed my hair and shoved my head down into the mattress again.

“Down low, bitch! But keep looking at me, slut!” she ordered, releasing my hair just enough so I could turn my head again.

She continued thrusting her cock inside of me. I couldn’t really move anymore, but I didn’t care. I looked up at her face and watched as stared back down at me with a cold, determined stare. Hunter was moaning loudly, and I knew she was getting close to cumming. Just when I thought she would pull out and cum all over me, she started plunging deeper into my ass.

“Ugh. Oh god, oh god! Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Hunter grunted as she closed her eyes, slightly tilting her head back. I took the opportunity to close my own eyes as I felt my own orgasm rapidly approaching.

Her whole cock swelled up inside of me and shortly after pulsed a warm, thick essence straight up inside of me. It was indescribable. Hunter was cumming inside of me! The feeling of Hunter filling my ass was incredible. It was like a warm glow shooting into the deepest parts within me. Something I never imagined, nor would expect to experience. It was hard to describe. I could feel every single inch of her as her cock jerked and pulsed inside of me. I felt her cum flow inside of me and slowly leak around her dick, causing my own orgasm to explode in unison with hers. I could also hear her panting heavily, as she finally stopped moving.

After a short breather, Hunter removed her wet cock from my hole. She took a towel and wiped it clean, before letting go of my hair, allowing me to fully collapse onto the bed. Once she was done wiping her dick, she threw the towel on the ground and then she fell onto the bed next to me.

“You’re such a good slut,” Hunter said. “I’m sure you’ll have a lot more fun if you keep doing what you’re supposed to.”

I rolled onto my back and laid there for a few minutes. This second time seemed much more intense for the both of us. Better, I guess. Maybe it was like she said, she knew my body better. And she was an expert in manipulating bodies, male and female alike, so she knew how to use bodies as well I guess.

It hadn’t gone unnoticed that Hunter hadn’t asked me to leave yet. Last time it was the first thing she did after she came. I looked over at her. She was messing on her phone, like last time. She didn’t pay attention to my presence at all. I traced down from her phone covered face down to her python. It casually laid across her thigh. Wet and slippery with her own cum and lube. Even though it was soft it was quite big.

I glanced at the clock at the nightstand. I had been here twenty minutes. Though, it felt like much more.

“Do you want to stay for a second round?” Hunter asked casually, not even looking away from her screen.

I didn’t reply right away. Maybe that was why I was getting tossed out last time. She had others to fuck. It made sense then, that she now didn’t toss me out.

“Uh… no, I don’t think so,” I replied.

“Not interested? I thought you were going to behave like a good slut tonight,” she teased, barely glancing past her phone.

I hesitated for a bit, not sure how to handle this. I hadn’t really considered another ’round’. And Hunter didn’t seem in any urgency in any which way. She, in fact, gave no inclination whether she wanted another round. My eyes went from her masked face and down her arms, to her midsection and down to where her cock laid across her thick thigh.

“I am,” I finally muttered.

“Really? Because I don’t feel you’re giving me any indication that you are,” Hunter promptly said, finally putting the phone away on a pillow beside her.

“I’m sorry… mistress. I’ll try to be good,” I apologized.

“Try ‘better’. I didn’t say you weren’t good,” Hunter sighed.

My heart fluttered at her compliment. Did she really think I was that good? I mean, she did cum inside me, which was a rare privilege.

“How about you start sucking my cock for another hundred bucks and we’ll see where it goes from there?” Hunter suggested. Of course. Another hundred. Paying for my own submission.

“Okay,” I said. The words escaped my lips before I knew it. And now there was no backing out. I couldn’t just bolt outta here.

“Well, get to it then,” Hunter said, lazily. She reached over to get her phone and started scrolling social media.

I rolled onto my side and got up on my knees, crawling closer to Hunter. Her scent and musk was something I immediately caught as I moved in close. She had done me from behind so I hadn’t noticed, but being mushed up close to her like this I caught a breath of her potent air. It was intoxicating to say the least.

Her cock was still mostly soft still. I had never done anything like this. This too. There were a lot of things I had never done that I now had. I leaned forward to kiss the tip. The texture wasn’t too bad, and her big head was smooth against my lips. The smell of cherry lube and her leftover cum was so strong my eyes almost started to water. I then descended down and placed my mouth on the base of her shaft, and began licking it from the bottom and up to the top. I worked my tongue around the head, licking it thoroughly, with lots of pressure. The taste was out of this world. My sensible brain told me this was sickening, thick goo and lube with the different tastes should make me gag. But that was exactly the depraved part of my brain loved it so much. I was treading gently at first, but as I grew more accustomed to her cock, and to the sensation of submitting myself to what I was in the process of doing, I began to suck on her shaft with more vigor and passion.

The heat of her cock was tranquilizing to the most positive degree. I felt my own heartbeat increase as I lapped on her big mighty cock. It was such a dominant tool my horny brain was getting into full on monkey-mode. Every reason why I shouldn’t like this was building up my excitement even further. My once shame about liking such filth was vaporized. I felt hooked on her scent and her being, getting dommed by her every second. And going down on her was just another act to confirm my submission.

As I sucked on Hunter, I could feel her cock throbbing and pulsating against my lips. At one point I let go of her, and she brought her hand to my head and pushed her fingers into my hair. She was probably growing impatient with the teasing. Honestly I didn’t mean to tease, I just needed to build myself up.

But Hunter had enough. She pulled at my head so I would lift up, aligned her cock with her other hand and then lowered my head onto her cock, her fat cock head pushing past my lips. Hunter then used her one hand to guide my head and helped me take more and more of her cock. With her other hand she lazily grabbed the phone again to do whatever she was doing. Wasn’t she even gonna pay attention? It was my first blow job after all!

I don’t know what I expected, but the feeling of her fat rod in my mouth was oddly enticing now that it was shoved in there. It was smooth, yet rock hard. Gliding over my tongue with ease. Feeling the details of her cock against the inside of my mouth was oddly good. It felt good to please this big dominant woman. This mistress.

Feeling like a dismissed sex toy I decided to double my efforts. I turned me on to no end, knowing how little she cared, and how far I had gone to worship her. Paying to get fucked, then have her demand another payment of me so I could suck her dick. My brain was in shambles, but in full blaze, and my cock was back to full mast.

I started swirling my tongue to meet the bobbing motions, while applying adequate suction. Sure my jaw hurt, but it seemed to be working as Hunter was increasing the movements ever so slightly. I looked up at her and saw that she had discarded her phone.

“Yeah? You like that dick? Huh?” She said, shoving firmly with her hand. “Huh? Like that dick?!”

Hunter shoved even harder, pressing me slowly down her shaft. Eventually, Hunter had her entire cock inside my mouth. She moaned loudly. I could taste her salty precum on the dip of my tongue. She wasn’t rough or forceful in any way, it was just her being in control and taking me where she wanted me.

“You’re such a good slut,” Hunter said, as she was gently thrusting her cock in and out of my mouth.

I didn’t respond, as I had my mouth full; instead, I kept sucking her cock and tasting her precum as she continued pleasuring herself using me. Eventually, I felt her cock swell up inside my mouth, and pulled her cock free.

“Ohhh yesssss,” Hunter moaned, as she quickly stroked her cock.

She didn’t need to tell me what to do. I knew exactly what she wanted, having watched so many of her videos. I opened my mouth wide, and stuck out my tongue. She aimed her cock toward my waiting mouth and started cumming. I closed my eyes as I got hosed down. I swallowed as much as I could, but there was a lot. I could feel her hot cum trickle down my throat. It was like a warm glazer slowly easing down. Warm and thick. I was surprised that I was able to swallow as much of her load as I did.

When she finished, she laughed menacingly and playfully slapped my face.

“Good job, slut. You did good,” Hunter said as she started to rub her cock along the side of my face. She slid her wet cock over my cheeks and then back over my lips.

“Now, if you can prove to me that you deserve another round, I will give you my blessing. I’ll even let you pay extra, special for you,” she said, smiling devilishly down at me. “If not, I will kick you the fuck out. I have tenants who need to pay rent.”

Hunter stood up from the bed and went to the end of the bed, standing there behind me, awaiting what I would do. A moment later, I was on my knees in front of Hunter. I took her cock back in my mouth.

“Show how much you want this big dick hard so I can fuck you no holds barred for an hour. Extra charge, of course,” Hunter cooed. “Show me how fucked you are, you fucking faggot.”

My inside winced in a mix of hurt and excitement. I loved her scolding and verbal berating. I guess I knew that from before, as that was one of her strong features during the videos. In addition to the obvious curves, thick ass and big fat cock.

I sucked on her cock and bobbed my head up and down. Her cock was still slightly soft but growing in size with each suck. I could feel her cock pulsing and throbbing as I played with it. It made mine in return strain even harder. I tried to move a hand down, but Hunter spoke up.

“Don’t touch that shit. I’m gonna fuck the cum out of you, so no touching. Whores get fucked, they don’t jerk off,” Hunter ordered. “Besides, this is about my pleasure, not yours.”

I licked all over her shaft, and I could taste her musk and cum all over it. I used my tongue to work her cock all over. Hunter groaned loudly as I kept playing with her cock. I felt her hand on the back of my head pushing me deeper on to her. I felt her cock swell and harden within my mouth. I could feel her fingers in my hair, guiding me.

“Yeah, suck that cock, bitch! Show how much you love my cock!” Hunter ordered, and I felt her start to thrust her hips forward.

I could hear Hunter breathing harder and faster. I tried to deepthroat as best I could when she picked up her pace, but it was hard with the sheer volume. Then Hunter roughly shoved me back off her cock, looking down with almost cold, yet excited eyes.

“Mmm, that’s a good girl,” Hunter moaned. “You got me good and hard. Now get on the bed on your back.”

I obeyed.

Hunter then knelt down between my legs, spreading them apart. She placed her hands on my inner thighs to hold them in place. Hunter then positioned her cock right above my hole and let out a low moan. She was watching me intently as she began to mover her cock closer and closer to my entrance.

I felt her cockhead bump against my hole and then press in. It hurt but with Hunter being in control, it was as bad as it would be. It was kind of liberating not having a choice in the matter. It hurt, yes, but that didn’t deter Hunter, which was in a weird way comforting. It was out of my hands. The pain was short lived though. I then felt her cock expand inside me even further. Or maybe it was just her going deeper and I just felt it more in this position. She pushed in harder, until her cock was completely stuffed inside my ass. Hunter then grabbed my ankles and put them on either side of her shoulders.

“You like that big dick in your ass? Huh, you little shit?” Hunter asked, as she began to pump her cock in and out of my ass.

Her cock was slick and wet down there thanks to my previous work, and I could feel it sliding easily inside my ass. Everytime she pushed in, my insides would tense up, but then relax again. More each time. Over and over, Hunter continued to pound her cock in and out of my tight asshole. I could feel her throb. Hell, my own cock was also throbbing, in rhythm with each push. As though my cock was already on the brink of cumming at any minute.

“Feels good doesn’t it, ugh?” Hunter said carelessly. As if she would’ve said that regardless if it hurt or actually felt good. “You ready to get fucked like a whore? Ready to really take every inch of my cock? You ready to feel me really fill you up with this big dick?” Hunter asked, as she fucked me harder and harder.

“Yes, yes, yes! I like it! I love it!” I screamed, as Hunter pounded my ass with everything she had. “I want you to keep fucking me with that big dick! Fill me up! Don’t stop!”

My cock pulsed harder and harder as she fucked so brutally and scolded me.

“Oh, ain’t nothing stopping this! Fuck, ugh! That’s it, you little cum-whore! You’re my little slut now! You like being used by me-ugh?” Hunter said. “How about this?!”

Hunter dropped her hips down and shoved in me straight, sending a torrent of cum straight up from my cock. She turned slightly and found a towel, jerking me the rest of the way with it.

“Yeah? Only faggots cum from getting fucked in the ass. You like being my little faggot boy? Like getting used? Don’t think it’s over just because you’ve busted. I’ve nutted twice, I’m good for a while. Sucks to be you I guess, because this might get uncomfortable,” Hunter chuckled.

And just like that she brutally continued to sodomize my insides with abandon. It started to sting and burn around my cheeks and inside of me, but I couldn’t help but get hard again.

“You fucking like, ugh, getting used. I can tell. You like it when I call you names and degrade you. You’re fucked, you know that? Piece of shit, trash. I fucking own this ass now. You like it when I own you?!”

Without a second moment, Hunter twisted me around on my stomach, her cock never leaving my insides. As I lay there, Hunter grabbed my waist and lifted my butt into the air. She then immediately started slamming her cock vigorously, causing me to gasp. She kept this frantic for a good while as she stared at the back of my head.

“That’s right, ugh fuck! You, ugh, like being treated like trash! Guh- Ugh- You love it! I own your ass now, you understand? This is all for me. I can do whatever I want with you. Do you understand!?” Hunter said, as she continued to slam her cock in and out of my ass.

Meanwhile, I was afraid to move, with how frantic she was. I just laid there in silence, my face pressed into the bed, jolting back and forth as she took me.

Hunter then grabbed my waist and pressed down so I lay prone on the bed. She leaned in close to me. Her breath was hot on my neck as she whispered in my ear, “Ugh, you piece of shit.” She humped faster and harder.

“You worthless, disgusting, cum-eating faggot! Who pays for shit like this, huh? Trash like you!”

Each word pierced through my body, and each stroke sent a shockwave of pleasure from my cock. Each time she called me those things, I felt myself harden even more.

“You love being used. You want me to do anything I want. You’re such a bitch. Such a slut,” Hunter said.

I could feel her cock twitch inside of me as I cried from the rough treatment. She liked the berating as much as I did, it seemed. I could feel my ass stretched and sore from how Hutner was using me. I wanted to tell her to stop, but instead, I just grunted each time she fucked me. I wanted her to continue. I needed her to continue. I was so close. I wanted it all. I moaned with each stroke, my orgasm looming over me like an impending doom.

“You want me to make you feel like a good little bitch in heat? Cum inside this ass? I’m gonna teach that it means to be a true sissy bitch. I’m gonna abuse your ass!” Hunter roared as she began to fuck me even harder, faster and deeper, really hilting inside of me so her balls slammed into me. It hurt, but it hurt so good!

I couldn’t do anything but lay there and whimper. My cock straining and straining, occasionally spurting a small droplet of cum, but nothing more. Hunter had already drained me so this next orgasm had a way longer build. I was almost afraid to see how intensely it could build up.

“I’d call you a pussy too, ngh ugh, but at least a pussy can take a pounding! Unlike your whimpering ass! You second-tier whore! Fuck! Cum you little bitch!” Hunter groaned. “You gonna cum for me? Be a good slut and cum?!”

I nodded without thinking. For a third time the unstoppable would happen. “I’m cumming!” I cried helplessly. I was such a mess. I wanted her to pound me and give it all to me. To use me. To leave me a sobbing, confused and exhausted mess. My orgasm had been building for such a while, I was dying for release and yearned Hunter to pound it out of me.

Hunter stopped abruptly to lift me my ass high up in the air, with my legs still bent on either side of her shoulders. Holding me like this she started pounding straight into my prostate, making my cock pump and jolt from the tension building up behind it. Every vein soon filled with blood, expanding it, trying to make it as hard as possible before I shot my load. And without another beat missed, white thick semen shot from the tip of my cock and onto my belly. Hunter so easily got me off. It was like she did it without even trying! So much and so intensely. I struggled to even breathe, gasping for air. Hunter’s scolding and ruthless fucking had made me into a moaning mess, now I panted and gasped like I was possessed.

“Fuck! Yes, mistress! YES! Oh god, oh god!” I cried in pure ecstasy.

“Ah, fuck yes. That’s it, take it! Take that big cock! Cum all over while I fuck your ass!” Hunter said through gritted teeth.

She released her firm grip on me and dumped me back onto the mattress, leaning over me with a palm on each side of me to support herself while she started pounding her huge cock into me.

“You just love my big dick, don’t you? I bet you’d love to suck on it and swallow my cum!” Hunter gasped, as she continued to drive her cock in and out of my ass.

I felt so full and so violated by her cock. But at the same time, I felt free and liberated as well. Everything I felt was out of my hands and I loved it. I had so long suppressed this. And now I was a trained slut cumming on my mistress’s command, only a week into my dirtiest fantasy becoming real. How could this be wrong when it felt so right?

“Yes,” I moaned.

“Good bitch. Now beg for my cock and I’ll let you gulp down my warm cum!” Hunter growled.

I trembled as her cock filled me up over and over. It was so big and so powerful. I could feel her balls slapping against mine as she drove in and out of me. I was so incredibly sensitive from my own orgasm, but the combination of hers and her cock felt like heaven. Hunter was so unbelievably deep inside each time she hit all the way in, it felt like she was going to split me open. Or maybe it was just that her cock was so big.

“Please, please! Fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me… ugh… I need it…” I moaned, scared of my own voice.

“That’s it, you little bitch. Begging for it. Fuck yeah. I’m gonna nut in your mouth so good. Get on you fucking knees,” Hunter ordered. “Who have you become? From virgin to begging for this dick…”

I obeyed, bending my knees and letting my legs fall from her shoulders, dropping down to the floor before her next to the bed. I knelt before her, looking up at Hunter’s massive cock, inches away from my face. She looked down at me with an almost evil smile.

“Show me what a slut you are and open your mouth,” she commanded, jerking her cock with her left hand.

I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, and without even thinking, sticking it into Hunter’s massive dangling balls. They were smooth-shaven and humongous, I felt myself drowning in her huge sack. I licked and sucked on her balls, as Hunter watched with a hungry gaze.

“Mmm, I like your tongue. I didn’t even have to ask you. How nice. But you’re not done yet. I want you to eat my ass,” Hunter said, as she gripped my hair tightly.

I tried to pull away. My instincts told me this was too far, even if my body wanted it. If I could find a new inch to lick, I would gladly do it. So Hunter pulled me closer by my hair, and I knew better than to fight her. I wanted in there badly by the time I rolled past her taint.

“Lick my asshole, bitch. Lick my ass and make me cum. Make me cum in your mouth,” Hunter said as I stuck my tongue out and ran my wet tongue up and down her the parts of her crack I could reach from this position.

“Ohh, ohhh, that’s it. Don’t tease it, get in there. You like being my dirty little cumslut? Then you better suck my ass,” Hunter said, as she used one hand to push my head into her ass from below. Her other hand was wildly jerking her almost dripping cock.

“Ahhhh, yeah, that’s it! Eat my ass, you filthy little cum-eating slut. Have you ever ate a girl’s ass before? A big dicked girl’s ass?” Hunter aksed, as I continued to kiss and lick her asshole.

“No,” I replied, muffled by her giant cheeks, “but I’ve seen it in porn”

“Better get back to it then! Eat my ass until I cum!” Hunter said, shoving my face into her ass once again while jerking her cock.

I did feel a tinge of shame, knowing that I was being degraded further. I swallowed my pride and began licking and kissing Hunter’s ass once again, clumsily running my tongue up and down around her hole. I then landed flush on her rosebud, and worked my tongue along it, pushing and pulling back, feeling how tight her ass was. I tasted her musky scent. And I loved it. I immediately wanted to taste every inch of her.

When I finally pushed my tongue inside her, I heard Hunter moan from above. “Oh, fuck, you little bitch. You really gonna get up in there?”

I nodded the little I could, still working my tongue in and out of her ass. Her cheeks jiggled around me from her jerking off at a frantic pace. It was almost suffocating me, as Hunter lightly lowered herself on me.

“That’s a good boy. Now work your tongue! I’m getting close!” Hunter commanded.

I lapped at her ass and rimmed her hole with all my might, pushing my tongue as far as I could into her ass. Above me, Hunter jacked off her cock with abandon, creating a beautiful orchestra of rhythmic wet sounds as her shaft was slick with precum. The wet sounds, her berating and moaning filled the room. It was all I wanted. I wanted to worship her giant ass and I craved her cum.

“Are you ready to swallow my load, bitch?” Hunter asked, as she picked up her pace, focusing more on edging her tip.

I nodded again, still digging into her ass with my tongue. Hunter lifted her ass off my face, letting me fully breathe once again, just in time to roar, “Here it comes! I’m cumming!” before ramming her giant meat into my mouth. My cheeks immediately hollowed from the first burst. The next few shots landed directly in my throat, and I started swallowing as quickly as possible.

The next blast was the biggest, and it hit my nostrils and almost made me gag. I was unable to swallow it all down fast enough, and a bit of it spilled over the sides of my mouth. With one last thrust, Hunter unloaded her final load in my mouth, spraying thick ropes of hot sperm into my mouth. I coughed a bit and spat some of it back out on my chin, but most of the rest I swallowed with two giant gulps.

“You’re a good slut. Swallowing without even having to be asked,” Hunter said, asI wiped the excess cum from the corners of my mouth.

I swallowed again, before licking my lips. “W-was that good, Mistress?” I said.

“It was delicious,” Hunter replied, as she sat on the bed next to me.

I continued to sit on my knees, while Hunter crashed onto the bed, rolled over on her back and looked down on me still sitting on the floor. I was still a bit weak in the knees.

“So, we’re done here. I think we’ll both have a lot of fun from now on, don’t you? I bet I’ll see you again in no time,” Hunter asked.

“Yes,” I muttered, knowing the truth of it.

Hunter smiled. “Good. Now go clean yourself up, and get dressed. Then get the fuck outta here.”

I nodded, and stood up. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom, with the intention of washing my face and wiping me down with a lukewarm towel. I glanced in the mirror. What I saw shocked me. There was once a prideful man named Scott Rivers, brought up conservative, working at a respectable law firm with a good enough salary. What I saw in the mirror was something else. My hair was a mess, and I was covered in sweat and cum. Both wet and dry. I looked like the kind of slut Hunter would like to use. And that was exactly what I wanted to be.


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